L OF Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other , Things Worth Knowing. Approval of the McNary bill, desig nating the Old Oregon Trail as a na tional highway, was given Wednesday by Secretary of Agriculture Wallace. Bert E. Haney Is confirmed by the senate as a member of the shipping board, along with Frederick Thomp son of Alabama and W. S. Hill of South Dakota. Edith Kelly Gould, ex-wife of Frank J. Gould, has asked the French courts to grant her the right to half of Mr. Gould's property in France, or about 800,000,000 francs. The mayor of Roxheim, Bavarian palatinate, an adherent of the autono mous movement In that province, was assassinated Wednesday. He was slain while entering the town from the railway station. Corliss H. Grlffis, the American who attempted to kidnap Grover Cleveland Bergdoll In Germany, has been released from prison by the Ger man government. The state depart ment Is so advised. . . ,, (. Governor Pierce has the distinction of being the first person in Oregon to pay state income tax under the law enacted at the 1923 session of the legislature and later approved by the voters of the state at special election. Los Angeles, Cal has been selected by the army air service as the start ing point for the attempted around-the-world flight. Original plans to be gin the flight from Seattle, Wash., or Washington, D. C, have been medtfled accordingly. '''' Positive assurance was given Repre sentative Summers of Washington Wednesday by Secretary of Agricul ture Wallace that representatives of the dopartment of agriculture will be sent into Oregon, Washington and Idaho to investigate wheat grading. Fifteen persons were injured when Canadian National railway passenger train No. 9, en route to Calgary from Saskatoon, was derailed near Arden Odo, 30 miles northeast of Calgary, Tuesday afternoon. A split rail was said to be the cause of the accident. White forces in Siberia have seized upon the occasion of the death of Nlcolul Lenlne to proclaim a free state In Amur province and have Interrupt ed railway service to Vladivostok and eastward. Advices to this effect have been received by the Japanese govern ment from Mukden, Jakey, a goose that took his whisky straight and washed It down with a swig of beer in pre-prohlbltion days, la dead. lie was IS years old and was owned by John Keller, former St. Louis saloon proprietor. In the old days a round of drinks was not com plete unless Jakey was in on the set-up. Full diplomatic recognition of soviet Russia by the British government is expected within ten days, according to political observers conversant with the labor government's intontlons. These observers say Premier Mac- donald Is eager to have recognition an accomplished fact before parliament meets on February 12. Government efforts to restore agri- culture to a sound economic footing took more dofinite Bhape last week as the administration pressed Its relief plaps and legislation designed to aid the industry received committee ap proval In congress. President Cool idgo fixed February 4 as the date for a conference of representatives of commercial lines interested in agri cultural wolfare and issued 40-odd invi tations to spokesmen for the several interests to confer on the situation with Secretaries Hoover and Wallace, Income tax payors would receive a reduction in their 1923 taxes payable this year under a provision voted Wed nesday by republican members of the house ways and means committee. The amount of reduction has not been determined, but Chairman Green, au thor of the proposal, said it might be as high as 25 per cent. It would apply to the taxes after they have been computed and to all personal income taxpayers. Treasury experts estim ated that a 25 per cent cut would mean a saving to taxpayers of 225, 000,000. , ffiffi D HAPPENINGS CURRENT WEEK POISONOUS FOOD KILLS 7 Albany, Ore., Family Wiped Out By Eating Home-Canned Beans. Albany, Or. Seven persons were dead and three others were dying here Monday night as the result of eating home-canned beans, which were be lieved to have spoiled and thus pro duced the deadly poison known as botulinus. The dead: Mrs. Paul Gerbig, 34; Hilda Cerblg, 10; Marie Gerbig, 7; Gotfried Ruehling; Mrs Gotfried Rueh ling; Werner Yunker, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Yunker of Thomas station, near Scio; Relnhold Gerber. The dying: Paul Gerbig; Esther Gerbig, 13 months old; two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ruehling. Two other persons were stricken ill by the strange malady but were re ported to have fully recovered. Mrs. Reinhold Gorber, at whose home the fatal dinner was served, apparently was none the worse for her experience and two-year-old Margaret Gerbig was believed to have escaped the poison ous food. The child Is still fed by bottle and it was not known whether or not she had any of the vegetable dish at dinner. The death of 13-months-old Esther Gerbig was declared by attending phy sicians to be only a matter of hours and they held out no hope for the recovery of any of the other three victims. The case of Gotfried Ruehling was probably the Btrangest of all. He was reported dead earlier In the day but revived from the state of coma which usually precedes death from the strange malady and for a time was believed to be on the road to recovery. Suddenly, however, his condition be came worse and he died. None of the deaths occurred until more than 24 hours after the fatal meal. Mrs. Gerber declared that she sus pected that the beans were spoiled when she opened them but did not pay any attention to their, queer ap pearance, Young Yunkers, a friend of the families, spoke of the peculiar odor and taste of the beans at the time. As all of the people present were similarly affected the poisoning is regarded as an accident. Botulinus, the poison which is pre sumed to have caused the deaths, thrives and propagates at a tempera ture of 120 degrees above zero, at which temperature other germs die. The bacteria comes from a spore that originates in the ground and Is de stroyed only when the temperature reaches 240 degrees or more, it Is said. Commercial vegetables are cook ed at a degree or so more than 240 degrees above zero and are said to be free from the bacteria, although all home-canned goods are subject to it. Ex-Professor Wins $100,000 Bok Prize. Philadelphia.--Charles Herbert Lev ermore of New York, Btudent of inter national relations, writer and ex-college professor, Monday night was .an nounced as the winner of the $100,000 prize offered by Edward W. Bok, Philadelphia publisher, for the beBt plan to preserve peace among the na tions of the world. Dr, Levermore was announced as the winner by John W. Davis of the policy committee of the American peace award, at a meeting at the Acad emy of Music. Mr. Davis also present ed him with $50,000, half of Mr. Bok's prize, and the remainder will be given only if the plan is accepted by the congress of the United States. Lever more's plan was numbered 1469 in a total of 22,165 received. Oregon Trail Approved. Montesnno, WashThe Montosano chamber of commerce announced Mon day that it was opposed to changing the name of the Oregon Trail to Pioneer Way, as suggested by United States Senator Jones recently. The reasons assigned were the an tiquity of the present name. Its use by pioneers and in history and liter ature, and that a change would be considered an unfriendly act to the people of Oregon. Alleged Outlaw Slain. Cleveland. Charles Sanders was shot and killed and Bryan Keenan was shot twice and captured in a gun battle late Monday at their rendez vous in a suburb, where police located them, tor alleged participation in sev eral holdups and burglaries. They had also been hunted for several weeks as suspects In the recent mur der of John. Rau, bakery wagon driver. More than 75 shots were fired in the gun battle. Tacoma. Capacity of the Tacoma smelter, recently Increased, soon may be still further enlarged, according to Frank H. Brownell, vice-president of the American Smelting & Refining company, the owner. Mr. Brownell is making an inspection tour of the com pany's western smulters. WILSON PASSES ON y Ex-President Succumbs at 11:15 A. M. Sunday. FAMILY AT BEDSIDE Digestive Trouble of Past Week Proves Fatal to Great War President Physician Faithful to End. Washington, D. C Ex-President Woodrow Wilson died at 11:15 o'clock Sunday morning. The end was peaceful; life ebbed away while he slept. A tired man, he closed his eyes, and, "sustained and soothed by an un faltering trust," passed on to the great hereafter, "like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams." Dr. Grayson, his friend and physi cian, announced the end of the great war president In this bulletin: "Mr. Wilson died at 11:15 o'clock. His heart's action became feebler and feebler, and the hoart muscle1 was so fatigued that It refused to act any longer. The end came peacefully. "The remote causes of death lie in his 111 health, which began more than four years ago, namely, general ar teriosclerosis with haemopligia. The immediate cause of death was exhaus tion following a digestive disturbance which began in the early part of last week but did not reach an acute stage until the early morning hours of Feb ruary 1." Last Friday the grim reaper had forced his way into the house after waiting on the doorstep more than four years. Saturday he had advanced to the landing on the staircase and stood counting off the ticks on the great clock. Saturday night he knock ed on the chamber door. A faithful physician and a loyal wife stood with their backs againat iti At 9 o'clock he rattled the knob and called to the peaceful but prostrate figure on the bed a great bed, long and wide, re plica of the bed In which Abraham Lincoln slept in the White House, with a golden American eagle and a tiny silk American flag just over the head board. , The watchers knew the battle was lost. At the portal of the door, now open, the faithful negro servant hov ered. On the, bed, sitting beside her husband, sustained with all the forti tude and composure of a woman facing a crisis, was Mrs. Wilson, hold ing between her hands the wan, with ered, right hand that had proved the pen mightier than the sword. Near the foot of the bed was his eldest daughter, Margaret, resigned to the Inevitable. Close by, tears wellmg from his eyes and coursing down his cheeks, was Dr. Grayson, taking the measure of the fluttering pulse, weak er and fainter with each effort. Death advanced and beckoned for the last time. The tired, worn out man drew a long breath, there was a slight flutter of the eyelids, an almost Imperceptible twitch of the nostrils. Woodrow Wilson's soul had 'drifted out on the great dark tide that runs around the world. FIGHT FOR LEAGUE COSTS WILSON'S LIFE Washington, D. C Woodrow Wil son's speech-making trip for the league of nations, which snapped his nerves and culminated in his long illness, was undertaken after his personal physician had warned It might seri ously and permanently impair his health. "I do not like to disobey you," he said to Dr. Grayson, "and I have never done bo before. But I feel I must go out and make this fight, even if it costs my life." As if the approach of illness had fostered a premonition that the worst fears of his medical adviser would be fulfilled, he expressed to several aud iences during the Bwing across the country his willingness to make the great sacrifice for the treaty. "If I felt that I personally stood in the way of this settlement," he said at Omaha, "I would be glad to die that it might be consummated." Coolidga Is Indorsed. Chicago. Announcement that the republican Btate central committee of New Mexico had Indorsed President Coolidge for the party presidential nomination was made here Saturday from the national headquarters of the Coolidge pre-conventlon campaign. The resolution of endorsement read "The president has given positive and undeniable proof of the fact that he is committed solely and exclusively to serve the best interests of the nation. MOD CAPTAIN SAZA "AND DIE1" . SYNOPSIS. Under the name of "Captain Saiarao," and disguised, Jean Lafltte, former freebooter of Baratarla, prosorlbed, returns to the city of New Orleans. He Is recognised by two of hie old companions. Alderman Dominique and Beluche. At the (amine tables Saaarao ha wop much money from Colonel Carr, Brit ish offioer. John Jarvls, the city's first bohemlan of the arts and letters, an oldttme friend of La fltte, tells of a woman's faoe and smile. As his last wager. Carr puts up a woman, presumably a slave. Custom compels Baiarae to acoept the stake. He wins. His old associates and Count Raoul de Almonaster accoet him as Lafltte. A projeot of the youthful adventurers of New Or leans is the rescue of Napoleon Bonaparte from SL Helena, and a ship, the Seraphlne, has been made ready. From De Almonas ter Saiarao learns that the girl he "won" at the card table la white, of high estate, and that the matter has been made a by word In the city's resorts. Sas arac finds Mademoiselle Lestron, a fellow passenger on a river steamer a few days before, and with whom he had fallen In love. Is the girl and In chivalry fore goes his revenge against Carr. Jarvls admires Mademoiselle Les tron. He Is a witness of the meeting and picks up a camellia which the girl had thrown, un noticed, to Saierac. Jarvls Is dangerous: he talks too muoh In' his cups. His old associates of the Baratarla day urge Lafltte to take oommand of the Sera phlne, ostensibly to rescue Napo leon but really to fly the blaok flag and cruise the seas. He hesitates. Jarvls Is a witness of the kidnaping of Mademoiselle Lestron, but his atory Is not given credence. De Almonaster entertains Saiarao, now admitted ly Jean Lafltte, at his oountry house.' CHAPTER V Continued. 7 "And were he to order these young scions of the city's blue blood to holystone his decks, be would have to land In every Isle of the Indies to settle the challenges! No, no sir, Bonaparte Is safe from these gentry I" The two gentlemen smiled. But as they were to part, down the banquette of the rne Chartres cam two figures, one supporting the other. A short, dark, ragged man whose gold earrings glistened under filthy locks, struggling to save his basket of cooked crayfish as he steered his companion on. "Let be" growled Gorgio, the Catalan. "Come, jarvls the Cafe de Refugles for you, manl" I "A ship !" bawled Jarvls. And being much the larger of the two be almost propelled the crayfish seller Into the two elegant gentlemen, who stepped aside In disgust to let them pass. "A ship ! A rescue, old buccaneer I" He lurched to the banquette, and sat there blinking. Old Gorgio hauled in vain at bis Sleeve. "Come, be up with me!" I But the town's first bohemlan con tinued to fumble at his clothes. I "It was this way they went, Gorgio. I am even now on my way to the po lice to report of the affair. I shall ! appeal to the mayor Roulfflgnac Is 1 not so dumb as to refuse rescue to a lady 1" "What does he babble ofr inquired Langhome haughtily. The painter got to his feet He eras hleuding from a gash across his brows. On bis sleeve he laid a crushed and dirty camellia. Then, down the ptreet came Mayor Roulfflgnae and Councilor Dominique to see what might be this public scandal And to them Jarvls suddenly shouted his grievance. ' "I was fumbling along the rue St Peter In the mud, sober as any honest man, save that the moon kept diving past me. And there came a carriage that all but ran me down. The horses stumbled and a lady screamed. She thrust an arm from the curtains a white arm, I reached to touch. And it felow within struck me . . . I. got up later I and my blossom. I swear he had more camellias In her hair I Kh, there I have told It again I Now laugh, fools P "Where did you come upon this man. Monsieur Mudge?" said His Honor. "Here, as you see dirty and bowi ng!" returned the merchant "Gorgio. take him home, and come 'o my clerk for a dollar," frowned he mayor. "It's drunkard's talk." "Home?" blustered Jarvls. "A lady i'hed, spirited away In a galloping rhnlse through New Orleans' streets and yon say: 'Home I' Then romance Is dead, sirs I I shall paint a fish- woman's shawl on my lady's head, and sorrow in her eyes. It was not so when Jean Lafltte was here!" "Ton have dreamed muttered Dominique, watching him covertly. "Come with me, Jarvls." 1 "My skinned nose and brow la that i dream r "He has stumbled nightlong about 1 V streets," said Gorgio sullenly. B ( '. 'vn the crayfish seller and the r iid alderman there shot glances of ! i-rt understanding. The Catalan-etched his hand to the painter and , ent upon him a look of implacabU . fury. "Let "be!" P-ted Jarvla, "Ca By CHARLES TENNEY JACKSON mellias? Let's see? Why, Jean last night" "Silence fool 1" whispered Gorgio. He seized upon the fellow; he bore him along with his bull-necked strength against his back. "He Is utterly drunk," murmured Dominique. "Come,- gentlemen let us to our morning coffee at Maspero'sl" Hs took the mayor's arm, turning him hurriedly. A block distant the coun cilor looked back, fiddling with his velvet cuff nervously. The Catalan vagabond was dragging bis comrade along. But none save the alderman saw that the hand of the one-time bucca neer was under Jarvls" arm, that his knife-point pressed there until the coat was torn. "A word more," hissed the crayfish seller, "and die I" Then he whis pered : "Sazarac .... and the Eng lish woman? Jean and the wager be won? Who, then, has a better right to the woman? Home, now 1 get your paint pots and paint a poultice on your broken head I" But Gorgio had to drag the un conscious wastrel up the studio stairs, and there lock 'him in ere he went to a whispered conference behind a cab bage stack In the French market CHAPTER VI The Mask Is Dropped. It was after the heat of that same day that two horsemen rode out from a courtyard of the Faubourg St Marie upon the Tchoupltoulas road. Count de Almonaster breathed re lief when the river willows hid them and the steeds broke into a gallop. "My blacks are waiting at the ferry," he murmured ; "now, Captain Sazarac, did the plainsmen teach you to ride? Come, then I" And the guest led the way In a cloud of dust A half-dozen slaves uprose as the two dashed 'over the levee, dismounted and flung rein to the grooms. Then the scow-boat swung off on the muddy Mississippi, propelled by the naked-backed oars men. Sazarac stood watching the wll lowed shores. The city was Invisible, but on the western bank arose the stately facades of plantation homes among great oaks. Beyond this, That You of the Spanish Almonas ter, of Wealth and Connections Be yond the Proudest In the City Have Chosen to Idle Unattached" glimpses of the grim, gray forest wall, the Impenetrable cypress swamp, with Its watery aisles leading to Baratarla, the legend-haunted, even at this early day. D Almonaster stepped ashore as the scow grounded, and led the way across the broad lawns to the high steps of the portlcoed gallery of the white mansion. Black boys dashed for the bridles. At the great glass doors arose a grizzled major-domo.. "At your pleasure, sir," said Raoul. "A drink shall be brought and the bath." "I have thought it strange" Saza rac smi'pd absently "that you of the Spanish Almonaster. of wealth and connections beyond the proudest In the city have chosen to Idle un attached." ' "I have my dream" De Almonaster said gravely. "A boy's dream . . . but It does not pass. For six years now, the loveliest face that could stir youth has been with me. It was for that I cruised last ' year about the Caribbean ports aimlessly seeking, slowly trying to forget Ah, well I I am trying to be a practical, sober man financing the new sugar proc ess P With a bow he left the guest . The stranger looked from the great win dows upon the gardens. Beyond the narrow fields ran a rutted road, and Jean Lafltte smiled. Up that same road "had come the clnmsy carta of the smugglers who met the gulf ad venturers In the swamp rendezvous and brought the loot of silks and wines and jewels taken from luckless merchantmen on the Spanish Main. By pole-boat from the coast, by cartsj RAC Copyright br The Bobbo-Merrlll Company to the river forest ; and then, at dead of night, ferried by other agents across to the warehouses of the city. And to Pierre Lafltte's cloaking smithy ' on the rue Bourbon came the winking merchants to watch the slaves work the forges while they slyly murmured to the proprietor : "I hear that a ship from Bilboa strangely foundered in Yucatan strait? . . . What, pray, Is the price of brocade and silver plate at Monsieur Lafltte's Red house at Grand Terre?" "Hypocritical dogs!" muttered the master now. "I respect the roughest scoundrel of my own band more than the smug merchants who enriched themselves on our traffic, covertly pro tecting us while they profited; eager to denounce us when our last ship was driven from the Gulf!" The liquor decanter was on a high boy of heavy rosewood. The adven turer's melancholy eyes lighted as he examined It, the great four-post bed, the table and the mirrors. "Loot from the Isle o' Pines I I re call Gambio's sweating blacks poling It from the swamp to be sold to a city factor I It turns up at De Almonas ter's and I am entertained with it 1" His laughter had hardly ceased when he joined his host at dinner. Never a more well-appointed guest had Count Raoul greeted than the last sea-rover who sat across the board beyond the golden candelaBrura. Monsieur Sazarac raised a hand. He held a glass before him. "As to the wine, young sir, I could swear there had been mischief in the Gulf again!" ! Raoul laughed ardently: "If ever, sir, one of my uncle's ships, which bring our wine from Bordeaux, had fallen your way. all the wars of Bona parte had been nothing to the uproar he would have ralstd!" "Come smiled the guest "I would forget it all!" "If we let you " he signaled the serving men to withdraw. "Now, I am delegated by your own worthy companions for this the Napoleon plot is not that adventure enough?" "More." Sazarac smiled distantly. "I. am done with adventuring. I dream of a plantation In the Indies. In Louisiana, even if again granted amnesty, my presence would be a sore spot Let any thieving brawl come In the ports, and at once Lafltte's old men are charged with it. They are peaceful men now, scattered on the coast hunters, raisers of truck, and fishers. Let the dead past lie, my friend. I am an evil legacy . . . and I am forty-two!" n "And yet the lady of the packet boatl" mused Raoul. "Stranger !l "To her, Sazarac, the gamester to you, Lafltte, the outlaw. And yet" the older man stopped, his gaze out the glass doors to the starlight. "And yet. Monsieur Sazarac; what if you, of all men, brought Napoleon triumphantly out of exile to the New world? What proud lady of all Lou isiana would not be thrilled by' the name Lafltte I" "Now, that is ridiculous," frowned the other man. "She an English Tory an Intrigue to aid Bonaparte win her approval?' He laughed : "Ah, well, a lovely lady for whom I would have fought ; and I had to turn aside In silence. I am Lafltte. That is the Irony of it at forty-two, discredited, a fugitive under a mask . . and she smiled upon the man who Is the knave in either role. I did not chal lenge Colonel Carr," be concluded pointedly. "I saw that." Raoul repressed his curious note. "We knew you went to confront him." He shrugged. "Come, my Captain Jeanl I, too, have greatly loved and lost. Now, this affair Is of the sea and men. Would you not listen? You heard last night your old wild fellows chuckling with It!" , The guest stared hard at him. "Na poleon? The devil they would care . for him I Tooth and nail ou the first merchantman loot, scurry, spend fist fuls of gold in the ports of South America and then the yard-arm for them all I Monsieur, the world has shuffled off our gentlemen of for tune!" "It Is the English woman holds you from us," said Raoul, and then saw the black line deepen on the other's brow. The host bit his lip ; and then upon the silence, there came rapid footsteps. A doorman was expostulat ing at the broad gallery. There was a scuffle, an oath. "But I shall enter, fellow I Out of the door!" De Almonaster had arisen by the silver-laden board, with a hasty glance at his guest's Impassive face under the golden candelabrum, when the burly grizzled Johanness charged from the hallway. He turned without greeting, staring at Sazarac. "You, Captain Jean! See, I have fought for you I A customs guard, I think It was, went down by the cut lass. Nez Coupe, Bohon and I stopped them from the first crossing, but the dragoons are beret" "And that he It In reality Jean Lafltte, turned up from the dead." . (TO BKCONTlNUja3l .