The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, January 17, 1924, Image 3

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I S I I IIIiIiIiITAi ff I 9u Portland, Oregon
I N I I fj sr-'Y J I J I II "ooslelt Change Seterday. Adulta. Wxk
I I AJ!nItX?J iT v.J-fsll I M 7 MMllM, aoc; Evenings, 40e. Contiaa-
1 awuw J Ti-MHTU. .1 S sue llllln. Children 10 cents ill tiaus.
1 " i ii I
rage son
North we.
Real Franklin
IfUs .
Do You Want a Job?
Brick-Layfag, Plastering, Tile-Setting.
TOKE POINT SEA FOODS. You Will Feel at Hon Here.
fWTFT? fT?TT T P Opposite S. P. Waiting Room Fourth and Stark.
UlaJLK KUJJi , ,TS jujyjjjijjQ m FI8H we HAVE 1T
Check by Return Mall Ren BankofCal. 398 Yamhill St., Portland, Oregon
FAGEOL, 7 Speed,
Bear Tractors
That Fit None Better
Dr. Harry Brown
149 Third St
New Pacific Northwest Pocket Map
The Union Pacific has just received
from the press a new pocket edition in
dexed map of the Pacific Northwest,
which is perhaps the most complete
and convenient map of Oregon and
Washington ever published. A copy
will be sent free to any address by Wm.
McMurray, General Passenger Agent,
Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon, upon
receipt of request by card or letter.
Clsrke Broi.. Florists, 287 Morrises St.
We started our weekly auction sales
Wednesday, Nov. 21st. If you have any
thing to consign In horses, mules, cattle,
harness or wagons, also farm Implements,
you can ship direct to the Nerth Portland
Horse & Mule Company. Wire, write or
phone Empire 0121, and we will give you
prompt attention. North Portland Horse
& Mule Co., No. Portland, Oregon.
We Specialize in
Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Ciscara,
Oregon Grape Root. Goat Skint, Horse Hair
Write for Shipping Tags & latest Price List
Portland Hide & Wool Co.
Branch at Pocatello. Idaho
Q Expert fitting at loweBt prices. All
tylesof Glasses. Lenses duplicated
from broken pieces. Mail in your bro
ken t-lBRiss. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Dr. A. E. Hurwiu, First St.. Portland. Ort.
Removed without Injury to the skin by Ney-Born
Depilatory. Sample on request. Ney-Born Lab
oratoriss, 619 Morgan Bldg.. Portland, Oregon.
Easy Terms Used Fords Bought snd Sold
West Side (Two Stores) Eaet Side.
(8 Nor. 11th St. and 211 Grand Ave.. Portland,
48 Crand Avenue. Phone. Eaat 1000.
sr ... .M 1 have eaecial-
r4 i.Tji. .. UCIUeadCKM
aitlT.lf to sure say cue of
piU. or refu.d the MtUs is
Seed lor isn
Women'i Senate In Rome.
A senate of women was established
In Rome 218-222 A. D. by Emperor
Elagabalua tor the serious considera
tion ot dress and etiquette.
The Kind to Give Up.
There are habits that cost more to
raise than a family. Boston Evening
Swedes Make Machine
Stockholm. A new contrlvnnoe for
cnunternctlng the destructive Infturnrt
of damp weatlier on the Frnln produc
tion of Sweden Is a gruln-drylng ap
paratus. It Is believed 'hat the une of
tills machine will nut only proTe
economical to flour mill, but will at
the same time have a definite effect on
the Importation of whenl from Amer
ica. Swedish mills hnve In the pant
found It necessary to blend American
I 'Si.
for Ynnp PRnniirF
h.,& Lamms
t. WriM ut 1
Sat Mora Wheat Maccaranl Spaghetti Ver
micelli Nooses Alphabet Freah Egg Noodle
Kenton Station. Portland, Oregon.
Eitport examination free All w.rk guaranteed. Sen
sinle sriraa. We aeeeialixe la Complete Overhauling ana
Cylinder grinding.
Moved to New Larger Garage. Dtk and Hoyt. Portland
Rest Room for Ladies.
Sll Washington St. Between Fifth and Sixth Streeta
our student,. We OUARAN-
Aute-Mechanka. Sleetrlolty, Acetylene Welding.
125 N. 5th St., Portlend, Ore.
WMk we tf&W
in end get
All Sizes. All Prices. Terms
Large stock Parts. SERVICE
Write for FREE Catalog & Prices
9th and Burnaide, Portland, Ore
Hemstitching, Buttons Covered.
165V4 Tenth St., Portland
aTfSWjOM LADtfcli.
Sanitary Beauty Pallets W fli yon ap,
we;, aaks all kinds ef Heir deeds of pour
vOfsbtsgs.'. Join our SoHsol ef Beauty Culture.
tou 41 Dakota lids-.. Phone
yi, jserniana, union.
Teadhe trade In i weeks. Some pay
while learning. Positions secured. Writ
for catalogue. 234 Burnslde street. Fort
land, Oregon.
Northwest Welding ft Supply Co., 80 1st St.
Marry if Lonely; most sueesiaful "Horns
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli
able ; r'yesrs experience; descriptions free,
"The Seocessful Olub," Mrs. Hash, Bel See,
Oskland, California.
Far reliable Cleaning and Dye
ing service send parcels to us.
we pay return postage. Inform
ation ana prices given upon re
Established 1800.
Portland. Ore
W have feandrvdi of pirns at f 10.00 and up. Send
ub a sketch of the hme you want and we will sub
rait similar peclmsn stais. No obUgation axoant
10 reiurn piam u not guitume.
O. M. A K E R S
pes! mine and Drafting. 611-12 Couch Building,
roruana, vregon
Set of
We guarantee material
and workmanship.
Painless extraction of
trtth, AOc. 80 years la
tha same 'ocation. U. S. DKNT1ST8. 246 Wash
ington aor. Second. Portland, Oregon,
All long rye straw atuffsd.
Insist on having the collar
with the "Fish" Label. If
your dealer does not handle
this brand collar, write to ua
63 Union Av., Portland, Ore,
North Portland Horse & Mule Co. will
hold weekly auction sales at the Union
Stockyards, North Portland, easli Wed
nesday at one o'clock. If you havs any
thing to sell In horses, mules or milch
cows, or harness and wagons, we would
be glad to solicit your business, a ws
are always In touch with buyers.
Gives smooth. Gliding fin
is,, to hard or soft-wood
Your druggist has It If
pot send u. stamps, 76s
for one-pound paekage
Portland, Oregna.
Tomato Legally a Vegetable.
Botanlcally a tomato Is a fruit. The
supreme court, however, has decided
that since tomatoes are grown in
kitchen gardens, and eaten generally
as part ot the body ot a meal, and as
they are sold aa vegetables, therefore
they should be considered vegetables
as tar as commerce and general nse
are concerned.
to Dry Native Wheat
wheat with Swedish wneat In equal
ratio, but by doing native wheat with
this apparatus only 30 per cent ot
American wbeut will be required for
the blend.
The machine consists principally of
four rotating cylinders with tube for
the circulation of the grain, to which
warm nlr Is applied.
Knowledge Is not found unsought.
I m
When Tony
1(f). 111, by McClure Newspaper Syndloate.)
To recognize a blessing In guise of
an Impish boy, requires Insight plus
lively faith. Possessed of reasonable
Insight, but wholly lacking faith, Alice
set down Tony, her small stepnephew,
as the crowning misery of a miserable
summer. She had hated him vica
riously before seeing him what right
had a worhan with a son seven years
old to take captive her fastidious
brother? Jere had scoffed equally at
widows and wooing since he was nine
teen. A concrete reason, of course,
for the scoffing It wore petticoats
frilly ones owned a baby stare and
an acquired lisp. In the lightest, most
fetching half mourning for a husband
killed In the first honeymoon, she had
annexed Jere casually, played on and
with him to bring to bag her real
quarry, the semi-senile Senator Core.
Instead of making becoming haste to
die, the senator had retired from pub
lic life from everything but taking
care of himself. By consequence Mrs.
Core had had bitter reason to rue her
bargain. He might live to be ninety
liberty was a high price to pay for
twenty years more of luxury and slav
ery. Moreover, she would get almost
nothing in fee only a fair annuity,
charged upon the big fortune which,
devoted to pompous charity, was to
keep In remembrance the name of
Jere quit hating her when that came
to his knowledge. Indeed, he had only
thought he hated her for a longlsh
time. Alice had known the fact, but
had been too canny to mention It.
Jere, ten years older, was her para
gon. Judge what she suffered when
he married an almost nobody, neither
lch nor poor, plain nor handsome
Indeed merely an average person, ex
cept for the boy, Tony.
He had been, since he was weaned,
the best pal of a bachelor uncle, whose
conception of the universe wag that It
existed for Tony's behalf and benefit.
Tony began riding to hounds at four
on no pony, it you please, a long-strid
ing hunter, full man size.
Even then he swore "good mouth
filling oaths" at five he played such
poker even the veterans used him re
spectfully. A little later he scandal
ized the neighborhood by saying to a
visiting minister who had Insisted upon
holding family prayer:
"Mr. Man, you talk too long. God
tells me he don't like It any better'n I
do." And on top of that, to two young
women pretending to quarrel over him,
he piped in a blase voice : "Stop talkln'
foolish. Jinny's too fat and Lou too
scrawny. I won't even look at any ot
your grandchildren."
As a make-weight, he had friends
legions of them the servants, the men
on the farm, the poor folk round about,
to whom be was often his uncle's al
moner. And to none of them was be
ever rude or saucy. 'This partly from
a naturally good heart ; partly also from
Uncle Bill's gospel, "A gentleman al
ways helps the under dog."
He was straight, long-limbed, up
headed, unchlldlshly wiry ;. his fair skin
massed with freckles; his hair sun
blenched to the color of tow. Supple
as a kitten, active as a flea, he looked
the part of terrible Infant so perfectly
Alice smiled grimly at sight of him,
feeling her mlsliklng so entirely justi
fied. Clearly the Imp was not psychic.
In about seven minutes after he began
staring at her, be said musingly :
"Aunt Alice I Well I I don't so much
mind I Uncle Bill has got to marry
now. Mammy won't De there to taxe
care of us, and If he took anybody
else I'd have two aunts to pester."
There his new father swooped upon
him, chuckling hard, and bore him
away, in spite or kicks, poundings,
threats of biting, saying over his
shoulder: "Alice, Bill Is coming next
week. He ain't quite so sudden
ihe head of the family" giving Tony
a Dear nug; out lies mignty weu
Tony-broke "
"Apparently P from Alice at her
Iciest: "I bate to disoblige but the
fact Is I've made other ' arrange
ments," flushing a lovely red, and
turning away her eyes. Be sure then
a hUDDUD Drone out a gtri wno nas
a doting father, a critical brother, two
rich maiden aunts, and an official fairy
godmother sets up a mighty pother,
by such an announcement.
yVho Is her Jere demanded, set
ting Tony on bis feet. Instantly that
young person clinched fists and stood
forward, the very moral of an angry
imntaui. "What business had you to
make 'rangements?" he demanded
shrilly: "You might a known we ball
things all fixed Uncle Bill and me!
Alice smiled Inscrutably, and walked
to the other door, stopping there to
sty to the assembled family, "Save
your breath by asking no questions.
Content yourselves with knowing,
you'll have wedding cards In good
Being gentlefolk, there the matter
reo rd. Uncle Bill came, saw but did
t t try to conquer, though Alice ad
mitted In the privacy of ber own heap
ing, he waa line man, easy, gracious,
delightfully whimsical In speech, with
a smile like morning sunshine, whom
dr Intuitively fawned on and babies
to-Idled after. He shook bis bead at
her. with Tony riding pig s-back, sar
tng reproachfully. "Too are very, very
wicked to disappoint Tony. Tea, the
plan was wholly his; he waited to
von before settling anything." Then
followed much explosive laughter. Un
der cover of U Alice jucAfied.
age en 1
" tnclV Bill was a bird of passage
route to South America In a business
way. He left behind a Tony so deso
late that Alice's heart softened toward
him in aplte of his mischief. A bad
boy, not a mean one, she decided, sigh
ing unaccountably. Yet more unac
countably she fell In a way ot com
forting him with cardboard, colors and
brushes in the den where she amused
herself by turning out such small deer
as place cards, Christmas cards and
Illuminated mottoes for Christmas and
Alice found herself In a sore strait
wholly of her own making. She had
meant to refuse Lawyer Eads he was
a coming man, one who would certainly
be rich and possibly famous. She had
known all along she did not love him,
yet had temporized her father, her
aunts, the fairy godmother approved
him highly. Tony's planning had
maddened her she had committed her
self tacitly, to be sure, but felt she
must go on with it. All her courage
had availed was to say to her wooer:
"Walt until October now I can
neither promise nor refuse." So he
came walking en air, now and then,
giving himself a gait so proprietory, it
made her writhe. Her sole comfort
was to write In an untidy' journal her
wretchedness, her regret for the haste
that had hampered her. Not a word
of Uncle Bill but she saw his eyes, his
smile, between the Hnes. She must
bold to her freedSm until be had come
and gone. After that the deluge its
outcome, she could not guess.
There was a curious change In Tony
he shut himself In the den, worked
there furiously to judge by blotches
and splotches over floor and table, but
Alice bardly noted them her con
sciousness was fixed forward in a
week Uncle Bill would be home. Byf
almost a miracle he came two days
earlier, Lawyer Eads graciously hurry
ing him out In his own car. Alice got
white at sight of them together, but
nobody noticed the fact. Tony had the
floor he was shouting shrilly: "Uncle
BUI 1 Uncle Bill I See what I maked
you, Alice's picture, In her own
wrltln' book. I knew she wouldn't
mind" with that thrusting upon Uls
gasping Uncle Bill something more
many-colored than was Joseph's coat.
Alice snatched It away, crying: "You
you must not look neither of you."
Then fell In a faint. Before she came
out of it, two men had read her diary,
hut. of course, had acted as oecame
perfect gentlemen. Said Eads: "It is
providential." speecn was oeyuuu
T'n,.i un nut his eves BOOK 11W
City Is Built on Narrow 8lrip of Sand
Which Separatee Fresn waiar
Bay From One ef Salt,
Sweeping through a narrow channel
between two great islands oi sano.
the blue Mexican gulf waves spreaa
out into the broad expanse of Corpus
Chrlstl bay, to be girdled together
again at the mouth of tne nuecei
river. The river itself meanders
through the broad and fertile plains of
Texas until It nears the salt water,
when, as If In Imitation of the mighty
ocean It Is soon to Join, the stream
widens Into a great circular loop, a
ljay of fresh water separated from the
salt by a long tongue of sana.
Along the nnrrow beach men nave
reared great buildings ot stone and
brick. But, rising from It, towers the
higher ground, crowned with homes
and churches. A boulevard runs along
the brow of the bluff, a boulevard
from which one looks out over the
roofs of banks and office buildings
across the blue of the bay to the mis
ty shore line of distant Islands. On
the narrow strip of sand and soil that
forms a barrier between the fresh wa
ter of one bay and tbe salt water of
the other, are more homes and many
places where people laugh and play.
Behind the city lie fields of cotton.
grating land and groves of orange
trees or verdant gardens filled with
vegetables. Tiny wild flowers dot the
green grass of the cattle land like liv
ing stars. Low, tcraggllng cedars
stretch their crooked branches toward
the sea. White waxen berries of mis
tletoe glisten through the darker green
of the live oak, while strands ot Span
ish most sway with each passing
Close Quarters.
In some amateur theatricals a fugi
tive from justice wat luppoted to es
cape from his pursuers by concealing
himself under a table. The table was
small, while the fugitive was some
what lengthy.
The commander of the pursuing
party rushed onto the stage and fell
over the legs of the man for whom be
wss searching.
Picking himself up snd rubbing his
shins, he caused roars of laughter by
exclaiming In dramatic Style: "Ha,
the villain has eluded at again,"
A Secret
The minister of a certsln church
called upon a woman, t member of
his congregation, and, finding no one
at home, slipped a card through the
letter box, after scribbling upon It the
words: "Sorry to find you out"
Wbea the worsts returned home
Mary, the maid, met ber tt tht door
and presented the eard with whis
pered : "Here, mum, I took charge of
this. It would never do ror tne mas
ter to know tbe minister's found you
soma gossip about Mrs.
"Really V exclaimed Hist Cayenne.
"She It coming on. For years she has
not been considered Important enough
ioJ gnatlflfa about'
Salem. Governor Pierce Saturday
appointed Dr. H. E. Keity of Paisley
judge of Lake county to succeed E.
H. Smith, who died recently.
Hood River. Ashley Post, 18, Bon
of Dr. William Post of Hood River,
suffered the loss ot his right hand in
a dynamite explosion Sunday.
St. Helens, With the departure of
the steamer Brookings Saturday night
lumber shipments- from St. Helens
for the week will total nearly 4,000,
000 feet.
Salem. Following the completion
of its five-year road building program
Marion county will be in a position
to construct approximately 15 miles
ot paved highway annually without a
bond iasue, according to Henry Down
ing, county judge.
Eugene. More than 21,000,000 feet
ot timber In the Siuslaw national for
est has just been sold to the Umpqua
Mills & Timber company ot Reeds-
port, according to announcement at
the forest service office In this city,
The price paid was f 42,354.
Medford. Taxes will be lower in
Jackson county this year than last,
not counting irrigation Hens and taxes
that vary according to school and dis
trict levies. The county tax is three
mills less. In Medford taxes will be
1.6 mills lower than in 1923.
Crawfordsville. Mr. and Mrs. John
O. Mlckalson of Crawfordsville cele
brated quietly their fifty-ninth wed
ding anniversary January 7. They
were married in 1865 In Monroe, Wis,
Pendleton. Alex Manning, promin
ent in labor circles in Pendleton, has
been designated head of the Umatilla
county committee to obtain funds for
German children. No drive will be
made for funds here, he stated, the
plan being to depend on voluntary con
Astoria. Superintendent Webb of
the Necanlcum river hatchery has
taken about 1,600,000 sllverside eggs,
which he is hatching at the Necanl
cum river plant. He has also caught
about 200 cut-throat trout In his traps
and will take eggs from them for
artificial propagation.
Marshfleld. The new Wesley hospi
tal, to be organized under the aus
pices ot the Methodists, will consist
of a first unit to cost f 100,000, Includ
lng the equipment. The institution
will have the full quota of laboratories
required In obtaining the approval and
recognition by the American College
of Surgery.
Eugene. Oznl Stoel, the oldest
Mason In Eugene and one ot the old
est on the coast, was honored by fel
low-Shriners Saturday night with
dinner at the hotel In honor of his
93d birthday. Mr. Stoel Is active and
seldom misses a meeting ot the sev
eral branches ot masonry to which
he belongs.
Corvallls More than 450 head of
hogs owned by various livestock club
members were vaccinated for hog
cholera In the last year, according to
reports sent In by county club lead
era to L. J. Allen, assistant state club
leader. Only one death resulted from
vaccination and none treated died
from the disease.
Salem. The order Issued recently
by the Oregon public service commis
sion In reducing freight rates on hay
and other farm products will become
effective January 21, according to an
nouncement Saturday. The rallroadB
following receipt of the order, filed
petition asking that tbe effective date
ot the. new rates be suspended.
Marshfleld, A suit for ,2850 dam
ages has been tiled by Eugone Ham-
block of Bear creek, a locality not far
from Bandon, where the Roosevelt
highway traverses his ranch. Mr.
Hambiock avers that the construction
of the highway, which was graded In
1923, resulted In the Iobs of 26 feet
of the northern part of his barn, which
was cut from the structure.
Roseburg. The Douglas county tax
department during the year 1922 col
lected 1,098,918.(3, only J 6000 less
than set forth on the assessment rolls
to be collected, according to the scml
annual report now being comploted,
Tbe sum ot $36,840.25 represents d
llnquent taxes, extending as It back
as 1913, paid In during the past year.
The 1923 tax Is about 10 per cent d
Klamath Falls. Work on the Ku
gene-Klamath Falls cut-off on the
Southern Pacific Is progressing undor
tbe most unfavorable winter condi
tions. According to word brought I
Sunday from the Charles F. Gager sub-
Contractor's ramp at Corrlal springs,
near Crescent from 18 Inches to two
feet ot snow has been encountered by
the graders who are completing the
last five miles ot the Hampshire con
tract 40 miles beyond Kirk.
Mrs. Eva Ferraer
Oregon is Famous For
Its Beautiful Women
Salem, Oreg. "Last year I be
came in an extremely run-down con-
oition, my appetite failed me and
I became very nervous. A friend
advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery as a tonic
and I was very thankful to her for
her good advice. One bottle of it
made me feel like a new person; it
strengthened and built me uo intn
a perfect state of health, my appetite
returned and all nervousness dis
appeared. I have no hesitancy in
saying that Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery is the very best
tonic, I have ever taken and I am
glad to have my testimonial pub
lished if it will be of benefit to others
who have become run-down and
weak," Mrs. Eva Ferraer, 444
Water St.
Obtain the Discovery in tahlcts
or liquid from your druggist or send
10c for trial ok, to Dr. Pierce's In
valids' Hotel. Buffalo, N, Y,
How the Flrea Start.
In the forests of the Rockies the
evergreens stand some distance apart
so that their tops do not touch, says
the "School Book ot Forestry" of the
American Tree association. As a re
sult these westeru forests do sot
shade the ground as well as those In
the East. This causes the Bolls of
these forests to be much drier, and
also increases tfte danger from fire.
Enduring Value.
A great poem is the fountain for
ever overflowing with the waters of
wisdom and delight; and after one
person and one age has exhausted all
its divine effluence which their pecul
iar relations enable them to share,
another and yet another succeeds, and
new relations are ever developed, the
source of an unforeseen and an un-
conceived delight, Sir Philip Sidney.
He's a Philosopher.
Little George Is an embryonic philos
opher. He said the other day at the
table: "Now, when I sit in my chair
my feet won't touch the floor, but
when I walk around they touch the
floor as well as anybody's" Woman's
Home Companion. '
Practice "Give and Take."
In the business world today a man
who is unwilling "to give and take"
stands very little chance of attaining
success. The philosophy ot modern
business has bo been developed that
biggest business Is now greatest serv
Here's a Smile.
"Just think ot it! An impudent fol
low calmly came In and actually stole
the clock right off tho mantelpiece."
"And your dog was In the very room?"
Yes, but that doesn't count. Flossy
is only a watchdog, you know.
Sagacity of Wild Creatures.
Wild animals khow where to find
protection, says the Department ot
Agriculture. In places where thore
are game sanctuaries, wild creatures
hasten to thorn at the beginning ot
every open hunting season.
The Other Fellow That Is.
Any first-class whlttlcr can think up
a lot ot things a follow ought to be
able to make a fortune out ot. Balti
more Sun.
Immune From Influenza.
There is one place always absolute
ly immune from influenza. This sanc
tuary Is the cinnamon warehouse con
nected with London's docks. No em
ployee has ever been attacked by the
First Study, Then Achieve.
Try thyself unwearledly till thou
flndest the highest thing thou art ca
pable ot doing, faculties and oulwurd
circumstances being duly considered ;
and then do It. J. Stuart Mill.
Shoe Repairs.
A bit chipped off the toe of a brown
shoe can be effectively repaired by a
thin coat of white sholluc, with brown
polish applied over It
Is seeded In every defMrtmeM of home
keeping. Equally good for towels. table
Unea.eheeta and pillow . ens, Ctan
Art Tm Satisfied?
le tha biggest.
ggest, fnoet perreeuy Miuppea
Riialnaaa Tralnlne Hrhool In the North-
a Training
weeu Kit yourself lew a higher poeltloa
with more money. I'ennaiieot toelUons
aee'ired our (Itnduate
Write tat eatatof eourtil anu lanihlE
Pert sand.
P. N. U.
No. 3, 1924