The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 19, 1924, Image 1

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Tpmni pn
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
VOLX. t -
NO. 37
Water Contract Signed
Monday evening at a special
meeting of the city council with
Mrs. Staats in the office of the
Maupin State Bank the prelim
inary contract was Signed where
by the city obtains of Mrs.
Staats a perpetual lease of 300
gallons per minute flow of water
This amount is equal to that of
our rights on the Johnson spring,
and is conceeded to be sufficient
for a tvwn of 4000 people.
Reservoir and pumping sites
with right-ofrways are included
in the deal.
. The engineers are now work
ing out specifications prepara
tory for beginning construction.
The city is promised the first
refusal on the balance of the
Making these concessions,
Mrs. Staats has shown a liberal
spirit for the upgrowth and wel
fare of the town of Maupin of
which she is "the founder, and it
is hoped that now the way out
of our water difficulties is found
and everybody will pull together I
and boost for a bigger, better ,
Mr and Mrs Rodney Cooper
were Dufur visitors Sunday.
i'r mut-M
;: " ,r
R. B. BELL, Agent, Maupin, Ore.
or arldresg
GenrrnI T'as.sopsT A Kent,
Portland, Oregon
A Bargain A Sacrifice
320 A hog fenced 180 A plow
land 10 A water right Paid
Priced $17.00 per Acre Easiest kind
of terms.. ALL UNDER DITCH
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
In order that the people living in the southern part of the
county who need funeral supplies may make their own
selections, we have placed stocks with
N. W. Flirfti, Prop. The Dalles
Open Day and Night
Rooms 50c to $1.0O
Short Orders All Hours
Meals, family style
Hotel Struck by Rock
Monday afternoon at 4:45 a
rock about five feet in diameter
which was being moved by the
steam shovel at a point on the
highway above the Hotel Kelly
slipped from the chains by which
it was being lifted and rolled
down the hillside, hitting the
rear of the hotel, breaking in
the storeroom wall and floor and
practically demolishing the con
tents of the room. Mrs. I). R.
Williams who was resting in her
room in front of the stort room
at first thought the jar an earth
quake. She stated that had not
the course of the rock been
diverted by a pole lying in the
back yard, and a board walk,
from the kitchen door, it would
undoubtedly have broken, down
the kitchen floor and have crush
ed their two sons who were at
the time in the rear of the
basement of the building.
The experience at the hotel
recalls the instance fifteen years
ago when the O- T. road was
being built of a blast opposite
the VV. H. Williams residence
which filled their yard with rock
and demolished much of their
household goods.
Times. $1.50 a year.
Is the nation's Greatest Playgromid
Every American should share In the Inspiration
of Iih townrlrii,' peaks, leaping gevsprs, growling
grottos, l olling i-mildrans. in the midst of which
n rp mnirnlf iepnl hnti.lj .h.m.l.FnAi ..m
........ v ..I. ii.niH i. iHKB viiutKCH,
m niaic-iut'ss Douievaras and el.
or nomof for our booklet. It tells the thrilling story
of natures wonderland. Our
Operated DAILY during the season
Fcrttand and West Yeltowstons
hv the
uon Pacific System
M ourrepresenlotlves explain the various tnura
which enable visitors to see the Vellowstone at
minimum cost; also quote fares, propare your
ilmeiaiy and make your reservations. Coil on
The managers of the local
stores have concluded that they
and their assistants require a
reasonable period of physical
rest and recreaticn and have
placed cards in their windows
specifying that their doors will
be open only eleven or twelve
hours a day for but six days of
the week. Probably no other
locality ha3 enjoyed the number
of hours of service' which our
merchants have been giving, and
it is only right that we should
arrange our shopping periods to
come during reasonable hours.
Good September Bull calf from
6-gal!on cow, 3-4 Holstein, 1-4
Gernsey; sired by registered
Holstein. ; Will sell or trade for
cow. Lee Jackson, Tygh Valley
At the school election Monday
H. R. Kaiser was elected direc
tor lor a term of three years by
15 vo'es. Mrs. H. F. Both well
and Dr. Stovall each received
six votes for the same office. J.
C Pratt was elected district
Baled wheat hay for sale at
DeCamps' barn. Very reasonable
For Sale Baled wheat or rye
hay in large or small lots, phone
or write Otto Herding.
Marion Farlow and family
were over from Smock Monday.
Mr. Farlow thirk's some of the
wheat in that section will thresh
40 bushels an acre, and that it
will all mature unus ually early.
We still have all kinds of
matches, 6 boxes fur 35cls.
Maupin Drug Store.
James Harpham returned to
Maupin last evening aftt r a few
days fishing at Clear and Clacka
mas lakes.' G. L. Harpham has
been looking after the coi.fic-
tionery this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stuart left
for their home Monday morning
after a few days' visit with their
son F. D. and family.
Darrel Elwood here this week
visiting his father, Dr. Elwood.
For Sale 1-3 interest in
Threshing machine, Mogul tract
or and Header Mrs. Eva Harp
ham Maupin Or. Phone Main 242
Mr. and Mrs. James Cram of
Prineville were here last week,
Wednesday until Sunday, guests
of Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Williams.
C. M. Chastain lost five valu
able horses last week; One died
about three weeks ago-
The week has been cool and
Portland Painless Dentist, 305
Second St. The Dalles, Oregon,
over Lindquist Jewelry Store,
Rooms 1. 2, 3.
Nick Corrolus has moved his
cottage to the rear of his lot and
is preparing to erect a larger
residence where it originally
was located.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staats are
hsme after a business trip in
Portland last week.
O. J. Williams and A. E.
Troutman went to East Lake
Monday to fish. They are ex
pected home today.
Raspberries $2 a cre.te at John
Ayres, Wamic
Claude Hall arrived las Thurs
day from Corvallis and is spend
in a few days' vaction helping
at Butler's.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Butler
went to Portland yesterday.
For Sale 1. IT. C. Primrose
Cream Separator .& four Cows.
E. S- Disbrow, Wamic.
The local Catholic church has
been completed except for plac
ing the interior furnishings
which have not arrived.
Mrs W. Harris and Mrs. Wm.
Fischer are enjoying a visit this
week their sister and her hus
band W. H. Wooldridge from Ft.
Team of mules for sale. C.
B. Dahl, Tygh Valley.
James Rusic, Clark and Henry
Richardson and Little Billie
Hunt left for the mountains las.i
Thursday with W. E. Hunt's
William Hunt Jr. graduated a
shot time ago from Hill's Mili
tary Academy, Portland.
Mrs. L. D. Kelly is visiting in
Portland this week.
For Sale Two heacl horses,
several section Harrow, two tons
Alfalfa Hay Mrs. Eva Harpham
Maupin Ore. Phone Main 242.
Dwight Gard of Madras was a
fraternal caller at the Times of
fice Sunday.
Fruit tree and garden spray
for sale at Maupin Drug Store.
W. J. Harris and Paul Stack-
house went to The Dalles Mon
day, returning that night.'
Mrs. O. J. Williams is serying
ice cream on tho east side Satur
days and Sundays.
A few silos are being filled
aud haying has commenced in
this end of the county.
Job Crabtree made a trip. to
Astoria Sunday. He will move
the family to the valley or the
coast soon. They plan to leave
W-H. Aldridge and Mrs. A.
D. Sprouse and little daughter
were Portland visitors this week
Due to the water being used
in the large irrigated sections
south of here the Deschutes
river is said by long time resi
dents here to be the lowest they
have ever seen it. The month
of August is the time when the
river usually carries the least
Mr. and and Mrs. A. A. Der-
thick were over from Dufur
Fishing Tackle We have it
The kind that gets the fish.
Maupin Drug Store.
County Surveyor Glass was
out from The Dalles today.
J. F. Kramer and family were
Dalles visitors the last f the
week. Mrs. Kramer had her
tonsils removed.
Forms are being built for put
ting in the cement walls of the
power plant at the upper end of
the island. Only a few poles
are jet to be erected to complete
that feature of the system.
Small oil heater for sale. In
quire Times office.
Mrs. J. H. Woodcock and Irene
have returned to Hood River.
Jim says they didn't like the
'grub' at home so he 'fired 'cm'.
Maupin lots are now priced
from $20 to $200. -H. L. Morris.
In the Matter of the Estate i Notice of
of Final
James Horan, Deceased 1 Account
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as administrator"--of the
estate of James Doran, dcceasied, has
filed his Final Account in the County
Court of te State of Orepon for
Wasco County, and that the 18th day
of July, 1B24, at the hour of Two
o'cloek in the afternoon of said day, in
the Court room of said Court, has been
appointed by said Court as the time
and place for the lifarinfj of objections
thereto and the settlement thereof.
Dated and first published, June 19,
Date of last publication July 10, 1921
Thomas Flanagan.
Joseph Van Hoomisscn,
302 Dekum Bldg. Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. W. A. Matthews and
Mrs. C. J. McCorkle and chil
dren of Simnasho drove through
here to Maupin Monday.
Mrs. L. M. Woodside left
Tuesday for Woodburn to be at
the bid3ide of her mother, who
passed away before Mrs. Wood
side reached there.
Herb Hammer is cutting hay
for Mrs. Peehette this week.
F. G. Magill is packing foe J.
Abbott this season.
Mrs. Emil Haekler has been
sick with a very sore throat.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gienier
of Bloomfield, Wn., arrived Mon
dav for a visit with his sisters,
Mrs. Delore and Mrs. Peehette.
C. C. Bevel motored out from
Portland Sunday and spent the
day at the Mose Delore home,
returning home in the evening
accompanied by Mrs. Bevel and
little Dorian who had been here
several weeks visiting with her
parents. Mose Delore with them
as far as Hood River where he
will visit his brother Charlie.
Miss Hall of The Dalles was
here Tuesday in the interes,tof
the circulating library.
Roy Batty and family visited
with the Henneghan's and Van
Laanen's at Maupin Sunday.
Rev. Parker and family and
Omar Lloyd ate dinner Sunday ,
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batty.
Geo. Vickers made a trip into
the mountains Sunday. He was
accompanied by Melvy Magill
who visited her son Robert.
Jesse Lewis went to Maupin
Monday to take his sister Mabel
To close out our present stock of tires we will give
a 10 percent discount from standard prices for the
next 10 days. The (ires we have are all new stock
of high grade tires of standard makes.
We have in stock a complete line of
Let us hatie your business on anything in the auto
motive line. Our aim will be to give you high class
goods at slandard prices ami courteous service.
Hogs and Cows
We have on hand a few copies of the booklet
"The Cow the Mother of Prosperity"
We have ordered a supply of the booklet
"Hogs for Pork and Profit"
You certainly are interested in one of these subjects,
so write or call for your copy and we will fill your
order at once or place your name on file and mail
your copy as soon as a supply arrives. These
booklets are free.
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to
to the train, she going to visit
her sister, Mrs. Delbert McCoy
at Kalamath.
Viviaq Barzee has been in The
Dalles the past week visiting
her grandmother, Mrs. G. L.
Harold Locke was up from
Maupin on business Saturday.
A little daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Endersby last
Thursday. She has been named
Harriet Marguerite.
Last Wednesday Forest Rang
er Joe Graham metwith a bad
accident when he fell from the
roof of one of the buildings at
Ciackamas striking on a stump.
Ben Richardson and John Sin
clair brought him out of the
mounthins. Dr. Elwood waited
upon him and took him into The
Dalles hospital Thursday.. -;
Fred Hornquest who has work
ed here in the forest service the
past two years has been trans
ferred near Cascade Locks. Mrs.
Hornquist and children are still
at Oregon City.
Grandma Davis and the Crab-
tree children were up from
Maupin Sunday visiting at the
Herb Hammer home.
Rev. Parker, Carl and Ruby.
Powell left Tuesday to attend
the C. E. Convention in Van
couver this week. Mrs. George
Magill and Margaret of Wamic
accompanied them.
Velma Teschner is spending
her vaca'tion at the home of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mose Delore.
Gertrude Laughlin is spending
this week with her aunt Mrs.
(to last page)
Merit Approval