"js.rr'Sr'J T try MAI JPfM arm Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL X. MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WAStO COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 24, 1924 NO. 29 Home Destroyed Fire early Tuesday afternoon destroyed the home of Percy Martin one half mile west of Maupin. Mrs. Martin was look ing after some turkeys in a field consideradle distance from the house, and when she saw the fire ran to save the children who were in the bedroom, arriving only in time to get them to safety Insurance had expired and the house, cellar and" chicken shed with all contents were entire loss, including some young tur keys and setting hens. Little Vivian made it known in ' her baby way that she had climbed and gotten matches with which to make a fire in the woodshed. This is believed to have been the cause, as Mrs. Martin had left no fire in the stoves. The family will live on the J. V. Martin place, out six miles until they have rebuilt. Mr. and Mrs. Martin express their appreciation to the friends who have so kindly assisted in relief for their loss. Waraic News The cream station established at Sherars Bridge is a great help to this part of the country where MAUPIN SCHOOLS ATHLETIC SUCCESS the farmers can get their checks Maupin high and grade schools Saturday clipped off a new record at the annual Waseo Times. $1.50 a year. . , .. i 'in iihj ciiutuui; cvruia aiiu null and empty can9 the same day-,, . , . . . the most points of any school in that they take their cream to the' .... A, , . station. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Driver and son 'Leonard returned last Monday to The Dalles from a visit with relatives on Juniper Flat: Chester Brittain and. firmly were Dalles visitoi'3 Thursday at the home of Mrs. Brittain' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Flinn. We had cold winds blowing hera last week. ' Rain is needed here now. Plowing is about through here A number went from here Saturday to attend the track meet at Maupin. Mrs. Isaac Courtright, Friend spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs.. Etta Large in The Dalles. Mrs. W. II. Staats and Mrs. Brenton Slusher were Dalles visitors last week. Sheep are being sheared at Fresh Vegetables" and Fruits Special Prices on Package ROLLED OATS, WHEAT CEREALS, PANCAKE FLOUR AND WHEAT , HEARTS Harris Cask Store 1 The Crandall Undertaking Co. THE DALLES, RED 351 In order that the people living in the southern part of the county who need funeral suppiies may make their own selections, we have placed stocks with F. C. BUTLER E. C. PRATT, MAUPIN VVAMIC N Open W. Finn, Prop. EL FLINN The Dalits by and Night Rooms 50c to $1.00 Siiort Orders All Hours Meals, "family style 40c mini ft j V.UUIJ t County school track meet held at Maupin. Maupin high school obtained 52 points in its class and the grade schools were given 75 in that class. Wapinitia high and grade schools were second, with 4!) points' for the high and 29 for grade schools. Dufur won third place in the high school events with 40 points, and Antelope fourth with 12. Other grade schools were as follows: Antelope third with 21 points; Tygh Vall ey, fourth, 13; Victor, fifth, 11; White River, sixth, 7; Dufur and Cbino tied for seventh place wi'.i 4; and Pine Grove, Smock, and Criterion tied for eighth place with one point. Bun ii. Tatro acted as starter and C. U. Zeverly as field judge. Superiniendentof Schools, A. E. Gronewald, was recordor. High individual points for high school boys were as follows: Roy Woodside, Wapinitia, 20 ( four bleu ribbon;-) ; Archie Marvel, Dufur, 18; Eurl Bronner, Wapini tia, 14; Edgar Wolfe, Antelope, 12. For high school girls the winners were: Helen Philmlee, 15; Doris Talcott, 10; and Wini fred Kaiser, G; Maupin. In the-grade school section the bovs who won highc-st honor were Jesse Crabtree, M..upin, 18 Lawrence Ilarpham, Maupin, 13: and third place was tied by rep resentatives of several sihols. ihe grade school girls v. nose names "appear as high honor v. in- nersare: lMia anipnin, vvapini tia, 10; Merle Snodgrass, Vic'.cr, 8, and Lillian Vanderhoof, An helope, 7. While the names of the grade ilf wiping places in the high school events were: 50-yard dash girls, Winifred Kaiser and Helen Philmlee, Mau pin, Mary O'Brien, Wapinitia. 50-yard dash boys, Archie Marvel, Dufur, Kenneth Batty, Maupin; Earl Bonner, Wapinitii1. Shot-put boys, Arch Marvel, Dufur; Earl Bronner, Wapinitia Elza Derthick. Maupin. Baseball throw (accuracy) girls, Helen Philmlee, Maupin; Ruby Powell, Wapinitia; Doris Talcott, Maupin. Baseball throw (accuracy) boys, Roy Woodside, Wapinitia; Elza Derthick, Maupin; Edgar Wolf, Antelope. 100-vard dash boys, Archie Marvel, Dufur; Ellis Woodford, Dufur; Earl Bronner, Wapinitia 880-yard run boys, Roy Wood side, Wapinitia; Bill Temple, Dufur; Elwood Boen, Dufur. Baseball throw (distance) girls, I'da Miller, Doris Talcott, Maupin J .Elsie Lewis, Wapinitia. Baseball throw (distancef boys,' Roy Woodside, Wapinitia; Arch Marvel, Roy Martin, Dufur Walking race ( mile) girls, Doris Talcott, Maupin; Jeanettc Burnside, Wapinitia; Helen Phil mlee, Maupin. Walking race (1 mile"!' boys, Roy Woodside, Cloyce Burnside, Wapinitia; Elza Derthick, MaupinJ tiroad jump c-oys, Jiari uron ner, Wapinitia; Edgar Wolfe, Antelope; Elza Derthick, Maupin Horseshoe pitching (20 ft.) girls, Helen Philmlee, Maupin, Elsie Lewis, Wapinitia. Horseshoe pitching (30 ft.)--bovs, Elza Derthick, Maupin; Eldn Fraley, Dufur; Robert Lewis. Wapinitia. Mile run-boys, Edgar Wolfe, Antelope; Earl Bronner, Wapir.i- lia; Roy Martin, Dufur. I Discus -boys, Eldon Fraley, Dufur; Edgar Wolfe, Antelopi ; Dickinson and Leslie are h with the spring farm work White Dent seed corn for sale. A limited supply on hand. H. L. Morris. Local Agent, E. W. Griffin, re ports the foiling shipments to Portland last Saturday night: John M. McCorkle and A. M. Morris each a car load of hogs. W. N. Nickerson two car loads of cattle, and C. B. Dahl one car of cattle, the latter going from Sherar Station. B. F. Cook and L. C. Wilhelm returned Wednesday from a motor trip to Portland. Mr. Wilhelm reports many thrilling experiences. Let us figure with you on your painting and wall papering Maupin Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs L. C. Henneghan made a trip to Dufur yesterday, Mrs. P. W. Knowles is visiting here today. I have ten head of strays , at my place: 1 bay mare with halt er and bell on, 1 sorrel, several bay3 and three grays. M. L. Webb, Sherars Bridge. Sale of the Dufur Dispatch, a weekly newspaper, to A. Y. Zolter, was announced this morn ing. , T. C. Queen has been the ownea for seventeen years, al though the management has been under others for the last two years. Chronicle. school contestants who were win E.P1 Bronner, Wapinitia. ners and runners up in the field j Relay race (4 mile) boys, events had not been tabulated J Dufur. completely by Superintendent' Relay race (200 yards) --girlr, Gronewald this morning, those 1 Maupin. . who won first, second and third I Chronicle. Open Letter Tygh Valley, Ore. Dear Sir: If you are in the market for a car this spring I would certainly appreciate your business. I can take care of you in new or used cars. 1 have a large stock of second hand cars to draw fom that are priced right, really good buys. Whatever kind of a car you want if you will let me know I will call on you, and I am sura we can make a deal on prices, terms and cars that will suit you Very truly yours, H. Wood. Tygh Valley Mr. and Mrs. Joe Muller and son Billy of Centralia, Wn., are visiting at the Muller home here F. Konck and F. Kennison of Portland were calling on friends here over Sunday. A. J. Jones of The Dalles was renewing acquaintances here this week. Paul and Regina Muller were Dalles visitors Saturday. W, Morrison and J. Simos of Maupin were visitors here Sun day. Gladys Morrow of Maupin was a caller here Monday evening. Engine Co. No. 1 and Hook (to last page) Ann oun cement! men Regi nor istered FOR SALE Golden Superb No. 182465 Beatiful Dark Red, 3 years IIS m 310 Maggies ling No, 3 years old find Many Others, all Age Mi ma Tygh Valley These Bulls For Sale Cheap if taken soon Cars For Sale This week I have 1921 Dodge Touring 1924 license, a good by at if 43 00. Terms. 1918 Chevrolet 1924' license, 5 good tires, mechanically good, $150.00. Terms. 1919 Chevrolet, new tires, 1924 license, $150.00. Terms. Starter type Ford, new tires, run about 5000 miles. $225 00 1 Moline Tractor and plows cheap as I have no use for same. Hudson Speedster same as new, cheap. 1919 King roaster. II. WOOD fTygh Valley, Oregon. i afflicted. Mrs. W. 0. Wilson has return ed to Wapinitia after spending several weeks at the hon:e of her son Don in The Dalles. I Antelope and other places, j Olga Abbott and Carmel Wood cock came out from. The Dalles Saturday to spend Easter Sun day at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Driver jcame up from Hood River Thurr dav to snend a week at their home here and to plant their ! garden. ! Many attcned the dance here Saturday night. The Columbia j orchestra from The Da!lc3 furn ! ished the music. ! There are several cases of whooping cough here. Guy Har vey's children and Nadine Har vey are among tho3e who have the whoopirg cough. Several Locals Mr. Baney and family left Tuesday to work on a section of the Mt. Hood loop highway near Mt. Hood. Tillie Richardson obtained a decree of divorce yesterday aft ernoon from Finley Richardson. The decree was filed with the county clerk this morning Chronicle 22nd. Eastman Kodaks and Kodak supplies. Maupin Drug Store. Bring us your films for develop ing. Frank Morrison of Vancouver drove up Monday and ia employ ed with his brother W. L. Mor rison in the highway construc tion blacksmith shop on the east side of the river. For sale -Beardless seed bar ley and Early Bart seed wheat -Claud Wilson. Maupin Oregon, Box 133. Rodcny Cooper accompaned his brother. Forest, of Tygh Valley to Dufur Thursday niggt where the latter received the first de gree of the Masonic order. Mr3. Fred Dickinson and Mar garitte are guests of the latters, The man is here to give you service on your car. Repair your battery. Overhaul your generator or magnito. Do any electrical work you need done All work will be guaranteed to be sat isfactory or your money will be returned, freely. Give us a trial. We can tell you what your job will cost you when you bring it in to us. Overhauling Cars, Tractors and stor age batteries, or anything you will need in the electrical line a specialty. Maupin Garage John Hunter Otto Denzel children in Tygh Valley are brother, A. A. Britton while Mr. logs and Cows We have on hand a few copies of the booklet "The Cow the Mother of Prosperity" Wc have ordered a supply of the booklet "Hogs for Pork and Profit" You certainly are interested in one of these subjects, eo write or call for your copy and wc will fill your order at once or place your name on file and mail your copy as soon as a supply arrives. These booklets are free. , Maupin State Bank We Strive to Merit Approval