The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 08, 1924, Image 1

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i 3 li
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l & M i
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
MO. 31
Local Changes ceasful in their undertaking.
j B. D. Fraley recently became
The Maupin Garage changed a partner in the Fraley Motor
ownership this morning: when a Co., at Oregon City with the
deal was closed, selling the tools agency in that territory and trib
and accessories to H. Wood.'F. u'tary country for the ' Star car.
E. McCorkle and George Tiliot- The family will move to that
son of Tygh Valley. The new place at the close of school here.
owners are practical business ' ;
men, well known in this section A daughter was born to Mr.
and will undoubtedly prove sue- and Mrs. Aaron Davis April 30.
Music Students of Mrs. H. F. Bothwell
Maupin and Wapiiiitin Musicians
' IN' ,
Songs of By-Gone Years
' Violin and Mandolin Music Two Pianos Used ,
May 17 High School Auditorium 8:30 P.M.
Everybody Welcome
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
In order that the people living in the southern part of the
county who need funeral supplies may make their own
selections, we have placed stocks with
The Dalles
N. W. Flinn, Prop,
Open Day and Might
Rooms 50c to $S.OO
Short Orders All Hoars
pleats, famiiy style 40c
Mr. and Mrs. -M. Flynn have
transferred their lease of the
Hotel Kelly to D. R. Williams of
Portland, who took charge of the
hotel last evening, and will bring
his family here as soon as the
Portland schools close. Mr. and
Mrs. luynn have during their
years in the hotel kept it in
most satisfactory manner, and
can justly feel they deserve a
vacation trip, which they plan
on taking to Michigan soon.
The Oregon Trunk road will
put on an extra train out from
Portland Saturday night for the
convenience of the Anglers' Club
Sleeper cars will be distributed
between Maupin and Kaskela.
Six carloads of Stock are sched
uled for shipment from the 0
1. yard3 Saturday niarht 'for
Por land: S. Walters 1, cattle;
B; C Nickerson 2, cattle;
Wm. Driver, Wamic, 1, mixed
stock; D. Woodsid 1. cattle: J.H.
Eubanks 1, mixed stock.
Miss Edna Poulsen closed her
school at Victor last Friday with
a big picnic on White river. Miss
Poulsen reports 58 visitors dur
ing the term. Certificates of
award for being neither absent
nor tardy were earned by Ken
neth, Elton and Ida Snodgrass.
Winners in scholarship, Avis
Crabtree, year's average 9G 2-7;
Ida Snodgrass 93 2 5; Kenneth
Snodgrass 93. Pupils to take
the eighth grade examinations
are, Madgie, Mott and Earl Snod
grass. '
Lewie Bieakney of Bakeoven
died in Portland at 3 o'clock
Monday afternoon. ; ,
Geo. McDonald and Dates
Shattuck each had their residence
painted durhig the past few
days. F. C. Butler's garage has
also received a coat of paint.
Local Rebekahs met last even
ing and initiated one new merr
ber, Miss Edna Poulsen and
admitted two others by transfer, I
Eastman Kodaks and Kodak
supplies. Maupin Dru;r Store.
Bring us your films for de eloping.
For Sale 1-3 interest in
Threshing machine, Mogul tract
or and Header Mrs. Eva Harp
ham Maupin Or. Phone Main 242
"Let's Keep Nick"
Oregon's welfare
JL v O
Republican Candidate for Re-election to Congress
Why throw away 11 years of constructive work by
a man of ability to produce results for his district
SINNOTT is a member of the House Steering Committee, an honor
achieved only by men of high standing and long service in
Washington. Means much to Oregon.
SINNOTT is chairman cf the Public Lands Committee,
in a large way, is in its public lands.
SINNOTT is a ranking member of the Irrigation Committee. Eastern
Oregon needs irrigation for development.
Passage of the Sherman County Relief Bill
$7,500,000 for National Park roads
$150,000 to combat Pine Tree Beetle in Oregon
$900,000 for Baker Irrigation Project
$300,000 for Crater Lake Park roads
$4,000,000 for Oregon Reclamation
$50,000 for Umatilla Rapids Piojcct
$10,000,000 concessions to irreducible school
fund of Oregon
$10,000,000 concessions to land grant counties
of Oregon
Passage of Mineral Leasing Act, with
, $12,000,000 for reclamation
Inclusion of West Extension of Umatilla
Project in reclamation program
Opening of Wasco County timber resour
ces for development.
Action on McNary-Haugc-n bill in house
of Representatives
Appropriations for construction of McKay
dam, Umatilla Project
has repeatedly praised
thrnge now to try a new
The public press of Eastern Oregon and Portland
Nick Sinnott for his untiring, constructive work. Why
and inexperienced representative?
Read you Voter's Pamphjet. Then go to- the polls Friday, May 16, and do
something for the man who has done something for you.
Paid advertisement by SINNOTT FOR CONGRESS CLUB, Een R. Lifton. secretary, The Dalles, Ore.
Mrs. Zella Buzan and Mrs
Richmond. Twenty five mem
bers and four visitors were pres
ent. A delicious supper wes
Chester Anderson formerly
employed by the Moro Tradirg
Co. arrived from Moro the first
of the week, and is employed at
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Cooprr
visited with relatives in Dufur
Sunday. -
' Mrs. Stackhouse and son. Rich
ard Stackhouae are over from
Centerville, Wn., visiting her
daughter, Mrs. W. J. Harris.
M. M. Burtner was over from
Dufur Saturday
Mrs. McKay was here from
bend last week visiting her fath
er W. J. -Harris.
C. Y. Cooper of The , Dalles
was visiting his nephew, Rodney
Cooper, here the last of the week
R. L. Harris was thrown Mon
day from a horse, tearing the
ligaments lose in one foot.
Mrs. F. D. Stuart enjoyed a
visit Satuday and Sunday from
her brother Dudley Pearcy ar.d
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Goetjen
weae guests at the Vern Tunison
home Sunday.
Mrs. Carl Ober took her mo
ther into The Dalles hosriital
'Monday, returning" home Tues
day accompanied by her brother,
Rolland Covert, and wife who re
mained a couple of days.
It will be impossible for the
Shaniko'seniors to give "Safety
First" at Wamic as had been an
nounced. Mr. and Mrs. Job Crabtree
left Saturday night with the two
smaller children for Astoria,
hoping the lawer altitude will
improve little Clark's health.
Mr. Crabtree's father accompa
nied them to help care for the
child, while the former returns
to his work here.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Fischer
and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fischer
are to leave in a few days to
make the trip by auto to their
former home in Epworlh, Iowa.
Miss Faye Russell spent Satur
day ' evening at Maupin and
Wamic. She was accompanied
by her uncle Farl Cunningham.
, Mothers of Maupin
You are cordially invited to
attend Sunday school and church
service Sunday May 11, begin
ning at 10 a. m., in honor of
Mothers' Day. ' This day is one
especially celebrated by all the
Protestant churches of our land.
So come.and help to make it a
day to be remembered. A short
program will be rendered.
Mrs. Dollie Johnson, S.S. Supt
A. D. Sprouse, Pastor
Card of Thanks
We desire to thank all of the
friends and neighbors who so
kindly assisted us by their kind
j deeds and words of sympathy at
the death of our son and brother,
Dewey Bothwell, and we also ex
press our appreciaiion for the
many beautiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. E- Bothwell,
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Bothvvell,
Mr. and Mrs. B. I). Bothwell,
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Bothwell,
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Hammer,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hartman.
United States Senator
V. -.
Z if
Republican for Renomination
During his seven years in the Senate he has secured
$31,020,209 for Oregon Development
$. 9,255,702 for Rivers and Harbors
$ 9,080,000 for Reclaimation and Power
$11,138,107 for Public Roads
$. 507,900 for Agriculture
$ 310,500 for Forest Protection
This is more than bus been secured by any other
Western Senator in the same period '
Ilis powerful coiumiixvc- aiigninenta and his prestige in the
Senate equips him to accomplish even greater things for the
continued development of Oregon's Resources and Industries
, It would lake years for a new man to attain his present
position of prominence and influence
His slogan: "For Oregon; Its People and Their Welfare."
enrod and S
The Digest l augh cf the Year
FRIDAY, in 9
Maupin Theatre
In Tygh Valley Sunday
Admission 20 and 40 Cents
3otfs and Cows
We have oa hand a fcy copies of the booklet
"The Cow the Mother of Prosperity"
We have ordered a supply of I lie booklet
"Hogs for Pork and Profit"
You certainly arc interested in one of these subjects,
so write or call for your copy and we will fill' your
order at once or your name on file and mail
j your copy as .soon as a supply arrives. These
booklets ore free.
aimiii State Bank
Wc Strive to Merit Approval