The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 26, 1924, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
NO. 3C
Legion Will Assist
All World War veterans of
this section andthe dependents
of deceased veterans who are
eligible to the provisions of the
Federal Adjusted Compensation
Act, are notified to rneet at the
headquarters of Maupin Post No
73 of the American Legion, Mon
day, June 30, to file their official
applications as required by law.
M. F. Van Laanen, commander,
and J. L. Harpham adjutant, of
Maupin Post have been desig
nated as agents of the War and
Navy Departments to receive
applications from Maupin and
surrounding territory.
The post has received a supply
of official application forms suf
ficient for the community. These
forms are rather long. Some
twenty questions are asked on
them. They must be filled out
correctly. All of this will be
explained at the meeting, the
object of which is to get , in the
application of every veteran in
this community on this occasion,
if possible. ;The Legion is ren
dering this service free of charge
to all veterans and without cost
to the Government. Compliance
with this request to attend the
meeting of June 30, will be a
convenience which will be appre
ciated by the Legion officers
who have undertaken this work.
All honorably discharged vet
erans below the rank of major
in the Army or Marine Corps
and lieutenant commander in the
Navy, exclusive of officers hold
ing regular commissions, are
eligible; likewise the wives, chil
dren, mothere and fathers of
deceased veterans. The law will
be fully explained at the meet
ing. 1 1 is not necessary to bring
discharge certificates, but the
applicant should have in mind
the dates of his entrp h.t ser
vice, his discharge therel'om,
the date he sailed over seas, the
date of his return and the name
of the ship in each instance.
The local school officers held a
special meeting Monday evening
at Dr. Elwood's office for the
purpose of electing teachers for
the coming school year. John
Watson Jr. of Silverton, was
chosen high school principal, and
Anna- B. Lehr of Clarkston, Wn.
:to teach the intermediate room.
Miss Good, Mrs. Buzan and Miss
Bostrack have already signed up
for their respective positions of
last year, Miss Bostrack having
in addition the principalship of
the grade school.
ft v , .t
Every Amprlonn fIionUI rhare in the inspiration
;,'i'(ittiis. l-r tiling cfiulurnii: in ttie ntidst of wiiirh
ur'c imnMlfiooiit ruhK charming-cot t;i go vilUigvs,
:i"0 tntli-s r.f matchless boulevards and all the
comforts of homo.
S tu1 for our moklo't.' it trlls (ho thrilling: story
of mluro's v.'"irU'rhin(i. Our
v ' n
Operated DAILY during the season
Fcrtod and West Ye'iowstsae
Ys!L mmn Pacific System
L-vr.z-v-vrxr J'''f "iirrp present :mves explain the various tours
hrh mal-lo vtsitnrM (o the Yell'iwsione fit
minimum cost; niso nuot1 fares, iifpiir" your
mneiury ana maue yuur reservations, tall on
II. B. BELL, Agent, Maupin, Ore. WlM
or nirppi
Cctler.ll P;iS-!,'rL'ei' A'A-.Tt,
L'oviUnd, Oo-on -
A Bargain A Sacrifice
320 A hog fenced ISO A plow
land 10 A water right Paid
Priced $17.00 per Acre Easiest kind
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
In order that the people living in the southern part of the
county who need funeral supplies may make their own
selections, we have placed stocks with
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mallattf
and children returned home on
Monday after a visit at the
Hauscr Jiome near Tygh Valley.
Good September Bull calf from
G-gallon cow, 3-4 Holstein, 1-4
Gernsey; sired by registered
Holstein. Will sell or trade for
cow. Lee Jackson, TyR'h Valley
Hugh Millard, 1'hil Cook and
F. Smith of Marshfield, formerly
of Detroit, Minn., ware week
end guests of Virgil Mayhevv,
all spending Saturday afternoon
at Clear lake. The party are
enroute to Duluth, Minn.
Baled wheat hay for sale at
DeCamps' barn. Very reasonable
For Sale Baled wheat or rye
li'dy in large or small lots, phone
or write Otto HerrlitiK.
Mrs. Kaiser went to Portland
Sunday where she is training in
the art of beauty culture.
Mr and Mrs. Bill Woodcock
andKis. A. E. Lake of Wamic
are vis. ling friends here today.
We si ill have all kinds of
matches, 6 boxes for 35cts.
Maupin Drug Store.
G. L. Morris returned last
evening after a few days' busi
ness visit to the metropolis.
W. II. Aid ridge was in town
this morning from the Bakeoven
For Sale 1-3 interest in
Threshing machine, Mogul tract
or and Header Mrs. Eva Harp-
ham Maupin Or. Phono Main 242
When Orrion Fa,rJow . went up
to Nena last Sunday to look up
his sheep camp he fucnl his
herder, an elderly man inmed
Childress, had fallen on a .-harp
rock and bruised one lung Mr.
Farlow brought him -to Maupin
and Dr. Elwood accompar.ud
them to The Dalles hospital that
Portland Painless Dentist, 305
Second St. The Dalles, Oregon,
over Lindquist Jewelry Store,
Rooms 1, 2, 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Bates Shattuck
and Bernice left Monday for
)iamond lake.
J. E. Peck and Frank Russell
with their families were over
from Tygh last evening.
Raspberries $2 a crate at John
Ayres, Wamic.
For Sale I. H. C. Primrose
Cream Separator & four Cows.
E. S- Disbrow, Wamic.
Maupin Council convened in
regular session last evening.
Water was the subject.
Cloyd Nethercutt and family
moved to the Parrish cottage
the first of the week.
Team of mules for sale. C.
B. Dahl, Tygh Valley.
For Sale Two head horses,
several section Harrow, two tons
Alfalfa Hay Mrs. Eva Harpham
Maupin Ore- Phone Main 242.
Mr. Heckman fell Friday aft
ernoon, breaking one no on a
Wanted, a lot of nice fat chic
kens and rooblers - -Hotel Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cyr return
ed home Friday.
Fruit tree and garden spray
for sale at Maupin Drug Store.
N. W. Flinn, Prop. The Dalles
Open Day and Night
Rooms 50c to $I.OO
Short Orders All Hours
Meals, family style ':- 40c
Notice to Phone Users
We have done som repairin on
the phone lines and would like
for patrons to Bend in $1 main
tenance fees which may be paid
to either L. J. Kelly or Ben
W. B. Keen made a trip to
Warmsprings Wednesday logd
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Tilla
mook. '
Wayne Woodpansy is working
at Agency.
U. W. McCorkle and wife
mad a trip to The Dalles Mon
day for cherries.
Rev. Parker and delegates,
Carl and Ruby Powell attended
the Christian Endeavor conven
tion in Vancouver, Wn., lasl
week. They returned home
Friday, coming over the moun
tains. Rev. Matthews returned home
Friday from a trip east. He was
met at Maupin by Mrs. Matt
hews and Mrs. C. J. McCorkle.
Vivian Barzee returned Satur
day from The Dalles
Prof, and Mrs. P. W. Lloyd
returned Monday from a, two
weeks' trtp to Portland. '
Walter Sharp and wife came
out from The Dalles Sunday.
Mr. Sharpe is now workii g in
Tygh Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batty
made a trip to the mountains
Sunday with- supplies "for Ed
Thomas, who is caring for their
Deputy Water Commissioner
came out from The Dalles lat.t
week and shut off the water that
we need so badly for irrigation
purposes. '
Lorraine Stovall, Elsie Lewis,
Jacob Teschner, Ben Gabel and
Mrs. Frank Batty are the new
clerics in uai trnan s siore aur
ing the sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Muller of Tygh
Valley were business visitors
here the latter part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dnvid Sharpe
spent the week end at the Flinn
hotel in The Dalls, guests of Mis
Sharpens parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward and
children were bunday dinner
guests at the Jacob -Teschner
J. M. Powell and family visit
ed in 'Maupin Sunday at the
Richmond home.
Ben Cook and Floyd Richmond
passed through here the fore
part of the week enroute to
Maupin from Fairvievv.
Harold Woberg went to The
Dalles early in the week for
Mr. and Mrs. Rcnick, Mrs.
Van Laanen and Mr. and Mrs,
L. C. Henneghan were up from
Maupin Monday.
Gotlieb Teschner and children
spent Sunday at J. P. Abbotts.
' Ed Beebo is working for Dee
Woodside. f
Mrs. L. M. Woodside returned
Monday from 'Wood burn where
she went to attend the funeral
of her mother. Tee community
For Sale-2 doz. Hens, inquire! wish to express their sympathy
Wilson's store. i to Mrs- Woodsiue in nor uercave
Miss Morast of The Dalles is a ' ment.
Juniper Flat
Mrs. N. G- Iledin made a ship
ment Tuesday of 30 spring chick
ens to the Portland market.
Mose Delore Jr. returned from
Hood River the latter part of
the week.
Bill Sturgis r.nd family spent
Sunday in the mountains.
P. H. Mott has n new car.
The iiartmun sale attracts
large crows, keeping a laige
force of clerks busy.
Roy Wanl is the new member
added to the Wapir ilia school!
board, Herb liumiuei's term
It is time to be on the lookout
for rattle snakes as there was a
large one killed in Sammy
Ap ing's yard where little
Jerome had been playing, '
Mr and Mrs. Geo, Claymier
were at Dufur Sunday.
Dr. Griflith of Dufur under
went fin operation last Sunday
at The Dalles hospital. ,
Gerald Claymier in passing
through a gate on Sunday lacer
ated his foot quite badly, neces
sitating several stitches by Dr.
Al Daniels is' spending a few
days at the Claymire ranch.
Julius Shipflin and family are
spending the week in Portland
and Oregon City.
is a host) to an ice cream social
and big dinner served on the
lawn Sunday, the occasion being
a surprise to Lenore who had
returned the week before from
Hood River.
Due to the water being used
in the larue irrigated sections
south of here the Deschutes
river is said iby long time resi
dents here to bo the lowest they
have ever seen it. The month
of August is the time ' when the
river usually carries the least
A Few SPECIALS at the
Wilson Store
These prices good Monday only
Wooden bx crackers per bx G3c
10 lbs. white beans 79o
A good grade tomatoes
per doz cans 92c
! 12 bars Palm Olive soap
limit 12 $1.00
25 lbs Extra fancy prunes
per box 2.53
6 cans P A Tobaco limit 6 , fac
Extra good grade corn per
doz cans 1 79
Smock News
Weather delightful since the
rain of last week.
Most, farmers are busy putting
up hav or harvesting, likewise
their wives picking and canning
Mr. and Mrs. Callie Duncan
with Mrs. Ethel Duncan and
Sula were picking gooseberries
Monday on north Juniper at J.
Cox. ' ' ,
Lenore Woodcock came home
from Hood River last week, fin
ishing a term in high school.
F. T. Feltch went to Maupin
Sunday evening after Arthur
Kester who had returned from
Cecil Maylicld went to Clacka
mas lake Sunday evening, re
turning Wednesday with his
parents who are visiting here
from Yakima.
M. A. Duncan took Ora to
Maupin Monday night.
Leonard Farlow came over
from Maupin Sunday and spent
the day with relatives.
Mrs. Jessie Woodcock invited
her neighbors on Smock and rel
ative, at. Wamic (of which there
3 lbs bulk coffee, limit 3 lbs
1 gal jar Monopole sweet
pickles 1.68
1 lunch pail Pedro tobacco 88c
5 lb Brick Tillamook cheese
per lb 3Gc
Fancy Peaches per gat can 68c
10 lbs Large sweet white
Onions 70c
21 can Shillings Coffee
limit 1 can 1 14
Extra Fancy string beans
per doz cans 178
Large pk White King wash
ing powder 1 pkg limit 58c
1 doz cans good quality
salmon 1.98
1 gal can can Fresh prunes
per gallon 48c
2i Ib.Calumet Baking powder 81c
1 gal can Blackberries 72c
10 lb Fancy Calif head Rice 79c
1 lb Schillings Tea Green 78c
10 lbs sack Farina 48c
R. E.Wilson Co
Watch fur Next Weeks Specials
guest of her sister, Mrs. A. P.
Fishing Tackle We have it
The kind that pet3 the fish.
Maupin Drug Store.
Small oil heater for sale. In
quire Times office.
Maupin lots are now priced
from ?20 to 200.-II. L. Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W Richmond
were up from Maupin Monday.
Church Services
Sunday School at 10 a. t
Preaching following at 11 a. r
Evening service at 8 p. m.
are cordially invited to attend.
A, D. Sprouse, Pastor.
iH&f-s and Cows
We have on
of the booklet
kThe Cow the Mother of Prosperity"
,'e have orden-d a supply of. !h '."'tklcfc
"Hogs for Pork and Profit'
You certainly arc interested in one of these subjects,
so vvrilc or call for your copy and wo will fill your
order at once- or nlut'e votir name
your copy as whim' as a supply
on fil
and mail
booklets art! i'
npin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval