The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, April 10, 1924, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
NO, 27
Pioneer Lady Dead
Cream Station Here
For County Judge
Card of Thanhs
Nettie Oconnor Emmons was
born in Sebatha, New Jersey.
June 19th, 1871, and died at
Snohomish, Wn-, April 5, 1924,
aged 52 years, 10 months, 16
She moved from New Jersey
to Kansas in 1879, living there
unti 1891, when she came to this
part 6f Oregon, living here until
1917 when she moved to Wash
ington, where she lived until the
time of her death.
Mrs. Emmons leaves to mourn
her loss, her husband, Herman
L. Emmons, and four children,
Harry H.Muir, of New Plymouth
Idaho, John 1). Muir, Mrs. Fern
Jory, and Thomas B Muir, of
this place, and two grandchil
dren. Melvin and Raymond Jory;
also three sisters, Mrs. L. J.
Herzog and Mrs. J. L McCor
mick, of Phillipsberg, Kansas,
and Mrs. John Closterman, of
Waverly, Missouri.
Mrs. Emmons has been a mem
ber of the United Brethern
church and has continued to
manifest her interest in the
Christian life until the time of
her death. She was a loving
devoted wife and mother and
an esteemed neighbor and friend
of all whose pleasure it was to
have known her.
Funeral services were conduct-
Narrow Escape
Local Mail Carrier W. K. Wil
liams experienced the most ex
citing accident about 7 o'clock
Saturday morning that perhaps
has ever occurred in this section
In approaching the steel bridge
from the west end the steering
wheel of his truck locked, re
sisting Mr. Williams' control
and holding the curved position,
struck the railing on the bridge
with such force that it broke a
2x6 plank and was stopped by
the steel support. A new wheel
and tire were fortunatly Mr.
Williams' principal expenses,
and he is rejoicing that ho did
no damage to the railroad track
Fur the
dairymen shipping
Joseph Traxtle was found dead
near his house on Bradger Creek
having died of heart failure some
time during the afternoon of the
8th, and was buried today in
the Happy Ridge cemetery. Mr.
Traxtle had been a resident of
this section for the past eighteen
years. He is survived by one
son and two daughters.
ed in the I. 0. 0. F. hall yester
day afternoon by Rev. Parker of
Wapinitia, and the remains were
laid to rest in the Kelly cemetery
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
Special Prices on Package ROLLED OATS, WHEAT
Harris Cash Store
The Crandall Undertaking Co.
In order that the people living in the southern part of the
county who need funeral supplies may make their own
selections, we have placed stocks with
convenience of the
cream from
Maupin, The Mutual Creamery
Co. of Portland established a
cream buying station at R. E.
Wilson Co. at Maupin, having a
licensed tester in charge, who
will receive, weight sample, test,
and pay spot cash the day or day
following arrival of your cream.
This gives you the same advant
age as you would have, should
there be a creamery in your com
munity. The price paid will be Portland
delivered price less a small de
buction for express and station
The station provides a market
of the same advantage to both
small and large shipper. If you
are coming to town bring your
can along, whether it be full or
not as you will receive the same
price, whereas if you ship by
express, a can half full will cost
M) much as a full one. You can
take your can back home with
you an. I avoid the anoyauce o1
lost or delayed cans. You take
no chaho s of crean being spilled
iu transit unless you spill it your
self. You can see your cream
weighed, ; a npled and teste:), if
you wish. ,
If you ate living on a rural
route, you can ship your cream
to the Creamery Com
pany, Maupin. and if it is not
carried through any postoflice
other than this, it w,UJ take tin
local rate which i; much lees
than first or secon l ?,;iie rate
and your can and check will be
returned the same way next day.
Aoout 81WU dairymen are pa
tronizing these cream station.
Cream shippers should gi this
new industry in our community
their support.
N. W. Flinn, Prop. The Dalles
Open Day and Night
Rooms 50c to $1.00
Short Orders All Hours
Meals, family style 40c
Notice to Stockmen
Registered Shorthorns
Golden Superb No. 102465
Beatiful Dark Red, 3 years
Maggies King No. 1062310
3 vears old
And Many Others, all Ages
Mays Ranch
Tygh Valley
These Bulls For Sale Cheap if taken soon
For Sale
1918 "4'JO" Chevrolet Tour
ing Car good tires, 1921 License
$150. Terms.
Sevsral Dodges -1920 to 1922
- Good prices and terms.
1 1921 Baby Grand Chevrolet.
See me if you want anything
m new or-usea cars, l can com
pete with anyone on prices and
Tygh Valley, Oregon.
Smock News
J. M. Fal low and wife made a
business trip to The Dalles Tues
J. R. Woodcock of Wamic was
- i . i m
a sunaay visitor at Marion
J. W. Ayres and family were
Sunday visitors at J. C. Brad-
J. p. Kennedy and daughter
Lucile and Willis Farlow and
wife went to Criterion Sunday.
Died at Salem on Wednesday,
Mr3. Nola Craft, formerly of
Smock. She was buried at
Dufur where the family now
reside. She is survived by her
husband and seven children.
Mrs. Howell of MrMinnville is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cal
lie Duncan.
Arthur Kesttr v.ent to Fort
land Thursday for treatment for
an injury to his eye. He will re
main a week.
Miss Ora Duncan who is help
ing Mrs. Claymier on Janiper
Flat came home Saturday even
ing returning Sunday evening.
Wamic News
John Shively went to The Dal
les Thursday taking his little scr
Everett for medical treatment.
Mabel and Elvina were guest r
of Mrs. Eliza Johnson while their
father was in The Dalles.
Winter is gone and summer ii
here the past two days, temper:
ture getting up to 70 above.
County Commissioner L. E
Kelly went to The Dalles Tues
day from Maupin where he if
attending court.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woodcoet
came over from Maupin Thurs
day, remaining until Sunday.
A tramp came here Thursday
afternoon who seemed to be
wandering aimlessly around, tak
ing the opposite direction fren
where he seemed to want to g( .
He apparently was in a dement
ed condition.
Marion Allen has moved hi:
family from the Harth place It
Five Mile where he has purchas
ed a place.
Mrs. Sam Apiing who was op
erated on in The Dalles hospii; I
last week ta getting a'onjj fine.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dahl wen
Dalles visitors Saturday fron
Tygh Valley.
Max Woodruff and Miss VercV
Morrow went to The Dalle.; Kal
urday remaining over night at
the Geo. Woodruff home.
Mrs. Cecil Ueddinglon ai d
Regina Mullet' were Dalles visit
ors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Drive i
and son B re fit On went to Smock
Tuesday morning and to Slicrai
Bridge in the afternoon.
No school here Monday. Mrs.
Betty Chastiin went to The
Dalles to attend the funeral of
her cousin whose remain? were
brought from California.
A big crowd attended the
dance here Saturday night. Win
ston La'o was manager. An or
meatra from The Dalles furnish
ed the music.
Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Rust were
Dalles visitors last week from
Sherars Bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Olsen and
Mrs. Lewie Wood side visited in
The Dalles last wee!; from War
iuitia. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller
spent several days last week in
Portland at the Bud Zmiwalt
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gakl visit
ed in The Dalles last week.
Dan Gibbs was at Friend fren
Dufur last week.
Charley Gabel of The Dalks
spent part of last week on Juni
per Flat.
T 1. I I I i a
i uereoy declare myself as We wish to extend our sincere
candidate for theoffice of County 'thanks to friends and neighbors,
fudge of Wasco county at the I who assisted us with words of
May primaries subject to the i fympathy and deeds of kindness
i;il nf ft.Q i,i:..- t 'iiiuui ic-cKiii, niui uerea'Tinem.
lit H1G
Vly slogan-
Vdministration Consistent with offerings.
he Times. A square deal and I Herman L. Emmons,
-A Good Business nt'opintinn fni the hDonfifiil Hr,-ol
ourtesy to all.
Paid Advertisement)
Mrs. Fern Jory,
Mr. and Mrs. John
Thomas B. Muir,
Harry H. Muir.
Sunday, April 13
lies beyond
the door
Atty. E. B. Dufur came
from Portland yesterday.
County bupt. uronewuiu is in
Maupin this evening and an
nounces the track meet will be
held on the race trace above
town Anril 19th instead of at
Tygh Valley.
For sale - Beardless seed bar
ley and Early Bart seed wheat
Claud Wilson, ftlaupin Uregon,
Box 133.
H. L. Emmons left this morn
ing for Snohomish, Wn.
The Quarterly meeting of th
Mautiin State Bank was held
here Tuesday President J. M
Conklin was present from loit
White Dent seed rorn for tab .
A limited supply on hand. II.
L. Morris.
Strayed, one bay mare colt, 2
years old, no brand; one buck
skin saddlehorse, had a ropr
around his neck w hen last seen,
branded. Reward of ?5 for in
formation leading to the two or
;f2.5Q to one. M. I bhearer.
Oie man is here to inve yon service
on your car.
Repair your battery.
Overhaul your generator or magnito.
Do any electrical work you need done
All work will he guaranteed to be sat
isfactory or your money will be
returned, freely.
Give us a trial. We can tell you what
your job will cost you when you
bring it in to us.
Overhauling Cars, Tractors and stor
age batteries, or anything you
will need in the electrical line
a specialty.
John Hunter
Otto Denzel
laupin Garag
m and Cows
We have on hand a fet copies of the booklet
"The Cow the Mother of Prosperity"
w e na
"Hogs for Pork and Profit"
oil ('(Tluinr
ill f
or your com
it your r
in one
j( t!
voiir cop ' as 80011
booklets ore free.
lie and nui
Maupin State Bank
e Strive to Merit Approval