The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 01, 1926, Image 1

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fAUPIN-On the De
VOU can start at Mau
" pin and go to any
place on the earth
schutes, the Home
of the Rainbow Trout
Vol. XII
Maupin, Southern Wasco Couuty Oregon, Thursday, April 1, 1926
No. 21
Wonderful Cave Is Explored By Maupin Men
$10,000 AT STAKE
Saturday April 10, At School Aud
' itorium Time and Place
Something Novel, Entertaining
and Meritoriui Promiied
Maupin People
"$10,000 At Stake," repre
senting the "High Cost Of
Truth," will be the play staged
at the High school auditorium on
the evening of Saturday, April
10. This will be the annual
play of the school, and combines
romance, fun", close calls, ; music
and novelties In the story.
For some tine past the mem
bers of the cast have been study
ing and rehearsing the play and
at this time it is virtually ready
for production. All that will bo
done from now until the date
mentioned will be rounding off a
few rough spots, and when the
curtain rises at eight o'clock on
next week Saturday each part
will be rendered with a smooth
ness and perfection worthy of
professional actors.
The cast Is made up of real
dramatic talent, and includes the
The Winner Stanley - Wood.
The Girl He Won-Winifred Kai
ser. The Broker James Appling.
His Partner Robert Lewis.
His Other Partner Earl Greene.
The Bishop Fred Shearer.
The Social Leader-Olive Turner.
The Shy One-Alda Pugh.
The Vamps Jean Wilson, Berta
. Mathews.
The Maid-Helen Weberg.
Admission has been placed at
35 cents for the general public;
children 25 cents, and reserved
seats at 50 cents. These may be
procured at the Maupin Drug
Store with reservations on and
after Saturday, April 3.
Plenty of seats will be in the
auditorium, so there need be no
hesitancy to attend on that
score. All patrons and friends
of the school are invited -no, ex
pectedto attend, so be there
when the curtain goes np.
Many Flocks Lambing'
The Times man accompanied
Art Fargher to the lambing
grounds of the Fargher flocks
Monday. Scattered over the
hill side were lamb3 beyond
count, and more are ex'pected
from now on' until the season is
over. Mr. Fargher said his firm
expects an increase of about
2800 lambs this season. They
are of two breeds Rambou
lette and Delaine, the former
being the course wool kind while
the Delaines are producers of the
finer grade of wool. The Far
gher3 have contracted their mut
ton lambs and will retain their
fine wool 'ones. As soon as the
shearing is over they expect to
drive their flocks to the moun
tains, where sufficient feed dur
ing the dry months may be pro
cured. Other sheepmen in this locali
ty are having, as good luck in
increases as have the Farghers,
and flock increases are prov
ing satisfactory to all sheep
To Our Subscribers
Last week we sent out let
ters to our subscribers "who
are delinquent on their sub
scriptions. We would not
have done this, but as .we are
desirous of printing a better
and larger paper, fqpnd it
necessary to remind delin
quents and try and get in
enough money with, which to
add to our equipment. So far
we have met with but few re
ponses to cur.Ietters.
We want to install a type
setting machine, newer, faces
of job and advertising type
and other things that go to
make a first class print shop.
We feel that The Times is
as much the people's as it is
ours. We are merely publish
ing it in the interest of all 'the
people of this section, and if
the people hereabouts desire
its continuance they will re
member the little string at
tached to their letter, then fill
out the accompanying check,
and thus liquidate their back
We do not like to remind
people of their indebtedness,
but there are. times when such
a procedure becomes neces
sary, and this is one of them.
If you have receipts show
ing you have paid since the
data 4n - the letters,- please
bring them in and we will
make corrections. All we
have to go by is the books we
bought when we took over the
business. Trusting another
reminder will neces
sary, we are,
Yours for a bigger Times, ,
Semmes & Semmes,
Takes Daughter To. Doctor
W. O. Chastain and wife went
to The Dalles Saturday for the
purpose of seeking medical ad-
vice regarding the health Of menu nucivmuuiu ui nu.-u wi-
their little daughter. Alta. Jheurnn?i wme m a recess at the far end was a natural altar,
girl is just recovering from anBy the side of this were a number of stone axes, cooking
attack of flu followed by whoop- utensils, arrow and spear heads.1 A peculiar stone, black in
ing cough, which has left her cior ancj slicing apart in sheets, also was found.
greatly weakened.
Back On The Job
O. J. (Johnnie) Williams has
left employment with O. R. &
N. bridge crew, where he has
been at work all winter, and
yesterday took charge of his
East side service station. John
nie is a favorite with the travel
ing public, and being on the job
at his place of business means
much more trade therefor. ''-
Will Build Residence
Mrs. Lucile Cantrell, teacher
in the Maupin school, will have a
modern residence constructed
for her at The Dalles this season.
Peerle Temple, carpenter-contractor
of Dufur, was in Maupin
Monday conferring with Mrs.
Cantrell regarding plans, etc.
Hauling: Highway Posts
The contractor who is setting
guard rails along the highway,
has a truck employed in hauling
concrete posts from the factory
near the White River bridge.
The truck hauls about 50 posts
at a load and is taking them out
past Criterion. .' , ' .
Nature's Wonders Viewed Far
Under Surface of Ground
Our announcement in last week's Times of the discov
ery of a steam spouting volcano up the river, caused consid
erable comment and speculation regarding the real nature of
the eruptive nature of the subterranean steam boiler. Sun
day morning John Foley chaperoned a party composed of
Jim Woodcock, Bob Wlison, Jack Staats and The Times
man, up the river on an inspection trip. Upon reaching
the volcano the party i separated, each going in a different
direction. The editor remained near the crater, and took
pictures. lie was aroused from a reverie by a shout from
Jim, and upon looking around saw that worthy, with Bob
and Jack, gesticulating wildly.
The editor hurriedly joined
ledge of rocks he ftas shown an
scorned to lead downward, ' By united effort the hole was
enlarged. Then ensued a confab. Bob insisted he had for
gotten to deliver milk to certain customers, Jack, of course,
had to go with him. Jim expected a Simnasho Indian in
with a loud of wheat, while'Foley remembered a rail bolt
j that needed tightening. The
to get out some bills for the school play that day and thot
he had better get back to town.
Foley relieved the tension
into the opening first. He procured several bunches of old,
greasy waste from the speeder. He lit one of these and
entered the cavern, followed by his trembling companions.
After creeping a few yards the explorers noticed the avenue
was getting wider and the ceilings higher. Presently they
entered a chamber seemingly as large as the Portland stadi
um. 1 he walls reflected the
examination prov
party proceeded around the room and the far end entered a
thoroughfare leading downward. Traversing this for quite
a distance the Maupinitcs entered another generous cham
ber. The light of the torch seemed to dim. The room was
flooded with an etheral light which seemed to emenate from
the roof and to penetrate the bodies of those who had in
vaded the sanctity and quietness of ages.
Through this room and another passageway, the now
intrepid quartet proceeded on the way. They estimated the
the distance of the last lap to have been a half mile. At
end of that hallway they entered another naturally lighted
cavern. Here wonder gave way to awe. Stalactites and
stalagmitic festoons, each radiating prismatic colors, scintil
lated and gleamed like the fruit-jewels in Aladdin's garden.
While the men were examining the wonders of the cav
ern a resounding crash with accompanying concussion pros
trated the members of the party to the floor. When the
editor recovered his faculties he found himself on the floor
beside his bed. He dreamed the above story and is printing
it so he cans say April fool?
How Much Water Have You?
v - ,
THERE have been many inquires and much agita
tation around Maupin in thematter of just how
much water is necessary to irrigate an acre of ,
land during a growing season. It is the common be
lief that one acre-foot of wateris sufficient to irrigate
one acre of land. Let's figure it out:
: According to local authority the State of Oregon al
' lows one.eightieth of a cubic foot per second or one
second-foot per acre running continuously during the
irrigating season. There are practically 160 days dur
ing the irrigating season in this part of Wasco county.
This means that 1-80 of a second-foot of water flowing
160 days is equal to, two second-feet of water flowing
one day of 24 hours, or two acre-feet per acre per sea-
son he fair amount allowed by the state. According
to the water master this amount is necessary to ade
quately water land this season. If farmers , have paid
$60 per acre-foot for water it means they will pay $120
for water for one acre of land. Where's the profit?
If the above is true, it's worth consideration
the others. Approaching a
aperture in the ledge which
editor said he had promised
by volunteering to descend:
etiected tnejjgnt ot the torch and upon
,'etf to be similar to polished onyx." The"
light of the torch and
Clark For Senator
Alfred . Clark is one of the
latest who has shied his hat in
to the senatorial ring. Mr. Clark
issues a platform in which are
several planks similar to other
aspirants'? ideas and makes a
plea because of past perform
ances and work done for the
republican party of Oregon, be
should be elected to the seat
now occupied by Bob Stanfield.
If the latter were not running,
and if Steiwer were not in the
race we opine Mr. Clark would
make a good run for the nomina
tion. One thing is sure, and
that is if he is successful in his
object and is to be our next
iv,u"!U oiw oenawr, ne wm
6 TfPtWTn up to the
United States senator, he will
promises made to Oregon people
in his platform
X-Ray Machine At
Maupin Drug: Store
Dr. Lawrence Stovall is up to
to the times when it comes to
having the latest equipment in
surgery. The latest addition to
his already large supply of in
struments is a Campbell X-ray
machine. This is the last word
in such machines and is being
installed by R. B. Smith, repre
sentative of the H. G. Fischer &
Co., Seattle dealers in surgical
Dr. Stovall has fitted Tip a room
at the rear of the drug store as
an operating room and the new
machine, with reclining chair
and folding operating table,
makes an ideal place for the in
tended purpose.
Family Gathering
Twenty-four members of the
Hackler clan gathered at the i
home of Mr. and- Mrs. Emil ;
Hackler near Wapinitia ; last!
Thursday and indulged in a
family reunion. Mrs. Hackler
had prepared a sumptuous dinner
and at the table the 24 relatives
proceeded to do justice to what
was set before them. Miss
Albertina Hackler, assisted her
mother in serving the dinner.
Maintains Average In Hogs
In last week's Times we men
tioned that sows on the L. C.
Henneghan ranch had averaged
eight pigs this year. We should
have gone further and said that
that average had been main
tained for the past three years,
instead of . for this year only.
Art Gutzler is managing the
Henneghan rauch, and it is to
his knowledge of raising and
feeding hogs that the high aver
age was made.
The Times is $1.50 per year.
i r-7
United Brethren Sabbath School
Will Render Program
Recitations, Songs, Instrument
al and Addresses Listed
Will Mark End of Lent
The scholars, assisted by some
old friends of the U. B. Sunday
school, will give an Easter pro
gram at the church Sunday
evening, April 4, at 7:30 o'clock.
Following is the program:
Song "Christ Arose" Quartet
Prayer Rev. Mershon.
Reading "The First Appear
ance" Winifred Kaiser.
Welcome "Our Blessings" Jean
Aderess Rev. Mershon.
Sond "Awakening Chorus"
Exercise "Easter Song" Three
Song-"Sweet Easter Time" Six
Recitation-r"He Lives" Aliene
Greene. .
Solo "Bearing His Cross" Mrs.
J. H.Woodcock.
Exercise "Easter Carol" Four
Children. ;
Recitation 'Easter Decisions"
Mabel Weberg.
Exercise "Two Crowns" Three
Recitation Resurrection of
Christ" Mary Greene. ,
Mandolin Solo, Winifred Kaiser.
Exercise "For Me" Four
Recitation "Easter Gladness"
Greatha Turner.
Solo-"He is Risen Today" Mrs.
R. E. Wilson. '
Exercise Easter Tidings"
Six Children.
Song-"Joy to the World" Con
gregation. Benediction W. H. Aldrich.
Adding Music Room
- r.
Dr. Lawrence Stovall is adding
to his residence by building a
structure 10x16 feet in size on
the east side of the house. This
will be used as a music and radio
room, as well as giving his son
! and daughter and their many
young friends a Dlace in which
to enjoy
Hurst is
themselves. Wilbur
doing the carpenter
Dance Saturday Night
The Winchester orchestra, $he
leading musical organization of
The Dalles, is scheduled to give
a dance at the Maupin Legion
hall on Saturday evening. This
dance orchestra use3 xylohone,
drums, violin and piano in it3.
playing. The xylophone is some
thing which is taking the country
by storm on the dance floors and is
played by Mr. Winchester, adept
on the instrument. Each mem
ber of the organization is an ar
tist on his own particular instru
ment and our people will be en
tertained with the very latest
productions. r
Trap Shooters Out
A number of Maupin shot gun
artists were at the traps Sunday
and indulged in a practice shoot.
Members out were Bob i Wil
son, B,ates Shattuck, Joe Kram
er, Geo. Morris and L. C. Henne
ghan. Each did fairly well,
making many "kills," and a3 a
consequence there were some
sore arms around town Monday,,