The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 24, 1924, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon,
JiiiSiLiNE Ii. Morrison, Publisher
Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six
Entered as second class mail
post office at Maupin, Oregon,
Notice of Special Election
Notice is hereby given that a
special election will be held in
the Town of Maupin, Wasco
County, Oregon, en the ICthUay
of May, 1924, at which said elec
tion certain proposed charter
amendments will be submitted
to the legal voter,", of said town
for their adoption r rejection,
the purpose of said election, the
i'ollowing places therefor and
the election officials appointed to
act thereat being a hereinafter
net forth in Ordinance No. 51,
to wit: ,
An ordinance calling a special
election to be held in the Town
of Maupin, Oregon, on the 16tli
day of May, 1921, and declaring
an emergency.
SECTION 1. That , a special
election be and the same herebv
is called to be held in the Town
of Mauuin. Oretton, on the lGth
day of May, 1924, said date be-j
ing not less than thirty (30) days
after the passage of this ordin
ance calling same.
SECTION 2. The purpose of
said election is for submitting to
the legal voters of said Town for
their adoption or rejection a
proposed charter amendment
submitted to the voters by the
council, which is as follows:
' To amend the charter of the
Town of Maupin, which said
town was incorporated under and
pursuant, to the provisions of
title XXVII Oregon Laws, and
of an election duly called and
held on the 14th day of April,
1922, and as Bubsecmently amend
ed at an election held on Decem
ber 4, 1922.
OREGON, that the charter ot
the Town of Maupin, which said
town was mcorpotaieu unuoi
and pursuant to the provisions
of tille-XXVJI Oregon" Laws and
of an election duly called ami
held on the 14th day of April, 192
and as subsequently amended al
an election held on Decern her 4,
1922, be and the same hereby is
amended by adding thereto arti
cle A to read as follows:
"All I RLE A
SECTION 1. For ih punw.
of prorurin;.:' fund.-) v iih wind
to construct and install a v. ah i
Hysiem for the Town of Maupin,
the Council is heii-by aiii hnri:.;
and empowered to r-suo and m . h
genera' oblij.'.a. son Im.i'S n.
Tow in i tie - uin i w ,ni , !
thousand' dollars Otio) t.tu
bonds to be in denominations ol
five hundred dollars ($500) each,
to bear date of issue and to
mature in twenty (20) years
from date, to he subject to
redemption, however, at the
option of said Town at any semi
annual coupon date on and after
ten (10) years from date, said
bonds to be signed by t he Mayor
and countersigned by the Record
or under the corporate seal of
said Town; and to bear interest
at the rate of six per cent (G per
cent) per annum, payable semi
annually, said interest being rep
resented by interest coupon
attached to said bonds bearing
the engraved facsimile signatures
of the Mayor and Kororder.
whereby the Town of Maupin
shall be held in substance and
effect to undertake and promise
to pay to the bearer of said
bonds at maturity thereof the
sum therein named in gold coin
of the United Stales of the
present standard of value, to
gether with interest thereon in
like gold coin as hereinabove
provided, principal and interest
to be payable at the Fiscal
Agency of the-Slate of Oregon
in New York City, said bonds to
be known as the "Town of
Maupin Water Bonds."
SECTION 2. The debt limita
tions contained in the charter of
said Town shall not apply to the
bonds hereby authorised.
Months 75cts, Three Months 50c
matter September 2, 1914, at the
under the Act of March 3, 1879,
SECTION 3. The council shall j
each year at the time of making
the annual lax levy for town
purposes include in such levy a
sum sufficient to pay interest or
outstanding bonds of this issue
and to retire the principal thereof
at maturity.
SECTION 4. The places des
ignated by the council for hold
ing said election are as follows:
First Ward: Odd-Fellows Hall
Second Ward: High School Builc
Third Ward: Maupin Times Office
SECTION 5. The following
named persons are hereby ap
pointed as judges and clerks for
said election:
First Ward: Ii, E. Wilson and
L C Henneghan judges and B.
I). Fraley and F. C Butler
clerks. Second Ward: Geo. McDonald
and O. B. Derthick judges and
J. II. Woodcock and II. F. Wood
cock clerks.
Third Ward: Mrs. J. E.Morri
son ana Mrs, urace naimers
judges, and Frank Creator and
Michael Creager clerks.
SECTION 6. Said election
shall commence at eight 18)
o'clock in the morning and con
tinue until eight (8) o'clock 4n
the, afternoon of said day.
SECTION 7. The Recorder
shall give notice of said election
by publication of this ordinance
in the Maupin Times, a newspa
per of general circulation pub
lished within the said Town for
two successive and consecutive
weeks within the thirty days
next preceeding such election.
' SECTION 8. Whereaa it is
necessary that certain charter
amendments affecting the peac,
health and safety of the town be
adopted at as ' early a date as
possible, and in ordersotodoitb
necessary to enact this ordinance;
now therefore, an emergency is
hereby declared to exist and this
ordinance shaM immediately go
into force and effect upon its
adoption and approval.
Passed by the Council the 2Gll
day of March, 19.4, by the fol
lowing vote:
Yeas Five (5)
Nays None (0)t
Submitted to the Mavor March
2(51 h. 1921.
Approved by the Mayor March
2(Hh. 1924.
(Signed) R. E. Wilson
Attest: Mayor
Geo- McDONAr.n
Tyfji! ftttts
I conl inet'd)
and .aider bri.vnde No, 3 'were
called eut Mi'tii iiy at 4 p m t(
extiivu sh a nn:H hre caun .
i Sh 1 ' c 'i! . l Ve W .l.(
new v he lolel.
Dudley Weisbeek and Perry
Wood were Wapinitia callers
Mrs. Frank Rossel and son
Dick are visiting in Portland the
past two weeks, returning home
J. F. Peck spent the week end
in The Dalles.
M. F. Coberth is the' proud
owner of a new Durant sedan.
C. 11 Pahl was a Portland vis
itor the first of. the week.
Monday and Tuesday evenings
were tiro and coil evenings.
I'll eh t coils from three different
cars and eight tires from three
diiferent cars w ere taken during
the night. Vv. C. Lucore had
his car robbed of four tires,
tubes and rims, and the four
coils removed. Alfred Brajvn of
the service station had a new
lire and tube in the back of his
hopinobile' taken and the mis
civanU tried to get a spare tire
but utter removing the bolts
found that it was fastened with
a lock abandoned their efforts
there and went and removed
three tires from a car belonging
to E. Weaver at the Highway
appartuients. No trace of Jhel
culprits has been found at this
Mrs. F. Burke and daughter
Ruth are visiting in The Dalles
this week with her parents.
J. M. Morrow and family of
Portland were visiting at the J.
E. Morrow home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Redding
ton of Maupin, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Kock of Grass Valley were visit
ing at the Muller home Sunday.
For Sale 1-3 interest in
Threshing machine, Mogul tract
or and Header Mrs. Eva Harp-
ham Maupin Or. Phone Main 242
Portland Painless Dentist, 305
Second St. The Dalles, Oregon,
over Lindquist Jewelry Store,
Rooms 1, 2, 3.
Fishing Tackle We have it.
The kind that gets the fish.
Maupin Drug Store.
Baled wheat hay for sale al
DeCamps' barn. Very reasonable
For Sale Baled wheat or rye
hay in large or small lots, phone
or write Otto Herrling.
For Sale Two head horses,
several section Harrow, two tons
Alfalfa Hay Mrs. EvaHarpham
Maufun Ore. Phone Main 242.
Strayed, one bay mare colt, 2
years old, no brand; one buck
skin saddlehorse, had a rope
around his neck when last seen,
branded. Reward of $5 for in
formation leading to the two or
12.50 to one. M. I. Shearer.
, For Sale-Sixty head of horses
from 3 to 6 years old, broke,
weigh from 120O to 1600 pounds
Inquire Claud Wilson.
Hunter's Recipe
Just take a little flour and Bak
ing rowder, too, ana enough
water to wet it through and
through, then rool it on a board
with a bottle or a can, use a little
grease when you put it in the par
keep the pan moving, handle ii
with care, give the pan a flip and
turn it in the air, keep your fire
oing if there is any wood arouno
keep your bread baking till you'
get it nice and brown, fry a little
bacon, put on the coffee pot, si.
down then and eat if that's ai
you've got. Don't think you'n
starving because you live on sucl
far more than halt the people
haven't that much. Some folk
live on ham and eggs, others-
c.ii-.e and pie. K. u r uimrsoi
Candidate's Notice
To the Republican voters o
,V sco County.
I hereby announce myself i
candidate for the republicar
nomination for the office o
County Clerk at the May prim
aries and if nominated, and late,
vdected, will use my best efforts
o conduct the office in a curt
cull-. ;tni business like mannei
vt w j' h efficiency and eeo om,
in(i u di not ask for raise ii
Wilbur Bolton.
Paid Advertisement
For County Judge
I hereby declare myself as
candidate for the office of County
Judge of Wasco county at the
May primaries subject to the
will of the republican voters.
My slogan-A Good Business
Administration Consistent with
the Times. A square deal and
courtesy to all.
(Paid Advertisement)
Department of the Interior
U. s. Land Otiice at The Dullea, Ore
iron, Apr 1, 1924.
Notice ia hereby piven that
Benjamin RTurner
of Maupin Oregon, who on Nov.
IS, lltO, made Homestead Entry Mo.
ii:U;S5 for E1-2NWI-4. Sec. 20, T 5 S,
Range 14 East. w!-2nkI-4, E1-2NW1-4,
Nvl-4NWl-4. section 21. Township 6
south, Kaiifje 14 fast, Willamette
Meridian, has riled notice of intention
to make three year proof, to establish
claim to the "land above described,
before F. U.Stuart, United states Com
missioner. nt Maupin, Oregon, on the
lath day of May, 1S24.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. C.
Richardson, V. L. Fischer, H. D.
Holds, A. J. Connolly, all of Maupin,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
County Clerk
Served One Term Tried and Experienced
Why Change?
PRIMARY, MAY 16, 1924
Charlie Chaplin
gh and
25 AND 50
M. M. Burtner has represented
the State Grange in the Oregon
Legislature since 1917; is the
author of the Market Road bill;
the amendment to the constitu
tional Emergency Clause ano
the amendment to the highwaj
law which puts The Dalles-Cali
fornia highway through, Wasco
instead of Sherman county; help
ed frame the income tax law ano
the "pay as you go" method oi
ouilding state highways.
He has been a resident ol
vVasco county since 1908; a farm
er and extensive orchardist anc
is a member of the Grange ano
Odd Fellow lodges.
,A vi
ir 1 ' ft-'
Paid Advertisement
C. J. McCorkle was a Dalles
visitor last week.
Richard Delco sustained a
sprained ankle at the track meet
Crystal Hartman was a week
end guest at the Sturgis home.
Several went from here to the
Wamic dance Saturday night.
Mr. ahd Mrs. Geo. Burnside
and Calvin spent Thursday in
The Dalles.
Ralph Woodside spent Sunday
with his parents.
Ralph Delco and wife returned
to Prineville Friday after a
couple weeks' visit with relatives
Most of the folks went to
Maupin Saturday for the track
Lincoln Hartman made a trip
to Sherman county last week
with ironing boards.
O. L. Paquet was in Maupin
Mr. 'and Mrs. P. II. Evick vis
ited at the Joe Higgle home
x 1
April 27
Mrs. Albert Hammer visited
Mrs. Job Crabtree in Maupin
' The Evicks are visiting rela
tives in The Dalles and Rufus
this week.
Sid Wilson of Vancouver was
in The Dalles Wednesday.
C. W. Flinn and family passed
through here Thursday on their
way to VVarmsprings from The
Dalles where they had been for
several weeks with their little
son under the doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Apling re
turned home Sunday from The
Dalles. They spent Saturday
night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Aaron Davis in Maupin.
The Kichmonds came up from
Maupin Sunday for a visit at the
Powell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Sinclair
returned home from the Valley
Saturday. They are now living
in the old school house. Mrs
Sinclair will work for Joe Gra
aam this summer.
R. W. McCorkle spent easter
with his wife and son at Shaniko
Henry Peterson went to Mau
pin Monday.
Rev. Parker and family spent
Wednesday at Simnasho visiting
at the home of Rev. Matthews
and C. J, McCorkle.
R. W. McCorkle 'kilt' a coyote
a few days ago with a 22 rifle.
The Wap school got their
share of points at the track
meet Saturday.
Irene Burnside has chickenpox
Mrs. John Charles is visiting
tnis week at the home of her pat
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Bronner,
Psalm of Life (Parody)
Tell me not in mournful numbers
Advertising is a dream,
For the business man who slum
Has no chance to skim the
Life is real! Life is earnest!
Competition's something fierce
If for dividends thou yearnest,
Learn to parry, thrust and
In the business field of battle
Mollycoddles have no place;
Be not dumb, driven cattle
Be a live one in the race.
Lives of great men all remind us
We can bring the bacon home
And departing leave behind us,
Footprints on another's dome
Let us then be up and doing,
Otherwise we may be done;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Advertise and get the mon.
If only we could bear one an
other's burdens as cheerfully as
we bear another's faults.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug Btore,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Black 1111
rt i.o. o. f.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
I. O. O. F. hall. ViHitingmem
lera always welcome.
J. C. Pratt, Secretary
B. F. Turner. N. G.
James Chalmers
General Blacksmithing
"id Blacksmith Supplies
Maupin, Ore.
Eyes properly tested
Glasses flitted
Lenses ground on the premises
Room 10 Vogt Bldg.
Directly over Corson's Music Store
Spnrl us vour
J. name and ad-
&va, Ht-oca n nnst
card wilt do, ?.nd we will mail free
and postpaid, a sample copy of
FepntBV MecSiawics
the most wonderful magazine pub
lished. It contains the never ending
story of the Events of the World and
ICO Illustrated Pages every month, that will
entertain every member ol the tamily. There
is a special department for the Radio fant
(or the Handy Man and Farmer who like to
nee tools; for the Amateur who wants tips on
how to do and make things, and Women are
delighted wiLh the "Household Tools" nages.
EttcmHsiteconlainssomettung lo interest
wury.-jDny. luu uu nut uuiikcilc yuutocit
in nr.y way by asking for a free sample copy.
If you like it you tan buy a copy every
month from anv Newsdealer or send us
your subscription $2. B0 for one year.
Poj-.sjai1 SSeehanics Company
206 314 E. Ontario St., Chicago, III.
Popular Mechanics building
is detailed exclusively to tht
jrroauciwn aj mis j
the largest
to subscrip
tion Agents,
and want one
in every com
munity. Srnd
FIT. A'uftic ttvofi-
Who Tom Edison Is
"Who is Thomas A'. Edison?"
''He is the man that invented
the phonograph and radio to keep
us awake so that we would stay
up all night using his electric
Be careful, son, if you are wise,
And do not make a break;
You'll find the girl with dreamy
Is very wide awake.
One 'touch of scandal makes the
whole world chin;
Man is the only animal that
can be skinned more than once.
Now that all stores have deliv
ery service, about the only thing
the average householder takes
home is his grouch.
You well may grin at the speed
er who throws dust in your face.
They'll soon be throwin dirt in
In the old days a ford was the
place where you crossed the riv
er. Now it's the place you try
to cross the street.
Church Services
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Preaching following at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7 p. m. All
are invited to attend.
Wf" t. 'rjV fci - KV1 .w .
sa km m. in