The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 17, 1925, Image 6

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President of the Federal Council of Churches
In this powerful appeal for the adoption of the Golden Rule as a guiding
principle In International relations, the great radio preacher holds up as an
example In constructive International charity the work of the Near East
Relief, which makes its annual appeal for the support of the American people
n Golden Rule Sunday, observed annually In December.
ATT T I XT! . V.A tli.
J j Americas people of recent
years bo Decomes mem .as
their attitude towards the un
happy and persecuted people
who hare been the beneficiaries of
the great work of the Near East Re
lief. At this season when the annual
appeal for the support of this work Is
made, through the ohservance of
Golden Rule Sunday,- It is an over
whelmingly gratifying thing to hear
the reports of the triumphs and Ex
cesses of this philanthropy.
I have been hearing of the horrors
of the Near East from the days of my
early youth, when Mr. Gladstone con
ducted bis memorable campaign In
which he denounced the Turk and
urged that the Turks should be thrust
bag and out of their country.
The horrors have continued ever
since, but our country has been au
instrument In alleviating them by con
tributions out of Its abundance to the
crucial need of the distressed orphans
and what few unhappy relatives they
have left to them.
We can do no better thing than to
(Ire for those who are In need, an-J
(bus make such merchandise out of
our material welfare as to have cre
dentials for the life which Is to come.
I do not take the attitude that there
Is anything much to praise about the
American people In this matter,
though I am proud of tlham, as we all
are. It would have been a strange
thing If wo had not done as we have
When you think of the millions
which are squandered In this country
upon feminine devices for beautify
ingwhich do not always succeed In
milling thqlr object when you think
of the vast cost of trying to make
mutton look like lamb, when you think
of the multitude of surplus things
wHh which we surround ourselves In
dally life, and then see this work for
far-off children, I think you will agree
with me that even though our polltl-
ryf,' .(SI., ' ''V. I
A Jfrlri 0 article by prominent leudcri
on the Gulden Rule an a guide in Inter
national Itelatleni.
General Secretary of
THE GOLrEN RULE is a unl
versal creed. Everybody ac
cepts It. Moat people try to
practice It.
Golden Rule Sunday Is examination
day a day of plain living and high
thinking; of self measurement by the
Golden Rule to see bow big we really
Golden Rule Sunday comes midway
between the feasts of Thanksgiving
and Christmas.
On Thanksgiving Day we satlBfy
ourselves with good things. We sur
vey our broad acres, bulging gran
aries, and busy factories. We re
appraise our unprecedented and lour
ing wealth of more than three hun
dred billion dollars, tar transcending
anything previously or elsewhere
known In all the world. Not least are
we thankful for government under
which Ufa and property are safe.
Truly no people ever hud as great
reason tor gratitude as have we In
America on Thanksgiving Day, 1925.
At Christmas we again Indulge In
feasting and mirth, and share some
ot our luxuries with relatives anil
friends, some ot whom are sore per
plexed to know where to store the
gifts that we pour Into their well pro
vided homes.
But on Golden Rule Sunday we ex
press our gratitude and practice
"Mrs religion undented before God"
ft more vital way by considering
tb fatherless and widows in their
fllctloa" who, as worthy at we, by
the vlclnltudi a ot war, are bereft ut
everything. They have no lands, no
granaries, no bank accounts, no sav
ings, do employment, no homes, no
food, except as the Golden Kule
proves a vital reality In their lives.
It It proposed that on Golden Rule
cat promises hare not always been
realized, at any rate we hare tried to
retain the credit of our people by con
tributing generously to this work,
which we must continue to sustain.
As a churchman, I may be permit'
ted to point out that the Near East
Relief has contributed enormously to
the cause of church unity. At Stock
holm a few weeks ago I had the privl
lege of conferring with all the patri
archs and metropolitans and archbish
ops of the Greek church. They assur
ed me that they have been drawn
toward the West not by the common
consent of intellectual minds nor bj
the doctors of the church, but rathei
through the work of Near East Relief
That work has won the hearts 0:
great bishops as well as refugees ant
politicians. Truly we have seen tht
truth of the saying that a little chili;
shall lead them. ' The little Armenlat
orphan, Zadi, whom thousands have
heard sing and talk at the preliminary
Golden Rule dinners in a hundred
cities of this country, Is a flve-year-olc
representation of thousands ot these
Eastern peoples, whom we have ap
proached not with theology or dogma
but with those deeds of mercy whicl
are tlhe very essence of true religion
There Is a lesson of world peace it
this philanthropic approach to thf
hearts of men. We must follow It ui
with this decision that we will noi
allow the state In the future to dlctatr
to the church or to any body ot mr
as to what shall be their attitude to
ward peace and war. We must tak
our patriotism from the preaching 0
the pmphels. Unless we want a tunc
like this every fifty years to repair tht
recurrent waves of slaughter ant
devastation, we must cling to tht
spirit of the Golden Rule. The qualltj
ot mercy is not strained. It droppetl
as the gentle rain from heaven. Ii
bleaseth him that glveB and him tha'
takes. It becomes the throned mon
arch better than his crown.
the Near East Relief
Sunday, all persons who are disposed
to make a practical application of tht
Golden Rule, provide for their Sundav
dinner approximately the same menu
that Is provided, when funds permit,
by Near Kast Relief for the tens of
thousands of orphaned children In Its
care, most of whom are under twelvt
years of age.
Having partaken of the orphanage
meal and entered Into fellowship with
the children overseas, we are asked
to make such provision for them for
the 305 days ot the year at we should
like to have made tor ourselves, or
for our children, It conditions were
Cohfcn Rul't Psrifdy ttllJ bt ob
lerved throughout tht United Stores
in December, en behalf of the Sear
fin Relief, this teriet of artielet,
bj prominent publie men who are
tupportert and tpokesmen for thit
great philanthropy, it designed to call
public attention to tht background
and purpose of tht work and ill neti
for general tupport. 1
New Radio Set
Leonard Farlow believes in
keeping abreast ot the times,
and to do so has installed a radio
set at the Ollie Weberjj residence,
where he makes his home. The
set is called the "Soden," and is
a five-tube machine. Everett
Richmond hung the aerial and
soon we expect to have the waves
which our office force has been
wont to receive, slip across the
road and be given- to the world
by ?jeonard's radio.
Legion Basket Ball Team
The local American Legion
basketball team has been practic
ing for some time and have at
last located baskets and are able
to "shoot" one once in a while.
The team is made up of Zigen
hagen, M. Woods, Renick and
Bonney, guards; H. Wood, G.
Morris, Britton, A. Morris, R.
Crabtree and Talcott, forwards,
while Miller will serve as center.
Come on all you would-be basket
shooters; our Legion team is pre
pared to show you how the great
game is really played.
Merry Christmas,
and Paid in Full
How Silas Vaughan Contrib
uted to Yuletide Cheer
of the Needy.
T WAS an eloquent
plea for the public
building, an urge
for its beauty, Its
value to the town,
the educational
gift to the eyes of
youth. The speak
er wag hypnotic.
He had been engaged for that,.
Purse strings Tvere loosened. Money
poured freely twenty, fifty, a hundred,
five hundred. And it was Christmas.
They went to Silas Vaughan, the
grocer leader, a wealthy man of the
town. People looked surreptitiously to
ee what munificent sum he would
At first a hand went Into his pocket
like the others, then came out and
the arms were folded. There was an
audible? gasp from watchful eyes.
More pleas came, more solicitors
went round, man to man.
But Silas sat there, arms folded,
rigid, unmoved.
'Times are too hard," he was heard
to Efty in unswer to an Importunate
beggi.r. "It Is a bad year for such a
"Nin bad for me, and nil those who
CHRISTMAS zest warms the
heart and makes the heart X
glow. Do not let any outside f
T cynicism rob you of this glow, ft
'.' Do not cmi your Hp and say )
! yon know the elevator man or
j the grocer's boy or the many x
J others to whom you give a little K
J Christmas Joy Is Just looking for J)
the present and Is being polite jj
for that reason. Jj
jj Enjoy their pleasure In recelv- !
;j lng. Enjoy, yourself, In giving. Jj
' And doesn't every one enjoy JJ
jj presents? When you say: X
H "He's looking for a Christmas ft
X present," you lose half your own 1;
joy. jj
When you say:
j Mum hu uppurxumty 10 auu A
v? a little Dresent to nnort'ier ner- K
!' son's Christmas," you hnve your J?
V. own full measure of Joy,. Jj
Christmas zest must not be A
bereft of any of its ptrlt.
Mary Graham Bonner. tR
(S 1935, Weattrn Newvjpr Union.)
yield to nobl imnulsn " n!rf a neigh
bor In a voice that al't could ftear.
The next day was) Christmas, with
the grocery and. drv( stores ipen for
few hours. Silas Vaughan went to
Ms desk and took wit twice (is many
nut as ever had txvn allowed! to ae
umulate bffore. Times were hard,
nd more v,-ere obliged to charge.
Fully half of the accounts were se-
'ected from thA rlhara nnri QovDrtll
vords written at Vbe bottoms. That
00k nearly an hoi it Then he slipped
he bills Into his ptvket, put on his
tat and coat, nral wvnt out, leaving
he store to the Hetlks.
It was nearly closing time when he
'Hnie back. T Ma ha ruvxmlml vritll
lacking and ai hanging a number of
)askets with frt lit niid ituU ami ran civ.
whlchhe sent cut anonymously.
In the evening came a big church
community Christmas tree.
Most of the donors of the public
building were there, rather proud of
themselves and not above circulating
bits of criticism. When Silas entered,
there was no uncertain air of chilli
ness in the room. A few nodded to
him. but frigidly.
Silas appeared to take no notice, and
found a seat near the front, where ap
parently' he sat calm and unruffled.
A poorly-dressed man down la front
had been looking about expectantly, as
though waiting for some one to speak.
Suddenly he rose.
"I ain't no speaker," he called,
loudly, "but I got suthln to say.
Bout the new bulldin',' I ain't nothln'
to say, only seems too much money
for real need. An' I never liked horn
'blowln'. Now, It's been an awful hard
time for workln' folks, on 'count 0'
there beln' so much slack. First time
I couldn't pay up In twenty years. I
couldn't see no Christmas for me.
Now, listen: This mornin' a feller
carried papers all round. I got one..
First, I felt 't was a sheriff thing, like.
Then I read on the bottom, 'I hope
this will be the beginning of better
things. Merry Christmas. Paid In
full. Silas Vaughan.' Mine was thir
ty dollars. Si must 'a' given away
more'n a thousand." '
He sat down. Silas had lost all his
composure. He tried to slip away.
But hands and apologies were appear
ing from all sides. He was pushed to
the platform and told to make a
speech. He would have made a mess
of It, but all were cheering so wildly
no one could hear. So It did not mat
ter. , 1925, Western Kmpuwr PnlonJ
The Christmas Spirit;
It Can Never Be Cheap
C HE worked In what was considered
a second-rate store In a big city.
To her, though, the store was a beauti
ful one. And when It was decorated
at Christmas time with its tinsel and
gay Christmas touches, she thought It
the most beautiful place on earth.
She loved the Jewelry that was sold
there. Sometimes she would hold a
bit of cardboard from which hung a
cheap earring to her ear and would
think that when she got her pay tht
following week she might buy a pair.
They were certainly becoming and
would be more so when off the card
board. How crowded the store became
around Christmas time. The people
would look and admire and buy. She
would be so busy. It was splendid to
be busy, and even to be tired with tht
Chtlstmas rush. There was something
so stimulating about the Christmas
There were several floor walkers In
the store an extra one was added for
the Christmas season. True, their
presence was not so magnificent as
the floor walkers In the great, expen
sive stores,- but they were grand to
her. And she loved to say, with a
6oautiful manner:
"Just a moment, madame; I will call
the floor walker."
And then, this Christmas, greater
happiness than ever came to her. A
most wonderful floor walker came as
an "extra," but they said he would be
taken on for good he was such a
capable man.
And sue took him on for good. For
hadn't tliey fallen In love with each
ither at once?
Oh, to some the store might seem
cheap, the people In It might seem
funny Imitations of the people who
belonged to the very expensive stores.
But there was glorious Christmas hap
piness In that store. For it radiated
the Christmas spirit. And the Christ
mas spirit can never be cheap 1 Mary
Graham Bonner.
(. 1516. Weitern Nwippr Union.)
Expensive Presents Do
Not Give Most Pleasure
vited to spend Christmas with
Mr. Gorse's wealthy sister on her farm.
"But we can't ; we can't," Insisted Mrs.
Gorse. "Our rent has been raised this
year, and living Is so dear In town wt
cannot afford presents that even her
children will enjoy."
"It's us they want, and not our
gifts," rejoined Mr. Gorse. "You leavt
the presents to me."
On Christmas Day the Gorses drove
up to the big white country house In
their flivver. Such a welcome as thef
received. Not an Idle nor an embarrass
ing moment even for Mrs. Gorse who
discarded so reluctantly the weight of
city poverty. Laughter, music, fun
prevailed. And after dinner, when the
grown-ups peeked Into the nursery to
see what the children were doing, Mr.
Gorse had his triumph. The children
had discarded their expensive toys,
and snt In a circle on the floor playing
Industriously with some ten-cent mag
nets he had brought.
"You know our children's likes bet
ter than we do," said the charming
hostess, as she lead the Gorses back to
the living room. "And nothing I re
ceived pleases me so much as the
hooka you brought me, unless It Is to
hHve ynu here on Christmas day."
Even Mrs. Gorse knew that her
words rang true. H. Lucius Cook.
If. 1 JS. Weiteni Ncwipptr Cltoa
Maupin Times
yemmm to
Never before and probably never agzin will you have such an extraor
dinary money-saving opportunity. Note carefully the large selection of
choice reading all at a price to fit your pocketbook. Renewals will be
extended one year from date of expiration. No need to wait.
Gentlemen: I wish to take advantage of your Magazine Bargain Offer.
I am enclosing the above amount in payment for a one year subscription
to your paper and the FIVE Magazines I have marked with an X below.
st, or R.F.D.
Q American Needlewoman
American Poultry Advocate
Blade & Ledger
Capper's Farmer
D Farm & Fireside
The Farm Journal
Farm Lift
Gentlewoman Magazine
Good Stories
Home Circle
"I hear that you are going to give
your mother-in-law an automobile for
"Tes, but it is guaranteed not to
run more than half way from her
house to mine, without breaking
Coconut Balls
Into a saucepan put three cupfuls
of granulated sugar, add two cupfuls
cold water and boll until sugnr spim
thread from tip of fork dipped Into It
Into this sirup stir a good-sized co
coconut, grated the prepared dry co
conut does not answer the purpose
quite as well take saucepan at once
from fire and turn contents Into bowl
or set saucepan where onndy w.111 cool
quickly. When cool enough to han
dle make Into balls with the fingers,
roll In powdered sugar and wrap In
waxed paper.
Common Type
Jud Tunklns says his folks always
put off their Christmas arrangements
to that along about the 23rd -of De
cember they have to shop' both early
and late. Washington Evening Star.
Ancrid'TheirBitto '
Make Christmas Merry
PTERTBODT In Brompton knew
- that It was sll the Hammonds
eeold do to make ends meet. A big
family and a small tacome Is not
combination to make easy living.
Tet at Christmas time the Hamniond
fuBily assyed ti hTe gjj toe goed
ant am
afthh fist of leading
Pay More?
Take Your
Select From
Q Home Friend -
O Household Quest
G Household Magazine
G Illustrated Mechanics
G Mother's Home Life
G Pathfinder (weekly) 26 Issues
G Today's Housewife
G Tractor & Gas Engine Review
0 Woman's World
things that go with the day and to b
able to purchase the gifts of love that
mean so much.
It was all due to the plan that Mrs.
Hammond had worked out when the
children were small. Several weeks
before Christmas a contribution box
was placed In the Hammond dining"
room; across It was written in big
letters of red and green : "Do your bit
to make Christmas merry," and each
member of the .family was supposed
to contribute something, be It ever so
little. And It was surprising, Just at
soon as the box was put up each year,
how many wonderful ways cropped
out for earntag extra nickels and
dimes. Even little Tim, In spite of
being only five, contributed his mite
to the cheer fund. And the fun the
family had In trying to fill the box
why, It was nearly as good ts Christ
mas Itself I Each evening It was held
up and weighed by the smaller chil
dren and they always agreed that It
was getting to "awfnl" heavy; when
It was opened Just before Christmas
there was always a shout of surprise
and Joy, and they declared that It con
tained much more than they had
thought It would. And now they wert
spending the money that was made
up of so much sacrifice, such planning
and scheming as there was to get tht
most out of It. And when Christmas
morning dawned there wss no happier
family In all Brompton the Christ
mas family fund had brought them
so many good things. Katherln
(0, 1111, Wutera Ntwtptpir rjnloa.)
Creamed Dates
Stone the dates, roll in sugar, and
put a piece of fondant In place of the
stone. Roll again In granulated su
gar. Fill with nuts or peanut butter
Instead of fondant If desired.
Origin of Carols
Few, If any, Christmas carols wert
ever sung In Scotland, while from
earliest times the custom has been
universally prevalent In England,
France, Italy and other countries of
the .European CfiPUnent, .
' Just Before Christmas
The hour was very late.
Little Willie Mamma, where do you
suppose Santa Claus Is right at this
moment ?
Mutter J .Fl&b, I nei.