The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 22, 1924, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
, 1 . ".
J v J r
Say Boys; Lets Put Lots of Water on .
Juniper Flat. Spend your vacation
... ......
in the Mountains. Build a Dam.
Your Home Merchant is with You
More Water,, More Crops; More Crops, More Money
Water Ruling
The Maupin council have taken
the responsibility for the present
of cooperating with Mrs. W. II.
Staats with regard to irrigation
rules to the purpose that the
water from Maupin springs may
be so divided among the patrons
that it will serve all. To this
end the ruling has been made
that every other day the district
embraced in the part of Maupin
below Deschutes avenue and
west of 5th street may use the
water for irrigation, and the
territory above Deschutes aven
ue and east of 5th street may
use the water for irrigation the
intervening days. The hours
decided upon are 5 to 9 morning
and evening for each section.
If anvone is not informed as to
this location, townsite plats may
be seen by applying at the Bank,
Mrs. Staats or the Times office.
Commencement Tonight
Mrs. Buzan's eighth grade
class all passed the final state
examination this month with
averages above 90 per cent as
follows: Earl Greene 93.6; Har
old McDonald 90 9; Jesse Crab
tree 90.7; Lawrence Karrjham
90.7; Florence Philmlee 90.4.
Commencement exercises will
be held in the high school audi
torium tonight with the high
school class. The eighth grade
graduates from the Victor and
Fairview schools are invited to
take part in the exercises here.
Lorraine Stovall is the one grad
uate from the local high school
this year.
Rodney Cooper brought Mrs.
Cooper and little Dorothy home
Sunday evening from Dufur.
A copy of the Malin, Oregon,
Progress is acknowledged, one
of the first copies' of the publica
tion for that burg, practical, in
dividual and excellent in work
manship and get up. The editor,
T. W. Shaughnessy, is a printer
of many years experience and
excellent ability. He is well
known here.
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
In order that the people living in the southern part of the
county who need funeral supplies may make their own
selections, we have placed stocks with
The Dalles
N. W. Flinn, Prop
Open Day and Night
Rooms 50c to $S.OO
Short Orders All Hours
Meats, family style ' 40c
A daughter arrived at the
home of Postmaster B. F. Turner
Tuesday morning and a son
came to the Selts Miller home,
all are getting along fine.
Supt. Gronewald and Miss
Cowgill were here Tuesday even
ing and with the teachers and
parents were entertained in the
basement of the high school
building by the cooking club
with a dinner as a practical
For Sale 1-3 interest in
Threshing machine, Mogul tract
or and Header Mrs. Eva Harp
ham Maupin Or. Phone Main 242
Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, Mrs.
Buzan, Miss Bostract and Miss
Good motored to Shaniko Friday
evening to attend the commence
ment exercises. State Superin
tendent ChurchiH'wa3 the speak
er of the evening.
, Miss Bulah Batty ha3 returned
to her home at Eight Mile, Ore
gon, after attending school in
Dufur the past year.
Portland Painless Dentist, 305
Second St. The Dalles, Oregon,
over Lindquist Jewelry Store,
Rooms 1, 2. 3.
Jesse Cox was a business vis
itor from Pine Grove yesterday.
Fen 'Batty visited Thursday
and Friday with relatives here
on his way to Grangeville, Idaho
For Sale-Sixty head of horses
from 3 to 6 vears old, broke
weigh from 1200 to 1600 pounds.
Inquire Claud Wilson.
Job Crabtree arrived home last
night from Astoria, bring his
father and baby home. Little
Clark is improving.
Work was resumed on the
Catholic church this morning.
Jim Sulivan was brought to
The Dalles hospital last night
from Tygh Valley suffering
from powder injuries which may
result in the loss of both eyes,
according to news from the hos
pital this morning. Mr. Sulivan
was employed as powder man on
The Dalles-California highway,
and suffered the ii jtirv when an
explosion occurred. One eye is
blown out and the other is badly
injured. - Chronicle, Jhiy 10.
Wanted, Cream Separator.
C B Dahl, Tygh Valley.
A check advancing thuir sub
scription to the Times and card
notifying change of address to
222 Ainsvvorth avenue, Portland
were received from Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Flanagan, yesterday.
Mrs. II- II. Kaiser left Sunday
for a visit in The Dalles and to
attend the Uebekah assembly.
Miss Lelah Davidson is also in
attendance. II. H. Kaiser and
Lester Crabtree are delegates
from the local lodge to the con
vention which is in session yes
terday and today at Hood Uiver.
We still have all kinds of
matches, 6 boxeS for 35cts.
Maupin Drug Store.
Mrs. W. O. Wilson is visiting
friends in Maupin this wpek.
Woodcock Bros, are placing
the anchors for the power house.
Frames for the cement arc ex
pected to be erected next week.
Geo. Morris' bungalow near
the river is nearing completion.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Morris
are staying at the Geo. Morris
home while Mrs. Geo. Morris in
working in the warehouse.
Fruit tree and garden spray
for sale at Maupin Drug Store.
Mrs. George McDonald arrived
home Saturday evening from
Portland accompanied by Mr.
McDonald's parents, coming ov
er the highway.
Picnic Tomorrow
The local schools are planning
for a big community picnic and
program on the island above the
bridge. A footbridge has been
constructed across the Bhallow
stream separating the island
from the western bank and table
and platform added to the natur
ally inviting location insure a
delightful hist day of school.
Little Ardis Young experienc
ed a bad cut Saturday afternoon
when she fell from her swing at
the home of her grandparents,
striking the back of her head on
the edge of the porch. The fall
.endored her unconscious for a
short time and Dr. Elwood took
a lew stitches in the scalp.
, For Sale at Sacrifice ,
One nearly new advance Rum
ley separator, blower attachment
20 36, 125 ft. endless drive belt,
long and short feed elevator
Buskuhl Bros., Friend,
Mrs. A. Batty and daughters
Mrs. M. F. VanLaanen and Mrs.
L. C Henneghan were very
pleasantly surprised Saturday
evening when Mrs. A. E.
Sprague and Mr. and Mrs. New
ton Nance arrived from Port
land, remaining until Sunday
evening. Mrs. Sprague and Mrs.
Newton are sister and niece of
Mrs. Batty.
Hogs and Gows
Wo have on Ijand a few copies of the booklet
"The Cow the Mother of Prosperity"
We have ordered a supply of t hi booklet
"Hogs for.Pork and Profit"
You (( rtaihly arc interested in one of these subjects,
so write or call for your copy nml wc will fill your
order at once or place your name on file and mail
your copy as noon as a supply arrives. These
booklets are free.
Maupin State Bank
W c Strive to Merit Approval