The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 18, 1926, Image 2

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3 kEC31
Garden Seeds
,,.. ......
Eastern and Western Grown. Onien Sets
ChicK Food
. r . . and Chick Mash, Egg Producer, Oyster Shell,
'Grit and Bone. Cracked Corn
Grocery Prices
Have been lowered wherever possible, due to
V larger buying, quick turn over for cash, our
own truck service, and cutting down overhead
WoodcocK Flour
Per sack $2.20; per barrel $8.60
Seed Potatoes
Netted Geur,' Dry-Land, Grown in the Criter
ion country, at $3.50 per hundred pounds.
We buy your Eggs, Veal and Pork
We are the house of one line -FOOD
, Coth gentlemen are well and
favorably in this section,
and that they have launched up
on the journalistic sea shows
their faith in tlu city of Dufur.
That place is a live, up-to-date
j little city, peopK'd by real Ameri
cans who take pride in their
! town andvits business- The city
: needs a live newspaper and the
(tiev publishers are men well
i equipped i'rqm a writing stand
point to keep up their end of the
town's advancement
Here's our Bros. Bliem and
Evans; fret out and hustle, give
your readers local news, and all
of it, and you will soon be rid
ing on the top cf the wave of
The Haupin Times
Published every Thrusday at
Maupiu, Oregon .'
C. W. Semmes, Editor
C. W. Semmes and E. R. Semme.
L. C. Bleim and D. C. Evans
made their editorial bow to the
people of Dufur in last week's
Dispatch, they having acquired
the interest of A. Y. Zoller and
Herman Vieth in that paper.
A man named Neff was tried
in an Oklahoma court recently
on a charge of reckless driving.
He drove his car into another one
and he killed a man, and the
jury, refusing to be swayed by
sentimental bunk, found him
guilty. The judge sentenced
him to 12 years in the peniten
tiary. Twelve years is a long
time, but think how long his vic
tim will be dead. An automo
bile is just as dangerous as an
automatic pistol, -when in the
hands of a reckless driver, and iti
can kill just as quickly. We
know that a jury of Maupin men
would not acquit the reckless
pistol user who killed another
and we believe the time is fast
approaching when they will
mete out heavy punishment to
l c " M "T i 1 "TT1
ml fhm
U1 l I
auto drivers who slay through
recklessness. The Oklahoma
jury that agreed that Neff is a
lad kind of citizen to be driving
the highways has set a good ex
ample for other juries, in every
state in the union.
We read in a daily paper a few
days ago of an Ohio man who
died recently after living . for
55 years on a small farm. In
settling his estate it wa found
he had 2lKH) deposited in the
bank, and $80,000 in cash held in
fruit cans secreted about his
Here is a man who, from
every indication, was frugal, in
dustrious, intelligent and thrifty.
He had to have those qualities to
accumulate that amount ' of
money on a small farm remote
from the city and in a section
where opportunities were few.
Vet, because he did not trust his
fellow man, almost $40 of every
Jollar he had was idle when it
could have been earning interest
for him. In fact, that $80,000
deposited in an 5 Ohio saving
hank paying 6 percent would
luive brought him an income of
$4900 a year, or more than he
could have earned in any year
by hard work on. his farm.
He was, in a way, like a num
ber of people we knQw of around
Maupin. He couldn't be called
a miser, because he did not real
ize the earning power of money.
He put it where it would not
grow and reproduce; he deprived
himself of the enjoyment of his
savings. Then he died without
having derived a penny's worth
of benefit from it. Here is as
strong an argument in favor of
starting a savings account as we
have ever come across, and we
hope and trust that it will im
press those who read this article
the same way it has impressed
us. "
The only member of the fami
ly who can get madder than the
yoman who is asked to buy less
is the daughter who is askedto
ti wear more. .
. .1 O. tr
Pathfinder Brand
ffeavy Fully Guaranteed
The man ' who deliberately
jdrives on the wrong side of the
'road is inviting troublefor him
self and the other fellow as well.
i $
30x3 t : . ;.; ,; ; ...... $2.40 $ 8.00
30x334, Regular , ; .. ; 2.70 10.25
30x33, Oversize i ; 2.70 11.35
31x4, Oversize , : ;., 3.70 18.00
32x4, Ovcr?izo ; , ; " 4.80' 19.20
33x4, Oversize......;.. .. ; 4.90 20.20
34x4, Oversize ; , ' 4.95 21.20
32x434, Oversize ' :' ; 23.75
33x43, Oversize..... 2470
34x4i Oversize 1. 12IIZIIZ1IIZ1IIIZZ" ' 25.45
29x4-40 : ;. . 3.85 14.05
30x4-95 - : , 5.G0 19-20
31x5.25 ; ; 6.15 ,21.95
30x5-77 ; .7.05 25,10
Prices on Tires You Can't Beat
son lo.
Maupin Garage , Maupin, Oregon
We know of two things that de
pend entirely upon faith and love
for their success. One 13 demo
cracy and the other is hash.
Uncle Sam is going to abolish
rub alcohol. Pretty soon every
body in this country will be so
dry their joint3 will creak.
Any Maupin man can tell you
that a new seed catalogue and a
warm kitchen stove are almost
as good as summer itself.
U. S. Enderby was in Maupin
a short time Tuesday while on
his way to The Dalle3 for medical
treatment for an injured leg.
Fireman Wanted
At Linn's mill. Also set of
fallers and buckers for contract
work in good fir and pine timber.
Call phone 16F2. Tim Linn &
Son. 19-t2
Piano For Sale
Near Maupin. Beautiful high
grade piano must be sold at once.
Large discount and terms $10
monthly to reliable party. For
particulars write Cline Piano Co.
66 Front St. Portland Ore. 19-t2
A Good Home Buy
Here is one of the best home
buys in Maupin: A new five
room house on three lots. House
has full basement with bedroom
partitioned off one ehd. Lots
are free from rock; contain all
kinds of small fruit, some bear
ing peach trees; good chicken
house and wired run. Can be
bought for $1200, buyer to as
sume mortgage of $900. . For
particulars call at this office.
The Times is $1.50 per year,
The chief requisits of a ood bank are:
Sopdl Capita! -Responsible
PeniMinieinitt Losaftiomi
jf Picked Up About Town fi
We want country correspond
ents. Who II volunteer? .
It has been our observation
that moat men need higher moral
courage than they need high
El .
Bill Staats remarks that "the
trouble with the world is there
are too many people who want
to live better lives without living
better lives."
Hurstel Hollis says that about
the only result he ever obtained
in trying to kill two birds with
one stone was tolose the stone.
"I often wonder," remarks
Richmond, ''what become of the
old-fashioned woman who used
to ask before she started down
town if her petticoat showed.".
- .
"It seems to me," says Gus
Derthick, "that what Portland
needs is fewer night clubs and
more night sticks."
That rancher who ia advertis
ing. wood for sale now evidently
believes in preparing for the
Now that most men ore wear
ing belts we wonder what those
women who are effecting sus
penders will do when their dress
supporters break down.
"That old superstition of the
groundhoglias been shattered, as
the March weather so far
shows," comments Harve Morris
as he views the many acres
turned over this spring.
The baseball game at Wapini
tia Sunday drew a crowd from
here. After watching the game
a short time John Confer remark
ed: "Well Maupin had a real
team at one time."
Another Boy
, i
Another prospective voter was
added to Maupin's population on
Wednesday. He came to the A.
T. Lindl-jy home and tipped the
beam at seven pounds. All O. K.
Will Be Milkmaid
Department of the Interior
I'. S. Land Offlce at The JJhIIm, Ore
gon. Fb. 24 1U2C.
Notice In hercty given that
of Maupin. OnKon, who on Nov, 12.
l'JLH), made Ilunicntcad Entry under
Act of Dc. 2H, 1916, No. O0?J4, for
gwl-4awl-4, Sec, 14, cl-2wl-4, nwl-4
si-1-4, el-2ael-4, Soc 16, tl-2nel-4,
neMnwl-4, wl-2i.wl-4, Sec. 22. nwl-4
nwl-4, See. 23, township 6 outh, rango
14 eaat, Willamette Meridian, hai filed
notice of hia intention to muke final
proof, to eatabliith claim to the land
above described, bcfor ItcKiiter,
United State Land Olllee, at Th
Lallm, Oregon, on the 13th day of
April, 1926.
Claimant name aa witness; John
Foley, Ed. Mathews, K. W. llurnt all
of Maupin, Oregon, Thomas Faherty,
of The Dalles, Oreion.
m4 al J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interioi
U. S. Land Offlce at The Dalies, Ore-K-in,
Feb. 11, 11)20.
Notice is hereby given thaf
of Maupin, Oregon, who on October
8, IDL'0, made Homestead Entry, under
Act Ucc, 21). 1'JIO. No. 016,930, forNEl-4
SEl-4. Sec. 17, W1-2E1-2, Sec. 20, El-2
NWl-4, NEl-4swl-4Scc. 21, township 5
south, rang:e 15 east, Willamette Meri
dian, has tiled notice of intention to
make final three year proof, to establish
cluim to the land above described, before
V. D. Stuart. United States Commis
sioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 23rd
day of March, l'.)2G.
Claimant names as witnesses: It, D.
Hollis, John McMillan. C. W. Fargher,
John Munnion, atl of Maupin, Oregon.
Wn-mU J. W, Donnelly. Register,
I. O. O. F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregca,
meets every Suturday night in
I. 0. O. F. hall. Visiting mem
bers always welcome.
R F, Turner, N. G.
Oscar Rknick, Sec.
Look over your office sta
tionery and before you are
entirely out place your or
der for
Link Harpham came up from
The Dalles yesterday will, return
there tomorrow. He has leased
a ranch opposite Cascade Locks,
taking possession June 1. Link
will soon be in shape to hold a
pail between his knees and 'pail'
a flock of cows.
I. L. Patterson Calls
! Fish
1. L. Patterson, candidate for
governor on the republicun tick
et, interviewed local republicans
this morning.
Wapinitia Church Service
Sunday School 10:00 a m.,
Mrs. Josephine, Floyd, Supt.
Preaching 11:00 a. m, and 7:30
p. m., by Rev. W. A. Mershon,
, Christian Endeavor meets at
6:30, Sunday evening.
(East end of Bridge) f
Gasolene i
Oils, Tires i I
! Accessories I
I (
j Lunch
J Gooda always on hand f
j for convenience of 5
j Tourists I
Good work, lowest cost f