The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 28, 1924, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items. .
Event of Noted People, Governments
. and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Thlngi Worth Knowing.
Chris Baumhaufer, a yard foreman
at the Hocla mine at Burke, Idaho,
plunged 900 feet down a shaft to his
death Monday.
The dally average of tolls paid for
use of the Panama canal from Febru
ary 1 to 1C Is announced as 173,684,
exceeding the average for any month
with the exception of December, 1914.
Signing of the treaty worked out
between the "Washington and Ottawa
governments for the suppression of
illicit liquor traffic along the Cana
dian border has been temporarily de
layed in order that a minor change in
the draft sent by the Canadian author
ities may be made.
. French francs Tuosday dropped to
a new record low level at 4.25 cents,
a decline of 12 points from Saturday's
' closing price. The fall was apparent
ly based on the difficulties of the
French government in forwarding Its
fiscal programme.
i "A high treasury official" admitted
to him that treasury department estl-
mates of an ex-service men's bonus
were "Juggled" to fool the public, Col-
' onel Thomas Miller, alien property
custodian, asserted in an address Sun
day at a bonus mass meeting.
Aided by a group of republicans,
most of them insurgents, house demo
crats Tuesday eliminated from the
revenue bill the Mellon income tax
' rates. By a vote of 222 to 196 a sched
ule advanced by Representative Gar
ner, democrat, Texas, was substituted.
More than 10,000 Japanese, at a
: mass meeting in Toklo Sunday, adopt
, ed resolutions demanding at once the
resignation of members of the Kl
: youra ministry, then paraded the
streets, passing before the Peers' club.
Police reserves were called out but
Uhe demonstration was orderly.
i Ratification of the German commer
' cial treaty as now drawn was opposed
' Tuesday before the senate foreign re
lations committee by B. F. Plummer,
vice-chairman of the shipping board,
who said the most favored nation's
clause seriously hampers efforts to
rebuild the American merchant ma
rine. i Two sharks caught in the waters of
Palm ' Beach, Fla., Saturday, have
caused no little consternation among
the bathers who flock to that fash
ionable strip of sand and water every
day at noon. Neither fish was a man
eater, but both were capable of caus
ing considerable damage to the human
Described by New York police as a
"girl with the financial wizardry of a
Ponzl.or a Lindsay," Miss Helen Beck
ett, a stockbroker, was imprisoned
Tuesday on complaint of socially
prominent patrons of a Fifth-avenue
.corset shop that she had defrauded
them of $50,000. She was charged
with forgery. ,
Members of the government's spe
cial oil counsel, Owen J. Roberts and
Atlee Pomerene, Tuesday received
from President Coolidge their instruc
tions and their commissions, estab
lished their headquarters, and an
nounced that no time would be lost
In undertaking diligently and urgently
legal proceedings, both criminal and
civil. '
Clothes worn by Abraham Lincoln
when he was assassinated In Ford's
theater, Washington, by John Wilkes
Booth, Tuesday were sold at public
auction in, Philadelphia for $6500.
They consisted of an old black suit,
the foliar stained with the life blood
of the martyred president, the trous
ers wrinkled; a badly torn overcoat
and a faded silk stock.
Hudson Maxim of Laka'Hopatcong,
N. J, famous Inventor, who has de
clared that under the ISth amendment
tea and coffee are to be regarded as
Intoxicating and traffic In them pro
hibited, announced Tuesday he had
retained Elmer King, a lawyer of this
city, to bring friendly suit against a
well-known hotel in Newark to test
the validity of the amendment. He
aid be was entirely in earnest in
bringing the action.
Disturbance of Present Relationship
Would Aid Canadians.
Washington, D. C Flour milling In
terests argued before the tariff com
mission Monday for maintenance of
the present tariff relationship between
.wheat, flour and wheat products. They
were unable, however, to produce pro
duction costs of wheat feeds desired
by the commission and adjournment
was taken until Tuesday, when the
commission expects to conclude the
hearings on the costs of wheat, flour
and feed production In connection
with the application for a tariff in
crease on wheat requested by the
wheat council of the United States.
The millers testified that Canadian
millers were able to put down a barrel
of flour in New York, after paying a
duty of $1.63, for seven cents less
than it costs American millers to place
flour on the New York market.
They pointed out that If the wheat
duty were Increased 60 per cent anjl
a corresponding increase were not
placed on flour, Canadian millers
would be able to undersell American
millers In New York markets to the
extent of 77 cents a barrel.
Canadian flour was selling in Lon
don a week ago for the equivalent of
$5.50 a barrel, one miller testified,
stating that an equal grade of that
flour could not be produced in Min
neapolis for that amount. The Cana
dian millers, it was stated, have
crowded American flour off the Brit
lsh and continental markets and are
making inroads in the American ex
port flour trade In the West Indies
through their ability to sell at lower
prices, and with the, aid of preferen
tial tariffs granted by British colonies.
Only the American trade and such
markets as they could develop in
South and Central America, together
with the orient, were left to the Amer
ican millers.
Greek Government In Discard.
London. The - Greek government
headed by Premier Kafandarls has
fallen, according to an Athens dis
patch to the Dally Express.
The government's defeat, it is said,
is the consequence of its refusal to
accede to the demands of the extrem
ists for establishment of a republic
before a plebiscite was taken.
The fall of the government came as
a surprise1, as It was thought up to the
last that the extremists would be de
feated. J
Athens. At a meeting Monday af
ternoon between ex-Premier Venizelos
and ex-Minlster of Foreign Affairs
Rousses, with General Othonaios, rep
resenting the army, it was agreed that
the downfall of the dynasty should be
proclaimed in the assembly, but con
ditionally upon confirmation of this
decision by a plebiscite.
British Dock Strike Settled.
London. The dock strike, lasting
ten days, was settled quickly Monday,
when dolegates met In conference.
Acceptance of terms was almost unan
imous, only two minor ports having
A feature of the strike, which in
volved many thousands of men, was
complete absence of disorder, although
the strike extended over all parts of
the kingdom, and dockers generally
are regarded as a somewhat unruly
class of workers.
The government is expected to an
nounce immediately the chairman of
the commission to inquire into de-
casualizatlon, and as the employers
have agreed to the principle of main
tenance for men who are idle during
cart of the week owing to the pe,
culiar exigencies of dock labor, it may
be supposed that some remedy for
this grievance will be found speedily.
Bllllardist Wins Suit.
New York. Willinm F. Hoppe,
world's champion bllllardist, was giv
en a verdict Monday by a Jury in su
preme court sustaining the charges
he preferred against his wife, Alice
Beatrice Hoppe, In his suit tor abso
lute divorce. The Jury found that
Mrs. Hoppe was guilty of misconduct
InBt November with a salesman. .Jus
tice O'Malley, who heard the case, is
pected to soon make known the dis
position of the Hoppe children.
Fireman Is Suffocated.
New Orleans. Jules Pujol, assist
ant fire chief, was suffocated when
trapped In the warehouse of the
Marks-Isaacs company Canal street
department store, which was destroy
ed by fire Saturday.
Five other firemen, two of whom
may die, were hurt by falling walls.
Preliminary estimates placed the loss
at $50,000. '
Still Explosion Fatal.
San Francisco. William Miller, 72,
was fatally Injured in the explosion
of a still at his home here Saturday.
He died a few hours later at a hos
pital. The still waa operated by a kero
sene burner, which is supposed to
have gotten out of order.
Hot Fight Delays Final Vote
on Measure.
Plan to Throw Out Democratic Sched
ule Is Complicated by Satur
day's Developments.
Washington, D. C The revenue bill
withstood successfully assaults in the
house Saturday, the most determined
attack in the form of an amendment
proposing a restoration of the excess
profits tax being defeated 157 to 74.
A stubborn fight for the amendment,
which would have re-enacted the law
repealed in 1921 with slightly different
rates, so prolonged consideration of
the measure that leaders predicted a
final vote on it could not now be ex
pected before the latter part of next
Representative Frear, republican in
surgent, Wisconsin, submitted the
amendment and was supported in de
bate by Representative Oldfleld, dem
ocrat, Arkansas. Democrats, however,
divided on the question, only about
half of those present voting with the
republican insurgents ifor it.
The estate tax section was taken up
but with another fight impending for
Increase of these rates, final consider
ation of it was put over until this
week. ,
Plans of republican organization
leaders for any attempt they contem
plate to throw out the democratic In
come rate schedules In the bill when
it comes up for a final vote were fur
ther complicated by a development
which it was feared might lessen the
probabilities of several Insurgent re
publicans joining at that time with
the party organization on the vote for
a compromise between the Mellon and
Garner plans.
Representative La Guardia, repub
lican insurgent, New York, who had
asked Secretary Mellon for his views
on a compromise schedule' providing
for a 40 per cent surtax rate and a
normal rate of 5 per cent on incomes
above $4000 instead of 6 per cent, as
carried in the organization measure,
was informed by the secretary that
this plan would not provide sufficient
revenue for a bonus. Mr. La Guardia,
who voted for the democratic income
rates, had been counted among those
expected by the organization to sup
port a compromise.
However, Mr. Mellon declared also
that neither the Garner schedule now
in the bill, the original Mellon rates,
hor those Including miscellaneous tax
changes reported by the ways and
means committee, would raise suffi
cient revenue for a bonus.
Meanwhile Mr. Longworth said ne
gotiations had been held up on the
tight against income schedules as a
result of delay in consideration of the
bill. Several minor amendments, none
fit which were passed, proposing to
allow taxpayers more time in which
to correct returns questioned by the
treasury, were defeated in short skir
mishes prior to the fight on the excess
profits tax.
Navy Ruling Protested.
Washington, D. C Protest that the
navy department had refused to per
mit circulation among its employes of
a petition Betting forth opposition to
the tentative reclassification of feder
al workers, was embodied in a letter
left at the White House Saturday by
Loren H. Wlttner, chairman of an or
ganization known as the departmental
protest classification committee.
Wlttner asserted In his letter that
the navy department by Us refusal
was violating the law and denying
constitutional rights.
Indiana Mill Is Burned.
Evansvllle, Ind. The plant of the
Kelsay-Burns Milling company, form
erly the Akin Erskine Milling com
pany, one of the largest mills of its
kind in the central states, was de
stroyed by fire Saturday night. The
loss will reach the half million dollar
mark to the mill alone and the sur
rounding property within a three-block
radius suffered an additional $25,000
loss. Firemen fought the blaze for
3 hours before It was under control.
Four Men Burn In House.
Pittsburg, Pa. Four men were burn
ed to death in a ffre which destroyed
a three-family dwelling house at Etna,
near here, early Sunday. Two other
men escaped by jumping from a sec
ond story window. An overturned
oil lamp was believed to have started
the fire. .
SYNOPSI& Under the name of
"Captain Sazarac," and disguised,
Jean Lafltte, former freebooter
of Barataria, proscribed, returns
to the city of New Orleans. He
la recognized by two of his old
companions, Alderman Dominique
and Beluche. At the gaming
tables Bazarao has won much
money from Colonel Carr, Brit
ish officer. John Jarvis, the city's
first bohemlan of the arts and
letters, an oldtlme friend of La
fltte. tells of a woman's face and
smile. As his last wager, Carr
puts up a woman, presumably a
slave. Custom compels Sazarao
to accept the stake. He wins.
His old associates and Count
Raoul de Almonaster accost him
as Lafltte. A project of the
youthful adventurers of New Or
leans Is the rescue of Napoleon
Bonaparte from St. Helena, and
a ship, the Seraphlne, has been
made ready. From De Almonas
ter Bazarao learns that the girl
he "won" at the card table Is
white, of high estate, and that
the matter has been made a by
word in the city's resorts. Baz
arao finds Mademoiselle Lestron,
a fellow passenger on a river
steamer a few days before, and
with whom he had fallen, in love,
is the girl and in chivalry fore
goes his revenue against Carr.
Jarvts admires Mademoiselle Les
tron. He Is a witness of the
meeting and picks up a camellia
which the girl had thrown, un
noticed, to Sazarao. Jarvis is
dangerous; he talks too much In
his cups, His old associates of
the Barataria days urge Lafltte
to take command of the Sera
phlne. ostensibly to rescue Napo
leon but really to fly the black
flag and cruise the seas. He
hesitates. Jarvis is a witness of
the kidnaping of Mademoiselle
Lestron, but his story is not
given credence. De Almonaster
entertains Sazarac, now admitted
ly Jean Lafltte, at his country
house. Lafltte, accused of the
abduction of Mademoiselle Les
tron, Is warned of the approach
of a military party seeking to
arrest him. He escapes to the
swamps of Barataria. Lafltte
learns that Mademoiselle Lestron
has teen placed on the ship
Oenaron, for the West Indies. In
fluenced by his followers of the
freebootlng days, and by De Al
monaster, chief owner of the Ser
aphlne. Lafltte agrees to seize
the ship and sail to the rescue
of Mademoiselle Lestron.
CHAPTER VII Continued.
He took his snuff debonairly. And
suddenly, with a shout of Joy, the hairy
giant, Johanness, seized the count's
slender hand. "There once morel I
told you, Jean, that this young aristo
crat was the truest adventurer of us
all 1 Now, he proposes a ship 1 A ship
for Sazarac 1"
The Captain Sazarac In turn grasped
De Almonaster's hand: "Well, then,
Bohon, get word to the Temple!
Choose your fellows well, and have
them come by the water trails secretly
to Monsieur Berthoud's plantation
across from the upper city. And not
a field-hand or house-slave must so
much as have sight of a shirt-tall of
you all. No liquor, there I No brawl
ing, until we have descended by the
old smuggler's road and taken the Na
poleon ship!" .
The score of figures crowded on the
lugger's deck, or wading waist-deep
about her bow, holding the flambeaus
and striving to listen to the confer
ence, raised a hoarse cry. Crackley,
the leader of the deserters, strove for
dominance over the younger men.
"Eh, bullies! I told you there
would be blood-letting, once we had
the man to lead us I A ship, and then
over the line at the king o' Spain's
traffic, says 11"
At a word from Bohon there was a
scattering of the Islanders from the
smuggler's rail. A whispered confer
ence here and there; secret orders
given ; gesticulations of surprise and
exultation, as the lieutenants ex
plained what must be arranged.
At the lugger's bow there now stood
but two figures. The gamester, Saza
rac, had placed a hand on the younger
man's shoulder. .
"You peril your life and your tor
tune, Monsieur. jThere is but one
stake for which I would accept such a
mad offer from a friend. One night,
upon the staircase at the hotel, I said
bluntly, merely as a vagabond may
speak his thought, with nothing to lose
or gain that I loved the lady of my
wager at Maspero's. I went my way,
asking no answer. The moonlight was
on the palms and myrtle ... I
could not well see, but I thought some
thing fell and vanished from my sight
It might have been her answer."
"Very llkaly It was the lady's an
swer," smiled De Almonaster.
"Eh, welll Out of the shadows It
came Into the shadows It vanished.
It appears to be like my life. It seems
to have the prophecy of my love. Ah,
a curious thing! a flicker in the
moonlight and silence!"
"I offer, Monsieur, a ship, my friend
ship, my fortune; to compel the lady
to answer!"
The bronzed adventurer laughed
slightly. "Thank you. Monsieur I"
But suddenly his companion started
with an amazed gasp.
"Sazarac, I have forgotten some
thing! Perdition! It Just came to my
dullard. mind! The plot Is to seize the
Seraphlne tomorrow night as the lie
at her moorings before' the Place
d'Armes I"
"Certainly the venture ennnot be de
layed a moment beyond that"
"Well and good I But It Is the night
of the banquet to celebrate the plot
Napoleon. I, myself, am to make a
modest speech of acceptance for my
aunt, Baroness Pontalba, as I take
over her Interests In outfitting the
Seraphlne 1"
"I should say It is very well. Put
ting back to the city at once, with
your blacks, and appearing ut the af
fair, you are shielded from all con
nivance with what the Infamous Saza
rac may do."
"Ah, but!" exclaimed De Almonas
ter. "There Is to be a bull at the
Theatre d'Orleans. The youth and
chivalry of the city are to fiance there,
and then away to the Seraphlne her
self to revel and drink to the plot
upon her decks."
"At 'what hour, Monsieur? I admit
this Is disconcerting."
"At twelve o'clock. The ship will
be ablaze with lanterns and hung with
ribbons 1 Nom de Dleu 1 It Is too late
to change the affair I I could bite my
fingers that I did not think of the
banquet. Commander Bosslere will
preside. De Marlgny, Barre, Tlerre
des Trehan, young De la Vergne the
officers of the garrison and the mu
nicipality the affair will be an up
roar until sunrise!" 1
"Midnight," commented the other.
"Well, then by Bonaparte, himself
Monsieur Sazarac shall attend. He
will stand at the banquet table In the
emperor's suite and toast the absent
guests. He will be the ghost out of
the -dark, and fleeting on to the dark-
"Belles Chandelles, M'sleul Madame!
Belles Chandelles!"
ness that awaits him. He will be brief
in his role, this Sazarac grasping at
a flicker of moonlight ; and for bis an
swersilence." CHAPTER VIII
The Revelers of the Place d'Armes.
In the dusky radiance of the chain
oil-lamps suspended from corner to
corner, the vagrant candle seller held
his handful of green wax myrtle tapers
hlglv peering up at the Iron gallery
to the possible customer.
"Belles chandelles I Petits belles
chandelles Madame!"
The magnificent lady Ignored him
with disdain, and the shabby old fig
ure shambled on with Its cry:
"Belles chandelles, M'sleu! Madame
belles chandelles!"
At the corner of the rue Royale and
Orleans just behind the cathedral the
peddler stopped and hitched his cloak
higher over his basket The rue
d'Orleans was a blaze of light show
ing forth the low facade of the famous
ballroom. From carriages, dusky, be
jeweled women were alighting; and
across the cobbles grooms led horses
from which gentlemen had Just dis
mounted to wander by groups to the
barroom or to the crowded vestibule
of the Quadroon ball. Laughing, Jest
ing gallants, some of more youthful
appearance glancing rather timorously
up the street, for this was a frolic
not countenanced openly and yet the
gentlemen of the town and the plan
tations would be there. Favorites and
mistresses the famed beauties of the
demi-monde and perhaps a few bet
ter recognized were lured to the Ball
d'Orleans to wonder curiously how
brothers, fathers and lovers might
comport themselves at the revel.
The old candle seller, In the shadow
of the trees In the cathedral garden
across the rue Royale, watched un
ceasingly. Behind him lay the narrow
paved Alley St. Antolne between the
church and the gloomy, hlgh-gallerled
buildings Jutting over It The other
end opened on the Place d'Armes ; and
beyond that, the levee where there
was a group of lanterns forming an
arch over a carpeted gangway that led
to the deck of the gayly lighted Sera
phlne. The candle peddler looked each way
casually. At length, from the crowd J.
Copyright by The Bobbt-Merrlll Com puny
before the ballroom vestibule amidst
the flash of carriage wheels, sleek
coated animals turning among the
bright-coated gentlemen and shouting
hostlers, there came one brown
skinned fellow tugging to hold back a
spirited steed. , Unsteadily, as by
chance he was Jerked on by the horse,
the groom flnully held up at the ban
quette of broud stones on which stood
the Idle candle seller. To him the
groom muttered ;
"Monsieur Almonaster Is here. He
thought It best. They gibe him round
ly about the affair Lafltte, but he pro
testshe has given half his plantation
force to the military and the city
guard who are beating out the woods
for the stolen lady. He bus de
nounced as deeply as any against the
outrage nnd he thought ft best to
come Join the gallants. How goes It,
"With the few of us In town welL
And, be assured, across the river the
Captain Jean will have his fellows
ready I Be on, now! You must not
talk to me overlong. Only, Teton, we
Idle here, armed and watchful and a
word from your master "
"Monsieur de Almonaster Is to send
word by me I am to hang about
drinking with the servants at our side
entrance watching."
"Word must come In time before
the party leaves for the ship we
must know that an hour before."
"My master will be assured. The
fun grows furious already It will be
drawn ere they think of supper on the
Seraphlne." I
"Be gone! Here comes one of the
police guard !"
The quarter-blood groom led on De
Almonaster's horse. And again the
candle seller raised his monotonous
cry down the rue Royale. And from
the river end of Antolne's alley wan
dered another figure; at the deep en
try to the Padre's house, midway In
the tree-shaded obscurity, the old An
daluslan beggar sank on the stones
with a sigh and adjusted the pair of
pistols at his belt to more ease.
When Gorglo wandered this way
again, the vagrant seemed asleep.
Then came his mutter: "Perhaps, on
the rue de la Levee by the first mar
ket stall, there might, await a cus
tomer. Thou art too noisy at the best
for the Padre's street, eh Frore
"Custom Is bad at least," retorted
Gorglo, "but you the police will
harry you on as well."
"Not with Padre Antolne, my good
friend, above at his book," growled the
other. "Do as I bid I was sent." -
And on Idled the candle man, with
his owl-cry to the gallerled homes.
Under the thick arches of the ancient
market he bantered hoarsely about the
cabbage and fowl stalls. At this hour
the market was little visited and few
kept open. A few lazy Indian women
and mulattoes grumbled back at Gor
glo's Jests; an early cart or two
backed In to unload for the morrow's
business, and It was to one of theso,
on which a trio of trucksters smoked
idly, that the old man came.
They shot down dark, Inscrutable
"Pierre," muttered Gorglo, "you are
In charge of these?"
"In all, sixteen of us, sleeping about
the stalls," came In the patois. "Tho
police guards note nothing. But of
the fellows who must cross by the
river, there Is delay. What was the
"It cannot be set to a moment. At
midnight the ball must have taken
every Idler from the plaza to crowd
about and gape at the gentry. Save
for the cursed lights about the ship
Itself, all would be clear. It must be
touch and board quickly."
"Two of Johanness' men are already
enlisted in the crew. They report ail
well, save that old Bosslere fusses
about the tables on the deck the
lights and wine and cuisine keep the
servants all astir."
"He will go to the ball later. As
commander of. the Napoleon expedi
tion, and the affair in honor of the
Seraphlne's departure on a next week's
tide, the young brgvoi will have him
in the whirl." ' '
"Monsieur de Almonaster's groom is
to fetch the first word to me I to Pe
ter, the beggar, who plays the sot on
the steps of the Padre's house. He
to you in the market then you to the
lantern signal under the rue Toulouse
landing. Then the six boats shoot
with all speed from the other shore.
At the first commotion as they swing
aboard, your fellows rush openly from
the market, cast off the mooring Hns
and Join, It Is overboard with any
who oppose."
"Ah, to play the part of Sax
arac one hourl"
Japanese Story Tellers.
Public story tellers still earn a e-ood
livelihood In Japan. In the large citiee
and towns hundreds of tbem ply their
trade, provided with a small table, a
fan and a paper wrapper to illustrate
nnd emphasize the points of thehr