r R. E. Wilson Co. PHONE MAIN 271 (7T We are offering you a 30 viteday credit service and low prices. We are well pleased with the response we are getting on these quality staple merchandise offerings we are making. Weinies, per lb. 18c Rock Creek Creamery Butter lb. 53c Gem Nut Margerine 29c Glen Willis Tomatoes Number 21 15c 12-Quart Dairy Pails 43c Campbell's Tom. Soup 8c Shred Wheat Biscuit 12c Palace Car Peaches No.2Uin 28c Standard String Beans 17c Onion Sets, lb. 11c Mop Handles 19c Pancake Flour, pkg. 27c LOCAL AND PERSONAL Charles Pierce was in town from Wapinitia Tuesday. - Fred May of Wapinitia was a Maupin visitor on Monday. Ralph Kaiser and wife drove to The Dalles Tuesday morning. H. M. Greene is employed these days pruning: his orchard. Donald Morrison was in from the Two Springs section Tuesday. Jesse Cox and wife of Wapini tia were tradingin Maupin Mon day. Harry Walstrom, Dufur garage man, was in Maupin on business Saturday. John Sinclair and wife of Wap initia were shopping in Maupin last Saturday. Mrs. J. II. Kistner of Tygh was shopping in Maupin Tues day morning. C. C. Davis and family were in from Ilidgeway on a shopping trip Tuesday. Hugh Wood made a business trip to Portland Sunday, return ing on Tuesday. "Kooney" Hauser drove in from Tygh on Monday on a merchandising trip. George Tillotson and wife mo tored to The Dalles Friday morn ing on a business trip. "Buck" Harpham spent Sun day with his parents on the ranch near The Dalles. Wm. Sturgis, wife and chil dren were in from their Wapinitia Plains ranch Saturday. Lew Mcoy and wife were, Sun day guests of Hank Harpham, coming in from Wapinitia. C. E. Tunison and wife from the Bakeoven country, were shopping in thia city Tuesday. Leonard Farlow drove to Hood River Sunday for a short visit with his uncle, Marion Farlow. John Miller, who lives near White River on the Flat, was doing business in this city Mon day. , Newlon G. Iledin was in town Saturday doing shopping for himself and some of his neighbors. Dr. Stovall went to The Dalles Monday having been summoned as juror for the present term of court. 0. P. Wcberg has been con fined to the house the past sev eral days with an attack of in fluenza, i ' Misses Crystal Hartman and Anna West were shopping in Maupin Saturday. They live at Wapinitia. Mrs. Stovall accompanied her husband to The Dalles Monday, the doctor having been summoned for jury duty. Welby A. Dane of Wapinitia was in Maupin Saturday while on hU way to The Dalles to re port as juror. , Mr- and Mr. and Mrs. George Mallatt of Bakeoven were in Maupin on business Tuesday. The Wioinitia Cattlemen's as sociation met in annual meeting in the school house af that place Saturday last. Lee Kemp, an old friend of H. R. Kaiser, was in town Saturday in the interest of a San Francisco fishing tackle house. Mrs. J. F. Kramer is numbered among those who are suffering with flu, having been confined to her bed several days. Harry Lew is and H. M. Dodge, two Wapinitia Plains ranchers, were transacting business in Maupin Monday afternoon. Mrs. Lester Crofoot is takuig care of the Turner home while Mrs. Turner is employed at the postofflce during Frank's illness. Mrs. Geo. Tillotson went to Wapinitia Monday for the pur pose of making a better acquain tance with her new baby brothers.' Hugh Wood and Sol. Hauser drove to Shaniko and back Thurs day. Hugh says the rain fell in sheets while they were on the road. John McCorkle states that his wheat has a better stand this season than he has ever eeen since coming to southern Wasco county. Four inches of snow was on the ground at one time Saturday on the upper Wapinitia Plains, Rain continued to, fall and the snow came with it and piled up tothe depth mentioned. Konrad Hauser, the sheep king of Tygh, was transacting business in Maupin Tuesday morning. He was on his way to Shaniko. 3G 13 JG G 3E 1 v OLIVER PLOW EXTRAS N PARTS Have Arrived Get Ready Now For Spring Plowing Seethe No. 95 (Gang Plow Without donbt the best horse-drawn plow made We are also glad to get parts for other makes of plows for which we do not stock repairs Place your order now and be ready when the soil is R. E. Wilson Co. JEs J. H. Miller and wife came up from White River electric plant, where Mr. Miller is employed, and spent a few hours in Maupin on Tuesday. Ye editor made a hurried busi ness trip to Dufur Sunday, being conveyed there and back by Lee Kemp, fishing tackle salesman of Portland. Bert Crofoot, who recently un derwent an operation for appen dicitis at The Colville, Washing ton, hospital, is reported as be ing on the gain. Clarance Zigenhagen painted the oil tanks and gas receptacle at the Richmond service station Tuesdayred, white and blue colors being used. Farmers from the Wapinitia plains say the soil is wet down to a deptlTol fully IS inches, about four inches deeper than at this time last year. Miss Elizabeth Rutherford of Criterion, who is attending school in Maupin, remained in town over Sunday a3 the guest of Mrs. James Chalmers. Miss-Regina Muller of Tygh left Thursday morning for Van couver, B. C and expects to spend several months in the northern city with her sister. Marshal Derthick warns mo torists that the proper place to turn is at street intersections. Those who make wrong turns are apt to be reminded of their error by the marshal. Mrs. Dolph Goetjen went to The Dalles Tuesday for the pur pose of having an operation per formed in the hope it will al leviate a trouble which has been bothering her for some time. The recent rains have changed the usually clear water of the Deschutes to a color resembling that of the Missouri. Water is rising and if the t rains continue the river will soon be a raging torrent S. B. Meiser and wife arrived at Tygh Thursday for a short visit with G. C. Stakely and family. Miss Ercell Stakely, formerly of Tygh, accompnied them. Mr. Meiser was' a visitor in Maupin Saturday. If anyone thinks to break into this print shop and make way with the dollar marks from the tyDe cases, he had better take warning before hand. We now have a bull dog, a present from Clarance Zigenhagen. J. M. Conklin, president of the Maupin State Bank, arrived from Portland Monday and will re main a few days. Mr. Conklin and wife lately returned from a trip to Berkeley California where they went to visit their daugh ter. Tony Connolly, who has been in California since the holidays, returned to Maupin the latter part of last week. While away Mr. Connolly took in some races at the Tia Juana, Mexico, track, and also visited in various cities of the Golden State. . Bates Shattuck is nursing a badly sprained knee. Somehow Bates took on a spurt of ambition and proceeded to split some wood Monday evening. He climbed to the top of the pile, which be gan to fall over, and Bates, in order to save his neck, jumped, badly spraining his right knee. Sol Hauser lately returned from a 10-day visit to his ranch near Ellensburg, Washington. Numbers 8 and 9 Copper Boilers $4.9 5 14 and 16 vSize White and White Oval and Roued DISH PANS 98c Regular $1.15 and $1.50 values Shattuck Bros. IKIOINIG King' Neutrodyne RADIO RECEIVERS BATTERIES 75c RECHARGED RICHM0ND&30tf. ,At Richmond, (Service Station Sol reports Ellensburg as taking on new life. The high-line irri gation canal is being completed by the government, and this, with the report that the Northern Pacific is to build a direct line to the Kittitas county metropolis, from Lind, is making things hum. Sold Another Piano For Sale At Maupin Warehouse Co. Oats, tnillfeed, wheat, corn cracked or whole, alfalfa hay. If in need of any kind of feed, patronize your own business. If we haven'tgot it we will order it for you. A farmers layout. Geo. L. Morris. Mgr. 14-tl Dr. Stovall is proving to be a good. piano saijsman. Wednes day of last week he disposed of a fine instrument to Ernest Con fer and from now on the neigh bors of that enterprising rancher will be regaled by. the latest mu sic rendered on a high grade player piano. Valentines all descriptions 1 cent, 2 cents, 5 and 10 cents, especially for school trade. Maupin Drug Store. ? Horses For Sale Also one Duroc Jersey boar. S.N.Morris, phone 5F2. 13-14 a COIM1PAIRLE j j These With Mail Order j . Pricesi Fresh Stock Tires HEAVY OVERSIZE CORDS 30x3' ..... . , 31x4 ....... 32x4 . ... . . . 33x1 .... . .. 32x1'- . . . . . . 5 I I $11.35 18.00 19.20 20.20 I 23.70 SPECIAL 1 w I 30x3 Casings 29x4:40 Balloons $ 8.00 14.20 Wood-Tfflotson Co. 3E3E t