I 1 Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOLX. MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1923 NO. 12 A P Maw ? rOES? tf.U?- c,1iW ttEr?a 1 i,-?,. H --? tf iV?. t'lfV? t 0 Rousing Success The community Christmas tree and entertainment given in the high school auditoriam Monday . evening was a great success in every way. About 200 peeple were present. Decorations were artistic and the program was well rendered. Treats were generously provided everyone, and local residents who were not priviledged to be present were remembered by Santa'3 faithful representatives the next morn ing who made the trips around to homes. This is the first attempt for anything of the kind Maupin as a community has undertaken for several years and those who have so unselfisiy put forth so much effort are to be congratu lated on their -thorough success. Mrs. E. W. Griffin went to Bend last night where she is now a patient in St. Charles hos pital in care of Dr. Werner. Mrs. Griffin has been ill several days and her many friends here aid hoping for a speedy recovery. Morris-Kinzley A quiet wedding took place Wedneday, December 19 at the U. B. parsonage in The Dalles when Miss Erma Morris and MarVin Z. Kinzley were united in marriage, Rev. E. L. Wriggle officiating, in the presence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Morri3 and Earl Young. The bride i3 one of our favorite and accomplished native daugh ters, reared and educated in this section. The groom has been here the past year Mr. and Mrs. Kinzley have the best wishes of the entire community. They will leave soon for a honey moon trip and visit with relatives of the groom in Iowa. NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERS! While helping replace a dump car on the highway work across, the river, which had gone far ther than . its track, Saturday afternoon, A. D. Sprouse whs pushed down into the dump pile, the car following him, j bruising him quite painfully, I necessitating a few days lay o!f from work. . . A Short Course in PEMMAMSHEP may be had by using t DkbrowV Amt .Writer immmm Correct Position and Arm Movement Assured With Gr "Without a Teacher Write for descriptive circular or send 20cts for a sample The price of Auto Writer is 20 cents for one or $1.80 a dozen prepaid, express or P. 0. order at my risk. A. A. DISBROW, STEVENSON, WN. I A. A, The Crandall Undertaking Co. The Dalles, Oregon Licensed Enbalmers Motor Equipment F. C. BUTLER MAUPIN E. C. PRATT, WAMIC I R. B' Bell, congenial O. W. agent, is away for a few weeks vacation. Paul DeCamp is spending the Xmas holidays with the home folks.. Call at the Drug Store for your 1924 calendar. Two marriage licenses were issued yesterday afternoon at the office of the county clerk to the fallowing couples: Mackay Dallas Ashley, 27 year3 old, and Miss Eva H. Webb, 18 years old, both o! Tygh Valley, and Marvin Z. Kinz!ey,23 years old, and Miss Emma E Morris, 18 years old, of Maupin. Chronicle Dec 19 Disbrow's auto writer will save its cosl hi a few days and used properly will last a lifetime A. A. Disbi ow Stevenson Wn. A. B- Shubert Inc. of Chicago announce they are offering a dai ly prize of $50 for the best ship ment of fur receivt-d. We also note by their price list that a No 1 extra large beaver fur will bring $26, and a common black cat is worth $.75 minus Lis flesh and bones. - Darrel Elwood came out from The Dalle3 to spend the Xmas holidays with his father, Dr. J. L. Elwood. Portland Painless Densist, SOD Second St., The Dalles, Oregon,1 over Linquist Jewelry Store. Rooms 1, 2, 3. Dad Coale returnded Christ mas night from a business trip to Southern Oregon points via Bend. The figures opposite the name on each copy of the Times mailed out denote the date the subscrip tion expires. Woodcock Bros, are backbuild- ing on tneir dam across the Maupin spring branch. Disbrow's auto writer is , on sale at The Times office. A few of them are here in stock, while they last. J. C. Pratt who has been con fined to his home with a swollen neck is in a serious condition. The Woodcock & Lake cottage on Dufur avenue is well under construction. Mrs Eva Harpham "took some of the joy out of her Christmas this year by spilling a kettle of hot soup on herself the day be fore. No child learning to write should be without TJisbrow's auto writer. A- A- Disbrow Stevenson Wn. . - Mrs. W. E. Woodcock from Wamic is visiting relatives here. EAGLE . -tf$5 I ILIp YELLOW PENCIL IwLZmmmmi I V lZ wtlfiifi FED BAND V made, by I J -Z". . ,-..,.,,,. TflE LARGEIl PENCIL FACTORY n Tygh Valley ' Write it 1924. We have had 480 leap years and the supply of bachelors is greater each year, can any one solve the problem and tell us why? We will award a hand painted celluloid stove poker to the one sending in the correct answer. Old maids barred. After we wasted so much ink trying to start a boom for Henry he comes right out and says he is not in the race or won't be and says he is head and heels for Coolidge- Well all we got to say now is that we picked a fliver Mayor Stillwell was a Dalles visitor on Thursday. . , Miss Sarah Folsom is spending j Xmas with her parents at Mosierj Assistant instructor Wriggles j is visiting the home folks in The Dalles during Xmas vacation. Prof. McDonald who has been instructor in the High School here during thejillness of D. O. Bones, returned to his home in ,The Dalle3 Friday arid Mr. Bones is expected to be able to resume the work after the holidays. Paul Muller was a business visitor in Maupin Monday. In making up your list of New Year resolutions it will be well to have reservations as to crank ing the lizzie on a cold morning, Hiid again you should leave room after each one to make amend ments thereto at any time you deem it neccesary. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey were visiting at the V. P. Steers home Sunday. Kohler and Kohler of Seattle will install two of their automat ic electric lighting systems in j the town. W. C. Stillwell will j have an eighty light plant in his new shop now under construction and C. J. Van Duyn will - have a' forty light plant, to light his store and dwelling. These plants, so we understand by see ing them demonstrated, ,will start automatically when the first light is turned on and will stop when the last one is turned off. Mr. Burke of Forest and Burke has motfed his family from their residence in the park to the A. M. Young property on the hill. Andee Kistner had the good fortune to trap an eighty pound beaver last week, this is the largest that we have heard any report of. The chief of police in Portland invited the members of the W. C. T. U. to sample each bottle of contraband whiskey they 3cized in a raid, before it was destroyed. They declined, and it has been rumored since that there has been a large delegation of the male species applied for admittance into the society. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Koch of Grass Valley are spending Xmas with the latter' s perents at the Kafe. Forest Cooper is visiting the Mrs. J. W. Farlow and sons Orrion and Leonard came over from Smock today. Leonard is going to Prineville tonight to re sume his duties in the drug store in that place. On account of sickness the smoker, which was to have been given by the American Legion Dec. 31 will be postponed until some time in January. U TIER'S Every Thing for the Table We wish .to thank our 'many -customers for their Valued Patronage during the past year, which has made our business a great success. We will be better prepared to take care of your wdnts the coming year. Our entire time and attention is given to your service and selecting and buying the very best quality groceries that can possibly be purchased for the money We buy all our fresh meats of our customers, paying them all wc can, leaving us a small selling margin, and at the same time keeping our retail price in line with our grocery prices. v We linvile you when in need of food supplies in quantities, which is the economical way to buy, to allow us the pleasure of quoting you prices. Make out your list and hand it to us, we can make you prices that will equal most any mail order house. If you are j in doubt of the quality wc advise you to try a small amount of the particular article "which you are in doubt of. Our buyer has had 25 years of both whole sale and retail grocery experience", making a study of groceries as many of you did in farming. We are jitt;t one of you, living and working to make our and your business a success, we have your interest at heart at all times, if you do not prosper we are sure to fail. , The taxes we pay in your community help to build the roads and provide schools. We help your churches and all social gatherings. We help to provide a market for your Farm Products. Help the one who helps you. Give your home' merchant a chance. We extend to you best wishes for the new year. We will be. glad to do all in our power to make 1924 a year of prosperity and happiness for you. Special on Oranges 20c Doz. , , ! State Income Tax Some interesting facts in regard to the new State Income Tax EXEMPTIONS: Married persons $2000.0U Single persons $1000.00 RATES: One percent on the first $1000.00 above exemptions, rate raises 1-4 percent on each additional $1000.00 to 2 percent; then raises 1-2 percent on each ftddi tional $1000X0 to a maximum pf 6 percent on all incomes of $12,000.00 or more. TAX EXEMPT SECURITIES: All U. S. Securities exempt, State Securities not exempt. AH dividends are subject to tax. DATE FOR FILING RETURNS: Returns for 1923 must be filed on or before March 30th, 1924. Maupin Stale Bank We Strive to Merit Approval (to last page)