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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1923)
PAPTI AMn x junmy m BoairA At yamhili.! Ship to Mutual Creamery Your Check Returned Promptly Page & Son Portland.Oregon TTofpl Clarltrm Most Homelike Hotel in Portland .V. 1 lU11 Rtes-Fire Proof Building 14th and Wanninitton Victor Brandt. Prop. Harry Fletcher. Mgr. Washington G00D EATS AT popular prices , - Rest Room for Ladies. Cafeteria 811 Washington St. Between Fifth and Sixth Streets lU 1U PORTLAND, OREGON Typewriters-New & Rebuilt Old Machines taken in trade as part payment Complete Rental and Supply department. Typewriters Repaired. THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER CO. A. F. Jaksha, Mgr. , 304 Oak St., Portland, Ore BR 0270 THE CAMPBELL COURT HOTEL Portland's newest and moat beautiful residential hotel opened Sep tember 1, 1923. Every Room with Bath. Unusual Dining-room Service Near Theaters. Banks and Shops. Garage. Cars to all parts ol city pass The Cmpbell Court Hotel. Rates Moderate, Eleventh St. at Main Send for our Free Catalogue Fall and Winter 1923-24 It will save you money when you want Sheeplined Coats, Leather Coats, Leather Vests, Maokinaws, Solid Lea ther Guaranteed Shoes, All Leather Leggings, Army and Commercial Wool Underwear, All-Wool Sox, Rubber Foots, and Genuine O. D. Wool Army Blankets. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. g Outdoor Store Ot Holland, Or. 94 THIRD ST." COR. STARK. GLASSES A That Fit Nnnf Rptter m &- ' t CHARGES REASONABLE 149 Third St PORTLAND, OREGON EVAN G. HOUSEMAN Osteopathic Physician. , Electronic Method of ABRAMS Phone Main 2963. 39314 Yamhill at Tenth, , Portland, Ore We Specialize In Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara, Oregon Grape Root Goat Skins, Horse Hair Write for Shipping Tags & latest Price List Portland Hide & Wool Co. 108 UNION AVENUE NORTH, PORTLAND, OREQON. Branch at Focatello. Idaho Save 25 to 50 Per Cent On Building Material, Roofing Paper, Paints, Varnish, Lumber, Lath. Nail, Shingles, Doors, WindowB, and Plumbing SupplieB, New and Second Hand. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. DOLAN WRECKING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Office & Yard, 460 Belmont St., Portland. Ore. GLASSES WILL SAVE YOUR EYES Expert fitting at lowest prices. All styles of Glasses. LenBea duplicsted from broken pieces. Mail in your bro ken vlnNHeH. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurwitz, 223 First St., Portland. Ore. BUY HE BEST HORSE COLLAR MADE All long rye straw stuffed. Insist on having the collar with the "Fish" Label. If yourdealer does not handle this "brand collar, write to us direct. P. SHARKEY & SON 63 Union Av., Portland, Ore. SEND TODAY far my FREE book containing info nation YOU should have on rectal conditions oJm bow I GUARANTEE to euro your Pilot or refund your loo. CHA.S, J. DEAN. M.D 2ND AND MORRISON PORTtAND. OREGON M E NT Ion'" tm is paper WHCN WBITINO Roads Employ 500,000 Washington. Ruilroads were em ploying during July 1,954,687 workers, almost 500,000 more thnn they em ployed during the same month a year ngo. They paid out during the same month In wages and salaries $261,805, 649, against n payment during July, 1922, of $193,571,244. These figures were reported recently by the Interstate Commerce commis sion. They indicated a slight Increase V 1 OFFERS A MARKET for your produce Portland, Oregon VAtTDEVILLB PHOTO PLAYS Complete Change Saturday. Adults, Week daj Matinee, 20o; Erenings, 40c. Continn- 1 in ll n . fThiMren 10 rente ell times. hiphird's Mineral Springs HAKoLD l.4liN, Manager Carton, Washington An Ideal Winter Resort. Special Winter Rate. Routes 8. P & 8. Local from Portland to Car eon, Wash. By Auto to Cascade Locks via Co lumbia Highway. By Auto via the North Bank Highway. Hotel American Plan, Modern Hotel Accommodations. Baths Hot Mineral Baths: Cure (or RheumatiBtn, Liver, Kidney and Stomach Troubles: Skin Diseases. Hunting and Fishing. Write ui for prices and market conditions on Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc. Forty Years in the Same Location. Eat More Wheat Maccaroni Spaghetti Ver micelli Noodles Alphabet Fresh Egg Noodles PORTER-SCARPELLI MACARONI CO. Kenton Station, Portland. Oregon. WANTED 50 Men and Women At Once. To Learn All Branches of Photography. Good wages paid after 8 weeks' training. We secure employment for our students. Sandy's School of Photography Th largest and most talked of School In the West I Apply or write Sandy'g Photographlo 1 Ktnra 124 Broadway Portland, Oregon North Portland Horse A Mule Cn win noia weeKiy auction sales at tne Union Stockyards, North Portland, each Wed nesday at one O'clock. If vnu have finv. thing to -sell In horses, mules or milch cows, or harness and wagons, we would be glad to solicit VOUr business, aa vim mwftfB ui tuui-n wun ouyers. GOING TO BUILD? We have hundreds of plana at $10.00 and up. Send us a sketch of the borne you want and wn will ih. mit eimilar specimen plans. No obligation except O. M. A K E R S Designing and Drafting. 611-12 Couch Building-, uc.utiiu, vrcgon, Set of dQ.OO Teeth, We guarantee material and workmanship. Painless extraction of teeth. 50c. 20 veara in the same location. U. S. DENTISTS, 245tt Wash i rig-ton cor. Second, Portland, Oregon. Ditcut A ttabupv MECHANICAL I-hilui iiunraci ENGINEER Protect that Idea with a United States Patent. Othen hare made fortunes out of Patents. Why not you! Thomas Bilyeu, 202 awTeni Jtiiag., roruano ore. USED FORDS o a COUPES, SEDANS, TOURINGS, ROADSTERS Lasy Terms Used r orda Bought and Sold FARNHAM & WILLIAMS, INC., West Side (Two Stores) East Side. 28 Nor. 11th. 211 Grand Ave., Portland, Oregon REPAIR PARTS New and used for all makes sutos and trucks. Mail orders filled. PORTLAND AUTO WRECK ING CO., 631 Alder street. Portland. Ore. Br 6241 "LITE-FOOT" Powdered DANCE FLOOR WAX Gives smooth. Gliding fin ish to hard or soft-wood floors. NO ACID, CREASE OR DUST. Your druggist has It. If not, send us stamps, 76s forone-poand package CLARKE, WOODWARD DRUG CO. Portland, Oregon. More Men This Year In earning rates for all classes of rail road employees during the year. Trainmen In July last averaged $189 per month, while a year ago their earnings were $180; maintenance of way employees averaged $3 a month more than lust year. Professional and clerical workers averaged $178 per month, while a year ago they got $172. The planoj was Invented in Italy. m root hhuhi ' BANCE KM 1 j Salesman's Rest a Success By RUBY DOUGLAS , HIS. Western Newspaper Union.) Ti?resa had a father who was a salesman for a drug firm. She had a brother who sold goods on the road for a silk company. It was a sort of family failing to be a traveling salesman. If Theresa bad been a man she believed she, too, would have been carrying a bag from town to town dis playing samples of perfumery or chil dren's sweaters. "There's no rest for a drummer," her brother used to say to her. "All commercial hotels are alike and if you don't go to them you are off the beaten track. Even at noon while I am Jit neying across country it is to the reg ular traveling man's hotel that I must go to feed." This remark, for some reason which Theresa did not understand, had made an impression on her. Why could there not be an attractive sort of place where salesmen, going from town to town as they do nowadays In little touring cars, might stop and spend a restful hour or two and then go on their way, refreshed and ready for the giving out of all their energy to the men they were trying to Interest? The thought became almost an ob session until Theresa had actually vis ualized a place which she was calling In her mind, "Salesman's Best." 'But why not, Sis?" asked her brother when she told him of her idea rather timidly. "Why not what?" she asked. "Why not develop your business acumen? Make your vision come true and Join the two together have a res taurant and rest room on one of the thoroughfares of the Island and run it for the benefit of traveling salesmen going from one town to the other by automobile. It is a good idea." - "Do you really think so?" asked Theresa, her eyes glowing with the Joy of receiving encouragement from her brother. "I sure do," said the man. "It will be a little slow at first and It will take good management. But with your wonderful knack of making things comfortable and your gift of cooking you ought to have a future In this line." Theresa set out almost at once to find an available place on the main ar tery through Long Island. She went up and down this road looking at old houses and shops that might be close enough to the road to be conspicuous. She had never been in business, but her mother had promised to give her all the help she could and her brother was almost as enthusiastic as she was as the plans grew under their develop ment. "I've found It at last," she cried one night when she had been gone all day in the little car her brother had let her have. She told the family what it was, where it was located, Just what busi ness and financial conditions she must meet and, every turn, almost as if it were fate dove-tailing her movements for her, she met success. It was not many weeks until she was established In the old house on the Merrick road, behind an attrac tive sign which said "Salesman's Best." The big living room was dotted here and there with tables in an Informal way, and at each table there was a little shelf containing volumes that any man might pick yp for a few mo ments while he ate or rested. There was no Jazz; there was none of the noisy, hotel-like atmosphere about the Salesman's Rest. It was homelike; the food was good and there was a quiet, almost intangibly helpful air about the big living room. Business was slow at first, and there were many nights when Theresa had to look through cloud banks to see her vision. But always, Just when she most needed courage, a bit of blue would appear on her horizon. This time the light that pushed the clouds away appeared In the big, raw- boned person of T. M, Fox, drummer. He stood, hat in hand, bag beside him, In the doorway when Theresa came Into the big living room to mend the log fire that was burning low. It was damp and drizzly and she had tried to make the room seem warm and cheer ful In spite of her own depressed, dis couraged mood. ''Could I get lunch 7" asked the man, awkwardly. Theresa smiled and the big drummer became Instantly more ill at ease. He was accustomed to going to men's hotels where a clerk had promptly assigned him to a room or the dining room, as his needs might have been, The sight of this lovely young woman beside a blazing fire in comfortable homelike room was too much for him "You could certainly," said The resa. "Put down your bag and be at home. What would you like? I'll at tend to It when you warm yourself at the fire." un anything to eat," he stam mered. Theresa saw at once that he was from the south of the Mason and Dixon line and she knew that be would like fried chicken, corn bread and buttermilk. "How would fried chicken be with corn bread?" she asked. Theresa was as bashful as be was. She was not a Southern girl, and yet she knew what he, a man from that country, wanted. mmmmmjnaixziak t "That would be the very best," he said. Theresa arranged table near the fire, and soon had It ready for him. Meantime, a number of drummers had arrived, and, one by one, bad refreshed themselves and were waiting for some thing to eat. As she moved from table to table, cheerfully greeting the men she knew and courteously caring for the strangers at her table, Theresa was quite aware of the almost constant gaze of the big varnish salesman. 'I don't have to be at my next town until three o'clock," be explained as Theresa gave him the check for'what he had eaten. "Would it be all right If I stayed here? Driving In this driz zle's none too attractive," he said. But of course," exclaimed The resa, with another of her bewitching smiles, this time right into his funny, unsophisticated eyes; "that's why I call my place the Salesman's Best. So that you may rest until you need to go on. i Torn Fox sought the big couch in the corner, and found a book, over the top of which he watched Theresa when she was not looking. Then and there he decided (for he was that sort of a person) that every time that he could possibly find an excusf for be ing near Merrick on the Merrick road he would come to this place. It seemed to leave nothing to be desired in his day. He set out with a determination to make good customers of all the shop men in the towns within a radius of fifty miles of this place. For then, having constantly to attend to their needs In a business way, he would find ample reason for being so much in the vicinity. One, two, three times a week found him at Theresa's table. They began to get acquainted. He met her broth er. He found out how and why this lovely girl was running this" so-much- needed restaurant for him and his pro fesslnn. Theresa's brother liked him. Theresa him. The autumn found the little rest so busy that Theresa had all she could do to take friendly care of her traveling salesmen. 'There's one thing I don't like about your success, Theresa," said the big drummer one evening at twilight when he had remained for suppj at the rest. "What's that, pray tell?" said The resa lightly, though she was trembling. She could see what was on the tip of her now acknowledged lover's tongue. "It takes you away from me. I never see you alone," he said earnest ly, and reaching for the hand that hung at. her side. "I'm alone now," she said. "Yes, and while I have you I'm go ing to tell you how I love you. I can not go on without finding out whether or not you could care for me, Theresa. Could you?" Theresa tried to turn away but he had taken her other hand and was al most forcing her to look at him. "Could you?" he persisted. She nodded. "I do anyway," she said. Fortunately no one came to the rest for a half hour during which time the lovers found out the wonderful pos sibilities of their lives together If they might go on doing good and living for others. 1 ! "We'll have a salesman's rest al ways, won't we?" she asked. He agreed.- "But you, dear, are mine all mine." Bangkok's Water Ceremony, Twice a year all the members of the royal family, as well as the military and civil officials Of Slam, gather in the principal temple in Bangkok for a water drinking ceremony. Each In turn presents himself before the king, mak ing a profound obeisunce, and fulling on his knees. He then drinks of water contained In a golden Jar, In which are soaked spear heuila and other instru ments of wur, and sprinkles It on his head. This custom Is a testimony of loyalty to the Siamese monarch, and of late years even foreign employees of the government have participated in the function. ' This Is the great oath day, and formerly the officials on tak ing the oath 'were pnhl six months' ad vance salary. Officials residing far from the capital gather at some central place where a representative of the king presents the Jar of holy water and the drinking and sprinkling and oath taking goes on. Degenerated. Fifty years ago meals were far more heavy than they are now one has only to read Dickens to realize this. Our grandfathers would have felt starved on the diet that most of us find sufficient But If we go back a few centuries we find appetites that seem amazing. Louis XIV of France, who had the reputation of being a very moderate trencherman, used to breakfast off four cutlets of whole chicken, four or five eggs, and some ham. The records of a dinner, given by Henry VIII show that each guest consumed nearly seven pounds of food. The fish course alone Included eels, salmon, pike, barbed (now considered rather unfit for food), mullet, land sturgeon. Hen Mothers Kittens. A ben In Wingham, Ont., took to clucking and setting In a manner with out eggs, while at the other end of the manger a cat was mothering some kit tens. When the kittens were shout two weeks old they wanted to play with the broody hen but she pecked and scolded them. However, the kit tens were persistent and It wasn't Icvg before they regularly found shelter at night beneath the hen's feathers. r. - WWWWW WSJWWWWe'Wwe' W WWW f T . CTflTC lUTTTTre wssnu il -s w IN BRIEF. aaAAASAAUaaAAAAAAAAAAAa. Salem. There were nine fatalities due to industrial accidents in Oregon during the week ending November 29, according to a report prepared here by the state Industrial accident com mission. Eugene. A co-operative slaughter house and stockyards were discussed by representatives of various locals of the farmers' union in Lane county at a meeting here Saturday. It was stated that some definite plan will be worked out in the near future, Dallas. The seeond attempt of T. S. Brown, a Salt Creek farmer, to en- Join the construction of the Dallas Wallace bridge market road ended abruptly Friday, when Judge Belt in circuit court refused to grant the re quested injunction and dismissed the case. Salem. That business conditions In Oregon this year have been better than for many previous seasons was indicated in a letter received at the offices of the public service commis sion here from E. L. King, superin tendent of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon. Bend. Deschutes county's tax next year for county purposes will require a slightly less mlllage than that in effect for the present year, a report Issued Friday by Assessor August A. Anderson shows. Next year's millage will be 15.65, as compared to a pres ent millage of 15.84. Salem. There were 2660 passenger cars and 162 trucks licensed during the month of November, according to a report issued by Sam A. Kozer, sec retary of state. The aggregate li censes issued during November, 1923, showed a gain of 61 per cent over those granted during the same month in 1922. .Cochran. When a car loaded with logs broke away on a heavy grade and came hurtling toward the locomotive on which they were working, D. C, Hemminger, 29, engineer, and II. C. McKiddy, 24, fireman, Jumped to es cape injury, only to be buried beneath flying logs from the car, which struck a derailing switch. Pendleton. The Columbia farm bureau in the west end of Umatilla county has effected a big saving in the cost of dairy and hog feed pur chased by farmers there, according to Fred Bennion, county agent. During the year they have purchased 13 car loads of teed at an average value af about $650 and saved 20 per cent- Portland. Orders have been placed by the Southern Pacific company for 6500 new cars, out of a total of 11,000 for which inquiry was made recently. The Pacific Fruit Exchange company, owned Jointly by the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific, is in the market for more than 3000 refrigerator cars, to be delivered during the first half of next year. Salem. Application for extension of time in which to file a petition for a new trial has been submitted io the supreme court by the defendants in the case brought by August Wemme et al. against the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Portland. The supreme court in an opinion handed down two weeks ago, held In favor of the plaintiffs. Baker. Characterizing the Baker Sumpter mining district as unques tionably the best now available in the northwest to the prospector and oper ator, Sidney Norman, editor of Mining Truth, Spokane, declares the future of that industry here is exceedingly bright. Mr. Norman has Just com pleted a 10-day Investigation of all mines in this territory. Salem. The state board of control at its regular monthly meeting ached uled for Tuesday, may select a supep intendent for the Oregon employment institution for the adult blind to suc ceed J. F. Myers, who has resigned. It was said Sunday that the board has received a number of applications for the position, including one or two men who previously were engaged in institutional work. Hood River. The Apple Growers' association, which last year shipped a total of 1,300,000 boxes ot apples, will not quito reach the 1,600,000 mark this year. Up to Saturday the co operative agency had received from growers a total of 462,226 boxes. De livery of fruit of late-keeping varieties is continuing to some extent, and the 1,600,000-box mark, a record for the association, will be passed. Eugene. Members of the state game and fish commission made a trip to Triangle lake, in the coast rango 35 miles northwest of Eugene, Sunday, with a view to establishing a trout egg-taking station. Different sites on the shores of 'the lake were inspected and a report will be made soon. Triangle lake Is the source of Lake creek, which flows Into the Siuslaw river. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT PLEATING SPECIAL Out, seam, hem and maohins OR pAYitS leas sairts ready for Sana. : .emstitching, pieoting and tucsinf. EAHTE1U1 MUVCljlZ mil w. 86 H Fifth 8t Portland. Or, ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors Ws ft you up, w. make all kinds of Hair Goods of your oombings. Join our Brhool of Beauty Oullure. 40 10 41 iiesura siug., cuvuv 6902, Portland, Oregon. BRAZING), WELD INC, CUTTING Northwest We ding Supply UO., BO ai or. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros.. Florists, 287 Morrison as. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trade In 8 weeks. Some pay while learning. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 134 Burnside street. Port- land. Oregon. a PERSONAL .. Marrv if Lonelr: most successful "Horns Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli- able; years experience; descriptions free, 'The Successful Club,' Mrs. Naah, Box 658, Oakland, California, SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CANDY For your convenience we have prepared a Spe cial Fresh Christmas Assortment; Sugared Dates. New Figs, Wrapped Kisses. Best Milk Chocolates, Nut Caramels, and Choice Xmas Mixture of Candy and Nuts. All prepaid for t3.B(K Boxes of Candy 60 cents and up. Choice Xmas Boxes of Cigars $1.00 and up. Write us your wants. Larger or smaller orders re ceive the same courteous attention. ST ITT DELICACIES 535 Washington St at 16th, Portland, Ore. We started our weekly auction sales Wednesdny, Nov. 21st. If you have any Ihiinr to consign lu horses, mulex, i:t" harness or wagons, also farm ou can ship direct to the North 1'ortlann loraa & Mule ComDanv. Wire, write of phone Empire 0121, and we will give you prompt attention. North Portland Horse & Mule Co., No. Portland, Oregon. MIRRORS AND GLASS Central Mirror & Glass Works Manufacturers of High Ornde French Mirrors; lievellng; Damue-ed Mirrors Re- silvered, 4uc a square loot, ana jmrrors Framed. GlasB for Auto Curtains, Wind shields, Headlights and all Purposes. 355 Wheeler Street, Portland, Oregon. How Do You Pronounce It? Your grocer calls it en-dive, (ac cent on the first syllable), with the sound of "i" as, in "light." Probably you do, too, from force of habit. Don't do it, though; say en-dlv (accent on first syllable), giving the sound of "i" as in "tin." Explaining the Difference. They are twin boys noticeably alike, but whose temperaments are widely different. David in speaking of them said to his uncle: "Uncle Dave, their faces are twins, but their thinks aren't." Mrs. R. E. Jones Have You A Daughter? Watch Her Health Salem, Or eg. "Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the finest tonic and nervine that a young girl can take. My daughters have always been so greatly benefited by the use of the 'Favorite Prescription that I do not hesitate to recommend it to other mothers whose daughters suffer. One member of my family also speaks in terms of highest praise of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, which she takes during expectant periods. She claims that it enables her to have health and strength, and practically no suffer ing. She has fine healthy babies, too. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is truly a woman's tonic." Mrs, R. E. Tones, 596 N. High St. Get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription today from your neighbor hood druffgist, in tablets or liquid, or write Dr. Pierce, President In valids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y for free confidential, medical advice. Enclose 10c for trial pkg, tablets. Fablel Once upon a time there was a young lady engaged to a young man who promptly broke off her engagement when she found that the chap was really not a poor boy, but a million-., aire. Aesop's Film Fables. Why Both? Can a woman be both intelligent and beautiful?" asks a social workor. Certainly, but what's the use? Bir mingham Age-Herald. To Clean Aluminum. The best way to clean aluminum Is to squeeze the Juice of a fresh lemon over a cloth and apply this to brighten the metal. When the aluuminum is very much soiled a paste ot whiting and water will help to clean it. used for bsby's clothes, will keep them sweet and snowy-white until worn out. Try It and see for yourself. Atfjtxm Are Von Satisfied? BF.HN1CE-WALKER BUSINESS COlXtCl IS the biggest, most perfectly equipped Business Training ben west Fit yourself fr Hchool in the Nortk- nlgher position with more money. Permanent positions ajisured our Grsduates. Write for catalog Jfourtn anu iamhll Portland. P. N. U. No. 49, 1923 t v X