Service Our Watchword! I "Hearts Are Trumps" ! 2v TT 1 J.1 ? T S We offer our experience and advice to those considering building a home. Very often a person is greatly handi capped by not being able to procure the exact home he wants, because of not fully understanding the problem! commonly mot with. We will help you solve problems, an to the best of our ability, assist you in securing a desirable home for your family. . .;;. ' If you have nowhere found a house plan to suit you ex i actly, let us prepare an original set of plans. We want you to have precisely the house you have pictured in your : mind.' A special plan drawn from your ideas may be the way. , .. . . . , . ., .. , If you have a photograph or a cut of a house that appeals to you, bring it to our office and let us quote you a price i on the materials. , Again we say "Service is Our Watchword."' t MAUPIN o ' s ' O'! on on o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o t o o o o o o o will celebrate the day with a big alentine's aturday qirclfo)ro) Dav Evenina'Cf y&v lid i ' . - The Broadway Novelty stra Orche will be on hand and discourse an entirely new repertoire i ' of dance music, old-time and modern. , Q O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O4'OO4OQ'O0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AAA C3 ft o 2 Civic Auditorium The DalieiL "Snuday Night, Feb. 14 The Musical Sensation of the Season Brimfull of Ro mance, Rag Time, Jingling Music, Hurricane Dancing, Melody and Pretty Girls. U COMTE tFlESUEPfc GOftfiEOUS W0WC7WH 2Sc1 j 0 MUSICAL SPECTACtEof FUNand FflSWJCN IcggSe I ' X- V BRONELL BRILLIANT COMPANY COQP9o BALLET Of VJONDUWL O&KCRS CP Oris nt- Tunlpul gnd 6m Ovmflomnq MU LtLTNSMiLODES Nqwing Prettier Uqs dEEw Presented inMoOwStrsedom Seats on Sale at Crosby Drug Store Phone 75 Prices Tax Included First 10 Rows Floor, $2.00; Balance Floor, $-1.65; First Two Rows Balcony, $1.63; Balance Front Balcony, $1.10; Gallery, 50c. Rev. Sprouse Goes Away Our Advertisers The Reliable Kind AFTER EVERY HURT I I i 01 A SI I TRADE MARK REG.U.S-PAT. OFF WIRAiLlPdURNS MAUPIN DRUG STORE Maupin, Oregon Read The Times get the pev, s Old Mattresses Made New $3.50, Dont throw your old mattress away. New mattresses at fac tory.prices. Acme Mattress Co. 108 N. Bdw. Portland The Times only $1.50 a year, Tomorrow morning Rev. A. D. Sprouse and family are billed for departure for their new home at Woodburn. During the past year and over Rev. Sprouse has been pastor of the Free Metho dist church at thi3 place and dur ing his pastorate he and his family have made many friends He has been a sincere teacher of the precepts of Jesus Christ and his family have been of great as sistance to him in his work. That they leave JIaupin is Cause for sincere regret of all. Rev. Sprouse has acquired a tract of 30 acres near Woodburn, in the heart of the berry section of the Willamette Valley. The farm contains a fine five-room house and big barn as well as several acres set out to berries and alfalfa. The new purchaser will not take possession until' October 1st, and in the mean time will cultivate a small tract which he ha3 rented for the sea son. Mr. Sprouse will devote his time to market gardening this season. The household goods will go by truck and the family will follow via Ford and be there when the truck arrives. Maupin people regret the de parture of this estimable family, all will join in wishing them all kinds of good luck in their new home. mountaius on January 28, and who then set a barn pn fire and cremated the bodies of his vic tims. The shooting grew out of a quarrel brought on by a drink ing bout in the homestead cabin of Fred Knowlton. the home' steader. joe ferry, the murderer, is now in the jail at Pendleton and has made a full confession of his crime. Townsend, when he lived here, was known as a hard character. He often was under the influence of liquor and at such times showed he was a tough man. He and his wife lived in a shack op posite the rooming house. Lew Whilhelm arrested him at one time for abusing his wife and raising a disturbance and Town send then said that he expected to "die with his boots on." That prophecy was fulfilled with his murder two weeks ago. Fulfilled Own Prophecy; Died With Boots On "Shorty Saunders," as he was known to many Maupin people, but whose real name was Orville Townsend, was one of two men shot and killed by a half breed Indian in the wilds of the Dlue WAPMTIA NEWS Wapinitia Church Service Sunday School 10:00 a. m., Mrs. Josephine, Floyd, Supt. Preaching 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., by Rev. W.'A. Mershon, Pastor. Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30, Sunday evening. Miss Anna West was tendered a birthday party at the home ,of L. D. Woodside last Friday evening. The fore part of the evening was .spent in playing games, then dancing occupied the rest of the time. An Otterbein Guild was organ ized as a girls' missionary society at the church last Sunday with the following elected as officers;' President, Ruby Powell; vice- j president, Evadna Halburd; Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. secretary, Rilla Powell; treasurer, Florence Woodside; literary sec retary, Helen Endersby; thanks offering secretry, Edith Floyd. Floyd Ober, who has been at Arlington some time, came home recently'apd will remain during the summer with his father, Carl Ober, , W. A. Dane is serving on the jury at The Dalles. G. A. Teschner has construct ed a new garage near his resi dence here. Miss Dorothy Doane was a guest of Miss Crystal Hartman Sunday last. Heavy rains fell several days recently. The creek was quite high, but did not go over its banks. John Powoyowtt was over from Simnasho Sunday. Rev. Matthews and Wm. Drake were over from the agency Mon day. Rev. Matthews continued onto Portlond and Mr. Drake returned to Simnasho. H. E. Hammer has been carry- iny the mail to the upper end of the Flat recently. Soap Special- 15 and 20 cent toilet Boap-3 for 25 cents. Maupin Drugstore. NEWS OF PINE GROVE Mr. Dane left Sunday for The Dalles, where he will serve on the jury. Ed. Davis and Orlando Walters each was so unfortunate as to lose a horse last week. Several Pine Grove people attended the party at the Wood side home at Wapinitia last Fri day evening. The function was given in honor of the 18th birth day anniversary of Miss Anna West, , - . Little Irma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield, is very ill. Melvin Walters was a guest at the Newton S. Hedin home Sun day. About Town I CHURCH SERVICES Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Preaching following at 11:00 a m. Lvening services at 8:00 p m. All are cordially invited to attend.A. D. Sprouse, Pastor. Don't forget the dance at Le gion hall Saturday night. The Broadway Novelty orchestra will play, and the eats will be the best what is. Bring all your i icijuo in iui n juuu lime. The Times is $1.50 per year. The Bible has been translated into 572 languages. , And Jimmy Chalmers wonders if the sheep herders', tongue is one of them. "They say that 19.777 people die every year in India from snakebite' declares Jack Staats, "I wonder why some of the bootleggers who use Maupin as a salesroom don't move to India?" r3 George McDonald . states that "Caesar as a young man owed equivalent to $1,360,000." And our young bank clerk compares him to the modern Porza. . , ca ,,t , . "I suppose the song of the. aviators who are to make a dash for the north pole in planes will be "How cold I am," is the view t ot Verne Fischer. " It has about gotten so in this country," says Service Sta tion Richmond, "that if you are able to speak in three minutes , after you take a drink of it, they, call it pretty good whiskey." "The only reason why some men work is they're toodignified to beg and too nervous to steal," is the way Hank Ilarpham puts it. . Joe Riggles is authority for the statement that "the loveliest spot on earth is the spot com monly called an ace.,, According to Jno. McMullen we could help the corn growers of this country some if we would all take to smoking corn-cob pipes and cut out the Camels and Chesterfields. o Dick Johnson says that a better understanding of the Bible and a closer following of its teachings, would materially reduce the number.of churches. - , Jack Morrow says that maybe the reason they call it "alimony" is because it comes after a broken-down alibi. Phone your news to The Mau pin Times. v , Buy Non-Detonating UNION GAS! (-AND- Aristo Motor Oil UNION mLGO. OF CALIFORNIA The Dalles Oregon Portland Painless DENTIST A Full Set of Teeth These teeth arc first class and the best money can buy. Th y are guaran teed to give satisfaction. Why Pay More? Painless Extraction $I.OO W. F. SLATTEN Over Wasco Co. Bank THE DALLES, - ORE.