I PORTI ANH 1 Jl 1 1-iiLllJLy Page & Son Portland, Oregon IMallory Select Residential & Transient 15th and Yamhill, Portluid, Oregon. Modern Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE GLASSES That Fit-None Better CHARGES REASONABLE Dr. Harry Brown 149 Third St PORTLAND, ORECON We Specialize In Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair! Tallow, Cascan, Oregon Grape Root. Goat Skins, Horse Hair Write for Shipplm Tain & latitat Price Llit Portland Hide & Wool Co. 101 UNION AVfNUE NORTH, PORTLAND, OM00N, Branch at Pocatello, Idaho New Pacific Northwest Pocket Map The Union Pacific has just received from the press a new pocket edition in dexed map of the Pacific Northwest, which is perhaps the moBt complete and convenient map of Oregon and Washington ever published. A copy will be sent free to any address by Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon, upon receipt of request by card or letter. "LITE-FOOT" Powdered DANCE FLOOR WAX Givei smooth. Gliding fin ish to hard or oft-wood floors. NO ACID; GREASE OR DUST. Your druggist hat it. If not, send ua stamps, 76c for one-pound package CLARKE, WOODWARD DRUG CO. Portland, Oregon. XVSd U9 fe m "' i fi rr. n-. 1 nn Astounding Prevalence TT IS appalling to realize that probably 70 of the adult pop ulation suffers with Piles or spme other form of Colon trouble. Yet, I GUARANTEE to cure any case of Piles by my non-surgical method or refund the patient's fee. On or about March tint my killed organisa tion of rectal specialists will be housed in my own new building at stn eft Main, directly opposite th Court House, Portland, Oregon Send today (or my FREE illustrated book. CHAS. J. DEAN, N.D 2ND AND MORRISON PORTIAND, OREGON MtNTION1 'THIS PAPER HEN WRITING Making Friends and Enemies. If. you want enemies, excel others; if you want friends, let others excel you. Colton. Unlike the Bore. We'll say this for the burglar, he never drops In on us when we are busy. Boston Evening Transcript. 1 ' IP ; iwt rvmitn -BANCS H.ggS SiilJ ,1V PROVES THAT WOMEN ARE BRAVE Mathede Sehonberg, Who Was Taken Prisoner by Chinese Bandits, Faced Death to Save Others. Mathede Sehonberg, maid of Miss Lucy Aldrlch, was taken captive by Chinese bandits. The band of bandits, when pursued by soldiers, placed their captives in front to receive the fire. It became evident that whatever happened to the bandits, ' no captive would escape alive. It was essential that the fire of the soldiers should be Btopped If any captive was to be saved. The only way was ' to send one of the captives as a messenger to the Boldlers. One of the men volunteered to go. Presumably, any man would go, but some men are more competent than others In the face of danger. But Miss Sehonberg Insisted that a woman should go, as the soldiers would be less likely to fire other than on a man. That the danger was real Is shown by the fact that one of the bandits who escorted her was shot 1 Leaves Estate to Dog, $10,000 Annuity to Spouse I Boston. Of an estate valued at ! $500,000, an annuity of $10,000 Is left th hnshand of Mrs. Luctnda E. Shaw, originator of a brand of candy, whose will was lllea lor proDate re cently. Provision Is made for the comfort of Mrs. Shaw's pet dog. The bouse hni.i onrl nersonal effects and real es tate here and In Maine are left to Al bert W. Myer, In Mrs. Shaw's emplo OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Pnrtl.nd, Oregon VAUDEVILLI PHOTO-PLAYS Oomplots Chaage Ssturdsy. Adults, Week day Matlase, guo; Evenings, 4Uc. Oontlnu Kilt 1 to 11 s m. Children 10 tioll ill times.' Writ at (or prloM nd market condition! on Veil Bogs, Foultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc. Forty Years In the 8am Location. Hotel PLEATING SPECIAL Out, mid, heai and machina opr. Mn, nl.t alilrU t..Aw Ur k..ri 00 C011U1 Hsmitltchlng, plcotlng and tucking. T.iKTr.kn HnVr.l.TY liPO. 00. 16 H Fifth St. Portland, Or. INFORMATION . DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery Hemstitching, Button, Covarad. STEPHAN'S lWVi Tanth St. Portland ATTENTION LADIES Banltarr Beiutv Parlors Wt (li Ton np, ws make all kinda of Hair Good, of our combings. Join our Srhool of Beauty Culture. 400 to 414 Sskunt Bldg., Hun Breedway onus, roruana, Oregon. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teachea trad In week. Soma pay whll learning. Positions secured. Writ ror catalogue. 234 Burnglde (treat, Fort' land, Oregon. BRAZING. WELDING ft CUTTING Northwest Welding A Supply Co., 88 1st St. OUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St. PERSONAL Marry if Lonely; most successful "Hons Maker": hundreds rich: confidential: reli' sble; years experience; descriptions free, "The Successful Club." Mrs. Nash. Boa 868. usuana, csuionua. 250 Hotucg for salegexchange or rent. We rent them with or without the harness. Horses guaranteed as represented, or will excnanRe mem or reiuna your money. North Portland Horse d Mule Co.. Box oio, in. r-omana, vre. umpire ui.il. CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleaning and Dye ing service send parcela to us. We nay return Dostase. Inform. atlon and prices given upon re quest. ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS.. Established 1890. Portland. Ora GOING TO BUILD? We have hundreds of plana at $10.00 and op. Send as a iketch of the home you want and w will sub mit similar specimen plans. No obligation except w return pians iz net suitable. O. M. AKERS Designing and Drafting, 111-12 Couch Building, Portland, Oregon. Set of :$8 oo Teeth, We guarantee material and workmanship. Painless extraction of teeth. 60c. 20 years tn the same location. U. S. DENTISTS, SMott wash ington cor. Second, Portland, Oregon. BUY THE BEST HORSE COLLAR HADE 0 All long- rye straw stuffed. Insist on having the collar with the "Fish" Label. If your dealer does not handle this brand collar, writ to us direct , -P. SHARKEY A SON 83 Union Av., Portland, Or. FOR BALD, one of the best Percheron stallions in me country, weigning over a cattle. Nortn Portland Horse & Mule Co., Box 818. N. Portland. Ore. Emnlre 0121. ton. Will exchange for horses, mules or AUTO PARTS FOR ALL GARS At less than H Price. Mail orders promptly rilled Psmlift liitn WrorLinff (.n Broadway A Flanders, away nana PORTLAND I Hefiiiefl rl.lH nivvniii vvi , SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Removed without h:jury to the skin by Ney-Born Depilatory. Sample on request. Ney-Born Lab oratories, 619 Morgan rJIdg.. Portland Oregon. Exploited by the Camera. Some of the satellites of Jupiter were discovered photographically, and have never been seen except on photo graphic plates. . The vanity of human life is like river, constantly passing away and yet constantly coming on. Pope. dead. Facing the deadly fire, she passed through safely and accom pushed her mission. It Is already proposed that Mlse Sehonberg receive the Carnegie medal for heroic conduct, and It may be assumed that she will get It. She will certainly be exalted In the souls of those whose lives she saved and their families. woman Is naturally timid. She shrinks from facing it, and yet con stantly does face what men would never endure. And at every moment or extreme peni wmcn can by no means be escaped, woman Invariably faces the peril with a calmness and resolution which few men can achieve. San Francisco Chronicle. , Nature Writers. Nearly all our nature writers are men of the north temperate tone. They yearn so much to write about trees and flowers because of the win ter that they annually suffer under. for many years, on condition that he take care of her dog for Its life "nod treat It kindly during such period The residue is left to George K Bllnn, executor and trustee, with li rectlons to pay certain annuities, iinrt to distribute the remainder upon Al Shaw's dears among a number 01 philanthropic and charitable Instil u tlons. Captain By Charles Tenney Jackson Copyright by The Bobbt-Msrrtll Company "WELCOME, CAPTAINI" SYNOPSIS. Under th nam ot "Captain Bararac." and disguised, Jean Lafltt, former freebooter of Barataria, prosorlbed, return to th olty of New Orleans. He Is recognised by two of his old companion. Alderman Dominique and Beluch. At th gaming table Saiarao ha won much money from Colonel Carr, Brlt lah officer. John Jarvls, th olty' first bohsmlan of th art and letters, an oldtlm friend of La flu, tell of a woman' face and smile. As hi last wager, Carr put up a woman, preaumably a slave. Custom compel Bazarao to accept th stake. He wins. Hi old associate and Count Raoul d Almonaster accost him a Lafltte). A project of th youthful adventurers of New Or leans 1 th rescue of Napoleon Bonaparte from St. Helena, and a ship, the Seraphlne, hag been made ready. From De Almonas ter Saiarao learn that the girl ho "won" at th card table is white, of high estate, and that th matter ha been made a by word In th city' resorts. Sai arao finds Mademoiselle Lestron, a fellow passenger on a river steamer a few day before, and with whom he had fallen in love, 1 th girl and In chivalry fore goes hi reveng against Carr. Jarvls admire Mademoiselle Les tron. He I a witness of the meeting and picks up a camellia which the girl had thrown, un noticed, to Saiarao. Jarvls ia dangerous; he talks too much In hlg cups. His old associate of the Barataria days urge Lafltt to take command of the Sera phlne, ostensibly to rescue Napo leon but really to fly the black flag and cruise th aeas. He hesitates. Jarvis 1 a witness of the kidnaping of Mademoiselle Lestron, but hi story Is not given credence. De Almonaster entertains Saiarao, now admitted ly Jean Lafltte, at , hi country house. Lafltte, accused of the abduction of Mademoiselle Les tron, la warned of the approach of a military party seeking to afreet him. He escapes to th swamps of Barataria. CHAPTER VII Continued. 9 The old dogs laughed the harder. Rough shaggy fellows In shirts of faded green and blue, barefooted for the most, filthy muskrat traps dangling at their belts where once they had worn cutlass and pistol before the President's pardon. 'Nothing of sedition," answered Bo- hon. "Few of us dare go to the city even now. There Is always a peg on which to hang one of Lafltte's men. Let a sheep be stolen up tn the north parishes, and at once the Baratarlans are charged with It I" "Come," said the chief. "The older of you with Bohon on his lugger. The others to their camps. Not a man of you shall lift hand against the law for me. If you can serve me further you shall be summoned. Come Rlgo 1 Black MlkeNez Coupe. We shall talk to the deserters first." They made way for htm to the beach. Old Rigo was laughing softly : "Old days are cornel Jean and at once, a fair enterprise 1 A woman and a ship I And down at the old Isle where Yankees burned our fort, I have pumpkins growing beautiful yellow pumpkins! Eh, blen! Perhaps we shall see another color o gold among my pumpkins, wl Jean among us once more !" Six men to a side, the lugger crept down the mirrored bayou to where It opened to a shallow lake red In the warm sunset. Back on the Temple, the whispering swampers scattered to their pirogues. Fast and wide the word would go through watery forest aisles and Into the grass jungles of Barataria. Never a customs boat could leave the city but that keen eyes noted, qnd paddling couriers spread the warn ing far to the most secluded chenlere of the deep swamp. "Look you," growled the steersman, Bohon, to Joe Rigo, "the old fellows gathering like buzzards, furbishing up rusty dirks and smelling venture on the very wind that brought Jean to us. Name o' G d I I am young again !" Bohon glanced at the first stars. Eastward a dim smudge showed on the grassy bayou margin. "John Kelly will he there and Mariano, the Manllaman. And others. Captain. There will be drinking, for three casks of wine went from the Algiers dock along with the arms. And the English lads, Captain you will not have them delivered to the consul ?" "Did you ever know," laughed Jean, "of me kicking back any man to the press gangs white, yellow, brown or black who ever reached the swamp?" "Po you remember when our men went recruiting to the Acadian dances and shook their gold before the coun try youth a speech, a song, a revel that would carry every restless spirit f the parishes back to our fort to nerve you, Jean?" There was a shout In the starlight To the lugger's side swept a half dozen canoes. Old whiskered fellows would noa be denied -theye clambered over the gunwales, and stood roaring their welcome to the one-time dictator of the Barataria coast. A torch gleamed among the palmettos as Bo hon's men slid the anchor to the mud. Then they crowded aboard to shout, to shake his hand, amazed that he lived, eager to hear of the lost leader. But Bohon led the way ashore. The one-time privateers trooped behind the guides to another palm-thatched camp under which were stored the stolen wine casks, the boxes of ammunition snd scattered muskets. The English deserters, red-eyed, reeling from drink, looked upon the party with suspicious Sazarac eyes, although the swamp men hnd her alded Lafltte' coming. "Welcome, Cuptalnl" shouted old Budge, the dock watchmun. "I came with these lads. It must have been In the very air that you had returned, for of a sudden I had the notion of plunder 1 Look you two more lusty seamen from the Genaroti are here I" "The mate laid twenty lashes to our backs because we could not explain Burke's get-away," said one. "We slid down the chains, sir, and are done with the king's shilling I" "Lslltte 1" cried another. "I sailed In a bark that took a round shot from you once off Trinidad I Come, my hand to it that I serve you now 1" The laughter and the drinking arose once more. Clearly the exile perceived (lint the swamp outlaws had no other thought than that he had come to re vive again the marauding against the West India merchantmen. He led aside the eldertt of the desert ing seamen. "Come, of the Genaron? What is her mission in the gulf?" "I wish I could answer, sir! She sailed regularly, but she is stuffed with arms. Vera Cruz was to be her entry port, yet why carry arms to the king o' Spain's men? We were warned to say nothjng of her cargo. When the Yankee customs discovered them, I hear the British consul was . embar rassed. Colonel Carr had hand In It, the fo'cas'le said." "Carr?" spoke up a youthful deserter eagerly. "Why, that Is the blustering officer who wrangled with the skipper when they bundled the , woman aboard I" "The woman!" demanded Lafltte. "What of this quick I" "But the other night. The watch was hustled below when they brought her. Then it was up-sall and away "Why, That Is the Blustering Officer Who Wrangled With the Skipper When They Bundled the Woman Aboard." without waiting to settle this quarrel about the muskets which a drunken supercargo put off and Into the cus toms' hands by a mistake." "Sailed I" The chief laid hands upon his shoulder. "Lads, is It true?" "Some dirty affair, sir. Burke and Crackley and myself sitw It. Slave, free woman of color, to be sold In the Indies, or whatever she was we can not say. They took her to the master's cabin. There was no law to It, I war rant, but when we lads saw that the Genaron was to put out hastily we took our leave o' her !" Lafltte swept about upon Bohon. "Mademoiselle Lestron on the Gena ron, and the bark adrift to the passes I What can she make, sir, with this wind?" "Steerage, nothing more. She will not have passed English Turn " "Forty men by daylight at the river side I She shall be boarded In mid stream, Bohon. Johonness back to the Temple and summonjievery lad!" There was a gasp of Incredulity. The leader had turned back to the smuggler's landing. The older prl vateersmen followed. The deserters stumbled among their wine casks. Then the leader of them, John Crack ley, a long, thin-faced villain of the crimp-gangs, roared to the others. "I told you, bullies. If ever we found this Lafltte there would be rough work to do! The Genaron -burn her to the water's edge, say I and a knife to the mate for the cat he laid on our backs!" The messengers paddled off in the starlight while about Jean gathered his old friends. And presently, across the shallows, came another small boat, swept by four black oarsmen to the smuggler's stern. A cloaked figure stepped out and grasped Lafltte's hand. "Monsieur de Almonasier!" "The mask Is useless, sir ! I came to warn you. The dragoonri seized my house-servants, and bullied them Into confession. Sazarac! The city shouts with It! Jean Lafltte has stolen the English colonel's ward!" "Sir, you know better. I, Indeed, know where she Is. Mademoiselle Lestron has been put to sea. I take it, to hush her mouth. She would have spoken something dangerous to Carr's purposes. What these are, In all, we cannot say. But the lady of the river packet is a prisoner on the Genaron." The count stared at him bewlldered ly. "None In the city knows! Carr roars his Indignation he leads the cry that Jean Lafltte put hlg old Biiralnrla refugees to the abduction. Half dozen expeditions are tlttliif out to search the swamps, Captain, you cannot linger here!'' "The Genaron" said Lafltte curt ly. "If she does not fetch a sailing wind before she makes the outer passes, Blxty of the Baratarlans will swarm her chains for boarding before daylight. Will that be answer enough to the city, that Lafltte Is here again? the oUl fox In his hiding place?" "A mad scheme!" muttered Raoul. "But ah, well! For a woman! I trust, sir, you see It Is an act ot piracy against the vessel of a friend ly power In American waters?" The exile laughed grimly. "The dice are against Lafltte, th honest man I" "Sir. does she know your Identity?" pursued De Almonaster gravely. "Can you ask? Lafltte for whom her countrymen have a gallows built In every port that files the king's flag? Come, sir! This Is man's business 1 Every hour counts every moment She will know, soon enough, when s proscribed outlaw frees her . , . and turns away to face his ring of enemies." And suddenly old Bohon dashed to his feet and held a finger to the air. He touched the skin with his lips and held It again. "D n !" he shouted. "The air Is changing. It Is swinging northerly! A breeze In the river, and she will make the passes before a man of us could lift hand against her!" It was true. Five minutes later the lugger lurched slowly around In the tide. The big sail began to lift and stream In the starlight. Johauress came aft cursing the stir of the water. "I tell you ' It cannot be done. If we had a thousand armed fellows In the narrows what could they do with cockleshell dugouts to board a ship drawing sail?' , They listened to the lapping water on the lugger's side. And now, from the oak-grown Islet, there came a stumble of feet, a clatter of arms, and then a splashing In the starlit shal lows. "Aye, bullies!" roared John Crack ley. "I said If ever we met this La fltte there would be proper work for you!" The deserters and the younger swamp Islanders were swarming out, drunken and with ribald cheers, under their smoky torches. "A-Buratarla!" one of the pardoned outlaws cried. It was the old boarding sea-yell of the Black Petral's crew, and It struck with a curious cold prophecy to the heart of Lafltte. Fate was bearing him, do what be might back to the lawless years of the youth he had put by. "The devil's hand Is In this," grum bled Johanness. "This wind It will be a good ship's wind tn the passes. The Genaron will be In blue water to morrow noon I" "It Is fatal to our plan of boarding her In the river," mused Lafltte. "And the plan must change with the wind. If we bad a weather boat off the old Isle" "A boat !" growled Nez Coupe. "But In all these coves, where once we counted forty sail and two hundred guns, there Is nothing worth a nutshell on blue water. Bah! We took the President's pardon!" "A ship !" snarled Black Mike. "Seize a ship ! Damnation ! how does a man find a ship? Why, name o' G d he takes her 1" And suddenly De Almonaster whirled on the silent leader with glowing eyes. "A ship? Why, there in the city moored at 'the Place d'Armes!" "The Napoleon ship!" shouted Jo hanness. "Why, curse my eyes, that Is a ship, but death to the perfumed gen try that own her!" "The Seraphlne?" cried Bohon. "Why that beauty would sit ahead o' the English bark and laugh in any weather!" Lafltte was staring half-amusedly at De Almonaster. "Monsieur, the Sera phlne lies In the very heart of the city, under the guns of every fort and wars man there!" "Well, then threescore of your swamp fellows gathered secretly by the Algiers shore, and crossing the river at midnight could board and have her under way ere the port awoke. Once off the passes, she could overhaul the bark. She is gunned for the best of them, but there would be no need. The Genaron could not fight she would give back the lady ... of course the admiralties at Washington and London would howl, but" the young man shrugged Indifferently "the af fair would be over." "Over? Monsieur, are you mad?" "Ah, I had forgotten that I possess a certain Interest In the Seraphlne I Of course, I really know nothing about such madness! I am amazed I de nounce It much as I denounce this Saz-a-rac who a dinner guest of mine 4s discovered to be Lafltte, the pi rate I" "You peril your life and your future, Monsieur." (TO BB CONTINUED.) Morality and Religion. Morality without religion Is only tu kind of dead reckoning an endeavor to find our place on a cloudy sea by measuring the distance we have run, but without any observation of tha heavenly bodies. Longfellow. The Whole Secret Progress Is a matter of going In the right direction and keeping patiently on. Anonymous. Miss Kathryn Gill Is director of an employment agency in St. Louis that hires each month 500 men and wotnea. after jvery meal Cleanse month and tee In and alda digestion. Relieves Ibat over, eaten feeling and acid moutn. lis 1-a-s-l-l-n-g flavor ailafles the craving lor sweets. Wrfgley'a ts doable value in the bcnrilt and pleauurc ll provlu... Stl4 In Ms Parity fmchag. To Remove Tarnish. To remove tarnish from Bllvor, put one tablospoonful of borax powder In each quart of water. Put in the silver and bring to boiling point, Wipe with a flannel cloth. It gives a wondorful polish and saves time, labor and sil ver. A Short Turn. I was out prospecting with Larry the other day In tho mountains, you know and said, "See that little butte over there." Larry is In the hospital now. He was In Buch a hurry to turn around that he sprained both anklos. Saturday Evening Post, Mrs. Isabella McLachlan Operation Avoided Portland, Ore g. "Dr. Pierce's medicine has been so very bene ficial to me that 1 am glad to tive it my recommendation. Doctors said I would have to undergo an opera tion, but after taking the 'Favorite Prescription' I found that an opera tion was not necessary. During one expectant period I suffered with inflammation and became so weak and rundown I could not do my work. Doctors again advised an operation, but instead I began tak ing the 'Favorite Prescription' and it soon put me on my feet. My health returned, I had practically no suffering, and my baby was very healthy. Since that time whenever I have felt badly I have taken the 'Favorite Prescription,' It always makes me well in no time." Mrs. Isabella McLachlan, 768 Mich. Ave. Go to your neighborhood drug store and get Favorite Prescription in tablets or liquid. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' Hotel, in Buffalo N, Y., and receive good medical advice in return, free, Honduran Rebels Gain. San Salvador, Republic of Salvador. The latest advices front Honduras report the principal towns In the west ern part of the country occupied by the revolutionists. In Ocotepeque the military commander rebelled against the government and turned his forces over to the rebels. Some Fall to Recognize Truth. Thou dost give audience everywhere, O, Truth, to all who ask counsul of thee, and at once answerest, though on manifold matters they ask thy counsel. Clearly doBt thou answer, though all do not hear. St. Augustine. Road Twenty Centuries Old. England's oldest road, which must have been made at least 2,000 years ago, runs between Winchester and Canterbury. Variety of Materials for Books. In the British museum are books written on oyster shells, bricks, bones, ivory, lead, Iron, copper, sheep skin, wood, and palm leaves. , Camel's Peculiarity. The camel cannot swim. The mo ment it loses Its footing In running water It turns on Its side and makes no effort to save itself from drowning. used for baby' clothes, will keep them sweet snd saowy-white until worn out. Try It snd se lor yourseu. At Business College Places Graduate In Good Positions Enroll any time of year. Wrltff for free success catalog. Fourth aJid Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. P. N. U. No. 8, 1924 n ATM WVSa U fisd a l