The Maupin Drug Store's CHRISTMAS 8 '8 I CHRISTMAS 1 PRESENTS GALORE! I IFe cai supply the whole family S Come awe? see aupin Drug Store -A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF M 5-10-15c Christmas Specials Just the Things for School WE ALSO CAN SHOW Eastman Kodaks Fancy Perfume Sets and Atomizers Fountain Pens Artistic Box Stationery s Fancy Boxed Candies Honer Harmonicas 1 Watches and Jewelry PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS The Prices Are Right and We Guarantee to Please MAUPIN DRUG STORE Merry Open House on Christmas Eve Seamstress Finds a Warm Welcome and Assists at Social Function. By MARTHA BANNING THOMAS IEACON miX was tiblnze 'with can dles. They shone In evnry window. They g 1 e a in e d through (he glass nanus of the door- fln ... .. rcnY nays, run can dles, short can dles; candles of every size mid color. For was It not Christmas Eve? And Ih It not a custom to make morry lit this special time In u very clmrmlng way? II D Groups of Carolers Stood at Street Comers and Sang. Groups or caroler stood at street corners nnd sang. Hundred of people strolled up nnd down. There was nn atmosphere of good will that pervaded the place as surely as wreaths hung lu the windows. There was one house In particular that glowed with a shining brilliance. Tart of this light was due to s pyra mid formation of candle on the win-dow-slll, and part came from the happy sounds which Issued forth through the open door. This place wns keeping "open house" with a Tenge ance. It looked like a glorified Christ mas card. Miss Mfxter never knew exactly how It happened. She was hurrying home after a hard tlay's sewing In a dressmakers shop. She whs tired and hungry. Christinas Kve to her merely meant that siie was wearier thin musk ...... - -to She stopped for a moment to look In through the door of this happy, shin ing house. And then, almost unaware of what she did, she walked In. Yes, she actually did. And she had no more Idea of who lived there than a maple tree on Boston Common I Some thing drew her straight to the fire place. She went as naturally as a bee seeks honey. In that merry, well-dressed throng !ie looked a bit rusty. Her hat was entirely too old. There was some thing wrong In the cut of her coat. Her gloves had seen hard service. And her shoes, well her shoes were the despair of cobblers. Miss Mlxter began talking to a laughing-eyed woman dressed In green. "You look like a daffodil," said Miss Mlxter. And this pleased her hostess so much that she burst Into a peal of merriment. From that moment they seemed to have a great deal to say to each other. Then, suddenly looking uhout her, Miss Mlxter saw bIio wns the center of attention. I Huong of Interested people wero regarding her with amused eyes. A quick reaction swept over her. She felt lonely nnd afraid. Why was she here? Who were these people? Why had she come Into this house? She felt n quiet hand on her arm. "Do stay, won't you?" begged the hostess In green," I need someone to help me. Couldn't you spare a moment' on Christinas Kve to aid a daffodil In' distress! Just keep your eye on these) people nnd tell me who Is served andl who Is not. It's so dllllcult." Miss Mlxter looked tip keenly Into1 the smiling face. And she knew she was genuinely wanted. Til stay," announced Miss Mlxter, "and," she grew spirited, "the first person who needs a cup of coffee Is myself." Uci HIS. WHtirn Newapapar Union.) Christmas Song Why do balls for Chrletmas ring? Why do little children lug? Once a lovely, shining ster, Sean by shepherds from star, Oeiitly moved until lie light Maita a, manner-cradle bright. There a darling baby lay t'tllowed soft among the hay. And hla mother sang- and entiled, Thl la Christ, the Holy Child." 8o the bella for Chrlatmae ring, H.) the little children alng. I.ydla Avery Coonley Ward. To Get and Give Most Pleasure at Christmas T"HEItE is Christmas generosity and Christinas charity. But there should always be Christ tuns tact. When you are giving to those who have not as much as you have do nut give your presents with condescending manner or with a patronizing air. do not act as though you were superior because you could give. Do not attach a cold, haughty speech to your gift. Sometimes people can give so that all the glow that comes from Hie gift Is the one they themselves receive be cause of their own feeling of having been charitable. Sometimes such speech enn extract all the real pleasure out of the gift to the one receiving It Christmas Is the time for true char ity, for that charity which conies from the heart, which loves one's fellow men and wants to do all that Is possible to bring Joy wherever possible. Olve as though It were a pleasure to give not as though you were being noble. Do not give as though you thought by giving you had the right to assume 8 certain attitude of disdain toward those who were somewhat beholden to you. If you are more fortunate in worldly goods It Is your opportunity to have the great pleasure that Is derived by giving. There nre few greater pleas ures when you give with tlie real Christmas spirit. There Is Christmas generosity and Christinas charity. Itut there should always be Clirlst mas tact. Mary Graham Bonner. Ud- 1926, Western Newspaper Union ) CHRISTMAS dead three years. How the father had kept such a young fumlly together was a miracle even to him, but with the help of the day nursery, he had man aged very well. For the third Christmas now the widower tucked the children snugly In bed with a promise to call them at daybreak. Then he tiptoed to his own room. Half an hour later when the house was quiet, nnta Claus entered the tiny kitchen and proceeded to fill the four little stockings hanging in a row behind the stove. Then suddenly he remembered that he had forgotten to bring a present for the father of the house. How disappointed the little ones would be to have their father overlooked like this ! Why, they would think he's not been good! But It was too late, now, to get him anything. Nothing could be done. Shortly after the house was quiet once again, the little girl stole into the kitchen nnd hung a stocking with a packuge In it near the others. For months she had saved her pennies so that when Christmas came again she would be able to play Santa Claus to daddy. "How surprised 'n happy he will be," she thought, as she crept back to her room. H. Lucius Cook. (, 1925, Westsrn Newspaper Union.) of tlx TS&vVb iii!jinuniyyu inii"'i ' . -Mtx mtwm) ,. ) Burning the Yule Log The burning of the Yule log at Christmas time, In parts of England and the continent, Is a survival from an ancient festival annually held among the northern nations to cele brate the return of the sun after the winter solstice (December 21). The Yule log Is thought to bring good for tune, and frequently part of it is saved to light the new one in the fol lowing year. The Italians regard the charred Yule log as a preventive against lightning. "Yule" is an old word for Christmas, and Is still so used provincially. men ana now The old-fashioned boy who used to get an apple, an orange, a handful of mixed nuts, a dime's worth of powder and shot or a new pair of home-knit socks for Christmas now has a grand son who must have a new car, a dia mond ring, and a check. Times change. At Christmas Time Mr. Smiles But why do you expect a Christmas box from me? Surely I have bad no dealings with you? Boy Yes, sir please, sir, you tripped over my 'oop lust week. fill jssjr m s X fjen o'er tlje moonlit, mtatp fieloai, Bumfa tottfj tfje toorlb'a great jop, $tje Bfjeprjerbsi Sought tfje to&tte-toalleb toton. Wfytxt la? tlje fcabp fiop gift, of), tfje glaoitfstf of tfje toorlb, fje glory of tfje sfuesf, Pecattsfe tfje longebfor Cfjriat loofeeb u 3fa fjappp Harp's; epesil j V -Margaret Deland f Creamed Dates Stone the dates, roll in sugar, and put a piece of fondant In place of the stone. Itoll again In granulated su gar. Fill with nuts or peanut butter Instead of fondant If desired. CHII.I. air, the brilliance of encrusted snow, carols, ever greens and feasting. These con stitute Christmas to the senses. $ But deep within man there Is '.S something w hich the brightest of -jj carols cannot, In Itself, awaken J a sense of kinship with all the I? world, that expands and bios- soma Into a spirit of real broth- 4J erhood and this Is Christmas. W. D. rennypaeker. !. (. Itll, Wsstsrn Nswspspsr t'nlon ) a Saved to Buy Christmas Present for Her Daddy THE eldest of the four chlbheu was m us.- UiuJr mother hud beep 11 mi A Few Worth While Presents That Will Be Appreciated 30x3 Tires - - $8.00 30x3 1-2 Tires - 9.30 30x4 Tires - - 19.20 Bar Caps Motometer Radio Battery Car Heater Speedometer Radiator Shutter Nickle Radiator Shell Rear View Mirror Wind Shield Wiper Klaxon Horn Car Paint and Enamel WEED CHAINS Extra heavy (to flfl Truck Type Chains pU.UU We have hundreds of other useful articles, any of which would make most acceptable Christmas gifts. e Maupin Garage WOOD (EL TILLOTSON, Proprietors 0 v