The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 22, 1923, Image 3

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WiV 1 l-it-lVL for YOUR PRODUCE
MttOftPWAV AT wmmtll
Mutual Creamery C.
e & bon
Portland, Oregon
Hotel Carlton Most Homelike Hotel in Portland
J"LUL .VaiAlUI1 Popular Rates-Fire Proof Buildin
14th and Washington
Typewriters-New & Rebuilt
Old Machines taken in trade as part payment. Complete
Rental and Supply department Typewriters Repaired.
A. F. Jaksha, Mgr. 304 Oak St., Portland, Ore
BR 0270
All makes of light cars at lowest prices, easy
terms. Twelve years in this lecation.
Hupmobile Distributor
431-436 BurnBide St.. ' Portland, Ore
Denby Trucks
are guaranteed for 90 days.
Parts and service for all models.
Denby Motor Truck Corp.
Factory Branch
10th and Davis Portland, Ore.
That Fit-None Better
Dr. Harry Brown
149 Third St
Osteopathic Physician.
Electronic Method of ABRAMS
Phone Main 2963.
393W Yamhill at Tenth, Portland, Ore
We Specialize in
Hides, Pells, Wool. Mohair, Tallow, Cascara,
Oregon Giape Root Goat Skins, Horse Hair
Write for Shipping Tags & latent Price List
Portland Hide & Wool Co.
Branch at Pocatello, Idaho
Save 25 to 50 Per Cent
On Building Material, Roofing Paper, Paints,
Varnish, Lumber, ljth, Nails. Shingles, Doors,
Windows, and Plumbing Supplies. New and
Second Hand, Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
Office ft Yard, 4C0 Belmont St., Portland. Ore.
rr"9V Expert fitting at lowest prices. All
JjjtiSj "vies of Lenses duplicated
C2r from liroken pieces. Mail in your bro
ken glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Dr. A. E. Hurwitz. 223 First St., Portland. Ore.
Patent Attorney
Protect that Idea with a United States
Patent. Others hsTe made fortunes out of
Patents. Why not yon I Thomas BUyeu, 202
Stevens Bldi., Portland, Or..
All long re straw stuffed.
Insist on having the collar
with the "Fish" Label. If
your dealer does not handle
t hla "brand collar, writ, to us
S3 Union Av., Portland, Ore.
I can .end yoo escorpta from
Liter. t hundred, of ral
ful psli.nts whom I taav.
cured of Piles with "7
uri ie.l.paials lre.lm.otfc
Writ, for FREE book.
Red Rag Myth Explodes, Bull Is Color Blind
Berkeley, Oil. A red rng means
nothing to a bull.
Dr. 0. M. St ml ton, bend of the de
partment of psjclmlncy at the Univer
sity of California, hits just completed I
six-month Investigation of what bap
pens In the mind of n bull when he
sees i red rog. The answer Is noth
ing much.
Sciential say the Inupli Is on the
world it larl'e. All these yean the
Portland, Oregon
Complet. Ohin. Setsrdey. Adults. Week
day llatinee, 20e; Evening., 4Uc. Contina-
Shipherd's Mineral Springs
HAROLD BAIN, Manager Carton, Washington
An ideal Winter Resort. Special Winter Rates.
W"T8- B- I1 I Portland to Car
f,?h.V8,vBy AH t0 Cascade Locks via Co
lumbia Highway. By Auto via the North Bank
Highway Hotel American Plan, Modern Hotel
Accommodations. Baths Hot Mineral Baths: Cure
heum,a,tlsiRl Llver. Kidney and Stomach
troubles: bkln Diseases. Hunting and Fishing.
Write as for prices and market conditions on
Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc.
Forty Years in the Same Location.
Sent Free on Request A handy illustrated Recipe
Book, explaining more than 60 different ways of pre
paring delicious, inexpensive macaroni dishes.
Kenton Station, Portland, Oregon.
Victor Brandt. Prop. Harry Fletcher, Mgr.
Send for our
Free Catalogue Fall
and Winter 1923-24
It will save you money when you
want Bheepllned Coats, Leather Coats,
Leather Vests. Mackinaws, Solid Lea.
Guaranteed Shoes, All Leather Leg
gings, Army and Commercial Wool
Underwear, All-Wool Sox, Rubber
Boots, and Genuine O. D. Army
Blankets. Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Money Refunded.
-fliB Outdoor Slor of FbHlandXh-sJ
In Portland stop at the
446 Washington St., cor. 12th
New Management Aug. Kratz, Mgr.
Strictly first class and fire proof.
In the shopping and theatre district.
Hates, Single, without bath, $1.60 up:
with bath t2.00 up: Double, without bath.
$2.00 up; with bath $2.60 up.
Special weekly rates.
Doors and Windows
Hot-bed saah, mouldings, cupboard doors, flour
bins, sash for sleeping1 porches, millwork, glass,
roofing. See our odd Btocks of sash and doors for
Downtown Lumber Store, 171 Front street, be
tween Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213
Central Mirror & Glass Works
Manufacturers of High Grade French
Mirrors; Beveling; Damaged Mirrors Re-
: silvered, 400 a square root, and Mirrors
I Framed. Glass for Auto Curtains, Wind
j shields, Headlights and all Purposes. 355
(Wheeler Street, Portland, Oregon.
I We have hundreds of plans at $10.00 and up. Send
j us a Bketch of the home you want and we will sub
i mit similar specimen plans. No obligation except
to return plans 11 not suitaoie.
Designing and Drafting-. 511-12 Couch Building,
Portland, Oregon.
A complete stock of sll models Coupes, Sedans,
Tourings, Roadsters. Prices. $H5.00 and up. If
you want junk, don't come; if you want a good
car, we have it. Easy Terms. FARNHAM ft
WILLIAMS. (Inc.) 28 N. 11th. Bet. Burnsid. &
Couch St. Portland. Oregon. Bdy 8214
Teaches trade In 8 weeks. Soma pay
while learning. Positions secured. Writ,
for catalogue. 234 liurnalde street, Port
land, Oregon-
North Portland Horn 4 Mule Company
If you have any horses, mules or milk
cows for sale, don't forget th. North
Portland Horse & Mule Co. We are al
ways In touch with the buyers and in a
Position to get the highest market price,
'hone Empire 0121 or write Box C18,
North Portland, Ore. We will always be
glad to give you any Information we -can,
or wire 312 Exchange Hldg., North Port
land, Oregon. Phil Suetter.
New and used for all makes autos and trucks.
Mail orders filled. PORTLAND AUTO WRECK
ING CO., 631 Alder street Portland. Ore. Br 6241
Gives smooth. Gliding fin
ish to hard or soft-wood
Your druggist has It If
not. send us stamps. 76.
for ono-pound package
DKUC CO. -Portland,
bull has been virtually color blind, fie
doesn't know the difference between
red, green, blue, yellow, white or black.
If you wave a red rag at s bull and
he charges It Is not because of the
color of the rag. He is not Interested
In It He Just wants to mid out what
is behind IL He would have been just
s curious If It had been a white or
black rag a little more so, according
to Doctor SLTutton,
SO men and women
at once
To learn all Branches of Photography
Good wages paid after S weeks' training.
Wa secure employment for our students.
Sandy's School of Photography
Th largest and most talked of School
in the West
Apply or write Sandy's Photographio
... st'
121 Broadway Portland, Oregon
Cot, seam, hem and machine qK
pleat skirts ready for band. 00 COMI
Hemstitching, picotin. and tucking.
55 H Fifth St. Portland, Or.
sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix yon up,
e mak. all kinds of Hair Goods of your
jombings. Join our School of Beauty Culture.
100 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Phone Broadway
J602, Portland, Oregon.
Sorthwest 'Welding & Supply Co., 88 lit 8t.
Olarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St.
Marry if Lonely; moBt successful "Horn.
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli
ible; years experience; descriptions free,
"The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Boa 666,
Dakland, California.
Choosing Dairy Sire Is
Important to Breeders
"The selection of the right bull has
many times been the real beginning of
a successful dairy farm," says A. C.
Baer, professor of dairying at Okla
homa A. and M. college, Stillwater.
"Thousands of farmers still make use
of a scrub or grade sire on account of
a mistaken economy In the cost of the
animal. Such farmers or dairymen
would be more successful and would
make more money and get more pleas
ure out of the business If they paid
more money for a good pure bred bull,
one which would be certain to trans
mit desirable qualities.
"Some of the Important factors to con
sider In the wise selection of a herd bull
or a community bull are as follows:
"First The bull selected must be
pure bred of the same breed as the
cows. If It be used with a grade herd
the breed best suited for the purpose
Intended should be chosen.
"Second The pure bred bull should
have a pedigree which shows official
production records. For a grade herd,
the dam and granddam of the bull
should have at least a record of 9,000
pounds of milk or 400 pounds of but
terfat For a pure bred herd a bull
with dams of 500 to COO pounds of but
terfat should be selected. The better
the class of cows, the better the bull
chosen for the herd should be.
"Third The bull selected should
have good conformation, strong vital
ity and constitution, and should show
good breed characteristics. An ani
mal showing male characteristics
(strong masculinity) generally always
proves to be a good sire.
"Fourth The sire chosen should be
as a rule large In size. An undesirable
animal or one which seems te lack
vigor Is not as desirable as a fairly
large, vigorous animal.
"A good herd bull should be pure
bred with known production record of
his ancestors; should have good con
formation; should be fairly large In
size and show strong vitality and con
stitution. "Whether to buy an old bull or to
select a young animal is still an un
settled question. Sometimes on old
bull may be purchased from a breeder
who has no further use for him. In
such case, a valuable sire can be se
cured for a small sum.
"In America, the average dairyman
prefers to select a young animal,
mostly because a young one Is handled
easier and shipped more easily than
an old one, and also because he can
be used for a longer time on the herd."
Butterfat Still Holds
Prewar Purchase Power
Butterfat Is the one agricultural
product that has the same purchasing
power that It had during the period
previous to the war, according to J.
B. Fitch, head of the dairy depart
ment of the Kansas State Agriculture
college. Butterfat Is 14 cents higher
than It was a year ago.
With a 10,000,000 pounds' shrink In
the volume of butter In storage dur
ing the past year, with Imports great
er during 1923, and with the Industrial
situation good, Professor Fitch Is of
the opinion that butter prices will re
main steady. He states that farmers
contemplating the purchase of cows
need have no fear that because dairy
ing Is a profitable business It will soon
be overdone. He points to the fact
that our population Is Increasing more
rapidly than the cow population.
Young Rams for Breeders,
Don't sell your husky, vigorous
young rams on the market. There Is
a big demand for these fellows, and
you may as well have a neat margin
above the market price for them as
to throw them In the slaughter pen.
Neglect Causes Loss.
More farm machinery Is put on the
Junk pile by neglect than by use.
Stitch In Time.
If a stitch In time saves nine,
weed pulled In time may sart BO.
SHE sits alone beside a dying fire,
And sees her hopes to fleecy
ashes go;
Bids sad farewell to feminine desire
For love and praise that other wom
en know ;
The baby head she visions on her
Is but a sickening phantom, like the
rest ;
The little home she one-time planned,
Is fled,
And mourned in silence, like the sacred
She sees her Idol as In years long past
She saw him, towering high among
his kind ;
In agony she sees him choose at last
A painted doll, with neither heart
nor mind;
Beholds his home, where children are
And knows his hopes, like hers, have
sadly flown.
In secret she has dared to call his
To clasp him to her breast with ard
ent word,
Has e'en expressed, without a blush
of shame,
The burning love no other ears
have heard;
Has kissed the Hps that only smiled,
one day, .
And left her to her dreams and
ashes gray.
Dodd, Mead & Company.)
Something to
Think About
TT OUGHT to be Impressed upon all
of us, whether young or old, that
patience Is one of the higher attributes
of good breeding and gentility.
Mo person, however accomplished he
may be, can continue to hold the re
spect of others If he Is given to fre
quent outbursts of Ill-humor.
Patience, It Is generally conceded, Is
ennobling. It builds character, cour
age, thoughtfulnesg and friendliness.
It never consciously ruffles another.
It Is a Bubject about which In the
present day probably nothing has been
rightly spoken or written. We like
to see Its manifestation In others, but
balk at Its use ourselves when we are
suddenly overwhelmed by a stress of
passion which sweeps us off our feet
and loosens an unruly tongue.
Poor, little, Inconsistent mortals
that we are, swept hither and thither
by adverse forces, we have at least the
courage sometimes to commend others
for their good deeds. But through
some Imperfection In our makeup, or
laxity of spiritual strength, we fall to
emulate their worthy examples.
For some undiscovered reason we
seemingly prefer the gale and the
snarling sea to the calm and quiet
harbor. We often elect to rush Into
storm rather than to enjoy the quie
tude of our own friendly home.
We are so overwrought, so men
tally mulish, that we are unable to
compose ourselves or commune Inti
mately with reason.
Wu risk our social position and good
name by a stinging quip or an angry
glare, oaring not how deeply we may
hurt our friends or Injure ourselves.
Failure to practice patience In the
home has often robbed the Inmates of
comradeship and love, both of which
are Indispensable to continued happi
ness. Penetrate as far Into the truth as
you are able, and you will discover
that patience veils from our lives
more joyous sunshine and Inspiration
than do many of our grosser Iniquities.
A pleasant smile and a kindly word
are the good disciples of patience, al
ways striving for pence and content.
Let us become their Intimates.
(, 1123, by McClure Newspepar Syndicate.)
How to RsodYovr
U A Wn M Characteristics
1 ua
- Capabilrtias or Weak.
Boas.s That Make for Sncceas or
Failure as Show ia Your Talm
OCCASIONALLY we find Inger nails
that are long, thin and curved or
ribbed. These tell us something of
the physical constitution of the owner.
He or she Is likely to have tendencies
toward diseases of the head, throat or
bronchial trouble. Nails that are
seen, upon observation, to be un
usually thick, bent and long, are held
to Indicate a nature Inclined to cruelty
and unfaithfulness In love.
If the nails are square and very
short, we may read therein a tendency
toward disease of the heart. This
must be confirmed, naturally, by close
Inspection of the line of the heart.
Nails that are brittle and Inclined
to break easily are a sign of III health
and nervous weakness.
There are some nails which narrow
very much st the base, coining some
times to a point, or nearly to one. If
they also bend over the ends of the
fingers, we may read In them a sign
of splnsl trouble, past, present or fu
C T Wheeler Syndicate, Ins.)
Salem. Because of the failure of
the broccoli crop last year, the acreage
for this product in the Willamette val
ley has been reduced to approximately
60 acres, according to reports received
Salem. There were four fatalities
due to industrial accidents in Oregon
during the week ending November 15,
according to a report prepared here
by the state industrial accident com
mission. Falls City. The annual community
"Father and Son" banquet, sponsored
by the Methodist Episcopal church,
was held in Victory hall Thursday
night.. About 200 men and boys at
tended. Eugene. The Southern Pacific com
pany has agreed to co-operate with the
Oregon Electric Railway company in
building a track to connect the two
rail systems here, according to word
received Saturday.
More than 50 transients have ap
pealed for free beds at the Salem
police station in the last 30 days, ac
cording to a report prepared here by
Walter Birtchet, chief of police. Most
of these travelers are en route to Cali
fornia and other southern states.
Salem. The state board of control
will be In Pendleton November 27 to
accept the new wing of the Eastern
Oregon state hospital. The wing was
partially constructed under the Olcott
administration and the 1923 legisla
ture appropriated 50,000 to complete
Klamath Falls. War has been de
clared on Klamath county coyotes and
the hostilities will be directed here
this winter by Elmer Williams of the
United States biological service Port
land headquarters. The principal
weapon of the campaign against the
sheep killers will be strychnine.
Salem. Consolidation of the county
recorder and county clerks' offices in
Marion county probably will be at
tempted through a bill to be Introduc
ed in the next session of the legisla
ture. This has been done in a number
of counties In the state, and was said
to have saved the taxpayers consider
able money.
Pendleton. The proposal of the for
est service to increase grazing fees to
livestock men on' national forests be
tween 200 and 300 per cent will be
opposed by the sheep growers of thlB
state, according to a letter sent out
by F. W. Falconer of Pendleton, presi
dent of the Oregon Wool Growers'
Salem. The Portland Pulp & Paper
company, with a capital stock of 1,
500,000 and headquarters In Portland
filed articles of Incorporation here Fri
day. The plant will be located in
North Portland on the Peninsula and
on the Columbia slough. Incorporators
are Roy H. Mills of Portland and Dan
J. Fry and F. D. Thielson of Salem.
Salem. The state flax plant, which
was destroyed by fire a few weeks ago,
will resume operations within the next
two months, according to announce
ment made by A. M. Dalrymple, war
den of the state penitentiary. The flax
thresher at RIckerall has been in oper
ation for several days, and the mater
ials are now being delivered at the
prison for final processing,
Uosoburg. Sutherlin's fall apple
crop will be harvested next spring, If
the winter weather Is not too cold.
A spring crop of apples is something
unusual even to the old residents or
the Umpqua valley, but If the weather
during the winter months Is not too
severe apple growers of the Suthcrlln
vicinity will be picking ripe apples
from their trees In April.
Salem. With the state capitol build
ings crowded to capacity at the pres
ent time, securing of adequate quarters
for the newly-created Income tax do
partment Is causing the secretary of
slate considerable concern. Under the
laws Sam A. Kozcr, secretary of stato,
is custodian of buildings, and It Is
one of his officii duties to provide
accommodations for the state depart
ments. North Powder. An oil company has
been formed for the purpose of find
Ing oil in Union county. More than
100 persons have formed the comnany,
which Is now drilling on the Duncan
McDonald farm, about three mile
from Allcel. The company Is known
as the Union County Oil com Dan v and
contracts have been let for the dlf-
fercnt buildings. Tho work Is being
pushed as rapidly as possible.
Confidence In His Legs.
I was going to call on a friend wh
lived a considerable distance front my
home, and when I said I would like
to take Edward, my nfephew, If II
wasn't so far, he looked at me Dload
Ingly and said: "O, auntie, please
take me. My legs don't think that
far." Exchange.
Every Meal
: Have a packet in your
pocket for ever-ready ;
. refreshment. S
Aids digestion.
i Allays thirst.
Soothes the throat,
i For Quality, Flavor and
the Scaled Package,
Dynamite Hard to Explode.
Curiously enough, one of the safest
cargoes is dynamite, which is amorist
the most violent of all explosives. Ex
cept in very exceptional circum
stances, dynamite will not explode un
less it receives an intensely hot flash
from some kind of detonator. A stick
of. It may be lit and held in the hand
like a candle.
One of Rarest of Gases.
A very rare gas in the air is neon,
of which a room contains only a tea
spoonful or two. It is used for filling
bulbs required to give an orange-colored
light. v
Whims of Demented Monarch.
Ludwig II, the "mad king of Ba
varia," spent $725,000 on one of his
beds, and had another constructed to
resemble a Gothic cathedral with tall
windows and a famous painting of tliu
Madonna set in the head.
Many Have Asked That Questloh.
Why don't you show us a states'
man who can rise up to the emergency
and cave in the emergency's head?
Artemus Ward.
Egyptians Wore Thimbles.
What was supposed to be the first
thimble was made In the year 16S4,
but devices of an apparently similar
pattern have been found in Egyptian
Mrs. Fred Dewitz
If You're a Young Woman
or Even in Middle Life
Here Is Some Good Advice For You
Salem, OrcR. "While brinpinp;
up my family 1 depended upon Dr.
Tierce's Favorite Prescription to
keep up my strength. It was especi
ally beneficial to nie during the try
ing months of expectancy, relieving
me of nausea and quieting to my
nerves, and I do believe that I would
not have come thru the critical timo
of life so easily and comfortably as
I did had it not been for Dr. I'ierce's
Favorite Prescription. I have given
the 'Prescription' to my daughters
also when they had need of a special
tonic and nervine and they have
always been benefited and strength-,
ened by its use. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription is truly a
woman's medicine that I take plea
sure in recommending," Mrs. Fred
Dewitz, fi25 N. Capitol St.
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for trial
pkg. Write for free advice.
Lakes Are Frozen Over.
Haines, Or. Tho North Powder
river lakes have been frozen over for
the last two weeks or moro, according,
to reports from the Illuo mountain
tops west of Ilalnos. Turtles who re
cently vlBlted Anthony and Elk lakes,
said the Ice is of sufficient thickness
to beur the weight of a man for sev
eral days. Mr. Fisher, who uunually
visits the trout spawning beds in the
lakes, said that during the last 30
years he has never known the lakes
to be frozen over at this time of the
used for baby, clothes, will keep them
wHt and aaowy-whlt. until worn out.
Try It and a, for yourself. Altrotn
Are Yoo Satisfied?
Is, the blggeat, most perfectly uIiiph1
Business 'Training ttrhool In th. North
west. Kit yourself for a higher pnsitlun
with mors money. Permanent Losltlons
.Mitred our C.rndiiatea
Writ, for cataluc itourtu anu s'amhl.
P. N. U.
No. 47, 1923
! 4
I ax. eel -"vw