Yo u -Arb 6 To Kno w Th e- MTSTLBD 20,000,000 motor vehicles now travel the American highways. 50,000,000 Americans ride in these cars every day in the year. Safety! for this vast army of travelers is a national issue, and where safety is involved plain speaking is a public duty.' It is high time the public real izedas experts have long realized that automobile bodies should be made of steel not of wood or any other fragile material. Indeed, itis one of the myster ies of this usually progressive industry that the all steel body is not already in uni versal use. Itwittbe before long. Public opinion will demand it as it now demands that railway sleeping cars be all steel. For even a child knows that steel is stronger than wood that steel will not splinter or burnand that all steel bodies will stand up under impacts that would crush ordinary bodies to bits. That is why Dodge Brothers pioneered in introducing the the all steel body pioneered again recently, in improving and perfecting it pioneer, now, in urging its adoption by every automobile builder h the world. The issue is plain Manufacturers must build safely if the automobile industry is to hold its pres ent high place in public use fulness and esteem. And the all steel body as ex emplified in Dodge Brothers Motor Car is the greatest single advance in motoring safety made in the last fifteen years. The car win continue to be a "foot." No reasoning buyer win be X tracted from the issue of QUALITY by mere CYLINDER propaganda, Touring Car - . " Roadster $967 Coupe $1019 962 Sedan 1082 Delivered See the Dodge Steel Body on Display in Our Showroom . Walther-Williams Co. THIRD AND FEDERAL vfhe Dalles, Ore. BROTHERS M OTDR CA The Maupin woman who said that her pies were tough because she used Woodcock flour in their making, must have had great confidence in her culinary at tributes. . El Bill Staata says "the. way to appreciate a wife it to have her go away for a few weeks leaving her husband to do the chorea and hit own cooking." "The young back-breaking bride's idea of work," sayB Leonard Farlow. "is having to manipulate a can-opener when her husband isn't around to do it for her." Jim Chalmers says that having to listen to some men's troblea is "as exasperating as the inability to tell a stupefying radio an nouncer your opinion of his brand of twaddle." Clarence . Ziggenhagen says that raising dogs , makes one think of a peeling camp-so much bark around the place. Art Fargher says that some of the bootleggeas around Maupin must be in cahoots with the un dertakerthe bootlegger fur nishes the poison and the under taker the cofRn. Read the Maupin Times YES- We Build Homes We Draw the Plans We Tell You the Cost We Give You Satisfaction We Give You the Home You Want and When You Want It MATERIALLY YOURS Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. AFTER EVERY HURT WMi TKA0! MAAH MO. US.'. Off -IT: . MAUPIN DRUG STORE Maupin, Oregon Old Mattresses Made New $3.50 Dont throw your old mattress away. New mattresses at fac tory prices. Acme Mattress Co. 108 N. Bdw. Portland KI0.INIG SMOCK AND VICINITY Beautiful sunshiny days. March came in like a lamb; let's hope it ends the same way. Farmers are busy fixing fences and getting ready for plowing. Mrs. Ethel Duncan has been ill with an attack of pneumonia, but is much better at this writ ing. Dr. Elwood attended her. Mrs. Isha Duncan was with her sister-in-taw, Mrs. 'Ethel Duncan, Sunday. J. E. Woodcock returned from Bakeoven with a team of un broken horses last week, and is busy breaking them to work' O. Farbw and wife returned to their homestead on the De schutes last Monday. S. G. Ledford and E.' Wolfe made a business trip to Maupin last Friday J. C. Bradway attended the "squirrel" meeting at Wamic Friday. Evangelist Tiffany is hiding interesting meetings at Wamic and will continue through the week. Mrs. E. H. Disbrow and daughters have been victims of the flu, but are getting around again. Mrs. Guy Brittain of Tygh came over Sunday to take care of her mother, Mrs. Marion Duncan. Edw. Disbrow made a short stay with his mother last week, coming Thursday and returning Friday. He is employed on the Roberts ranch, near The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy were people from Wamic who attended church here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon moved to a farm east of lygh last week. Rev. Tiffany preached at the Smock church last Sunday after noon. He will deliver another sermon next Sunday, March 7, at 3:00 p. m. Everybody come out and hear him. Vern Edmonds and family came up from Wamic last Sun day and attended church. Mr. Campb2ll and Mrs. Wolfe greatly added to the interest in the church services last Sunday, they bringing their instruments with them. We hope they will come again. jpickedJJETOTi( '''' King' Neutrodyne RADIO RECEIVERS BATTERIES 75c RECHARGED RiCHMOND&SON At Richmond Service Station Our advertisers are reliable Patronize them. Seefl Spuds For Sale Netted Gem seed potatoes from county and state tairs, winning stock. Acclimated seed R3 Kfl nor 100 nnnnrls Otto Herrling. 17-tf , - u i ... "If history is to be depended unon." comment' Bob . Bell, then Nero must : have been the first one to stage an old-fashioned fiddling contest." Hank Harpham says the rea son a women knows there won be anv dishwashing in heaven is because it wouldn't be heaven if there was. !i" Bob Wilson says that many a sweet life has been spoiled by a surreptitious treatment of castor oil. . Dave Donaldson says that trout caught this time of the year usually are - wormy, , No doubt they are if worms areuied as bait. We read in a New York paper that they're now making booze out-of acorns, So we suppose great soaks from little acorns grow. Buy Non-Detonating UNION GAS AND Aristo Motor Oil UNION OIL GO. 'OF CALIFORNIA The Dalles Oregon Portland Painless DENTIST A Full Set of Teeth 4Q - These teeth aro first class and the best money can buy. . Th y are guaran teed to give satisfaction. Why Pay More? Painless Extraction $I.OO W. F. SLATTEN Over Wdsco Co- Bank THE DALLES, ' - ORE.