The Maumn 1 imes Published Every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon, Jessjune E. Morrison, Fublisber ubscriptlon: One Year $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50c Entered as 'second class mail matter September 2, 1914. at the post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March o, 1879. HOTEL FLIN'N N. W. Flinn, Prop. The Dalles Rooms 50c to $I.OO Meals, family style 40c Wamic News The few warm days of the lat ter part of last week have melted the snow and destroyed the sleighing. An early pioneer who visited his old stamping ground recently was J. L Kanna who paid a vis it to Dufur where he resided before the town was built. He witnessed the first load of lum ber unloaded there. L. J. Kelly was a Dalles visit or last week from Maupin. Mrs. Emma Chastain returned Tuesday from lone. Marion Farlow spent last week in The Dalles. Lon Wing has sold his place to Mrs. Lulu Kartis. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woodcock returned Tuesday from The Dal les after a three days' stay with Mrs. Woodcock's mother. , ; Where the Sun Shines Most of the Time and the very air seems to dispel worry and tone up the nerves. One can pick oranges, elimb moun tains, dance at fine hotels, bathe in the ocean, visit old missions and play golf all in one day, if desired; or every day for months and each day something new. 4000 Miles of Paved Highways The most wonderful system of hotels, apartment houses, cottages, bungalows and suites for the accom modation of tourists in all the world, and costs reasonable. Representative of the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM will Kindly furnish Illustrated booklets glvlnf comploto information about the glorious play ground of the West. Let them tell all about rates, railroad lares, tnrougn oar service. R. B. BELL, Agent, MAUPIN Card of Thanks We wish to' express our sin cere thanks and appreciation for the words of sympathy and kind deeds of our friends and neigh bors during our recent bereave ment attendant on the death of our beloved husband, father and brother. Thoughts of those ministrations will be kept in sacred memory. Mrs. E. J. Fischer ' and family. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Fischer Charter No. 224 Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MAUPIN STATE BANK At Maupin, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business, December 81, 1923. RESOVKCES 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in item 29 and 30, ir any $153,188 06 2. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .'. 163 35 3. II. S. ffoverment securities owned, including those shown in items 30 and 35. if any 350.00 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including for eign government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including those shown in items 30, 35, if any 3,478.44 6. Banking house $6,195.66 furniture and fixtures $314101 9,339.67 9. (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers, and trust companies, designated and approved reserve agents of this bank 20,180.22 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of re porting bank and other cash items 46 43 Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10,11, 16. 17. 18. Total.... ' 186,746.17 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund .-.2,000.00 (a) Undivided prolits (b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid Tygh Valley Our mavor is combining busi nes? with pleasure, in Portland this week and if he does catch a cold he will be still well when he gets back. A number of our young people were taking in the sights in the Wamic country Sunday. The Logan Bros, construction camp is being moved from Butler Canyon to White River where they have taken an additional contract and which they will complete before resuming work in Butler Canyon. Anyone contemplating a trip to sunny California to make a for tune will do well to first get a prospectus from Dewey Lofton. Lee Jackson was host to a dancing party last Saturday eve ning, a number from here were in attendance and all reported a good time and plenty of eats. C. B. Dahl of Portland was looking after business matters here last Saturday Arthur Muller is out alter a seige of the measles. Dan Gibbs left for his home at Dufur Sunday after having spent a month at the J. E.Morrow home on White River. Clarence and Max Woodruff who are pursuing agriculture on Wamic flats left for The Dalles Sunday. Fred Kennison was a Dufur business caller last Saturday. When the women go to throw ing their hats in the ring they snrelv be merciful enough to y take the pins out first if they want to play fair. Guy Reddington was visiting the home folks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sloan were Dalles visitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown motored to The Dalles last Mon. Smock News We are having beautiful weather for the past week. The Chinook took away our 18 in. of snow almost overnight. Wheat is locking fine since th-snow has melted off. The postman has discontinued the use of his car since Newi Year's. I Callie Duncan trapped a coon of which he is making a pet. Elwood and ElnoraSmith went to The Dalles on Wednesday to enter school again after- missing month because of measles. Their mother accompanied them. Mrs. Ethel Duncan and Sula went to Wamic Tuesday to visit her father, J. R. Woodcock, and will remain a few weeks. Claude Roberts is working on a woodsaw at Unas. Duncan s this week. At the annual meeting of the White River Farm Loan As'sn. held in Wamic on the 7th inst, J. C. Bradway and F. T. Feltch we reelected president and vice president with F. Magill as sec- retary-treasurer. A district meet ing will be held at The Dalles on the 23rd of January when bank officials will participate in the program. Delegates have been appointed from each association to meet with them. A successful surprise was per petrated on F. T. Feltch on Sat urday' evening which was the occasion of his birthday when Mr. and Mrs. C. Duncan, Miss Sharps C. N. Farlow. C- Morris, Mrs. L. Farlow and Ladelphia went in a body to hishome and spent a pleasant evening piaying 500. . t Jesse Pitcher of Shaniko spent the week end with Wilbur Mul vany. Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Watkins and daughters of Tygh Valley spent Sunday with the Mulvanys i M in mm v n IF you have not shipped to "SHUBERT" yet this season try "SHUBERT" NOW get some REAL prices the highest of the season. We want every Muskrat Coyote Mink and all other furs you can trap or buy well make it PAY YOU WELL, Ship quick while our demand lasts. Take advantage of these better prices. SPECIAL FLAT PRICES! . ORISON FURS Muskrat . . $ 1.10 to $ .80 Coyote ." 11.00 to 9.00 Mink r. ti 6.50 to 5.00 These prices for orlgln.l collections of seasonable furs, consisting of proper percentages of all sites snd grades. Cut this ad out and enclose it with your furs. Try for one of our prizes! $50.00 FREE every day for the three best handled shipments of furs. First Priza 1 i aa LliiT OF DAILY PRiZES: Sucond Fnza Ihird Enze $15.00 10.00 Shipment must consist of not less than But legally caught raw fur skins. 1 ne way tne xurs are uauuieu determines the winners, (jet some oi inis prize moneyi Ship us ell the fur3 you have at once go get some more and ship ship ship quick! Out ' checks will make you happy. COME ON WITH 70UH FURS No child learning should be without auto writer. A. A. Stevenson Wn. ' to write Disbrow's Disbrow Cucumbers in salt. A few gallons to sell. J. E. Morrison. Vernon Norval, who has been employed with A. M. Williams and Company for the last three years, will leave the first of the week for Pendleton where he has taken a position in the Peo ples Warehouse, a large depart ment store there. Mr. Norval will be manager of the dry goods department of 'the Pendleton store. Chronicle. For sale or trade for a good team and wagon, unimproved oronerty in Bend, Oregon. In quire Times office. 3,577-41 Disbrow's auto writer will .. r 1 1 save its cost in a lew cays ana used properly will last a lifetime A. A. Disbrow Stevenson Wn Dr. T. DeLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusively Optical Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer Crosby's Drug store, The Dalles, Ore Phone Black 1111 Times. $1.50 a year. O. A. C. SHORT COURSES Intensive practical instruction' in agricultural specialties varying from one week to 20 weeks as follows: General Agriculture Jan. 2-March 19 Horticulture Jan. 2-March 19 Dairy Manufacturing Jan. 7-Feb. 2 Herdsmen and Cow Testers Jan. 2-June 12 Farm Mechanics, Tractors, Tracks, etc Jan. 2-March 19 Farm Mechanics one week Feb. 18-Feb. 23 Third Annual Canner's School Feb. 4-D'eb. Z6 Land Classification and Apprisal Jan. 7-J an. xi James Chalmers Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing Plow Share Grinding Maupin, Ore. For Sale Milk cows. A- B. Matthews. Inquire; Disbrow's auto writer is on sale at The Times office. A few of them are here in stock, while they last. NOTICE tOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land OHice at The Dalles, Or egon, Jan. 11. 1924. Notice is hereby given that Marearet Betsworth of Criterion, Oregon, who on November 18th. TJ20, made Hofhestead Entry No. 017253 for the El-2sEl-4. SE1-4NE1 4. section 29. se1-4nw1-4. n1-2ne1-4, section 32, Township 5 south, Range 15 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiv er, United States Land Office at The Dalles Oregon, on the 25th day of Feb ruary, 1024. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Sinclair, Carl uus. Bertram Knight, Orval Betsworth, atl of Criterion, Ore-con. J. W. Donnelly, Register.. Agricultural Economic Conference Jan. 21-Jan. zt For further information regarding any course, address The REGISTRAR OREG, AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Corvaliis, uregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U, S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon. Jan. xx, xyt. Notice is nereoy given mat, Clyde B. Marx, of Gateway, Oregon, who on Feb. 15. 1921, made Homestead miry, xno. 022212, for NEl-4, NE1-4NW1-4, 8EI-4, El-2swl-4, section 21. N1-2NE1-4, bei-4NE1-4, e1-2nw1-4, section 28, Township 7, south, Range 14 East Willamette Meridian, has riled notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above de. scribed, before F. D. Stuart, United States Commissioner at Maupin, Ore gon, on tne 2Gih day of February 19r4. Claimant names as witnesses: Rob ert Hillyer, Grover Douglas, Jasper Hollenbeck. Samuel Hillyer, all of Gateway, Oreeon. J. W. Donnelly, Register. tt. I.O. O.F. erjJsti yv A P I N I TIA Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting uuem ners always welcome. F. D. Stuart, Secretary B. D. Fkalev, N. G. 19. Reserved for taxes, interest, or depreciation .- 20. Dividends unpaid1 Demand Deposits, other than banks, subject to 'reserve: 24. Deposits due the State of Oregon, and deposits due county or cities nnd other public funds 23. Individual deposits subject to check .114,606.40 25. Cashier checks of this bank outstanding, payable on demand 9,297.35 Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, sub ject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26, $123,903.75 Time nnd Savings Deposits, subject to reserve and paya ble on demand and subject to notice: 27. Time certificates of deposits outstanding '21,443.88 Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28, $21443.88 Notes, and bills rediscounted including bonds or other securities sold under repurchase agreements with contingent liabilities 10.82113 32. Bills payable with federal reserve bank or witJi other banks or trust companies Total $186,746.17 State of Oregon, County of Wasco, ss. I, F. D- Stuart. Caiier of the above named bank. . do solemn ly swear that the above statement i3 true to the best of my knowl edge ana belier. P. D. Stuart, Cashi et. Correct Attest: L. C. Henneghan, J. M. Conklin E lirectors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4th day of Jan., 1924 E. J. Fischer, Justice of the Peace, Maupic, DisU 30. Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted Broken Lenses Duplicated DR. PENN C. CRUM Optometrist Lens grinding shop in connection Hours 9 to 5 Phone Black 3251 or bj; Room 10 Vogt Bldg appointment The Dalles, Ure. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION Dopartwnt of the Interior U. S. Land CWke at The Dalles, Ore gon, December 2( 1923. Notice in hereby .liven that George F. Mcl.eod, of Maupin. Orvgon. w'uo on Feb. 2:1, 1921, mails Hompstead Kntry No. 0161121, for LoU 2. 3. 4. snUswM. Sec. 19, T 5 8, K. la a Ei-ibi i. otc 24 Township 6 south. Uange 14 enst, Willamette Meridian. na iiica nuurr nf mtnti.n to make three ar prooi tn Mli i nh e aim to the land anove described, before F. I. Stuart. United at.toa CommiiMMOner l maupin, vre- gon, on th 14th day of February. 1923; Claimant names as wiinnm; .. Hornquest, of Maupin. Oregon. H. F. Sinclair, of Criterion. Orsgon, Chester Crabtree, of Maupin, Ort-gon, S. A. McLeod, of Maupin, Oregon. J. W. Connelly, Regiitet In Stock at Times Office: Carbon Paper, 25x39 inch pieces Thin paper for tracing patterns . Butter paper and cartons Typewriter paper and ribbons Envelopes, commercial and 10 inch lengths Cardboards, heavy to 24x46 inch sizes Business and calling cards Ruled letter paper part of this is ruled on both sides ideal farm stationery. Low prices in lots of 100 or more. In tablet form if desired . Call or Phone Main 231 The MauDin Times UCH