The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, March 04, 1926, Image 3

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R. E. Wilson Co.
We Challenge Comparison
with these prices by anyone, quality considered.
No one can consistently give you as good prices
as we do unless they get cash for their merchan
dise. We have a way of buying that deGes com
petition. Bring your larger orders to us and get
our prices on quantity lots.
No. 1 Oregon Soft Shell
Walnuts, pound 23c
No. 1 Tin Tomatoes 8c
A Real Bargain
No. 2 size Van Camp's
Pork and Beans 10c
1-2 Gal. Harvest Syrup 68c
Men's Work Shirts 68c
Pure Cider Vinegar 38c
Onion Sets, Garden Seeds
Make your selection early
Above Prices Good Until
Friday, March 12th
Rby Johnson was in from his
Wamic ranch Monday.
Sol. Hauser was in from Tygh
ranch Monday morning.
F. D. Stuart made a business
trip to The Dalles Tuesday.
Prof. Lloyd, wife and son were
in from Wapinitla Monday.
Frank McCoy and wife were
visitors in this city Saturday.
Mrs. Katie Graham of Wapini
tia, was a Maupin shopper Thurs
day. "Bill" Gott, wife and son were
visitors in The Dalles Friday
George Claymier and wife
visited Maupin from Wapinitia
Ernest Doughty accompanied
F. C. Butler to The Dalles yes
terday morning. j
Link Harpham was in town
yesterday from his chicken
ranch near The Dalles.
Miss Vivian Barzee of Wap ini
tia spent a few hours of Sun day
with friends in Maupin. -
R, B. Driver and wife
among the Wapinitia people who
were in Maupin yesterday.
Ward Buzan and wife were
Bhopping in Maupin Tuesday,
coming in from Tyg'n Valley.
Clarence Ziggenh agen will tr.v
for pitcher's posi tion with The
.Dalles baseball tea m this spring.
John Karlen, the Bakeoven
sheepman, was doing business
with Maupin merchants on Mon
day. Harry Lewis and his brother
in-law, Herman Smith, of Clover
dale, made a trip to Bend Tuesday.
Jimmie Abbott and wife were
in from their Wapinitia ranch on
a business mission Tuesday after
noon. Lester Kelly and wife were
among those who attended the
6. E. play at Wapinitia Friday
Joe Kramer and wife were at
Portland Saturday, going early
in the morning and returning
Miss Albertina Hackler visited
with her parents in the neigh
borhood of Wapinitia last Friday
Geo. McDonald and wife spent
the week end with Mrs. McDon
ald's father, 0. B. Derthick, on
Hugh Wood is a busy man.
Monday he made a trip to Shani
ko and upon his return kept on
to The Dalles. .
The dance at Shady Brook
Community hall last Saturday
niget was attended by a number
from Maupin.
Ed. Henton and wife went to
The Dalles Friday and when they
returned were driving a new
Dodge sedan.
A. R. Gilchrist, representing
the Standard Oil company, from
The Dalles, was in Maupin on
business yesterday. : ' ,
Tom Lethleam, employed by
the Apple Growers association at
Hood River, was in Maupin a
short time yesterday.
Jack Morrow and family and
Mark Stuart and son, Rex, en
joyed a visit with Jack's rela
tives at Tygh Sunday.
R. R. Hinton came in from
Portland spent a few days this
week looking after his ranch in
terests near Maupin.
John Sinclair and wife of Wap
initia passed through Maupin
Tuesday morning while, on their
way to Bend for a visit.
Mrs. H. R. Kaiser and Mrs.
Dolph Goetjen were in The
Dalles Saturday last, the former
to have dental work done.
Miss Janie Payne, who has
been employed in the family of
Joe Kramer, left for her home at
Grass Valley Saturday last.
Will take old phonograph as
part payment on a new piano
or player piano; balance easy)
terms, Maupin Drug Store.
Ben. C. Brown, new owner of
the Bend-Dalles stage line, was
in Maupin yesterday while on an
inspection trip over the high
way. ,
J. M Conklin came up from
Portland Tuesday morning and
looked over things connected
with the State Bank of Maupin
that day.
Shattuck'd display of shoes in
the center show window is at
tracting much attention. The
prices quoted should move that
stock quickly.
"Billy" Heckman cleaned up
the ground around the city
spring last week, and following
his example W. H. Staata cleaned
up around his place.
Herman Smith brother of Mrs.
Harry Lewis of Wapinitia, is in
this vicinity from Cloverdale,
near Tillamook, and will remain
for a week, on a visit.
Guy Harvey and wife, the lat
ter a sister of Mrs. James Wood
cock of this city, spent Friday
night with the Woodcocks here,
coming from Portland.
J. G. Kramer was in Maupin
from his sheep ranch Monday
Mr. Kramer has about 200 acres
in fall wheat and is preparing to
sow 150 acres to spring grain.
Father O'D Hines was the
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Edw. Griffin Monday night. He
was on his way to Dufur, where
he conducted a funeral Tuesday.
Mesdames Will Evans and
Walt Hanna of Dufur, and Mrs.
Nadine Viles of Portland, were
guests of Mrs. H. R. Kaiser one
day the latter part of last week.
L R. Kelly went to The Dalles
Tuesday. While there he will
serve on the Boundry board
which will consider the segrega
tion of a small part of school dis
trict number 84, which is sought
to annexed to district 48.
The Tum-A-Lum Lumber com
pany unloaded a carload of four
foot fenced posts Monday, for the
Connolly sheep ranch. Such
short posts are used on rocky
ground where the digging is too
hard to set them in the soil.
East Maupin Notes
P.flflf Monnin ia etiU rn fVio man
find if flrivea Trio Tlmea n1aaeuto
to cnronicie tne happenings oi
mat pare or our city under a
separate head.
Phil Mott is seriously ill with
Francis Cunningham enter-
tained relatives from Condon
last week.
' Dave Donaldson, local cham
pion fisherman, was at The
Dalles last week after medical
Miss Violet Mott visited her
parents Sunday. She is working
at the Raymond Crabtree home
on the Flat.
John Manning was in from
Bakeoven Saturday. He has
been herding sheep for the
Farghera there.
Landlord Caton of the Hotel
Kelly reports travel as increas
ing and. his hostlery enjoying a
satisfying business.
Let us figure on your paint job.
We handle W. P. Fuller & Co.'s
Pioneer-first on the Coast line.
Maupin Drug Store.
Mrs. L. Fischer says 'she sold
two tubs of ice cream Saturday
and Sunday, which goes to show
the value of advertising.
Harry, son of Mr. and Mrs.
D. L. Rutherford is reported as
being in Dr. El wood's care. He
has an attack of pneumonia.
Andy Mann returned from an
extended visit to Portland Satur
day. Andy expects to herd the
Hunt sheep the coming season.
Ben Herrling of Criterion is
now enjoying music and other
things coming in on a Super
Crossley radio set, which he
bought from Verne Fischer last
Mrs. L Fischer lately received
word that her brother and wife
have left their eastern home and
are now in San Diego, California.
It is their intent to open a bak
ery there. Mrs. Fischer says
they write they will visit Mau
pin the coming summer.
Maupin is bound to grow, and
to be in on that growth an extra
lot would not be amiss. Buy one
now before prices advance. Buy
a home and be somebody. See
H. L. Morris.
For Little Folks
1 It teems at though Santa Claus hat
gone to mora trouble making things
for the little girls than the little boys
this year There are complete tea
sets of lustenrare, electric tett that
really cook food In sufficient quantities
for a good sized tea party, real cedar
chests, floor lamps, and sewing tables,
all Just as nicely finished as the grown
ups' furniture.
Charity at Home
"Pardon me, sir, I am soliciting for
our Christmas rummage sale. What
do you do with your old clothes?"
"Why, I brush them and fold them
carefully at night, and I put them on
again in the morning "
Common Type
Jnd Tunklns says his folks always
put off their Christmas arrangements
so that along about the 23rd of De
cember they hare to shop both early
and late. Washington Evening Star.
"He has proposed, but does he real
ly love me?"
"Walt and see what he sends you
for Christmas, girlie. Then give him
your answer."
Wood For Sale
The forestry service has closed
down on allowing the cutting of
green timber into firewood, al
lowing only dead timber for that
purpose. We have considerable
green fir and pine which we are
cutting into firewood and will
book orders for future delivery
from now on. Get them in now.
Hedin Lumber Co. J7-eow-tf
A Good Home Buy
Here is one of the best home
buys in Maupin: A new five
room house on three lots. House
has full basement with bedroom
Dartitioned off one end- Lots
are free from rock; contain all
kinds of small fruit, some bear
ing peach trees; good chicken
house and wired run. Can be
- . mm
Equal to Government Standard Make
Stitefced THAT Sleeve
Largest and Best Workshirt Made
Price $1.00
Shattuck Bros.
bought for $1200, buyer to as
sume mortgage of $900. For
particulars call at this office.
The success of the play, "Old
Fashioned School," given at
Wapinitia by the U. B. Christian
Endeavor Society, has caused a
request for a second perform
ance, which will be staged at
the Pine Grove school house.
Saturday evening, March 6, at
7:30 p m. This will afford an
opportunity for those who missed
the play last week. to see the rip
roaring comedy by local talent
Come, laugh and forget your
. .... ., ... i
General 1
( Blacksmith
I and Blacksmith
S Supplies h
I Horseshoeing, Wagon-
Work and Machinery
1921 Dodge Touring, run 9,000
miles, like new ..i
j 1923 Ford Roadster, in
Vide Touring, Studebaker Six. Will sell these
cheap or trade for wood.
Just like new
See us about TIRES. We can
compete with any mail order es
tablishment on prices and beat
them on service. Try us.
Wood-Tilloti Co.
troubles for one evening. It is
one continuous giggle. The
roads ' between Wapinitia and
Pine Grove have been dragged,
so the traveling is fairly good.
An admission will be charged:
25 cents for adults and 10 cents
for school children.
The Matthews family from
John Day are expected next week
at the Sam Brown ranch. Mr.
and Mrs. Matthews were up Sun
day andmade final arrangements
for renting. the place. There are
seven children in the family,
three of whom will be in school.
John Davis returned from
Bend Wednesday. He has been
employed there in the saw mills
for some time. He has employ
ment now with L. Woodside on
the Lou Kelly ranch.
Miss Overman, teacher at Pine
Grove, has been ill since Friday,
so the school is having a vaca
tion. - .
. Mr. Moore has moved to the
Linn Mill, where he has employ
ment -' The mill is being
equipped to begin operations
, Mrs. Shepflin has returned
from The Dalles, where she has
been receiving medical attention.
Tout Watch Haywire?
If it is not doing its work
bring it to The Times office
and Mr. Semmes will send
Manufacturing Jeweler
VK and Watchmaker
Successor to D. Lindquist
Bargains! j
$650; i
good condition.
fi . .
h ' '