7"! MAUPIN 114 1 & 11 M Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOLX. MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL J 7, 1924 NO. 23 To Build Church Money has all been collected for the erection of a Catholic church in Maupin. Construction will be commenced on their prop erty across from' the high school building as soon as arrangement is completed for the lumber. A convenient structure 24x42 feet is planned. For the past two years the members have attend ed services in the apartments of Mr. and Mrs Griffin in theO. T depot building and all realize the need of larger place of worship. Criterion The highway contractors here are quite busy. The sub con tract to Ilaneys by Baucis & Bauers is ncaring completion. Striking a difficult rock cut pre vented it having been completed some time ago. II. M. Greene who has a sub- contract from Sharen & McCall is progressing nicely. Mr. Greene's contract starts sligntly south of the Cri terion school house and extend:? a mile north. He has struck, rockin one (ft the cuts. This may delay hfnl some. Mr. Kelly L..L... J V.- ' who has the two miles south of i Mr. Greene is making good head way. lie expecis 10 nnisn in the next thirty days and intends to take another contract. Above him are two other contrrctpr, D. II. Appling and B. Kennison, both of whom are reported get ting along nicely. It seems probable that thisajj suinmer strip of road between Maupin and Cow canyon will be com pleted before that road adjacent Maupin on the north. Mrs. V. E. Hunt has a contin ued bad cold. Alien Greene who has been cooking for her father ha.-; re turned to school at Maui in. Clair is now doing tli3 cooknij. and hauling water. Conditions here in regard ti the future water supply do no. look optomistic. Several con tractors are now hauling watei for stock and household use. Some of the old residents hav been heard to remark that the water in the wells is lower now than ordinarily by the 15th ol July. Sunday night was accompanied by an extreme change in the Locals Eastman Kodaks and Kodak supplies. --Maupin Drug Store. Bring us your filing for develop ing:. Mr. and Mr3. John Muir, Tom Muir and Melvin and Raymond Jory left Monday for Burmah, Idaho. The boys evutct to stay Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Special . Prices on Package ROLLED OATS, WHEAT "CEREALS. PANCAKE FLOUR AND WHEAT HEARTS Harris Cash Store The Crandall Undertaking Co. THE DALLES. KED 1 351 In order that the people living in the southern part of the county who need funeral supplies may make their own selections, we have placed stocks with ' F. C. BUTLER E. C. PRATT, MAUPIN WAMIC -II HOTEL FLINN N. W. Flinn, Prop. i The Dalles Open Day and Night Rooms 50c to $1.00 Short Orders AH Hours Meals, family style 40c Notice to Stockmen Registered Shorthorns FOR SALE Golden Superb No. 102485 Beatiful Dark Red, 3 years - Maggies King No. 10B23IO 3 years old find fay Others, all Ages 71 fu ays itanm Tygh Valley These Bulls For Sale Cheap if taken soon Little Jimmie Agidius who is attending school in Maupin is en joying a visit from his mother ind younger brother this week. Mrs. Agidius resides in The Dalles. II. Wood of Tygh Valley re ports the sale of a new Overland Champion to Jean Uocring, Tygh Valley, a new Overland Touring to'Ira Kistner, Maupin, and a new Overland Touring to Geo. Woodruff, Waniic. For sale-Beardless seed bar-n-y and Early Bart seed wheat Claud Wilson. Maupin Oregon, Box 133. Lite Dent seed corn for sale. Alia.i..ed supply on hand. 11. L. Morris. Link Ilarpham and "UUizx" Rinick were engaged in the automcbi'e business at the side of the confectionery yesterday. Mrs. Monist, mother of Mrs. A. Agidius, and Mrs. Dowers of The Dalles were Sunday guests at the Agidius home. Mr. and Mrs. Hates Shattuck returned from Portland Satur day, driving a now light. Stude baker Six. They also brought a family of Ginea pi;::? which are proving a real delight to Miss Bernice and her little friend;?. .. V"r Jrh ;V' J- George Routh Feature Comedian with Lancaster andBairds COMEDIANS at I. 0. 0. F. Hall Wednesday and Thursday April 23, 24 weather; ice here was about half an inch thick, and though the sun shone Monday the ice thaw ed but mengerly. Generally speaking, the farm infi in this community is' not much more than half done. Some of the farmers who got at the plowing as soon as condition would permit are now finished but very little harrowing has been done. The annual Wasco county grade and high fchcol track meet will bo well attended frcm herc.The Criterion school though having a scanty number of ath letes to draw from, expects to give competition in nearly all the grade eventJ. Tygh Valley II. A. Muller was a Dalles business visitor Tuesday. E. Doering, Frank McCorkle and II. Wood were attending to business in The Dulles last week Owing to a lack of ink we fail ed last week's edition. Mr. and Mrs J. VV. Davidson were callers here Monday. C. B. Lake of The Dalles wxs visiting with his parents ovu Sunday at Wamic. Our tonsorial artist is visiting in The Dalles, Hood IUver anc. Portland this week, sort of at annual vacation, and we maj nave to look over our stock oi shoes and rice when he geU back. You never can tell what may happen. Ji. G. Weisbeck spent hut week in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Mackv Ashley ol Sherar Bridge were callers here Monday. We suggest that they move the teapot dome oil reserve ma all the officials that are implica ted in it over to Germany anc sell the whole kapoodle lor what the Kaiser will pay and apply it on indemnities. A sure winner would be to start a lime kiln and ship the white wash to Washington D. C. as it is going to take considera ble between now and election. Headline states, Most gamblers are single men" and we always heard that marriage was a lot tery. We cannot draw the moral from this one. Is a keyhole transparent?. You can see through it. Average American's public debt is $301. We're broke. Ralph Chandler was a Maupin visitor on Monday. Forest Ranger Graham of Wapinitia was a visitor here on Sunday. Forest & Berke have the ground broken and will com nence the erection of their new parage on the highway this week Mr and Mrs J. H. Kistnei returned last week from a trip to lJjise, Idaho. Ira Kistner is visiting with hit sister, Mrs. V. P Steers, this- week. , W. Sledder and Torn Atkim departed from here Monday U ;ake in the sights in Canada. Cara For Sale This week I have 1921 Dodge Touring 1024 lice s a good by at if 435 00. Terms 1918 Chevrolet 1924 license, good tires, mechanically good, $150.00. Terms. 1919 Chevrolet, new tires, 1924 license, $150.00. Terms. Starter type Ford, new tire?, run about 5000 miles. $225 00 II. WOOD fygh Valley, Oregon. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many frienns and neighbors for their many kindnesses tendered us in time3 of' sorrow, and for the many beautiful floral offerings. May the grace of God be with each and every one, and when the shadows of death draw near may we be as willingly prepared as our beloved. Cecil Mayfield, Mrs. Li'lie B. Austin, Wayne Spoor, Mrs. W. H. Yancey, Mrs. A. Vandetta, Mrs. J. L. Broyles, Mrs. S. M. McMillin, Ray C. Austin. Smock News Cecil M?.yfild is helping his brother Virg.! saw wood for a few days. Callie Duncan is making ditch es for Farlow Bros. uauue uooerts, nvmsr near Waniic, wa3 taken ill Friday, caused by eating canned fruit. Sohn Cervin and Olaf aro plow ing for I. T. Courtright. Miss i?eta Watkins of Tygh, accompanied by some young friends, was canvassing in this lection Monday for the Chroni cle contest now on. Edward Disbrow made atrip to Maupin Friday afternoon. Mrs. Bradway accompanied him. Quite a fret-ze on Tuesday morning. We're hoping it did not kill the fruit. Master Richard Pierson came from Portland on Friday to make his home with Mr. Bradways. Mrs. Kester went to Portland Saturday, returning Wednesday. The ditch leading from a point near the head waters of the jouth canyon on H. M. Greene's fruit farm north of here is being repaired and put into service. G. W. Vanderpool built this ca nal seueral years ago, before selling the property, but its use had been discontinued. Practic ally all of the south side of this place is thus put under irrigation Highway work is now over the hill out of sight from Maupin. In Far East Following a tour of duty with the American fleet of destroyers in the vicinity of Canton, China, Francis Joseph Paquet, formerly of Wapinitia, Oregon, is now with the U. S. Marines in the Philippine Islands, according to recent advises to Marine Corps Headquarters at Washington. Francis is a member of the U. S. Marine detatchment of the Cruiser Hdron, which has a rov ing commission to patrol' the waters in the Far East. During the last few weeks the Marines of the Huron were temporarily assigned to duty with the fleet destroyers, and have been cruis ing about in . the vicinity of Canton and Hongkong. They recently returued to the Philip pines to resume their duties on the U. S- S. Huron, now lying in the harbor at Manila. That ves sel will probably steam for other ports very shortly. Francis lived at the home of his father, Mr. Oliver L. Paquet of Wapinitia, before he joined the Marine Corps at Portland. in July, 1922. Later he left for the Far East and was assigned to duty on the Huron. Woodcock Bros, and crew have nearly completed set the light and power poles in Maupin. Ann ouncement! The man is hep to give you service on your car. Repair your battery. Overhaul your generator or magnito. Do any electrical work you need done All work will be guaranteed to be sat isfactory or your money will be returned, freely. Give us a trial. We can tell you what your job will cost you when you bring it in to us. Overhauling Cars, Tractors and stor age batteries, or anything you will need in the electrical line a specialty. iiiaiipiii Garage Jolto ilenzei f1 logs and Cows We have on hand a few copies of the booklet "The Cow the Mother of Prosperity" We have ordered a supply of the booklet "Hogs for Pork and Profit" You certainly arc interested in one of these subjects, ,co write or call for your copy and we will fill your order at once or place your name on file and mail your copy as soon as a supply arrives. These booklets are free. Ilaupin State Bank Vvc Strive to Merit Approval