IE MAUPflN Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL X. MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 12, 1924 NO. 36 IMES Wapinitia Orval and Jesse Flinn of The Dalles wen to Clear Lake fishing on Monday. A number of stockmen are riding in thev mountains this week for beef cattle. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Henneghan were1 guests at the Roy Batty home Sunday. Mrs. W. 0. Wilson came up from Maupin Sunday to spend the day with her daughter, Mrs. D. L. Retherford. Wm. Sturgis is hauling wool for J. P. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Lou McCoy, Vivian Barzee and Leonard We berg spent Sunday and Monday in The Dalles. Vivian remained for a visit with her grandparents Floyd Richmond and the Walker boys went to Keeps' mill Sunday. The Richmonds came up to attend Children's Day program at the Grove Sunday. Rosco Batty is enjoying the Rose Festival in Portland this week. Omar filoyd is the guest of Oren Parker this week while his parents and brother Dan are in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Keynolds of Till amook are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keen. Work was begun Monday on Dee Woodside's new barn. Jesse Lewis ia home from Portland. Newt Morris and others went through here Saturday on their way to the mountains for fishing Grandma Delco visited her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Pechette last week. Herb Hammer made a trip to The Dalles Monday. Dale Parker and Margaret Magill are having chickenpox. The Children's Day program Sunday at the Grove was er joy ed by a goodly number. For Sale Two head horses, several section Harrow, two tons Alfalfa Hay Mrs. Eva Harpham Maupin Ore. Phone Main 242. Mary M. Patison, married to Albert M. Patison at Rockford, Wn., October 25, 1889, has en tered suit in the circuit court hre for a divorce, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. Ilhey have no minor children. Mrs, Patison in the divorce com plaint alleges continual nagging her suit- Chronicle. Small oil heater for sale. In quire Times office. t i m m 1 Send for our booklet Is the Nation's Greatest Playground Every American should share in the inspiration of its towering peaks, imping ueysers. growling grottos, boiling cauldrons, in the midst of which, are magnificent hotels, charming cottage villages, 300 mlleR of matchless boulevards and all the' comforts of home. It tells the thrilling atnrv of nature's wonderland. Our THROUGH SLEEPING CAR Operated DAILY during the season between Portland and West Yellowstone by the . Union Pacific System lot our representatives exptojn the various tours wnich enable visitors to see the Yellowstone at minimum cost; nlso quote fares, prepare your Itinerary and make your reservations. Call on R. B. BELL, Agent, Maupin, Ore. or address WM. McMTIRRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon A Bargain A Sacrifice 320 A hog fenced 180 A plow land 10 A water right Paid Priced $17.00 per Acre Easiest kind of terms. ALL UNDER DITCH H. L. MORRIS The Crandall Undertaking Co. THE DALLES, RED 351 In order that the people living in the southern part of the county who need funeral supplies may make their own selections, we have placed stocks with F. C. BUTLER E. C. PRATT, ' MAUPIN WAMIC HOTEL FLINN N. W. Flinn, Prop. Open Day and Night The Dalles Rooms 50e to $1.00 Short Orders All Hours NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERST B. D. Fraley and family arriv ed yesterday from Oregon City, returning home this afternoon. Orval has returned home from Patterson, California, and is looking fine. For Sale I. H. C. Primrose Cream Separator & four Cows. E. S., Disbrow, Wamic Two hours of good honest rain early this morning has changed the countenances of fnany of the farmers of this section and prac tically assurred a normal grain crop for this locality, although the straw will probably be very short. J. H. Woodcock went to Hood River Sunday and was accompa nied home Monday by Mrs. Woodcock and Irene. Cecil Kiste, 20 of Astoria, and Edith Miller, 19, of The Dalies. Journal, May 6, Vancouver Marriage License column. A big band of sheep, owned by Konrad Hauser, passed through The Dalles between 4:30 and 5 o'clock this morning on the road, to Hood Rifer, from where they were to be taken across to the Washington side for summer grazing. Chronicle, June 5. Three bands of the Fargher sheep passed through here early this morning enroute to moun tain pasture. Fruit tree and garden spray for sale at Maupin Drug Store. Mrs. H. F. Woodcock returned home Tuesday after several days visit in the metropolis The Morrisons motored to Van couver last Thursday, returning home Tuesday night. , The dam in the spring bi a ich is filled to the top, and an invit ing looking swimming hole it i; . Mrs. H. R. Kaiser is hostess this week to relatives from Sig ourney, Iowa, who arrived Tues day. They leave tomorrow to visit other relatives in the North west and return this fall by way of California. Miss Jenny Mc Nabb, aunt of Mrs. Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McNabb and three children, Paul, Vesta and Hex, cousins. For Sale Sity head of horses from 3 to 6 vears old, broke, weigh froni 1200 to 1600 pounds. Inquire Claud Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cyr left the first of the week for two weeks' vacation. ' Portland Painless Dentist, 305 Second St. The Dalles, Oregon, over Lindquist Jewelry Store, Rooms 1, 2, 3. For Sale 1-3 interest in Threshing machine, Mogul tract or and Header Mrs. Eva Harp- ham Maupin Or. Phone Main 242 We still have, all kinds of matches, 6 boxes for 35cts. Maupin Drug Store. Baled wheat hay for sale at DeCamps' barn$ Very reasonable For Sale Baled wheat or rye hay in large or small lots, phone or write Otto Herrling. Good September Bull calf fom 6-gallon cow, 34 Holstein, 1-4 Gernsey; sired by registered Holstein. Will sell or trade for cow. Lee Jackson, Tygh Valley To World War Veterans For Sale at Sacrifice One nearly new advance Rum ley separator, blower attachment 20 36, 125 ft. endless drive belt, long and short feed elevator Buskuhl Bros., Friend, Oregon. U. S. EXPERTS LEAD WAR ON FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE Meals, family style 40c jm. J r 'J - A This Is Dr. U. 6. Honch of (he United Statei Burcaa of Animal Industry, (left) who has been placed by Secretary Wallac In complete command of the fight being effectively waged on the foot and mouth disease outbreak In California, and fl. 11. Heche, director Department of Agriculture, Stale of California, who Is assisting Dr. Honck ! quickly Wd permanently stamping out the epidemic SACRAMENTO, CALIF.-The full (ore of tha United States govern ment has been brought into play tffectively against the foot and oath disease In California. The disease has been confined to cer tain limited districts in the state and the work of stamping it out is proceeding rigorously under the direction of Dr. U. G. Houck, per sonal representative of Secretary Wallace, department of agriculture, who has complete control of the combined federal and state forces. "Every method Justified by our past experience and by scientific study la being used to prevent any possibility of spread of the disease and to wipe it out so thoroughly that there will be no chance of Us recurrence," said Dr. Houck. "There la no danger of spread of the disease through shipment of fruits, vegetables or dairy products from the great non-Infected areas of California. We know of no ln- i stance where the disease has been carried by such shipments," Dr. Houck said. Complete confidence In the men ! in the field was expressed by Dr. 3. I R. Mohler, chief of the bureau of animal Industry, United States de partment of agriculture, in a mes sage he has Just sent to Dr. Houck and the local federal inspectors. "We have In California," he said, j "the best equipped force of Inspec ; tors that was ever assembled on s foot and mouth detail. "Our methods are not experl ; mental, but have been weighed In ! the balance of practical experience i and have always produced the d ' sired results." World War Veterans of this part of Wasco county are notified that Maupin Post No. 73 Ameri can Legion of Maupin,' Oregon, has been officially designated by the War and Navy Departments at Washington to assist in obtain ing for veterans of this territory benefits due them under the Federal Adjusted Compensation, or Bonus Act. This announcement was made today by M. F. Van Laanen, Commander Maupin Post. Mr. Van Laanen explained that the national organization of the Legion has made the Govern ment a blanket offer of the ser vices of every Legion post in this regard and that this offer has been accepted at Washing ton. The services rendered by the Legion are extended to all World War veterans and their dependents who are eligible to the benefits of the Adjusted Compensation Act, regardless of whether the reterans are mem bers of the Legon or not. The Legion's services are offered without cost to the Government. Official bonus application applica tion forms will be available at. every Legion Post. Officers of the Post will explain to appli cants how these forms are to be filled out and thus save veterans irritating experience. Commander Van Laanen states that a supply of application blanks sufficient for all eligible veterans or dependents rending in this part of Wasco county will be available at Maupin Post, Card of Thanks We desire to thank the neigh bora and friends for their deeds of kindness and sympathy and the floral offerings at the death and funeral of our brother. Emil Hackler Fred Hackler Maupin, about July 15th. When the forms arrive a "call will be published by this paper for a special bonus mass meeting at which every person eligible un der the law is urged in his own interest to attend. For the pro tection, of the veterans and the Government the requirements concerning the execution of these forms are very rigid,' some twenty odd statements must be made on eyery form. - These will be fully explained nt the meet ing. The forms may be filled out on the spot and forwarded to Washington without further delay. , TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice is hereby given that the County School Superintend ent of Wasco county, Oregon, will hold the regular examina tion of applicants for state Cer . tificates at his office in the County Court House as follows: Commencing Wednesday, June 11th, 1924, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, June 14th, 1924, at 4 o'clock p. m. Programs may be had upon application to A. E. Gionewald, The Dalles, Oregon. Times. $1.50 a year. TIRE SALE To close out our present stock of tires wc will give a 10 percent discount from standard prices for the next 10 dajs. The tires we have arc all new stock of high grade tires of standard makes. Wc have in stock a complete line of EXSDE STORAGE BATTERIES Let us hauc your business on anything in the auto motive line. Our aim will be to give you high class goods at standard prices and courteous service. ? NEW AND USED CAttG GARAGE r Hogs and Cows We have on hand a few copies of the booklet "The Cow the Mother of Prosperity" We have ordered a supply of the booklet "Hogs for Pork and Profit" You certainly are interested in one of these subjects, so write or call for your copy and we will fill your order at once or place your name, on file and mail your copy as soon as a supply arrives. These booklets are free. Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval