LOCAL AND PERSONAL J. W. Ayres, Smock rancher, was in Maupin today. Clifford Allen wa3 in town from his ranch on the Flat Mon day. Anton Seifert was down from his Nena ranch Saturday on busi ness. "Jack" Fitzpatrick was in Maupin from his sheep ranch at Nena on Monday. J. E. Wing was looking over Christmas goods in town today, coming in from Wamic. . John and George Heilmeyer of the Wamic section, were holiday shoppers in town today. Star car for sale cheap. In good condition. See Oliver Resh at Shattucks' store- 3 t4 Bob W ilson is excavating the hill at the rear of his store and is leveling his home lots with the earth. Ben Cook has been in Maupin the last few days, coming up from Fairview, where he now lives. H. M. Barnum passed through town Tuesday. He was on his way to the eastern section after a horse. Richard Welch, automobile man of Wamic, was laying in a supply of auto repairs in Maupin Tuesday. o . Wm. Woodcock was in from Wamic the latter part of last week, visiting with his brothers and parents. Carl Powell accompanied Floyd Richmond to Portland Sunday, going with the idea of securing employment. Mrs. John Donaldson was taken to a hospital at The Dalles Monday. There she will under go an operation. J. W. Davidson, Flat rancher, drove to town Tuesday in a brand new Oldsmobile sedan, lately purchased. Drs. Elwood and Stovall ac companied by Mrs. Stovall and L. B. Kelly, went to The Dalles yesterday morning. George Morris and wife drove to Bend Saturday for a short visit with friends, returning to Mau pin Mondav morning. L. C. Henneghan and wife have returned to their Maupin home after several weeks spent at Sunnyside, Washington. Floyd Richmond drove up from Portland, where he is attending school, Thursday and visited with his parents until Sunday. Holy Mass will be celebrated In Sacred Heart church Christ mas Dav, December 25th at 10:00 a m. All are cordially invited. Since the rains fell and warm weather prevailed, the grass has taken a start on the hills, pro viding fine feed for range stock. Mrs. J. H. Kistner, who has been visiting a daughter in Boise, Idaho, the past six weeks, has re turned to her home at Tygh Val 0 R. P. Newland. chief of the maintenance corps of The Dalles California highway, with his wife, was a Maupin visitor Sat urday. Mrs. R. Geiser held a meeting of the Degree of Honor at The Dalles today. She will return! this evening to spend Christmas at home. Miss Verla Lewis wa3 a week- end guest of hr sister, Mrs. Geo.: Tillotson, and husband, last week, coming from her home at Wapinitia. Jess Derthick and mother, Mrs. S. E. Derthick, spent Sunday and Monday with the family of Jess'd daughter, Mrs. Arthur Morris, on the Flat. Fall plowing has been halted on the Flat by freezing weather. Most of the ranchers were pretty well along, so the freeze will not put them behind in that work. Marshal impounded one of the horses which have been raising hob with Maupin lawns If the owner does not claim the animal within five days it will be sold. A Maxwell car bearing a South Dakota licence, was wrecked on the White River grade Tuesday morning. Two men in the car escaped injury. They were on their way to Spokane. Frank Tillotson, the father of George Tillotson of this city, and Gabe Stakely and wife, all of Tygh, were Sunday guests at the home of their son and nephew in Maupin. Quite a bunch of yearling cattle were driven through Maupin last Sunday. They were taken to the 0. T. stockyards, where they were corralled while await ing shipment to the Portland yards. Word reaches us of the death of Carl Ober's mother, which occurred at Gearheart on Sunday. We have been unable to get in touch with Mr. Ober, consequent ly a write up of deceased will have to go until next week. W. H. Smith, who has been attached to the Dufur office of the forest service, has been trans ferred to the timber division of the service and will hereafter make his headquarters at Bend. He passed through Maupin Tues day morning. About the best piece of work some men can do on Saturday is to take a good bath. The city council will soon be busy with the annual budget. We hope the members will make it so strong that even a court decision would fail to budge it. A civil engineer was over the highway east and south of Mau pin last week. He was "pick ing up levels" for the Pacific Power company. One man re marked that the levels must be old ones and the visitor probably would supply new ones for the road crews. . "I see where they are rec commending mud baths as beauti fiera," comments Ralph Kaiser, "but" mud baths never seem to have done much for the turtle." EE "Maybe the reason some men want to fight when it is insinuated they sprung from monkeys," says Lester Kelly, "is because it is the truth." Andy Mann sajs that he can supply a kind of face paint for women's faces that he will war rant will not "sleep oh!." tj The old-fashioned dance held last Saturday night must have appealed to old timerj-and quite a few young-timers ss well. The management of the Legion de posited one of the biggest bunches of coin derived from the hop, ever banked from a dance of the order, on Monday. , Bootleggers must not do a great business in this section. At a reO?nt function held here gentlemen of that ilk were trying to sell their goods to each other, with no takers. The question of "when is a man drunk?" has given away to the more puzzling question of "when is a woman clothed?" We've often wondered what college students find to do after the football season closes. Oliver Resh says most people get in debt because they think "wants" is synononous with "needs " NO TRESPASSING Notice is hereby given that I will prosecute all persons tres passing on my place,- known as "The Horned Toad" ranch. All fisherman, hunters, and sheep and cattle drivers are warned to keep off. Dated December 17, 1925. Al. D. Kennedy 6-t4 Eleven Years Ago From The Times, Dec. 16,'14 I Dave Donaldson states that his father, James, is not expected to recover at Dufur. He and his brother have just returned from Dufur for third time, and ex pect to go again soon. Ed. Brown landed a trout from the Deschutes Monday that mea sured 23 inches. Robert Cantrell and Hazel B. Coleman were married at the home of Judge Oakley last Satur day evening, it being the Judge's first nuptial knot tying since his appointment to office. The young couple were serenaded at a late hour by the Maupin band and several friends, after which they were served with a light luncheon. Joe Riggles i confined to the house with rheumatism and un der the care of the doctor. Maupin home talent will pre sent "Paid In Full" at tne opera house in Maupin next week. A free dance will be given after the show. Mr. Conklin was called to Port land Tuesday. He received a message that his wife had re ceived a severe fall and to come at once. o The eagle on a dollar is no carrier pigeon send it away and it won't come back. Wess Ray and wife expect to move to Prineville soon where he expects to work on the Tom Law son ranch. News of Interest The boys and girls of the school are working earnestly toward the success of their part of the Christmas Eve program, to be given, in connection with the Community Christmas tree. Al though not completed the pro gram is arranged to include the following numbers: 1. Christmas Drill Pupils of grades 1 to 6. 2. Playlet - "The Dolls Take land" Mary Greene, Wilbur Mathews and Beth Rutherford. 3. Recitation Pupils of the 5th and 6th grades.' 4. Songs "Christmas Round" and "Snowflakes" -r Pupils of grades 3 to 8. 5. Songs - "Christmas Bells" and "Silent Night" Pupils of grades 3 to 6. 6. Songs-"The Angel Song." "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "Star of the East" Pupils of 7 8 and High school. 7. Duet Mrs. Todd and Jean Wilson- a Make The Times An X-Mas Gift While the gift-giving sea son is on why not remember The Times with the amount of your subscription? We are sure all our readers are satis fied with the paper, otherwise more than one hundred of them would not have paid up and others subscribed for the paper. We are trying to give Maupin the best paper eirer published here, and as it takes money to "make the mare go," your arrears and a year in ad vance will be appreciated. Don t take a chance on your weak battery freezing. Bring it in for recharging. A fully charged battery never Gus Derthick Wears Star Gus I. Derthick is now the official arrester for Maupin, he having been appointed city marshal by Mayor Shattuck and confirmed by the council at the last meeting of that body. Gus will make a good officer and it behooves wrongdoers to watch their step, for Gus will not stand for law infractions none at all. Who Got the Weenies? Someone who evidently had a taste for weenies helped him self to about six pounds of that delectable table "delicacy" at the Legion Hall last Saturday night. When the supper things had been cleared away there was that amount of "hot dog" remaining. A couple of the house committee went to the supper room to wrap up the sausages with the idea of re turning them to the meat market They looked around, but no "dogs" were in evidence, so they arrived at the conclusion that some hungry fellow had appropriated them. No doubt the stolen stuffers sufficed as the piece de resistance for a Sunday dinner. 50 cents paid for old storage batteries. 50 cents. Maupin Garage. Predatory Animals Killed The predatory animal depart ment of the Oregon Live Stock and Sanitary board have been extremely busy the past month, During that time they have suc ceeded in exterminating 437 coyotes and 35 bobcats, a total of 472. The Wasco county hunter, F. R. Murphy had one bobcat and 12 coyotes to his credit, standing 12th in the list of 53 hunters. Read the Maupin Times From the Schools 8. A Mandolin Solo "Barca rolle," from. Tales of Hoffman Winifred Kaiser. 9. Song "Away in a Manger" Pupils of grades 3 to 6. 10. "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" Pupils of grades 7 8. 11. Trio - "Paper Chain" Doris Kelly, Chas. Bothwell, Le- lah Weber)?. 12. Duet "Sleighride"-Ma-bel and Lelah Weberg. 13. Solo Mrs. Todd. 14. Adult Quartet-"The Road That Led You to Me." 15. Piano Solo, left hand-Mrs. Todd. 16. One -act play-"The En chanted Christmas Tree," by Percival Wilde The High school. The Maupin high school basket team played a scrimmage game with the Tygh Valley boys Mon day night. The score wa3 in fa vor of the Maupin boys, although the Tygh team proved themselves good loser9. On the preceding Thursday the local team played I)s)4-s)rc ' 'Diamond Brand' rezerb shoes X)iamcnd ffllaniC In Shoes and in Oxfords In Black and Brown Kid! Sold in Maupin by SHATTUCK BROS. Exclusive Dealers the Town Ruff Necks, a team composed of members from both towns. Don't forget to come to the game Friday, December 18, at the Maupin high school gym nasium; Maupin High vs. Culver High. Primary certificates for pro- nciency in typewriting were awarded by Mr. Geiser to Olive Turner, Jean Wilson, and Wini fred Kaiser. Harold Crampton was absent from school Monday on account of illness. The pupils of Mrs. Morrison's room are making their room cheerful with Christmas decora tions. Their sand-table is being arranged to represent the Christ mas story. Bonney Deuss is absent from Mrs. Cantrell's room on account of illness. Some of those present are suffering from severe colds but are endeavoring to do their best under this handicap. Irene Woodcock, Ruth Math LEGION 8 DanceDates December 25, X-mas I! New Years 31 January 9, 1926 February 14, Washing- u II II ton's Birthday, 22d St. Patrick's Day, March 17 Remember 'em jj ii Buy Non-Detonating UNION GAS! AND Aristo Motor Oil UNION oiL GO. OF CALIFORNIA The Dalles Oregon For Genuine Foot Comfort Try Them and You Will Always Buy Them "Diamond ews, Mabel Roberts and Henry Wilson of Mrs. Deeg's room, were absent from school on De cember 14. Low Round Trip Fares For X-Mas Holidays Via Union . Pacific between points in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Sale dates De cember 18, 19, 22, 23 and 24; re turn limit Janury 4, 1926. For further particulars see local agent. Irrigationist Dies Word reaches us of the death of Joseph R. Keep, which took place at Portland November 23. Mr. Keep was the father of the Wapinitia irrigation project and a man well known to many Mau pin citizens. He was 66 years of age at the time of death. Sur viving him are a wife and five children. The only Grocery Store on the East Side Fischer's Grocery Makes a Specialty of LUNCH GOODS CIGARS, TOBACCOS CIGARETTES, FRUIT MrsLJFischer Proprietor Your Watch Haywire? If it is not doing its work bring it to The Times office and Mr. Semmeg will send it to GUY A. POUND Manufacturing Jeweler and Watchmaker Successor to D. Lindquist THE DALLES - - OREGON Look over your office sta tionery and before you are entirely out plaee your or der for with THE MAIP1N TIMES