VOTE FOR 75 X W. L. CRICHTON CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION FOR County Clerk ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET COURTESY, EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY Served One Term Tried and Experienced Why Change? PRIMARY, MAY 16, 1924 The Maupin Times Published every Thrusday at Maupin, Oregon .TeF.siliiie E. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One year, $1.50; six Again We Shall Meet Where? at the Wamic Hall Saturday Night, May 17 Oh No ! We can't miss the chance to dance on this wonder ful floor with the Music by the Columbians from The Dalles Winston R. Lake, Mgr. Entered as second " class mail matter September 2, 1914, at the postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, un der the Act of March 3, 1879. Wamic News Johny Fitzpatrick was a Dalles visitor from JTygh Valley Tues day. Clare Young of The Dalles was a Maupin visitor Tuesday. George Crawford went to The Dalles Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gesh were Dalles visitors Wednesday. Glen Lucas underwent an op eration at the Hamilton hospital Thursday. This place had a light frost during the cold spell a week or more ago. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Driver came up from Hood River to The Dalles Saturday, spending the day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brittain and ,Mrs. Edna McCorkle were Dalles visitors Saturday remain ing over night with Mrs. Brit tain's grandmother. Not as many attended the dance here Saturday night as was anticipated, Fifty number sold, but one hundred was ex pected. An enjoyable time was spent. This place has had very warm weather the past few days, the temperature getting up to 96. Grain in this section is in good condition, considering the ex treme dry season felt here. Candidate's Notice To the Republican voters of Wasco County. T ViotiK; Qntinnncfl mvcplf S candidate for the republican nomination lor the omce ot County Clerk at the May prim- 'o vine? on1 if nominotorl cinrJ lafrpr elected, will use my best efforts to conduct tne omce in a court eous and business like manner and with efficiency and economy, and will not ask for raise in salary. Wilbur Bolton. Paid Advertisement Smock News For County Judge I hereby declare myself as candidate for the office of County Judge of Wasco county at the May primaries subject to the will of the republican voters. My slogan A Good Business Administration Consistent with the Times. A square deal and courtesy to all. E. C. FITZGERALD. (Paid Advertisement) Times. $1.50 a year. til A A (Jlnnonntinv A , e j s rot o "21 n Pit mm I "T- ---;r ii'.vfAl V Cj .:. - '(" "1 f :is:rt ftf v A lowest Prised Car vjltlx Balloon Tires Standard ONCE more Overland opens all eyes with something much liner, greater, more de sirable the bis new Overland Blue Bird a beauly prize at a remarkably low price! j A longer whedhar.c a bigger, roomier body done in rich Peacock Blue, with harmonious Spanish long-grain upholstery. Nickeled radiator, outride door handles, natural finish wood wlvds and genuine Fisk balloon cord tires! Disc wheels (5) optional at $25 extra. Robust power. Come in see the Blue Bird take a ride you'll say it's as wonderful on the road as it is to the eye. til w BLUE BIRD J. T. HENRY Tire Co. The Dalles II. WOOD, Maupin w O s PQ S3 . O u S3 o (N OS 0) s fcl Hi These be hot days. ! Mrs. Muller and daughter of Tygh were canvassing the neigh borhood for subscribers for the Chronicle. Miss Regina was a close second in the contest. Fire of unknown origin started in the woods near Mulvaney's mill on Gate creek Sunday morn ing and it was necessary to fight it all day Sunday and Sun day night before it was gotten under control. Marion Duncan took a load of apples to Maupin Tuesday for Mr. Stancliff. Ora and Addie Duncan return ed home Sunday after a month's absence at J. W. Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Kinney were Sunday visitors in the J. C. Bradvvay home. The speaking to have been held at S. II. on Monday night failed to materialize as the can didates did not ge there. Chas. Duncan drove his sheep to Bud Harvey's to have them sheared. James Chalmers General Blacksmithing and Blacksmith Supplies Maupin, Ore. Wapinitia Sunday guests from Maupin to attend church services, R. E. Richmond, wife and baby, Mrs. R. W. Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Weberg and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Staats, Grandma Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Bigbee came up from Boyd Sunday. 0. S. Walters and L. D. Wood side went to Portland Saturday with sheep, hogs and cattle. J. N. Lewis went to The Dalles Thursday expecting to visit also in Portland before returning. 0. L. Paquet was a Maupin visitor Thursday. Vivian L'arzee returned to school Monday after a ten days' absence on account of sickness. Rev. Parker went to Simnasho Tuesday to attend the Evangel istic meeting which is in pro gress. Rev. Dixon and Rev. Hayes, Nez Perce Indians are the evangelists in charge. Dr. Griffith went through Wap Tnesday enroute to Warm Springs- Mrs. D. W. Sharpe visited her parents in The Dalles last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Charles have moved to Pine Grove where he is employed at the Ileitz mill. Jeanette Burnside and Oren Parker have been having chick en-pox. N. G. iledin and E. A. Hart- man made a business trip to The Dalles Friday night, taking two Indians with them who had en tered Ilartman's store Monday night, helping themselves to de natured alcohol, extracts, flash lights, baseball mits. ftuntain pens and watches. R. W. Richmond and son Floyd Carl Powell and Robert Shiptlin fished at Clear lake Sunday. Church Services Sunday School at 10 a. m, Preaching following at 11 a. m Evcninc service at 8 D. m. All are cordially invited to attend. A. D. Srrouse, Pastor. I ' , I, i 'ff .i . SI ': t T ' " i US ' rt?S) '-'iU l ROUINU l nil- ' L. Summer t.t: ' . t : Farss f i I i IN EFFECT HI - DAILY BETWEEN f AND IP. Denver 5 Gt.CO Omaha .... 72.00 K.-.nsi-s City 72.00 St. Louis... 81.50 Chicago ... 85.00 Detroit .... 105.(2 Cincinnati.. 106.30 Corresponditis fart Cv'tHCl i:'iM;ll I'f.'t LH-.pral stop- iirul i ctui limp. A sldo trip to V aililitkmal runt will rf a life time. Call U5 hy pl'.on yicir j'! ' ;i tit;1 ii'idi t ii.iti will mve your Cleveland .$10(1.56 TotOhfo ... 113.75 119.76 Washin-non 111. 66 Phll'llolphla 1't4.92 Nt:w York. .1U.J0 EcstOll 153.W 'a to (ttlior intpvit t:tnt urn limit OctoMcr 31. uvyr privileged yolny ollowstone at pmall auurd the expyrk'iice anil 1ft us make all s. It coptn nu more valuable time. R. B. BELL, Agent MAUPIN, ORE. I'ortland. Oregon AMPLE! W$ VI Send us your H tt'X nameandad i. m4 drcs?i a post card will do, and ve will mail free and postpaid, a sample copp of ?opuSsr Mechanics j MAGAZINE tne most wonticriui magazine puD iislicd. It contains the never ending sujry of the Events of the World and 400 PICTURES u0 Illustrated raf-c every month, that will 'riLTtiiirt vvr.y mernhfrof the family. There j a n sm'iKil c!i''iit tor tin Kadto fan; tiit' leoi.-: lor His Amateur who wants lip3 0n ho'.v i i arid make llanos, ami Women are dt'hct ird with the "lloust-hold Tools" pages. Lrichisuocon tains something to interest every borJy. Yuu do not obligate yourseli in w w;:y by asking for a free sample copy. 11 'M hUe it vou Van buv a coov everv j month from any Newsdealer or bend U3 yuui Jtt,.r;iuuii ji.DU'tJi oac year Mechanics Company 103-114 T, Ontario St., Chicago, III, WE PAY j tin larpf t jcotvi Mission losubscrip- turn At. ni, ami wautoiiO in every eot'i- v S cfi' riit-K our- FIT. hum Popular Mechnn V- Ttu Udin 9 pnuiHctUfn of tuts I t, jf: TKTfttt magazine. Dr. T. DeLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIAUST Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusively Optical Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer Crosby's Drug store, The Dalles, Ore Phone Black 1111 OPTOMETRIST PR. PENN C CRUM Eyes properly tested Glasses flitted Lenses ground on the premises Room 10 Vogt Bldg. THE DALTES. ORE. Directly over Corson's Music Store iTr I.O. O. F. rjtJJ WAPINI TIA Lotke No. 209, Maupin, Oregon. meets every Saturday night in . O. O. F. hall. ViBiting mem. oers always welcome. J. C. Pratt, Secretary B. F. Turner. N. G. Coming to The Dalles Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the past twelve years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at The Dalles Hotel Saturday, May 24 Office Hours 10 A. 4 P. M. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate in medicine snd surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful result in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, blad der, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are a few of the names of his many satisfied patients in Oregon: Mrs. J. W. Haynes, North Powder, Oregon, oitre. i Mrs. Alice Williams, Malheur, Ore., heart trouble and high blood pressure. Uno Sjoroos, Astoria, Oregon, appendicitis. H. Deggeller, Silvcrton, Oregon, ulcer of the Btomaqh. Mrs. Geo. A. Gillman, Coquille, Ore. gall stones. Mrs. M. E. Garson, Silverton, Ore., high blood pressure. Mrs. J. M. Bowers, Toledo, Oregon, gall stones. August Erickson, Lakeside, Oregon, kidney trouble. Remember above date, that consul tation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is ditferent. Married women must be accompa nied by their husbands. Address 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Cat. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION LVpartment of the Interior V. S. Land OMU-e at The Dalles, Ore Son. May 5, IK'. Notice is hereby Given that Edward I. Davis, of Wapinitia, Oregon, who on Nov. S, 1H17. made Homestead r.ntry, tNo. 013 It'.l, lor wl-2fvl 4. Rection 17, wl- 2.El-4, section 13, NwMsr.1-4. sl-2NEl-4, sKl-JNvvl-4. section 13, and wl-2swl-4, Nl-UswM. ceetion 20, Township ), south, Range l.i Fast WillanWttt Meridian, has riled notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above de. scribed, before F. t. Stuart. United Stales Commissioner at Maiuiin. Ore gon, on the JiHh (iay of June. I'.'i4. Uaimmit name! bs witnesses: J. E. Porchette. W. I'. McClain, KreJ E. tielcore, Lewis McCoy, all of Wapinitia Oregon. J. W. Donnelly, Register. At Tygh Valley (last week) When you hear a man brag about running things around his house you can bet that he means the washing machine. Louis McCoy of Wapinitia was caller here Sunday. R. G. Weisbeck was a Dalles visitor this week. J. E. Peck was visiting his family in The Dalles the past week. K. L. Hauser was a Shaniko visitor last week. An airplane advertising the Citizens' Military Training Camp in California passed over this place last Friday. Willie Doering who died from the eifects of accidental electri fication on Thursday of last week was born in this community thirteen years ago, and leaves to mourn his death his father, three sisters and a brother. Funeral services we held at the home of E. S. Doering, and interment at the Odd Fellows cemetery on Friday, Rev. Sprouse of Maupin officiating. Dudley Weisbeck spent Sunday at the home of J. II. Ulingworth Mrs. Muller and daughter Re gina were Dalles shoppers the first of the week.