,.1 1 I in R ,1 f W at i 7 ( 'J I P , Published Every Thursday at' Maupin, Oregon, Jkssii.ini; K. Morkikom, Publisher Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50c Entered as second class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879, Wapinitia continued from page 1 Katie Graham. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Hedin re turned from the valley Thursday Ralph Woodside came down 4 - s U. S. EXPERTS M FOOT I This Is fir. V. G. Ilouck of the United States Bureai of Animal Iidusfry, (left) who Inis been planed by Secretary Wnlliica In complete command of the fight being effectively waged on tlio foot and mouth disease outbreak In California, and (J. II. Heche, director Department of Agriculture, siule of California, Vilio Is nsNisiiiig L'r. Houck la quickly Md pcruianently Khunping out the epidemic SACRAMENTO, CALIF. The full torce of tho United Stntes govern ment has been brought Into play ffoctlvely against tho foot and fcoutb. disease in California. The diieass has been confined to cur fakln limited districts In the stato Wid tho work of stamping it out is proceeding rigorously under the direction of Dr. U. G. Houck, per sonal representative of Secretary Wallace, department of agriculture, Who has complete control of the combined federal and stato forces. "Every method justified by our past expevlence and by sclentilic study Is being used to prevent any possibility of spread of tlio dteeaso and to wipe It out so thoroughly that there will be no chance of it? recurrence," said Dr. Ilouck. "There- is no danger of spread of A Worlds Lowest Priced Touring Car With Sliding Gear Transmission " ONLY TWO touring ears now are priced under $500. The complete powerful Overland with all steel body and baked enamel finish speedometer, four doors and 24 big-car quality advantages now onjj $115 more than the cheapest car built with ' , starter and demountable rims. Easy terms that will surprise you Overland Nv biiild, the world's lowest priced en closed far will, doors front and rear at onlv $160 more than the Touring car. I'l iccj . o. b. Toledo. I i , , 1 i ' f 1 -' - ft . ' . ....... . ... .. ,lWiimi .v ,,,1 ,i, -,,( IM t t"... ,j. , 3111 limes from the mountains and spent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mayfield and daughter Veva are here frcm from Yakima, Wn,, visiting at the John Lewis hrtne. Jesse Lewis has purchased the 1 HI OISEAS ! ' 4) (X. ' J the disease through shipment of fruits, vegetables or dairy products from the great non-Injected areas of California. We know of no in- carried by such shipments," Dr. Ilouck said. ' . Complete confidence In the men in the field was expressed by Dr. J. it. Mohler, chief of the bureau of animal industry, United States de partment of agriculture, in a mes sage He has just sent to Dr. Houck and the local federal inspectors. "We have In California," he said, "tho bent equipped force of inspec tors that was ever assembled oil a foot and mouth detail. "Our methods are not experi mental, but havo been weighed in tho balance of practical experience j and havo always produced the de i Dlred results." v--' si J i , : i tH . o. b. Toledo J. T. HENRY Tire Co. The II. WOOD, Maupin 1!, KiT fZ Xj.t Id ti, ROUND TRIP Excursion Fares on ioIb dally to Beptcmber 15 Kin.a. City .... 72.00" -t. Loult 81.60 Chicago 86-00 Detroit 105.62 Cleveland 108.58 . Washington 141.63 Now York 147.40 Boston 163.60 Corresponding fares to other lmportunt centers. Final re turn limit October 31. 1924. Liberal stop-over privileges going end returning. A side trip to Yellowstone at small additional cost. Cull on I 3 3:11, A3i.1t MAUPIN, ORE. WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior II. S Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, May 27th, 1924 Notice is hereby given that Anthony J. Cmroy of Shaniko, Oregon, who on October H. 1920, made Homestead Kntry No. 01C9S9 for sl-2sw1-4, section 35, T 5 S, K. 15 E, El-2wl-2, section 2, N1-2NW1-4 section 11, Township 6 south, Range 15 bast, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make three year final proof to establish claim to the land above described before Ji. C Hooper, United States Commissioner at Antelope, Oregon, on the 10th day of July, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: Peter E. Conroy, Ed Wakerlig, Werner Spalinger, William H. Shelly, all of bnaniuo, Uregon. J. W. Donnelly, Register. NOTICE JOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Ollice at The Dalles, Or egon, May 27, 1924. Notice is hereby given that William H. Shelly of Shaniko, Oregon, who on November loth, lyia, made Homestead Entry No. 0198G6, for SW1-4SE1-4, Section 22, Wl- 2NE1-4, SE1-4NW1-4, section 27, Town, ship 5 south, Range 15 east, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to estab' lish claim to the land above described. before H. C. Rooper, United States commissioner at Antelope, Oregon, on the lUthday of July. 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: Anth ony J. Conroy, Mary A. Conroy, Pat rick H. Couroy, all of Shaniko, Oregon t.d Wosker ot IhelJalles, Oregon. J. W. Donnelly, Reeister. MRS. VV. O. WILSON DOES NURSING Confinement Cases a Specialty , Phone 16F888, Maupin, Ore. Fred Hornquist car. I Miaa .Tnapnriino O'Rrlon nrtrl a Dalles 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dulles, Ore gon, May 9, 1924. Notice is hereby given that E. Crognan Dunning, of 506 Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon who on July 18, 11)22, made Homestead Entry No. 018150, for 8l-2swl-4, Sec. 1, e1-2ne1-4, n1-2se1-4, se1-4he1-4, Sec. 11. Nwl-4, section 12, Township 7 south, Range 14 east, Willamette Me ridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before F. I). Stuart, United states Commissioner at Mauoin, Oregon, on the 30th day of June, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph Kramer, Criterion, Oregon, D. O. Wilson, Shaniko, Oregon, John F. Singer, Shaniko, Oregon, Otto Herrling Criterion, Oregon. J. W. Donnelly, Register NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO COUNTY. In the matter of j the estate of I Joe Traxtle, j Deceased f Notice is hereby given that the under sigfled, Emil Mertz, administrator of the estate of Joe Traxtle, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them duly verified, within six months after the date of this notice, to the administrator at Tygh Valley, Oregon, or at the office of his attorney, George l. Brodie, Dufur, Oregon. Dated and first published June 12, 1924. Emil Mertz, Administrator George r. Brodie, Attorney for Administrator. Lloyd Woodside who have been at 0. A. C. the past year return ed home last week. I Little Vivian McCoy has been , Am PL El FREE Send us your name and ad dress, a post card will do, and we will mail free and postpaid, a sample copy of Popular Mechanics MAGAZINE the most wonderful magazine pub lished. It contains the never ending story of the Events of the World and 400 PICTURES 160 Illustrated Pages every month, that will entertain every member of the family. There is a special department for the Radio fan; for the Handy Man and Farmar who like to use tools; for the Amateur who wants tips on how to do and make things, and Women are delighted with the "Household Tools" pages. Each Usua contains aomathlnf to interest everybody. You do not obligate yourself in any way by asking for a free sample copy. If you like it you tan buy a copy every month from any Newsdealer or send us your subscription $2.60 (oi one year. j Popular Mechanics Company aool-24 B. Ontario St., Chicago, 111. Popular Mechanic buildinQ w arnica exclusively to me orea magazine. Church Services Sunday School at 10 a. m Preaching following at 11 a. m, Evening service at 8 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. A. D. Sprouse, Pastor. John Charles is making a new cistern. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Weberg and daughters were up from Maupin Sunday evening. WE 9 Awl ffc yroauttion of in cvry om- B 1 jjjjjjj' Dr. T. DeLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusively Optical Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer Crosby's Drug store, The Dalles, Ore ' Phone Black 1111 OPTOMETRIST DR. PENN C CRUM Eyes properly tested Glasses flitted, , Lenses ground on the premises Room 10 Vogt Bldg. THE DALTES, ORE. Directly over Corson's Music Store n" -v i.o. o. F. CVW'k3 W A P I N I TIA Lodgtflo. 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in I, O. O. F. hall. Visiting mem oers always welcome. J. C. Pratt, Secretary B. F. Turner, N. G. James Chalmers General Blacksmithing and Blacksmith Supplies Maupin, Ore. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U, S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon. May 5, 1924. Notice is hereby given that Edward D. Davis, of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Nov. 3, 1917, made Homestead Entry, No. 019464, for wl-2swl-4, section 17, wl-2se1-4, section 18, nwI-4ne1-4, s1-2ne1-4, sEl-4Nwl-4, section 19, and Wl-2Nwl-4, Nl-2swl-4, section 20, Township 6, south, Range 13 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice pf intention -to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above de. scribed, before F. D. Stuart. United States Commissioner at Maupin, Ore gon, on tne 20th day of June, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses: J. V,. Porchette, W. I). McClain, Fred E. Delcore, Lewis McCoy, all of Wapinitia Oregon. J. W. Donnelly'; Register. STATE OF OREGON, ) COUNTY OF WASCO, S ss: I, the undersigned, Mayor of the Town of Maupin, Wasco County, Oregon, do hereby certi fy that at the special election held in said town on the 16th day of May, 1924, the affirmative majority of the total number of votes-cast were in favor of the adoption of a proposed amend ment to the City Charter, the ballot title of which was and is as follows: CHARTER AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY THE COUNCIL 'AN ACT To amend the charter of the Town of Maupin, Oregon, origin ally incorporated under title XXVII Oregon Laws, and to amend all subsequent amend ments by adding Article A. authorizing the issue and sale of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) water bonds to con struct and install a water system and to provide for a tax levy to pay principal and interest there on. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Town of Maupin this 27th day of May, 1924. R. E. WILSON. Attest: i Mayor. Geo. McDonald, Recorder. Filed with the Recorder this 27th day of May, 1924. Geo. McDonald, Recorder. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT Notice is herehv civpn f hat T, D. Woodside. Administrator nf the estate of John I. West1, de ceased, has hied his duly verified Final Account in said estate; and that Mondav. the 30th d av of June, 1924, at the hour of 10 o ciock A. m., in the (Jounty Courtroom in the Court Housa in The Dalles, Wasco County, uregon, has been hxed as the time and rjlace for the hearinor of objections to the said Final Account and the settlement thereof. L. D. Woodside, Administrator. For Sale 1 26 inch Case Separator 1 12 ft. McCormick Header 1 12 ft. Deering header. Thomas Fargher, Dufur. Ore.