The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 01, 1924, Image 3

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Select Residential & Transient
16th and Yamhill. Portland. Oregon.
Modern Fireproof American Plan
A Reliable Creamery
11 You Want
II. G.
You will find our service reliable:
. repair and remodel, 163
We Specialize in
Kite, Pells, Wool, Mehair, Tallcw, Cascara,
Oregon Giape Root. Goat Skins, Horse Hair
Write for Shipping Tags & latest Price List
Portland Hide & wcol Co.
Branch at Pocatello, Idaho
Removed without injury to the Bkin by Ney-Born
Depilatory., Sample on request. Ney-Born Lab
oratories, 519 Morgan Bldg.. Portland Oregon.
See Yellowstone and
Southern California
These two wonderlands have been
reproduced In charming illustrations
by the Union Pacific and bound in
book form with adequate description.
Both can be easily obtained and will
prove extremely entertaining as well
as instructive. Write for copies t
Wm. McMurray," General Passenger
Agent, Pittock Block, Portland, Ore
gon, who Will forward them freely to
any address upon receipt of request.
Gold and Silver Plating.
Send us your old Silverware, Reflectors
end Musicul Instruments for repair and
resilvering. We save you money, B. L.
Foote, 3StiMi Washington St., Portland.
Buttons, Scolloping;. Pearl-Pieot Edge,
Wide Hemstitching, Embroidery, Button
Holes. All work guaranteed.
Smith Pleating and Button Workl,
823 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Ore.
When You Have
Suffered Enough
and have spent enough
money for drug medi
cines that have pro
duced no results, in
cases of Stomach, Kid
ney. Liver and Bowel
troubles and RHEUMATISM, then write
to me, state your ailment, and enclose 4
cents In stamps for my Free Booklet,
which will tell you the way back to New
Life, Health and Happiness with
MAD!:! I C Haiatint r KalK.i-nA,
Address, Marcell, the Nature Man,
901 W. Lombard St., Portland, Ore.
Please mention this paper.
Set of $0.00
I We guarantee material
and workmanBhip,
Painless extraction of
teeth, 50c. 20 years In
the same location. U. S. DENTISTS. 245V Wash
ington cor. Second, Portland, Oregon.
Scales, Electric Coffee Mills, Show
Cases, Butchers' Display Cases.
274 Glisan St., Portland. Oregon
Tel. Broadway 4017
Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St.
Established 1887 (37 years), surpassing In
its effect. Your druggist will supply you
at thirty-five cents, or address Labora
tory, 649 East 22nd Street, Los Angeles.
Sample free by mail.
Marcelling Facial and Scalp Treatment
Our Service will satisfy you.
We are open evenings, 6th & Salmon Sts.
Opp. Central Auto Park, 206 Terminal
Bldg., Upstairs.
Treated by Skilled Specialists
THE astound i n g growth in my pradlce
in treating Piles and other rectal and
colon disorders has required larger and
better equipped offices in my own new
building and an increased sta of skilled
It has also given me an unlimited experi
ence which enables me to GUARANTEE
to cure any case of Piles by my non-surgical
method or refund the patient's fee.
There It no confinement and
treatmantimay be taken at per
iods moitconvenient to patient
My fee li extremely moderate.
Write today for my FREE
illustrated book.
'5? J, DEAN.M.DJnc
Jlll.einw " villus. -w
g Y J
Woman Stowaway Found Aboard a Steamer
Portland, Ore. Unloading of the
hold of the steamer Florence Lucken
bach here recently disclosed the hid
ing place of pretty Atnlius Scott, who
r'cveuled that she hud "bummed" most
of her way from Rochester, N. Y., to
Portland on her way to Seattle, Wash,
to see her elglit-year:old son.
The girl, dressed in overalls and a
wool ekirt, admitted she was penniless
and that on her Journey across the con
FOR VnilD Donnnrc
r Portland, Oregon
Complete Chanire Saturday. Adults, Wsek
day Matinee, 2l)c; Eieninge, 40c Contiuu
"" 1 to 1 1 p. m. Children 10 cents nil tlnn.
Portland's Oldest FUR House
EtUbtiahed 1870.
Remodeling. Repairing, Storage.
129 Tenth Street, near Washington.
- Buy Them At
our prices reasanaWe. We also
Wert Park St., Portland. Ore.
Cut, Beam, hem and machin
pleat akirta ready (or band.
Henistitchinir, nicotine and tticfclnr.
85 Fifth St. Portland, Or.
Pleating Embroidery
Uemstitchinir, Buttons Covered.
lmM Tnnth St., Portland
Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix yon up,
we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your
combings. Join our School of Beauty Culture.
400 to 414 Dekura Bldg., Phone Broadway
ouz, fortianq, Oregon,
All machines taught and repaired,
Yamhill, Portland, Ore.
Rebuilt second hand bntterles.
10. 00.
46 Grand Avenue, Portland.
North westWeldinj A Supply Co., 88 lit St.
Adolph W. Harr, Ablngton Big,, Portland.
Complete Line Bottler.' Supplies
Port land Beverage & Sply Co., 431 Stark
Charles S. Wollln, Suite 601-60 Stevens
Building, Portland, Oregon,
Do not throw away your old feathers. We clean,
dye and remodel and match samples. New Flow
ers and Feathers made to order. 20 years estab
lished. We guarantee all work. Hartnesa Feath
er & Flower Shop, 3M6Mr Washington St.
WABASH. Rooms 60c. 204 Madison St.
Made to measure, 467 Washington St
If you are troubled with Appendicitis
or Stomach Trouble, write Hlzz Company,
Portland, Oregon, for Iree information in
German or English.
We have taken over the following trucks
from the Portland Motor Car company
and Automotive Brokerage company,
which must be sold at once In conjunc
tion with the bank's trucks, Packards,
Nash, Republic, Masters, Geary, White,
Winther, Kissel, Federal, Dodge delivery,
Comet and other makes. All sizes, In
cluding dumps and hoists. Terms to suit.
Cor. Grand Ave. and Salmon, Portland.
Miller Paint Co. Wallpaper
We invite you to call and inspect our
line of Wall Papers and Paints or send
for our free catalog. Select what you
want from our line and save money,
172 First St., Portland, Ore.
For reliable Cleaning and Dye-
PJjtSTfiJ Ing service send parcels to us.
ft.jta We pay return postage. Inform-
.mE5l, IS ,H nrir-m o-ivan unon ra.
Established 1890. Portland, Ore
Foreign and Domestic
Kafoury Bros., 383 Alder St.
Chinese Laces and Novelties
Gilts lor discriminating people
384 Morrison St., Portland
Horses Just Arrived.
Just arrived, three carloads of gentle, all
round purpose horses, weighing fron200
to 1800 pounds. Will exchange for hiWes,
mules or cattle. We guarantee all stock
as represented. We rent by the day,
week or month, with or without harness.
North Portland Horse & Mule Co., Union
Stock Yards, North Portland, Oregon,
Empire 0121.
Hotel Lease
and Furnishings
Hotel in good transient location in Port
land. Good furniture, steam heat, hot
and cold water in all rooms, ground floor
lobby. Good lease. Should clear $5000
a year. Want small sheep ranch or farm
suitable for sheep, adjacent to range.
Must be west of mountains. Price on
hotel $12,500 clear. Trade for clear up to
E. S. Kerr Corp.,
Corner Park and Yamhill, Portland, Ore.
We Wreck Autos
and Trucks.
Parts Sold at HALF PRICE
Write or Call
Everything from a bolt to an engine. Grand ave
cor. East Salmon it., Portland.
Guaranteed Home Treatment for Goitre
Our prescription is not a patent medi
cine but the result of years of study and
experience in the treatment of Goitre. It
containa no narcotics nor habit forming
dri iks nor anything that Is in any way
Wnjurioua to the human system. We re
fund every aouar you pay u we ian iq
get satisfactory results for you.
Johnson & Lloyd, Branch Managers
821 Cham, of Com. BIdtr.. Portland. Ora.
tinent she had come from Kansas City
to San Francisco, by way of Chicago,
"on the rods," and stowed away on the
rreignter at ban I- ranclsco.
Dress of Jap Women
The dree, of Japanese women Is reg
ulated by their age and condition. One
can tell at a glance. If one knows ths
rules, whether any woman is married
or single, and bow old she is.
Hotel Portland TTotel Multnomah
Ungar uuiitmig
Mary Elizabeth Shop
Facial and Scalp Treatments,
rwlllrwr Marcelling, rernianeni vrave,
iiiuureii a nan v.uiiui,, nn
L'yemg. Tourist uootn service
25 Cents.
WS Wash. St., Between 3rd and 4th.
Coats-Suits, 14.85 ureases, Sf.BU.
Silk Him. II .00. Aak about our Spe
cial Payment Plan and free photo offer. Men
tion this ad.
Wall Paper Specials
Bedroom paper 10c, 15c, 20c, Double
roll. Best duplex oatmeal, 45c bolt. Wash
able kitchen papers 45c double roll. Tap
estry papers 35c, 50c, double roll. Free
sample dook on request.
108-10 Second Street Portland, Ore.
Baths, sinks, toilets, basins, bnilern.
pipe, valves and fittings. Prices reason
able. Standard Plumbing ft Heating Co.
East 6th and Morrison Sts. Portland, Or.
Qfritt Backache, Kidney, Nerve
-HUp and Bladder Troubles.
with a box of BU-KOLA Kidney and
Bladder Tablets, $1.00 a Box, complete
treatment, 25c Trial Box. Positively
guaranteed or money back. Address,
Fifth and Burnslde, Portland, Oregon.
We also soeclaliae in mull nniei-M nf
Drugs and Sundries.
Forall Chronic Diseases, Madison Bldg.
Teaches trade in S weeks. Roma nv
while learning. Positions secured. Write
for catalogue. 234 Burnslde street, Port
land, Oregon
Seats cut for beds. Swanson's Antn
Top Shop, 70614 Williams Ave.,Portlund.
Larry Sullivan. 2 2 H. Broadwav.
Portland. Telephone Main 8740.
Frozen Silage Is Safe
Feeding frozen or moldy silage to
dairy cows or feeding steers is a
harmless practice. At least this is the
opinion of dairy husbandry officials at
Iowa State college, although feeding
this kind of silage in considerable
amounts may cause the cows to scour
or go off feed for a few days. Other
than this, the officials say, there are
no harmful results from feeding moldy
or frozen silage. Extreme care, they
say, must be exercised In feeding any
kind of silage to sheep or horses.
Most Satisfactory Hog
A hog which remains In good health
from the day he Is farrowed until he
Is loaded on a market-bound train is
usually a satisfaction to the farmer,
the packer and the consumer. . But
there are many diseases and par
asites which beset him during the few
months allotted for his economic per
formance. If this performance Is to
be a creditable one, the hog grower
must keep close watch over his herd
and learn to know something of the
Dog Leads Searchers to
Scene of Owner's Death
Onwan. W. Va. The body of Clar
ence Sleeks was found In Guuley river
about 75 feet from where his gun and
bug of ducks were discovered on the
hank. It Is believed lie had gone into
the river to retrieve a duck he had
shot und was drowned.
When senrch was begun his dog
w:is found nnd tne animnl led the
n'urcliers to the river bank.
VnA Ravines Under Carpet
Bellevue, 0 Floors of his home
here served as a depository for Thorn
Tj.rin!in on pnwlovee of the city
street department. Following his
death relatives ioujiu ipi,vw m
1.1,1. inn Vnmaaih Pf) runts In his home.
. .. . a .9 1 ruVi In mi rwin.
cy iiiuucu ut..
Baughman was a bachelor and lived
You never can tell. Our dearest
friends are not necessarily the must
expensive ones.
Laying your plans carefully now
may help you have hogs to market in
summer or early fall, a time when the
hog market Is least crowded.
Sheep are naturally of a dainty dis
position. Feed that has become slight
ly soiled Is not eaten by them unless
there is nothing else to be had.
No ill effects should result from in'
breeding if the stock Is sturdy. Most
of the good breeders of the country
use this method .to develop Dew
Sheep at the present time are among
the most profitable of farm animals.
The sheepman's dollar Is worth con
slderably more today than It was In
1913. This not true In the case of
certain other classes of live stock,
notably hogs.
Silage of good quality and low In
acidity Is an excellent feed for sheep.
Experiments have been conducted
which' show that a good quality of
silage is quite as satisfactory a roots
and that It makes a material saving
in hay and .grain.
Experiments, under proper feeding
conditions, have demonstrated that a
cow which produces 100 pounds of
butterfat In twelve months will aver
age an Income of $10 over the cost of
feed. This does not pay for labor.
The Maine experiment station has
shown that milk yield and butterfat
percentage are definitely transmitted
by both sire and dam to the first gen
eration crosses of dairy and beef
breeds. High milk production Is par
tially dominant to low. and tow but
terfat percentage to high.
W j
Reflections of a
Bachelor Qirl
A MAN values anything, from a kiss
to a heart, aeeordln? to the trou
ble he had in getting it ; a woman ac
cording to the trouble she has In keep
ing some other woman from getting it
away from her.
Judging from the prompt way in
which they begin "checking up" on one
another right after the honeymoon,
marriage is the miracle that turns a
soul-mate Into a checkmate.
Eve was the first woman to be
blamed for whatever went wrong in
the garden ; but, as the wife of every
suburban amateur Burbank can testi
fy, Heaven knows she wasu't the last 1
Man's life Is a series of shocks
Yet, let not young lovers despair,
Till the mermaids start rolling- their
And the Liorelel bobs her hair!
Alas, what can a poor wife do? If
she lets a mail cling to ail his little bad
habits, he is apt to lose his chances in
the future life, and If she makes him
give them up, he Is sure to lose all his
Interest in THIS onel
A woman's heart Is a "one man" af
fair; but no man was ever so com
pletely absorbed In one woman as to
deaden his subconscious Interest in
the possible "next woman."
Marriage Is the only condition that
affords a woman the pleasure of com
pany and the delightful sensation of
solitude, at the same time.
Dancing pumps leave very few foot
prints on the sands of time.
(Copyright, by Helen Rowland.)
i VOU'LL rise and fall," my mother
"Have happiness and woes;
No man has known 'just luck alone,
Whatever folks suppose.
You'll smile and sigh, and laugh and
Whatever height you reach,
Have loss and gain, have Joy and pain,
A little bit of each.
"You'll fall' and rise," my mother
said ;
"That makes It worth the while.
For ev'ry loss and ev'ry cross
I l;n)w you'll know a smile.
Don't think to find the world so kind
When you have got your growth ;
You'll find the earth Is sadness, mirth,
A little bit of both.
"But, rise or fall," my mother said,
"You'll never fall so far
If you are wise nnd realize
Like all the rest you are.
You'll take the Joy and pain, my boy,
And both will serve to teach
That life all through will bring the
A little bit of each.
"Then, fall or rise," my mother said,
"You'll never grow so proud
But you'll recull that, after all,
You're part of all the crowd.
If work and play make up the day
You'll labor, never loth,
A little glad you always had
A little bit of both."
((0 by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
On a Different Plane
"I don't approve of depriving men of
the vote. You know, all men were
created equal."
"I admit it but that doesn't make
them the equals of women.1
Has a man like this proposed
to you?
Symptoms: An unmistakable
gentleman; you know It the mo
ment you set eyes on him. lie
took you to dinner and actually
ordered from the word side of
the column. He did It with pride
like an artist he enjoyed it
more than you wished ; for
you'd rather have him talk of
you than of "strawberries out of
season." He loves restaurants
all the head waiters love and
flock to him as he enters the
room. .You are proud of him.
Every place he goes lie invents
new ways to tip.
He Is generosity and publio
splritedness personified.
Prescription for his bride:
jy Love your home every night
jy with resignation.
Save on everything but clothes
and the car.
The Flighty Bird Enjoys a Com
fy Nest.
( by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
w w WW WW WW WW Tf f f Tf ? WW W WW
Portland. Fire of undetermined
origin swept the plant of the St. Johns
Lumber company Sunday night, de
stroyed a greater part of the plant
and did damage estimated by com
pany officials at f 400,000.
Portland. On the first 40,000 bal
lots counted in the city-wide referen
dum on the proposition of Saturday
half holidays for carriers and clerks
of the Portland postoffice from May
1 to October 1 the patrons voted yes
39,994, no 6.
Eugene. The million dollar mark
In building permits was passed Satur
day in Eugene. The permits for the
day totaled (119,750, making a total
for the first four months of $1,104,
900, as compared with a total of $1,
137,919 during the entir year 1923.
Pendleton. Prospects for a wheat
crop in Umatilla county this year are
far from bright, according to H. W.
Collins, local miller and buyer, and
it needed rains do not fall soon the
yield in this section of the Inland
Empire will be materially less than
it was in 1923.
Scappoose. Prompt action on the
part of Scappoose citizens prevented
a robbery of the First National bank
here early Saturday. When the burg
lar alarm at the institution was set
off about 2 o'clock, heavily armed
forces took up positions covering the
bank as rapidly as possible.
Astoria. A fire supposed to have
started from, a cigarette dropped from
a passing train, Sunday afternoon
burned a space about 100 feet square
in the Hammond Lumber company
wharf and destroyed the side track.
As a result of the fire the Western
Union Telegraph line to Portland was
put out of business.
Dayton. "Made in YamhiU county"
week will be observed here, as in all
other parts of the county, April 26 to
May 3. Observance of the week will
be followed by a made-in-Yamhill coun
ty banquet given in the community
hall at Dundee Ma? 9. Excepting the
coffee everything served at this ban
quet will originate in Yamhill county.
Salem. A copy of a proposed
amendment to the constitution of the
state of Oregon, abolishing the death
penalty for murder, was filed with the
secretary of state here Saturday. The
copy Is signed by many persons promi
nent In the affairs of the state. The
secretary of state is asked to request
a ballot title from Attorney-Gonoral
Van Winkle.
Hood River, While the freezing
weather of last Wednesday and Thurs
day nights will give them a set back,
mid-Columbia truck gardeners, be
cause of the embargo on garden truck
of California, due to the foot and
mouth disease, expect a profitable
year. Gardeners of this section are
alroady marketing a varied assort
ment of produce.
Eugene. Notice to Lane county
farmers to comply with the state law
to eradicate the gray squirrels and
other rodents of a similar nature has
been sent by the Lane county court.
Mombers of the court Saturday stated
that it is desired to get the euuipaign
well under way so that as many of the
rodents as possible may be destroyed
before the grain ripens.
Salem. Several pedigreed puppies
owned by Ernest Flake were burned
to death here Suturday night when
Flake's kennels on the Portland road
about two miles north of Salem on
the Pacific highway caught fire and
were reduced to ashes. The origin of
the fire was unknown. All of the
outbuildings on the Flake place were
burned, but the house was saved.
Garibaldi. A water committee com
posed of Harry E. Morgan, William
McKinlay, E. J. St, Onge, J. E. Den
ning, R. C. Loop, W. E. Itobbins, H,
J. Bitter and F. B." Wicker, appointed
at a recent meeting of the Garibaldi
commercial club for tho purpose o
formulating plans for obtaining an
adequate supply of pure water for the
town, already have dug up data of a
favorable nature.
Pendleton. Tentative plans calling
for the holding of a series of wool
sales In Umatilla county as a way of
selling this year's wool clip are being
made, according to Mao Hoke, secre
tary of the Oregon Wool Growers'
association. The first one probably
will be hold at Pilot Rock, May 31, he
said, and Indications are now that be
tween 300,000 and 500,000 pounds of
wool will be offered.
Seaside. W. A. Viggers of the As
toria Marine Iron Works has announc
ed that he expects to let a contract
in the near future for a fine natator-
lum. The new building, which will be
situated on tho prom north of the
Hotel Seaside, will be 100 by 100 feet
In dimensions and will have a tank
50 by 80 feet. Mr. Viggers said plans
had been prepared and that a 45-day
construction period would be required
to have the natatorlum ready for
Chew it after
every meal
It stimulates
appetite and
Ids digestion.
It makes your
food do you more
aood. Note how
II relieves that stutly leellurj
alter hearty eating.
Whtlrn. I..lh
LiV". breath and
l4P J 11'aUuaoody
Acorn Alcohol.
Up to the present time no industrial
use has been made of acorns, but re
cent experiments show that alcohol
can be made from them. Shelled
acorns contain about 40 per cent of
starch, which can he readily sacchari
fied and then converted into alcohol.
Only One Thing Lasting.
Man, it is not thy works which are
mortal, infinitely little, and the great
est no greater than the least but
only the spirit thou workest in, that
can have worth or continuance. Car
lyle. '
Mrs. I. E. Ziegler
1' "t
How's Your Stomacli?
Any Distress?
Salem, OrcK. "I wish I could
tell how thankful I feel for having
heard of Dr. rierce'9 Pleasant Pel
lets, for they have brought me so
much relief since I have been using
them. For years I have had the
worst kind of stomach trouble; after
eating I would have a feeling of
nausea, a sourness, and a sort ot
suffocation with heartburn. Things
were very miserable for me. I had
to eat to keep alive and yet I knew
every time I ate this awful con
dition would return. I have tried
all kinds of things that I thought
would help and often have gone with
out food in the hope that things
would be better. I am now feeling the
greatest freedbm from pain in my
stomach and bowels that I have
felt in years and I give the Pleasant
Pellets credit for it." Mrs. I. E.
Ziegler, 449 South 18th St.
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for trial
pkg. Write for free medical advice.
Bank Doors Shut Easily.
The doors ot tho Bank ot England
are so finely balanced that a clerk, by
pressing a button unrtor his desk, can
close the outer doors Instantly am
they cannot bo opened again except
by special process.
Oldest Log House.
The first known log houso, built by
white men within tho bounds of whal
is now Colorado, was eroctod in 1816
for a troop of Spanish cavalry patrol
ling the Arkansas, near tho site ol
The Inspired Compositor.
English Paper "Is not his word like
a fire?" was declaimed with notabh
force, the fuel power ot his voice be
Ing reserved for this passage. Bob
ton Transcript.
Parisian Modiste Rewards Help
Every year one of the famous Paris
Ian dressmakers allows each of hi
women employees to chooso a dresi
and have It made up according to her
own taste.
Odd Museum,
The Waldos muHeum in Prague Is ii
button museum founded by a Bohe
mlan button manufacturer. It is de
voted to a collection of dross-fasten
Ing devices of all kinds and ot all
In the I
I used 1
I she finest product of Its kind
world.- Every woman who has
it knows this statement to be
Business College Places Graduates In
Good Positions
Enroll any time of year. Write for frei
success cntnlog. Fourth and Yamhill
Portland, Oregon..
P. N. U.
No. 18, 1824
09 11 Hi
1 ,.mm a li I stjfi lini