The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 26, 1925, Image 3

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Ed. Brown returned from his
visit to Pendleton Saturday.
Special on matches 5 cents
per box. Maupin Drug Store.
Henry Wing of Wamic was a
busiuess trader in Maupin Mon
day. o
Rev. Mershon was in from
Wapinitia a few hours on Mon
day. M. L. Webb of Shearers Bridge
was a caller in Maupin on Mon
day. o-
Anton Seifert was down from
his Nena sheep ranch last Saturday.
George Tillotson
spent Sunday with
and wife
relatives at
Miss Katie Graham was a shop
per in Maupin from Wapinitia
on Monday.
Elmer Hornquest and Hugh
Wright moved to Tygh Valley
' last Sunday.
o ,
H. M. Barnum and wife were
in town Tuesday from their
, Shady Brook ranch.
Something new Mentholatum
Cough Drops, 5 cents package.
Maupin Drug Store.
Jack Morrow and family spent
Sunday at the parental ranch in
the White River Valley.
D. L. Rutherford and wife from
Criterion were visitors at our
schools on Thursday last.
F. D. Stuart and Wm. Beck
with motored to Portland on a
short business trip Sunday.
W. H. and Jack Staats were
Maupinites who, visited at The
Dalles Tuesday of this week.
J. Kramer, wife and Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Resh drove to The
Dalles Sunday for a short visit.
Dr. Hess' Poultry Panacea
makes hens lay. All size pack
ages, at the Maupin Drug Store.
For Sale 25 cords of oak wood
and 3 milch cows. Inquire of
Lem Bailey at Tygh Valley. 342
Star car for sale cheap. In
good condition. See Oliver Resh
at Shattucks' store. 3 t4
The state electrical inspector
was in Maupin Tuesday and
looked over the local power
W. H. Staats in company with
W. E. Hunt and wife, attended
church services at Wamic last
D. L. Rutherford was in from
Criterion Saturday and while in
Maupin subscribed for this great
family journal.
Clarence Alexander was in
from his Flat ranch Monday
laying in a supply of Thanks
giving supplies.
S. A. McLeod came in from his
ranch at Friend and is visiting
with friends and relatives in
Maupin this week.
Mrs. W. D. Sloan of Tygh was
a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.
James Chalmers one day the lat
ter part of last week.
J. M. Conklin looked over the
affairs of the Maupin State Bank
on Monday, leaving for his home
at Portland that night.
Mrs. J. M. Powell, who has
been ill for some time past, has
so far recovered as to be able to
come to town Monday.
F. C. Butler went to Portland
Sunday, going there on business
connected with his recent pur
chase of a Dalles store.
6 -
Everett Richmond moved Geo.
Burnside's household goods to
The Dalles in one of the Rich
mond trucks on Monday.
H. G. Frayer and A. M. Cole,
two Antelope men. were in Mau
pin on Tuesday, each after a
load of Woodcock flour.
T..M. Linn, who runs a saw
mill west of Wapinitia, was in
town Monday looking for a place
in which to establish a lumber
Dave Donaldson broke the re
cord Tuesday when he landed a
rainbow trout which measured
exactly 20 inches by our yard
The Chalmers family will eat
Thanksgiving turkey with the
family of Clyde Root of Mosier.
Mrs. Chalmers and Mrs. Root
are sisters.
Mrs. Chas. S. Miller arrived
from San Francisco Friday and
will visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. L. Harpham, until after
Dee Woodside shipped a load
of nine veal calves to the Port
land market Monday. The
calves were raised on the Wood
side Flat ranch.
L.C. Wilhelm.who has been
building a blacksmith shop and
wrecking a tower on the Lester
Kelly ranch, has concluded his
labor and returned to town.
Workmen are engaged in clean
ing out the ditches along the
highway, getting ready for bad
weather. Up to date they have
reached the road as far as Cri
terion. Linck Harpham and B. S.
Greene took in the turkey shoot
at Friend last Friday. They
brought back some turkey feath
ers to prove they had been at
the shoot.
Marion Duncan brought a load
of Wamic grown apples to town
Monday. The fruit was as large,
well colored and well flavored as
any that has come to Maupin
from The Dalles or Yakima.
Mrs. E. H. Morrison and Mrs.
Vere DeVoe, teachers in our
schools, left for Portland last
night, to spend their holiday va
cation with' friends. They in
tend to return on Sunday's night
Fresh apple cider is a drink for
the gods. Thar made by Rich
ard Johnson is especially fine, as
we well know, for Mrs. Johnson
brought in a gallon to us as a
Thanksgiving present. ' We are
Mrs. Lucile Cantrell will spend
her Thanksgiving vacation with
relatives at Bend. Upon her re
turn she will be accompanied by
her little daughter, who has been
at her uncle's home at Bend for a
few' weeks. ,
Ed. Mathews raffled off a
turkey Tuesday evening, number
47, held Dr. Stovall, taking the
bird, Ed. sold numbers run
ning from one cent to 50 cents,
thereby , realizing the sum of
$12.85 for the turkey.
Ray Morrow, who has been
operating a power plant for the
Puget Sound Power company at
Snoqualmie Falls, Wash., is in
Maupin on his vacation, and with
his wife, is visiting with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Williams.
John Morley, a dyed-in-the
wool fisherman of Silverton,. was
in Maupin with his father-in-law
Walter Fargher, Monday. Both
gentlemen affixed their names to
the membership list of the De
schutes River Anglers' association.
Oliver Resh recongnizes a good
thing and showed that he knew
such last Sunday, when he pur
chased a new Ford coupe. He
will now paint up his Star
and sell it
Unfortunate Gem'u
One of the greatest female geniuses
of tbe early Nineteenth century was
Louise Brachman, who was born In
Bochlltz, Germany, In 1778. She was
an Intimate friend of Schiller and
Novalls and was herself a writer and
poet, of great ability. In her case, as
In many others, genius brought with
it an unevenness of temperament, at
times bordering on Insanity, with long
and continued fits of - melancholy.
Having been disappointed In two love
affairs, the blasting of another fond
hope of hers In 1822 drove her to
suicide by drowning in the River
Saale. Chicago Journal.
Pine Grove
G. W. Rurnside ranch was well
attended. Burnsides have made
Pine Grove their residence for the
last six years. They moved to
The Dalles Monday seeking to
improve the health of their
daughter, Dorcas.
Carl Hassler is visiting at the
E. D. Davis home this week from
Hilt, California.
J, W. Linn is trapping near
White River. He has caught two
coyotes and also a live wildcat.
Visitation week at Pine Grove
schools found as many visitors as
could be expected for such a
small commnnity. Altogether
they had 85 adult visitors and 57
hours of visiting. They are now
waiting for news telling which
school will be the winner of the
prize. Besides their studies pu
pils had short programs to en
tertain the visitors. Rev. W. A.
Mershon gave the pupils a talk
about Louisana on Tuesday.
Four birthdays were celebrated
at the school last Wednesday.
The teacher, Miss Overman,
treated pupils and visitors to pop
corn and peanuts. Everybody
had a nice time.
I have a party who wants" to
buy range land and another who
wants a small dairy farm. H.
Lx Morris. 1-tf
We have on haul for quick disposal a 10-18
Case Tractor and Two . Bottom 14-Inch Tractor
I Plows. Will sell at a sacrifice.. We must sell
5 this week. Anyone needing belt power cannot af
ford to pass this up. Come in and let us make you 5
a deal on this.
Cash or Terms
Maupin Garage
Authorized Sales and Service U
Our Advertisers Are the Reliable Sort
1 rHSilSTSs-n 1
Thanksgiving Specialties
Cranberries, Celery, Lettuce,
Cauliflower, Grape Fr uit, Nuts,
Grapes, Apples, Bananas
And Everything Fresh to Make up a Big
Thanksgiving Feed
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