MAUPIN-On the De schutes, the Home of the Rainbow Trout MAU 0 PI VOU can start at Mau pin and go to any place on the earth Vol. XII Maupin, Southern Wasco Couuty Oregon, Thursday, January 21, 1926 No. 11 I i i i OLD-TIME DANCE HIGH OLD TIME Wood-Tillotson Co. Host To Over 150 Devotees of Terpsichore Old-Time Fiddleri Roused Spirit of Crowd and Brought Forth Long-Forgotten Dances Henry Ford surely started something when he invited the New England fiddler to play for him. Since that episode the old-fashioned dance has become the rage and such are being held all over the country. Saturday night the Ford agents in Maupin, Messrs. Hugh Wood and Geo. Tillotson, staged an old-time dance at Legion hall, and the crowd present testified to the popularity of that kind of entertainment. The walls of the hall were decorated with 16 sheet posters, depicting both the new Ford coupe and touring car, while one each of those kind of cars were on display in the' hall. Early in the evening the crowd began to gather and by 9:00 o'clock about 75 couples were on the floor. The music was furnished by several musicians. Harve Morris and wife started the ball rolling and they were succeeded by George Miller of Tygh with Mrs. Jack Morrow at the piano. Fol lowing them came Mose Delore from Wapinitia, who played real old-time tunes. Miss Anna Toole, teacher of the Shady Brook school then took over the piano and soon demonstrated that she was all that had been said of her as a pianist. Incident ally to that lady's playing we will mention that recently she was one of the artists to play for the Oregonian's broadcasting station, KGW, and her playing Saturday night showed that she was a finished musician. The High school orchestra, comprised of Stanley Wood and Geo. Miller, violins; Winnifred Kaiser, man dolin; Estel Stovall, drums, with Miss Toole at the piano, injected pep and rythm into the dance music that was hard to resist. Each one present was given a card which entitled the holder to one chance in a prize draw ing. The prizes went to Mrs. Alex Burrill, Wamic, and Tom Henneghan, the former receiv ing an automatic Windshield wiper and Tom a rear-view mir ror. The affair was most pleasant and each one present seemed to be getting his full mead of enjoyment. Messrs. Wood & Tillotson are to be congratulated on their thoughtful ness in pro viding an evening of unalloyed pleasure for their many friends of this locality. Grimm Alfalfa Best Seed Grimm alfalfa is the variety recommended by the Oregon experiment station for all sec tions of the state. In addition to being drougth and cold resis tant. Grimm produces more hay per acre in Oregon than the com mon'variety. The seed of Grimm alfalfa cannot be distinguished and is best purchased from sources that are able to furnish proof that their seed is genuine. Certified seed is good crop insur ance. Grimm alfalfa seed prices are a little lower than last season. Shady Brook Grange Installs Officers Shady Brook Grange No. 654 in stalled the officers-elect at a meet ing held at the Community hall on the evening of Saturday, Jan uary 9th. State Grange Mas ter Geo. A. Palmiter acted as in stalling officer and seated the fol lowing in their chairs: H. M. Barnum Master. Henry Kramer Overseer. Mrs. Mamie Karlin Lecturer. T. S. McCorkle-Steward. Aug. Blazer Asst. Steward. Mrs. Aug Blazer Lady Asst! Steward. Mrs. Geo. Heitz Chaplain. Emile Mertz Treasurer. Mrs. Mamie McCorkle-Secre-tary. ' Geo. Heitz Gatekeeper. Mrs. Sophia Blazer Ceres. Mis3 Grace Rudolph Pomona Mrs. H. M. Barnum Flora.1 Mrs. Mame Karlen Home Economics. At the conclusion of the in- ' stallation the members formed a social party and with refresh ments and dancing passed a few pleasant hours. Shady Brook Grange is one of the strongest and most progressive granges in this section. It is growing in membership and soon will count its roster of members with the larger farmers' organizations in the state of Oregon. B-a-a B-a-a Black Sheep The country adjacent to Mau pin is more or less given to rais ing sheep. Many thousand woolies may be seen in the hills of this vicinity in the spring and a large number of men are en gaged in the industry. Ralph A. Hayne, of the Agri cultural Extension department, has compiled a work on sheep, which is at once comprehensive and complete. The work treats on sheep diseases, breeds for mutton and wool, breeding, feed ing and in fact all that pertains to sheep raising. The Maupin State Bank has secured a number of these books and anyone interested may pro cure one by calling at the bank. The work contains 50 pages and is well worth having around the farm or sheep ranch. Get your copy before the supply is ex hausted. Bridge Crew To Move' The 0.-W. R. & N. bridge crew, under the formanship of J. E. Pullen, which is at work now near Fargher station, will mo ve to Maupin this week. Con nected with the bridge work will be the erection of a new unload ing platform at the depot, and the bridges above here will be repaired and strengthened. Rev. Sprouse Buys Farm Rev. A. D. Sprouse will soon leave Maupin, having pur chased a 30-acre tract of culi vated land three miles from Woodburn. The tract is fer tile, well drained and lies on a paved road. It is the reverend gentlemen's, intention to put several acres in berries, as the soil is particularly adopted to that culture, the land being well drained and very level. Mr. Sprouse will probably leave Mau pin within the next month. Since coming here the minister and family have become well known and all the members of the fam ily are well thought of by all, who will regret that they are leaving Maupin. I OBSTRUCTIONISTS )i 4 J I Webster defines obstruction as "That which obstructs or im pedes; to fill with objections that prevent passing; to bar, atop, check, retard, oppose." And an obstructionist as "one wno ob structs business-systematically delaying." Webster clearly held the right view of an obstructionist when he phrased the definition of that species of genus homo. Those people are of no benefit to their respective communities; they seem to take pleasure in block ing every move that tends to the betterment and upbuilding of their home towns; their main idea seems to be to throw a mon key wrench into the machinery of every place that seeks to pro gress, either with malice or the idea that such actions make them popular. There is no community but is afflicted with some of that ilk. Let a proposition which calls for the expenditure of a few dollars, and which might accrue to the j benefit of all the people, come up and the obstructionist immedi ately gets busy. He pick's flaws in every plan; buttonholes all who will listen to him and whis pers inneundos to the effect that the plan is without foundation; that it is for the purpose of adding wealth or prestige, as the case may be, to a few; that it wlH,. be a detriment, tq Jhe place and had better be thrown into the discard. Those who know the character of such obstruc tionists refuse to be guided by them, but there are people who will listen to and follow the sug gestion of those who are adverse to anything that does' not eme nate from their own dulled brains. Crofoot Infant Very 111 ! j The eight-months - old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cro foot is very ill with what might be spinal menengitis. The little one was suddenly taken with spasms last Friday evening. Dr. Elwood was summoned and through his reatment the baby is showing signs of improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Crofoot with the, baby are at the home of the former's uncle and aunt, Lester Kelly and wife. Since the above was in type we learn that the little sufferer had gone to the home above, he hav ing died at 10:15 Wednesday forenoon. Funeral services will be held from the residence of L D. Kelly, being canducted by Rev. W. H. Aldridge, at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon, with in terment in the Buzan ceme tery. The baby was eight months and 21 days old at the time of death. ' Two New Members The local Odd Fellows lodge membership was increased by two last Saturday, night, when R. E. Richmond and S. E. En dersby were given the initiatory degree. After the work was finished the members present proceeded to enjoy themselves in a social way, partaking of a fine luncheon and otherwise putting in a pleasant time. Frank Mc Corkle and W. B. Sloan of the Tygh Valley lodge were present and assisted in the work, as also did A. J. Mann a member of a Portland lodge. Wapinitia Odd Fellows Lodge No. 209 is the only fraternal or ganization in Maupin. Its mem- , There never has been a great enterprise launched but what has had to meet the objections of ob structionists. From the signing of the Declaration of Indepen dence down to digging a small ditch every enterprise has been 1 il . m. luugnt Dy mem. Alter our country declared against foreign tyranny r ciass oi men sprang up who declared the move was wrong; that the vested power of kings should not be questioned. When it was proposed that the government assist in construc ing the first trans-continental railway the ' obstructionists waxed loud and wroth. There has never been a move made to develop a certain section but what has been combatted by ob structionists. That feature has been shown close to Maupin. On the Wapinitia plains lies as good land as can be found any where. All it needs is water to make it blossom as the rose. Several parties have secured con trol oi' the irrigation system; ditches have been dug but not sufficient to cover all the land signed up for; promises have been made to the effect that in a short time there would be plenty of jwater for all, but those promises, like the wind soon passed away. If the obstructionist had not been at work the section spoken of ,would be peopled by men who would make a great country and Unke a Maupin that wquIiJ oc cupy a larger spot on the map of Oregon. The obstructionist is a menace and a pest, and the sooner he is regulated to a back seat the sooner will progressive and am bitious places realize their ideals and reach the goal toward which each is pointed. bership takes in all the substan- tial men of the city and surround- ing country, and it exerts a healthful influence in all things pertaining to the welfare and up building of Maupin. It is grow ing in membership and bids fair to be as large a locUe as any in southern Wasco county. The Trapper's Soliloquy R. C. Fulkerson, predatory animal trapper in the Shaniko section, evidently grows morose at times while pursuing his vo cation among the hills and breaks of southern Wasco county. To express his lonliness he indulges in blank verse, his latest euffsion following: I have caught 1200 coyotes with the Newhou3e No. three, not a soul to help, just my sad dle horse and me; all day alone through the canyons I ride, with not even a dog to. trot by my side. I ride out on my trap line thru chill wind and snow and make camp at night in 15 below. The coyotes are howling on each hill around, while the lonely old trapper sleeps on the cold ground. They break up my slumbers with hideous yells; I'll go down to morrow and buy me some shells. Late in the evening when the lambs are at play, the coyotos will sneak up and drive them away; they will feed on Iambs' carcass all the night long, and go up on the hillside and sing that old song B-o-w w o-w-w-w! Who Will Purchase These? The Times has a couple of an tedeluvian Oakland cars for sale. One's in fair shape; good tires. Will sell both at a bargain. Fischer's Garage Is Very Busy Plaoe Vern Fischer, who conducts 'the East Side garage, has been making many improvements and additions to his shop. He has lately installed a new elec tric motor, added special tools for use in auto repairing, install ed a battery charging machine and also has added some special tools for Ford and Dodge cylin der work. "Mr. Fischer is the acknowledged leader in this section in radio work, and he is making a specialty along that line. He is prepared to recharge radio batteries, rejuvenate vac uum tubes and will erect and install radios for anyone. Verne has invented a new style heater for his shop, in which he burns refuse oil taken from autos. He has made a large tank, connected it with the heater and the oil circulates through a. pipe directly to the burner. The apparatus supplies plenty of heat, is safe and eco nomical, and does not occupy much space. "500" Popular Game . It is poosible that no card game has attained and held a place in the hearts of card players higher than "500." That game has been played for years and every gathering of its de votees sees many tables occupied and a hearty interest taken. The card party given bv. the members of Wapinitia Rebekah' Lodge at Odd Fellows hall last Friday night brought out one of the largest crowds ever gathered at a like event in Maupin. Ful ly 100 people were present and 16 tables played. Prizes given best lady and gentlemen player, while those who made the lowest scores were remembered. Mrs. W. H. Staats won the first prize for ladies, Mrs. Oscar Renick having to be content with the booby prize in ' that class. Les ter McCorkle and Lester Crab tree .carried off the two men prizes. When the players were thru a delectable plate luncheon wa3 served. The proceeds of the party amounted to about 30.00. It is the intention of the Rebekah ladies to repeat the card party at a later date. Bank Meeting Held The officers and directors of Maupin State Bank held their annual meeting last Thursday and elected officers for the en suing year. All the old officers were retained, with the excep tion of vice-pesident Brown, who said that he lived too far away to be present at meetings, there fore recommended that L. C. Henneghan be chosen in his stead. Those elected were; J, M. Conklin President. L. C. Henneghan Vice-Pres. F. D. Stuart-Cashier. Geo. McDonald Asst. Cash ier. J. M. Conklin, J. S. Brown, F. M. Fleming, L. C. Hennghan, F. F. Stuart were chosen di rectors. Travel Keeping Up Managei- A. E. Caton of the Hotel Kelly state3 that traveJ is keeping up, notwithstanding the season, His hostelry is eniovine ; a good patronage, much better J than he anticipated. The rooms j at the hotel are nearly all filled ; every night, while the number jof table boarders is increasing i each week. "CHAIN" COUPONS Purveyors Promise $10 Value For $4.00 Cash Sent To Dealer Scheme Catching Many Women With Penchant For Silk Hoi-iery-Better Goods Here There is a chain stockine sell- scheme, promulgated by a Port land concern, which bids fair to die before many moons, although on the face of it it seems a fair offer to women Who want to lay in a supply of silk stockings, The scheme is the old coupon selling one a buyer secures three cou pons which in turn are sold to three others. They are supposed to sell three each, after having sent in a dollar to the fathers of the deal jn order to secure the three additional coupons. The scheme is another "chain" pro position in which its promulgat ors promise to send five pairs of silk stocking to each one send ing a total of four dollars, the' footwear to have a value of $10. 00. We have tried to figure out just how many coupons would be circulated by but ten people buying coupons, and the total we arrived at reaches up into the .thousands. Of course if each coupon buyer sent in the four "ffollars the'sellers woultf" gather " in many shekels, but they are to lose something on the ones who fail to respond with the coin. Again no one is so foolish as to send five pairs of $2.C0 stockings 'for four dollars-it can't be did with safety to the capital invested. To our way of thinking it must be the ones who pay one dollar for the first cou pon and who fail to sell the three others sent them, who are the losers, and it is their money which goes to recoup the dealers for the loss on the stockings sent out. x "Chain schemes always peter out in the long run. Again those who patronize such schemes are, working directly against their home dealers. The latter carry the best lines obtainable and ' mark their goods at the lowest possible price and still make a small margin of profit. The merchant is deserving of the home trade. He pays taxes here, maintains his establishment and home here, employs local help, contributes to all things looking to the betterment and upbuilding of his town, and carries goods the purchaser may examine be-, fore buying. Those who patron-: lze chain" schemes are tearing shingles from the roofs of the home merchants and lessening: their trade. The practice is a , pernicious one and a thought by those who are wont to send their money out of town would show that the dollar sent away is a; dollar lost to'hisown communty. Who Wants Horses? Claud Wilson is advertising in ; this isBue of The Times that he, has several broken and unbroken i horses, for sale. The equines are all young, good, Bound stock.; and range in age from four to seven yearB. Anyone wanting some good horses should see Mr, Wilson," as he is offering Bonu surprising bargains in good horsi flesh. . ' Read the Maupin Times