The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, December 10, 1925, Image 3

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Wm. S tuber of Dufur was
a Maupin visitor Monday.
Jess Flemming was in from
his Bakeoven ranch Tuesday.
Vaughn drag saw, A-l shape,
at a bargain price. Maupin Gar
age. F. A. McCorkle of Tygh was
transacting business in Maupin
R. R. Dodge was in from the
ranch after a load of doors, etc.,
on Monday.
A few good 50 gallon steel
barrels $2. 00 each. Maupin Gar
age. "
Roy Batty and wife, from the
Upper Flat, were Maupin visitors
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank McCoy and Miss
Elsie Shepflin were in from Wap
initia Monday.
50 cents paid for old storage
batteries. 50 cents. Maupin
P. J. Conroy was in from his
Criterion ranch after a load of
fencing on Monday.
J. M. O'Brien of Wapinitia
came to town Tuesday, after a
barrel of gasolene.
Cecil and Joe Chastain were in
from the Oak Springs district
Tuesday morning.
; Mrs. R. Geiser and her daugh
ter, Mrs. M. G. Todd, are at home
after a visit to eartern Oregon
and Portland respectively-
Dick Harris left his Sourdough
ranch long enough Tuesday to
come to Maupin on business.
Miss Anna West of '-Wapinitia
spent, the last week-end with
the family of George Tillotson.
. ; Miss Albertina Hackler spent
a few hours with the h'ome folks
at Wapinitia Thursday evening
' Sam Brown, Pine Grove
pioneer and rancher, was attend
ing to business matters in Maupin
Tuesday. . .
' Delbert McCoy, head farmer
at the Warmsprings Indian
agency, was in town on business
,'John Carlin, Sourdough ranch'
er, perambulated Maupin's
streets Tuesday and transacted
business in town.
Mrs. L. B. Kelly was at The
Dalles last week attending the
funeral, of her uncle, the late
Judge A. S. Bennett.
Hazel Martin was suddenly
taken ill Thursday last and
Dr. Elwood was called several
times during the night.
Floyd Kelly and wife were
visitors at the home of the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B.
Kelly, Monday afternoon.
' Raymond Crbtree and Lou
Woodside accompanied a consign
ment of 305 hogs to the Portland
stockyards Saturday night.
A. A. Derthick, .marshal of
Dufur, with his wife, were
guests at the home of their son,
G.' I. Derthick, Sunday last.
Holy Mass will be celebrated
in Sacred Heart church Christ
mas Day, December 25th at 10:00
a. m. All are cordialiy invited.
Miss F. B. Overman, teacher
of the Pine Grove school, 'was a
Maupin visitor last Saturday and
made this office a welcome call.
The Oak Springs fish hatchery
is how connected by telephone,
the instrument being installed
and wirestrung the first of the
Rev. Father O'D. Hynes read
mass at The Sacred Heart church
Tuesday December 8th, it being
the feast of the Immaculate Con
ception. J. W. Davidson shipped a car
load of hogs to "the north Port
' land market last Saturday night
Ray Crabtree also shipped one
Jasi Rusic, who has been with
the Fargher sheep on Deep
Creek during the past season, is
taking a vacation. Jim was in
town Monday.
Don't take a chance on your
weak battery freezing. Bring
it in for recharging. A fully
charged battery never freezes.
Maupin Garage.
Ye editor accompanied Joe Kra
mer to The Dalles Sunday, and
must admit that Maupin is the
better place, after looking around
the county seat town.
The new street lamps, one at
the Tum-A-Lum lumberyard and
the other at the top of the bridge
hill, loom up brightly and light
the roadway in fine shape. .
Many ranchers on the Flat are
busy with their plowing. The
warm days of the past few weeks
have brought up the wheat and
it gives promise of making a
good stand.
Mr. and Mrs. Cy. Lofton, par
ents of Mrs. Gus Derthick, were
callers at the home of their
daughter, on Sunday. Their son
accompanied them. The Lof
tons live at Tygh.
Joe A. Graham, forest ranger
in the Wamic district, was in
town Tuesday; Mr. Graham is
enthusiastic over the prospect of
having the Wapinitia road con
nected with the Mt. Hood loop.
W. L. Crampton left Tuesday
evening for the coast and will go
to Veronia, where he will seek
employment in the lumber woods.
Mr. Crampton has a brother so
employed and expects to secnre
work with his relative.
Mrs. Locke, who at one time
made her home in Maupin, re
cently was called to Minneapolis,
Minn., by the serious illness of
ho mother, according to advices
received from her by Maupin
A, H. Olson and E. N. Watson,
state bank examiners, looked
over the books at the Maupin
State bank Tuesday. Of course
they found our bank all right
and doing business as all sound
banks do.
H. F. Hillman, . representing
the Union Oil Co. of California,
was in Maupin Saturday. Mr.
Hillman was trying to interest
local 'dealers in his company's
products. His headquarters are
at The Dalles.
U. S. Endersbyof the Flat sec
tion, does not intend to suffer
with the cold. Monday he took
out a hew Ottawa power wood
saw and rig and will busy him
self cutting wood during inter
missions from his farm work.
The new Dalles telephone di
rectories were delivered to Mau
pin telephone patrons Tuesday
by "Bill" Beckwith of the local
exchange. The Maupin books
will be out as soon as We can
collect ad copy and set up the
type for the patrons numbers.
Budget Meeting Changed
The date set for the meeting
of the city budget committee, as
published in last week's notice,
has been changed to Saturday,
December 26, instead of the 28th
as advertised. This change was
made so that the budget might
be passed on and certified to the
county assessor by the first of
January. All those who object
to the budget as odtlined in the
notice are expected to be at the
meeting and there and then
voice their objections.
X-mas Window Displays
The merchants of Maupin
have arranged most attractive
window displays. Shattucks'
four windows are resplendant
with reminders of the holiday
season," showing toys, sporting
goods and things to wear among
the many other articles dis
played. Wilson's store looms
up like the proverbial light house,
he showing a line of Christmas
novelties which takes in the full
scope of holiday gifts. Butler'B
grocery windows show a nice
line of candies, nuts and fruits,
all arranged in a most tasteful
maner, while the drug store dis
plays samples of nearly all lines
usually carried by that kind of a
store. Prices are right at each
Wapinitia Church Service
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
Mrs. Josephine, Floyd, Supt.
Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7:30
P.1'., by Rev. W. A. Mershon,
Christian Endeavor meets at
6:30, Sunday evening
Midweek prayer meeting 7:00
p. m. Thursdays.
Joe Graham is minus a part of
one thumb, the accident .happen
ing while he was splitting wood
Lew McCoy is tearing the old
school building down. It belongs
to Joe Graham.
Joe Delore, "jr., who spent
Thanksgiving at Portland, re
turned from that place last week.
Forest Supervisor Sherrard of
of Portland, inspected local work
here last Thursday.
H. E. Hammer and wife made
a trip to Dufur last Friday.
We neglected to report the re
turn of Miss Mable Lewis from
Klamath Falls .in last week's
correspondence. She came home
last week.
Roy Rice left for the Warm
springs agency the first of last
Vivian Barzee, who has been
quite ill, is again able to be
A second dance was given by
the Sheflins in the ward house,
At a meeting held, Tuesday
evening it was decided to hold a
Christmas tree and program at
the church on Christmas eve.
A treat will be given each child
by a real Santa Claus and the
Sunday school members will
render a program.
Joe Graham and Del McCoy
went no Clackamas lake Tuesday
last. Joe reports four inches of
snow at the lake. , , j
The proprietor of the hotel
Summit House in the mountains
came out last Monday and visited
with .the Farghers .across the
Deschutes. Upon his return
by way of the Wapinitia branch
of the loop highway he ran into
18 inches of snow and was com'
pelled to detour snd go home by
way of The Dalles and Portland.
Johnnie Sinclair and H. E.
Lewis have finished putting
gravel in front of the government
barn and have since been haul
ing iron pipe from Maupin.
Mr. Drake, industrial instruct
or at the gency, left for Port
land Saturday and will visit his
sister there a few days.
A number from here attended
the dance at Maupin last Satur
Pay night.
With apologies to bride and
groom for the omission in last
week's correspondence, we an
nounce the marriage of Jesse
Lewis and Mrs. Ruth Wood,
which occurred recently. Mr.
Lewis is a Wapinitia business
man and his bride is a daughter
of Mrs. Sinclair and is a lady of
rare talent as an artist.
A Lincoln Hartman, Cor.
A school meeting wa3 held last
Friday for the purpose of select
ing a successor to JMr. Burnside
as director,, he having moved
away from this district. O. S
Walters was chosen and will fill
out the term for which Mr. Burn
side was elected.
A building bee was held
Wednesday for the purpose of
erecting a woodshed for the
Mr3. Clara Cross arrived from
The Dalles Sunday and will take
a position as teacher in the Oak
Grove school.
A dance was held at the Shep
flin place on the hill last Friday
Clifford Nelson and wife of The
Dalles were visitors at the Fred
Laughlin home Sunday after
Things For the Christmas Time
. Cranberries, Celery, Lettuce,
Cauliflower, Grape Fruit, Nuts,
Grapes, Apples, Bananas
And Everything Fresh to Make up a Big
Christmas Dinner
noon. Mrs. Nelson was, until
recently, Miss Maude Milliorn,
teacher of the Oak Grove school
Carl Hassler and Miss Laura
Davis were married at The Dalles
on Monday, December 7.
T. W. Linn, who runs a saw
mill west of Wapinitia, fell off
the mill roof recently and sus
tained an injury to his jaw.
Star car for. sale cheap. In
good condition. See Oliver Resh
at Shattucks' store. 3 t4
Arthur Appling spent Sunday
with Charles Albright at Victor.
Many Criterion people attended
the card party given by the Re
bekah ladies at Maupin last Sat
urday evening. Mrs.' D. L.
Rutherford carried off one of the
prizes. All say they had a jolly
time and a fine supper.
D. P. Appling and family re
turned last week from a visit in
Washington and Portland.
Joe Kramer and wife were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Duess.
Mrs. Vere Devoe was a week
end guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Hunt.
Henry Nelson has been on the
sick list the past week, but is
better at this writing.
The Criterion people were glad
to hear that Maupin won the pic
tures for her schools. Of course
we can't help thinning1 that our
"Criterion Day" at Maupin went
a long way toward helping get
those 'prizes. Come on Maupin,
let us hear from you through the
Mr. and Mrs. Herrling were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Appling.
Margaret Appling was absent
from school Monday on account
of a bad cold.
Ira has returned from Shaniko
and will take up his school work
at the Maupin Hi. j
Will "Reader" please continue!
correspondence from Criterion?;
We'll be pleased to send paper,
envelopes and stamps, also the
paper, for the trouble and to pay ,
postage on "copy." Editor The j
More Pick-Ups
As soon as the fishing season
closed Dave Donaldson yearned
for the great outdoors, so he re
signed as school janitor, bought
a few steel traps and hit for the
hills. He will specialize in bob
"The one thing that keeps the
old world running smoother than
anything else," asserts George
Cunningham, "is pay-day."
The Lord said "Let then be
light." Woodcock Bros, are fol
lowing out that prescription and
have strung new street lights
jaloi. Deschutes avenue.
Notice of Taxpayers'
For the purpose of passing upon
the budget made by a committee
of freeholders and councilmen,
for an amount of money to be
raised for the purpose of meet
ing the expenses of the City of
Maupin, Wasco county, Oregon,
for the year 1926.
Said meeting will be held on
November 26, at 7:30 p. m at the
lower room of the I. O. O. F.
Bldg. at which time all taxpayers
may be present and reject or
accept said budget.
The budget as proposed by the
joint committee is as follows:
"Estimated Expenditures. '
Fire Hydrants .$300.00
Street lights ..,"200,00
Marshal's salary.. 120.00
Recorder's salary 210.00
Interest on outstanding
warrants 113 82
Payment on auto park .
(one-fourth of total) . . . 250.00
Incidental expenses. 276.18
. Total..... ....... ". .,$1500.00
Estimated Recipts. .
From Licenses ..125.00
From Permits '. . 25.00
Total $50.00
Dated this 3rd day of No
vember,1925. Attest:
R. E. Richmond, Secretary
Bates Shattuc.k, Mayor.
Sunday, Dec. 13
The tang of the Bawdust
ring pervades this stirring
story of virile men.
Vitagraph Picture
25 and 50 cents
Aristo Motor Oil
The Dalles - Oregon
ii ii
II December 12, X-mas 25 l
New Years 31
' II
j January 9, 1926
II jj
j! February 14, Washing- j
!! &
J St. Patrick's Day,
jj March 17
II '
' II
!J Remember 'em JJ
The only Grocery
Store on the '
East Side
Fischer's Grocerv-
Makes a Specialty of
Proprietor ',
Your Watch Haywire?
If it is not doing its work
bring it to The Times office
and Mr. Senimes will send
it to
Manufacturing Jwcler
and Watchmaker
Successor to D. Linguist
Look over your office sta
tionery and before you are
entirely out plaoe your or
der for