The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, July 03, 1924, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
NO. 39
Birthday Party
On Sunday, June 29th, a large
number of relatives and friends
of Mrs. Kathryn Morris, better
known as "Grandma Morris"
gathered at the Tygh Valley
Fair grounds to celebrate her
83rd birthday. At noon a sump
tuous picnic dinner was spread
out in the "Dew Drop Inn " All
present reported a .very pood
time. Those present were: Mrs
Kathryn Morris, Mrs. Moilie
Powell,, Albany; Miss Frances
Grdggs, Lebanon; Mrs. J. T
Harper, , Mrs. Susan Derthick,
Mr. Robt. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs.
Preston G. Morris, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Morris, Leroy Morris,
Roy N. Morris, Eunice Morris,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McCorkle,
Irvine McCorkle, Milton McCor
kle, Mrs. Arthur M. Morris, Ar
thur L. Morris,, Helen Morris,
Mr. and Mrs. William Morris,
Mrs. Callie M. Bibee, Sweet
Home, Ore.; Mr.- and Mrs. Geo.
W. Younjr, Harold Young, Harley
Young, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison
Young, Ardis Young, Mr. and
Mrs. 0. D. Bothwell, Lee Both
well, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bonney,
Darrel Bonney, Robert Bonney,
Gilbert Bonney, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Chastain, Katherine
Chastain, William Chastain, Mrs
Lenore F. Knovvlin, Mr. and Mrs
Geo, Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Woodruff, Miss Grace Wood
ruff, Mrs. Hattie Davidson, Eu
gene Law, Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L.
Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Back with, Mrs. V. Steers, Mr
and Mrs. E. A. Cyr, Mr. and
Mrs. John McCorkle, Owen Mc
Corkle, Mr. and Mrs. Fiske
Bothwell, Chas. Bothwell, Doug
las Bothwell, Jack Bothwell,
Miss Alba Hackler, Mr. and Mrs
Newton Morris, Viola Mi.rris,
Mrs. W. 0. Thompson, Ruth
Thompson, David Thompson.
Announcement of the marriage
of Miss Amy A. Snyder to James
Edward Smith at Beaverton,
June 29th, was received this
week. Miss Snyder taught the
primary room of the local school
1922 1923, and won the esteem
and best wishes of all who knew
her. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will
make their home at Talent, Ore.
Notice to Phone Users
We have done som repairin on
the phone lines and would like
for patrons to send in $1 main
tenance fees which may be paid
to either L. J. Kelly or Ben
I'm.- ;
ft? 1 ,r
s $ f I
Every Arngrinui RhouM rhare in the inspiration
of ita trnvi'i-uitf jv"h)-:h. kvyl-i'm. Kiowlin;
Krulliis. Imilimr (auiilit.n;;, in tbo midst (if which
arem.-Rt-if irt'iil Iiot'-K oJi-.rmi air rot luko vl) 'apes,
300 iniis of matchless bouiovards and all the
comforts of lumie.
fv-ml i'nr our W
of JiMture's we
!;!ot. It tolls the thrilling story
dt.T!and. Our
Operated DAILY during the season
Pcrlh-.t! and West Yellowstone
by the
Utm:i Pacifsc System
I.t our reprfsra t lives explain the various tours
which enable visitors tn see the Yellowstone at
ciininiuin; tiNo quote fujes, prepare your
itinerary anil ir.ake your reservations. Cail on
B. BELL, Agent, Maupin,
or JldSress
Genenil I'arsnR r Airent,
PortlauJ, Oregon
A Bargain A Sacrifice
320 A hog fenccd-
land 10. A water
-180 A plow
right Paid
Priced $17.00 per Acre Easiest kind
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
In order that the people living iir the southern part of the
county who need funerr.l supplies may make thir own
selections, we have placod stocks v.'ith
Maupin lots are now priced
from $20 to $200.-11. L. Morris.
J. F. Kramer and family have
gone for a "two months' eastern
H. Wood has moved his family
over Irom lyfrh Valley, lr.ey
are living in the Fraley house.
Good September Bull calf from
6-gallon cow,. 3-4 Holstein, 1-4
Gernsey; s'red by registered
Holstein Will sell or trade for
cow. Lee Jackson, Tygh Valley
Mrs. Clark Richardson left for
the valley Saturday to visit her
The steam shovel has been
brought around for work on the
west side of the river
Baled wheat hay for sale at
DeCamps' barn. Very reasonable
For Sale Baled wheat or rye
hay in large or small lot, phone
or write Otto Herri ing.
Mrs. J. H- Woodcock and
daughter, Miss Irene, who
baen visiting relatives at Man.i'n
have returned home. Hood Kiv
er Glacier.
We still have all kinds of
matches, 6 boxes for 35ct s.
Maupin Drug Store.
Harold McDonald and Earl
,ocke left the 18th for the Camp
Lewie Woodside on Thursday,
and Friday with Mrs. Nell Har
vey of Wamic.
The H. V. Retherford family
spent Sunday at the Hedin home
at Fine Grove.
Lewis Batty of Maupin spent
Sunday with his uncle Frank
Batty, Making a trip into the
Walter Woodside who supplies
the mountain camps with meat
killed a large beef Sunday.
Roy Woodside came out of the
mountains Saturday night, re
turning Sunday.
Ernie Endersby visited his
cousin Bob Shipflin Saturday
and while fishing on White river
killed two large rattlesnakes
one having twelve rattles, the
other six.
Sam Appling has moved his
family to Maupin where he has
work on the section.
The Dalles
N. W. Flinn, Prop.
Open Day and Night
Rooms 50c to $1,00
Short' Orders AH Hours
Meals, family style 40c
A pretty home wedding was
solemnized Sunday afternoon,
jJune 15th, at 2 o'clock when
Miss Orlean Johnson became the
bride of F. M. Swift in the pres
Lewis Citizens' Military Training,ence of about fift? immediate
school, and have passed examin
ations and been assigned to Co.
D Artillary.
Jack Staats is home from the
mountains on sick leave.
Portland Painless Dentist, 305
Second St. The Dalles, Oregon,
over Lindquist Jewelry Store,
Rooms 1, 2, 3.
Jesse Walter arrived Friday
from Falls City.
Raspberries $2 a crate at John
Ayres, Wamic.
For Sale I. H. C. Primrose
Cream Separator & four Cows.
E. S. Disbrow, Wamic.
J. W. Derthick was in from
the mountains Saturday.
For Sale-2 doz. Hens, inquire
Wilson's store.
Wanted, a lot of nice fat chic
kens and roosters Hotel Kelly.
Team of mules for sale.- C.
B. Dahl, Tygh Valley.
Miss Stella Wray is home from
The Dalles visiting relatives.
Fruit tree and garden spray
for sale at Maupin Drug Store.
Edwin Kidder suffered a brok
en arm Friday morning when
cranking a Ford.
Small oil heater for sale. In
quire Times office.
Fishing Tackle -We have it
The kind that gets the fish.
Maupin Drug Store.
friends and relatives of the bride
and groom, who assembled to
witness the ceremony, which
was performed by Rev. R. A.
Weld at the home of the bride's
An improvised altar was form
ed of palms' and baskets of
flowers, while gladiolas, canter
berry bells and roses in graceful
arrangement adorned therooms
The bridal party entered to the
strains of Mendelssohns Wed
ding march played by Miss
Engberg. Mrs. J. W. Erickson
was matron of honor, and A. J.
Swift, brother of the groom, act
ed as best man. '
The bride entered on the arm
of her father who gave her in
marriage. She was charming jn
a gown of light brown conton
crepe, heavily beaded, and car
ried a boquet of orchids and
lilies of the valley.
Following the ceremony a buf
fet luncheon was served by Mrs.
J. Nelson, Mrs. P. H. Haddan
and Mrs. H. Phister, who were
assisted by Misses Genevieve
Swift and Edith Moberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Swift left at
once for a motor trip to The
Dalles and eastern Oregon and
will return by way of Tillamook.
Astoria, Budget.
Juniper Flat
Mrs. R. B. Driver's' sister and
husband Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cassen
of Walla Walla paid them a visit
last week, visiting with Mrs.
room of the house formerly oc
cupied by the Lloyds.
Frank Batty made a t'.ip to
The Dalles this week.
Geo. Vickers drove to Newbei g
Saturday, returning Monday
morning. Fred Ober accompa
nied him as far as Portland.
Dee Woodside and Orval Evick
made a trip to Maunin Saturday.
Mrs. Melvy Magill visited her
son and daughter at Wamic Sat
urday. She left Saturday night
for Newberg to make her home
with her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Lou McCoy left
Tuesday for The Dalles where
they will spend the Fourth.
Mr and Mrs. Sam Wall were
Maupin visitois Saturday.
Ed Beebe who works for Dee
Woodside has been laid up with
a very sore throat.
Mrs. Jackson Rice was ill Sun
day. Elsie Lewis is working for Mrs
Geo. Claymier.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Sharpe
visited at the Chester Brittain
home in Wamic Sunday.
C. J. McCorkle and family
were over from Simnasho Satur
day. They remained over Sun
day to attend the birthday party
of Grandma Morris.
Geo. Heitz moved his family
to the Frank McCorkle place
above Tygh on Monday.
Alba Hackler is helping Mrs.
H. F. Bothwell.
Ella Shipflin sperU last week
at Pine Grove as guest of Ger
trude Laughlin and Jeanette
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Shipflin
returned Monday from a week's
stay in Portland and Oregon
Roy Ward and H. V. Rether
ford were working' up at the
post camp last week.
Mrs. Pete Olsen and family
were over from Shaniko Sunday,
guests at the L. M. Woodside
home. . .
Mrs. Herb Lewis and son
Johny left Saturday for Cape
HornWn., for a month's tay
with her mother.
Mrs. Morrison and daughter of
Maupin passed through here Sat
day enroute to Bear Springs to
spend the day.
Rev. Parker was called to
Wamic Saturday afternoon to
conduct funeral services for lit
tle Anna Irene Prante, two
months' old daughter of Mr. and
Al s. Frank Prante, who passed
away June 27th. Besides her
partius she is survived by three
older brothers.
Most folks here are busy with
Fourth of July plans.
Rev. and Mr3. Matthews spent
Monday at the parsomage.
Paint has arrived and is being
spread on the church. Volunteer
help is needed.
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Finley and
children of Newton, HI. arrived
Tuesday for a visit at the Bum
side home. Mrs. Finley is a
sister of Calvin and George
Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Hedin left
(to last page)
n ft
j id r
The College of Literature, Science
and the Arts with 22 department.
The professional schools of Archi
tecture and Allied Arts Business
Administration Education Grad
uate Study Journalism Law
Medicine Music Physical Edu
cation Sociology Extension
For o catalojtie or nnj) information
Write The Bugintrar, Unii'trtitg of
Orfjon, Eugene, Orefon
The Wlh Year Opens September 25, 1924
Round Trip
Excursion Fares
off taU daily to Sapt 13
Kanaas City . 172.00
St. Ixuls
Chicago . .
Detroit. . .
Cleveland .
NewTork ,
Boston, , ,
, 105.63
. lOStt
. 141.6
, 147.40
. 1630
Cnrrtnponiting fifi to othrr important
penten. FiiuiT return limit October 31,
1924. Lib? I Stop-over privilegr go
ing and rcturaiof .
A iMr trip to Yellowstone at mull ad
ditional ccxt.
R. B, B ELL, Aent
General Patiente Agent
Portland, Orrton
Prof. Lloyd and family moved
to Clackamas Sundry to spend
the summer.
A. L. Hartman has moved hiB
ice cream parlor to the front
Hogs and Cows
We have on hand a few copies of the booklet
kThe Cow the Mother of Prosperity
! t
We have ordered a supply of tin looklct
"Hogs for Pork and Profit"
You certainly arc interested in one of these subjects,
so write or call for your copy and wc will fill your
order at once or place your name on file and mail
your copy as soon as a supply arrives. These
booklets arc free.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval