The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 15, 1923, Image 3

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    PORT! A NlS
Page & Son
Portland. Oregon
Real Franklin
Hotpl Carlfrm
14th and Washington
Typewriters-New & Rebuilt
Old Machines taken in trade as part payment Complete
Rental and Supply department. Typewriters Repaired.
A. F. Jaksha, Mgr. 304 Oak St, Portland, Ore
BE 0270
Gives you free concerts every night
in your own Home
1000 miles to a irallon of oil and perfect com
pression guaranteed or your money refunded plus
$12.00 per cylinder. The qnly ringi with a real
guarantee. 1
Piston Rinsr Headauarters.
454 Burnside Street. Portland, Ore
Osteopathic Physician.
Electronic Method of ABRAMS
Phone Main 296X
393H Yamhill at Tenth.
Portland, Ore
We Specialize in
Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara,
Oregon Grape Root. Goat Skins, Horse Hair
Write for Shipping Tags & latest Price List
Portland Hide & Wool Co.
Branch at Pocatello, Idaho
A position for each graduate. Write us today,
AllBky Building, Portland, Oregon
"sw Expert fitting at lowest prices. All
F. 2? styles of Glasses, Lenses duplicated
l9 from broken pieces. Mail in your bro
ken Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Dr. A. E. Hurwits, 223 First St.. Portland, Ore.
All long rye straw stuffed.
Insist on having the collar
with the "Fish" Label. If
your dealer does not handle
this brand collar, write to us
E3 Union Av., Portland, Ore.
I can send you excerpt, from
letters of hundred. ',rM;
f ul patient, whom I neve
cured of Pile, with my o"
surgical.pein'" "
Write for FREE book.
Cure Sleeping Sickness
Hamburg. Cures are being per
formed on victims of sleeping sickness
in central Africa, according to Dr.
Martin Mayer of '.lie Hamburg Trop
ical Institute, the first scientist to test
a German remedy on this malady.
A German commission under the
leadership of Doctor Klein Is now In
the tropicnl section of Africa applying
the remedy. There nre records of 170
Congo natives who have been treated.
Kiictio 1
, x a i
ft.. j...A.;2 ..... li
V ... A
Portlsnd, Orsroa
Complete Change Batardey. Adulte, Wxk
ay Matinee, 20e; Evenings, 4oc Continu
ous 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 rente all times.
Shipherd's Mineral Springs
HAROLD BAIN. Manager Canon. Washington
An Ideal Winter Retort. Special Winter Rates.
. oufTS- 5 s- 'm Portland to Car-
?. V, ?,h- v By Aut0 t0 Cascade Locks via Co
lumbia Highway. By Auto via the North. Bank
Highway. Hotel American Plan, Modern Hotel
Accommodations. Baths Hot Mineral Baths: Cure
n?,. heu,?,a.lsm.' Llver' Kidney and Stomach
Iroubles: Skin Diseases. Hunting and Fishing.
Write as for prices and market conditions on
Teal, Hogs; Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc
Forty Years in the Same Location.
Expert examination free All work guaranteed
bensible prices. We specialize In Complete
Overhauling; and Cylinder Grinding.
Anderson 4 Mayer Garage and Machine Shop
Juat oft Washington St, 46-48 N. 20th, Portland
Sent Free on Request A handy illustrated Recipe
Book, explaining- more than 60 different waya of pre
paring delicioua. inexpensive macaroni dishes.
Kenton Station. Portland, Oregon.
Most Homelike HoteFin Portland
Victor Brandt. Prop. Harry Fletcher, Mgr.
Country Equipment a Specialty
18 Years' Radio Experience.
(If Experience tells ASK ME)
All Standard Radio Equipment Write for Illustrated Cir
culars and prices. a 10 Oak St, Portland. Oregon
If taken in time, prevent operations for Diabetes, Catarrh, Asthma,
Lung. Throat, Liver. Kidney, Rheumatism, Blood, Stomach and all
female disasiciers. Bladder Troubles.
The C. Gee Wo Remedies are harmless, as no drugs or poison are used.
Composed of the choisest medicinal roots, herbs, buds ana bark, im
ported by us from far away oriental countries.
Call or Write for Information
C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company
New Location 262U Alder St., S. W. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon
Established 28 Years in Portland.
Send for our
Free Catalogue Fall
and Winter 1923-24
It will save you money when you
want Sheepllned Coats, Leather Coats,
Leather Vests. Macklnaws, Solid Lea,
Guaranteed Shoes, All Leather Leg
gings, Army and Commercial Wool
Underwear, All-Wool Sox, Rubber
Boots, and Genuine O. D. Army
Blankets. Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Money Refunded.
The Outdoor Stor of frriltUKl.ft3j
In Portland stop at the
446 Washington St, cor. 12th
New Management Aug. Kratz, Mgr.
, Strictly first class and fire proof, i
In the shopping and theatre district.
Kates, Single, without bath, $1.50 up;
with bath $2.00 up; Double, without bath,
$2.00 up; with bath $2.60 up.
Special weekly rates.
Doors and Windows
Hot-bed sash, mouldings, cupboard doors, flour
bins, sash for sleeping porches, mi II work, glass,
roofing. Bee our odd stocks of sash and doors for
Downtown Lumber Store, 171 Front street, be
tween Morrison and Yamhill Main 4218
New and UBed for all makes autos and trucks.
Mail orders filled. PORTLAND AUTO WRECK
ING CO., 631 Alder street Portland. Ore, Br 6241
A complete stock of all model Coupes. Sedans.
Tourings, Roadsters. Prices, $86.00 and up. If
you want junk, don't come; if you want a good
car, we have it. Easy Terms. FARNHAM &
WILLIAMS, (Inc.) 28 N. 11th, Bet. Burnside &
Couch st. Portland. Oregon. Bdy 8214
Protect that Idea with a United States
Pstent. Others have mads fortunes out of
Patents. Why not youf Thomas Bllyeu, 802
Stevens Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Gives smooth. Gliding fin
ish to hard or soft-wood
Your druggist has It If
not, send us stamps, 76e
for one-pound package
Portland, Oregon.
With German Remedy
Only a few of these died. t.w'ng to
brain and nerve complications. Tiie
others regained their strength nnd de
clared they were as well as they ever
hnd been.
Doctor Mayer Is of the opinion this
remedy will make It possible to de
velop much territory In the tropics
which has hitherto been closed be
cause of the danger of sleeping sickness.
I " rcwum "
3ut, seam, hem snd machine OR rAntl
jleat akirts ready for band. ou
rlemstitrhinf. picoting end rocking.
16 H Fifth St Portland, Ore.
lanitary Bsauty Parlors We fix yoa p,
ve make all kinds of Hair Goods oi year
combings. Join our School of Besuty Culture.
100 to 414 Dekum Bldg, Phone Broadway
1902, Portland, Oregon.
Northwest Welding A Supply Co., 8 111 Bi.
Olarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St.
Marry if Lonely; most successful "Home
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli
able; years experience; descriptions free,
"The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Bos IBS,
Teaches trade In 8 weeks. Soma pay
while learning. Positions secured. Write
for catalogue. 134 Burnside street, Port
land, Oregon.
Turn Your Ideas Into Cash
Learn Scenario Writing
New avsti-m shown von hew without waste of
time or money. Send for course today. One free
criticism with every $3.00 course. Send no cash .
Pay postman $3.00 on delivery.
P. O. Box 1122 Portland. Oregon
We have hundreds of plans at $10.00 and up. Send
us a sketch of the home you want and we will sub
mit similar specimen plans. No obligation except
to return plans if not suitable.
O. M. A K E R S
Designing and Drafting. 611-13 Couch Building.
Portland. Oregon.
, That Fit None Better
Dr. Harry Brown
149 Third St
All makes of light cars at lowest prices, easy
terms. Twelve years In this location,
Hupmobilo Distributor
431-436 Burnside St., Portland, Ore
Denby Trucks
1 are guaranteed for 90 days.
Farts and service for all models,
' Denby Motor Truck Corp.
Factory Branch
10th and Davis Portland, Ore.
Good Supply of Ice in
Summer Big Investment
Nothing adds more to comfort In
hot weather than a good supply of
ice. In dairy farming it Is an Invest
ment that pays a good return in the
amount of..produce that it saves from
spoiling. Moreover, Ice Is winter's
only crop and It may be had for the
The Icehouse shown is made by the
use of silo forms. Three doors allow
the Ice to be stored, or removed with
a small amount of lifting.
If silo forms are obtainable, it takes
a surprisingly small amount of mate
rial to build such an Icehouse, and It
.Icehouse on Dairy Farm In Northern
will keep the Ice in splendid condition
with no danger of fire as in houses
that are built of wood. The sawdust
or straw In which ice is ordinarily
packed is a fire hazard that is mini
mized by the non-burning concrete
Save Heifer Calves.
Here's a good rule to follow save
your heifer calves and sell your bull
calves. If he is a pure bred he Is
worth good money to an older breed
ersell him. But it Is different with
the heifers, give them a chance to
prove their worth In the milk pall.
Why Sell Rich Cream?
Cream testing from 30 to 40 per
cent makes better butter than if thin.
For this reason a better price will be
received, which is to the advantage of
the creamery patron.
an ' Z
v -HP"
v mi
Dinner in a
t(), 123, by McClure N.w.pap.r Syndicate.)
To begin with, Gregory Ives merely
knew her as the girl with the green
hat. Site commuted in a green hut for
months. Then she changed to French
blue, and the first night Gregory near
ly missed his train because he didn't
have the usual green hat to follow.
But he quickly adjusted his eyes to
the hat of French blue.
Gregory Ives read what he found
worth while of the evening papers and
got through a good many magazines
besides, because from the time he left
his office until he reached his house
an hour and a quarter later he read
whenever it was possible.
He reached the station a few min
utes before train time and used the
few minutes reading. Occasionally he
would give a quick glance to see
whether the green hat later the
bright blue hat was In sight If he
saw it moving toward the trainshed,
then he knew it was train time.
One evening when Gregory Ives
was especially interested in an article
In a scientific magazine he followed
the blue hat without really thinking
that it boarded the train on the right
of the runway, whereas his train al
ways made up on the left; and it was
not until the train had drawn out of
the great shed and was already going
at a pretty good rate of speed that he
noticed that except for the young
woman In the seat opposite who wore
the blue hat there were no familiar
faces in the car.
Moreover, the conductor as he ap
proached was none of those who usual
ly punched his ticket
lie jiiiiii'H :. looked nhout and
then sat down again.
To the conductor, when he reached
him, he handed his commutation ticket
with an inquiring glance.
The conductor looked at the ticket
and then critically at the man.
"Guess I'm on the wrong train," said
Gregory. "This doesn't stop at Arden,
does it?" ,
"This Is a throngh express," said
the conductor. "We make a straight
run without stop," and he mentioned
a city that was three hours distant
"Don't you stop at Arden even if
there are passengers to get off there?"
camea sharp query from acVoss the
aisle and Gregory Ives noticed, that
beneath the hat there were very pret
ty eyes and face that somehow
looked familiar.
"No, we don't," said the conductor
with something of contempt.
"lou used to stop there. You'll Just
have to get the engineer to stop to
night. I've got to get off there."
"Sorry, miss," said the conductor.
"They may have stopped there on re
quest once, but not for a year or two.
And of course we can't make special
"I think that's perfectly outrage
ous," guid the girl as she fumbled in
her purse to get the necessary car fare
demanded by the conductor. Then,
having collected fare from Gregory
also, (be conductor moved on.
"You thought we stopped at Arden,
didn't you?" said the girl.
"I Imagined so," said Gregory. "But
It doesn't make any difference I "
"Doesn't make any difference!" ex
claimed the girl. "It certainly does
make a difference to me. I won't get
home till all hours. It's dreadful."
"I only mean that it didn't make
any givut difference to me," sold
"Well, I think If two persons could
be mlsta! ci like this," said the pretty
young woi inn, "then the railroad com
pany mus: lie to blame. I certainly
thought tbi train stopped at Arden,
and you must have thought so, too, or
you wouldn't have got on It."
"I got on because you did," said
Gregory quite calmly.
".oa followea me I" said the girl
with lw-volced rase.
"I always do. J i n convenient not
you, but your hat. Tiien I can go on
reading or thinking. You usually take
the Ilve-thlrteen. Tills time for some
resson you took the five-ten. I have
Just. loosed It up in my time-table and
th conductor is right. It is not
marked to stop at Arden. It doesn't
Btop again until eight-three."
"I should think you were excessively
rude, If not a little crazy, to talk the
way you have been talking," said the
girl, "If It were not that I know who
yoo are. You're Mr. Gregory Ives and
I mot you at a country club dance
with my brother. lie Introduced you
but yoo ure quite forgotten."
"Not at ill," assured Gregory, lean
ing across the aisle. "Now that I see
you I .'member. You're Miss Fergu
son, S.'ax Ferguson's sister Marcla, I
believe. I merely knew your hat.
Charming hat Most girls wear such
somber hats you cun't follow them.
You always wear something nice and
bright I gut quite attached to that
green one, though this Is charming."
Msrcla Ferguson was frankly
pleased with the rather blatant flat
to: y v) she suggested to Mr, Ives that
tr the seat beside her.
for nice he was quite content not to
rtl. "
"Ne.," he said, "I've told you why
t -jA tu this train. You haven't told
me why yo led me astray. I'm really
rstber curious."
"1 was hungry," raid Marcla sim
ply. "It's fombeef and cabbage nigh!
at boms od I hate it and I had a
very skimpy lunch. But we got paid
thle twTioon and well, as I was
coml ig along and looked into the din
ing car on this train I Just was so
hungry that I decided tu hop on and
have dinner on the diner and then get
off at Arden. I knew a man that used
to do that every night
"Then his wife didn't have to bother
having any dinner when he got home.
But I don't think that was nice at all.
I think she ought to have been glad
to get dinner for him, don't you?"
"By all means," said Gregory, find
ing this very young woman quite di
verting far more diverting than any
of the books, papers or magazines that
he had used to read so diligently that
he hadn't even seen the pretty face be
neath the hat
"I had often thought I'd do it some
time. I'd Just have to, because I've
never had dinner on a diner. Have
"Yes, I have," said Gregory, but he
didn't add that it was not his idea of
a great and glorious treat
'Sometimes you can smell the beef
steak broiling," said Marcla. "Um
but It's good I've been in the station
house when a dining car stopped and
I always wished I could get in and
have some. Those cooks, in their
white caps, look splendid, don't they?"
"Yes, indeed," suid Gregory, and
then after a pause, "Well, are you
hungry now ? If you are, let's dine."
"You mean together?" 1
"I'm asking you to be my guost."
"Ars you sure you you can afford
It?" asked Marcia, round eyed. "I
mean, will you have enough to pay
your fare back and still have .enough
to buy dinners? I was afraid I
wouldn't be able to have dinner after
all, because I'd have to save enough
to get back."
"I happen to have ample," said
Gregory, and then, "Will your people
be worried?"
"Haven't any people,' " said Marcla.
"Brother and I live at the boarding
house and he's away. They won't
worry they may talk, at the board
ing house." , . :
At one o'clock the next morning
Murciu Ferguson rang the night bell
of the boarding house where she and
her brother boarded. , She was let In
by the owner of the establishment to
whom she offered no explanation.
Forthwith, Mrs. Prunes began to
speculate and her speculation took an
Interesting turn when she learned
from one of her boarders that she had
seen a young man who looked like
"that very brilliant and rather eccen
tric Gregory Ives" leaving Marcla at
the front door. The boarder had seen
him through her front window.
And so the gossiping began. Arden
became interested. Gregory Ives had
been following Marcla Ferguson and
she, the little minx, led him Into the
wrong train. "Well," said Mrs. Prunes,
when the engagement was announced,
"girls these days have to be pretty
smart to get husbands."
Island of Marken Has No Dikes to
Protect It From Invasion
by the Sea.
There Is one piece of Holland soli
from which even Dutch determination
does not restrain the invading waters
one battleground which for gener
ations has been held under tribute by
the foe. It is the Island of Marken,
In the Zulder Zee, about a dozen miles
from Amsterdam. .
This island, detached from the main
land .l the Thirteenth century, lies out
of the ordinary routes of travel, hence
Its inhabitants have perpetuated the
quaint costumes and queer customs
that prevuiled when their land became
an island.
The ground is barely above the wa
ter at high tide, so tlint any unusual
storm would sweep completely over
such protecting dikes as the people
could afford to build. With charac
teristic shrewdness, they long ago
counted the cost of such fortifications
as the exposed position would neces
sitate nnd wisely concluded that the.
grounds at stake would not Justify
the expenditure.
They therefore dug such canals as
would drain the soil under ordinary
conditions, and used the earth thus
obtained in building hillocks on which
houses are erected. On seven of these
mounds houses are grouped, while on
the eighth Is the silent home of the
The buildings that are not so favor
ably situated wljh respect to the high
est point of the hill are built on stilts,
the lower story being merely frame
work and only the upper purt occu
pied. A gangway connects with ad
jacent houses, so that In case of an
overflow Isolation cannot be 'complete.
James Howard Gore in the National
Geographic Magazine.
Indians In the United States.
There are about 310,000 Indians
outside of Alasku. Of these about
130,000 have been released from the
personal guurdlunshlp of the United
States government, though many of
tills number retain an Interest in
tribal funds or tribal lands To re
ceive a parcel of land in Individual
fre-slmple ownership Is, for an Indian,
the usuul path out of wardship Into
citizenship. About 210,000 Indians re
main In personul as well as property
wardship, and In these "unemnncipiit-
ed" Indians the governmental, ethnic
and cultural problem of the Indian is
summed up. The following, with other
states, have Interesting or numerical
ly Important groups of Indians: Flor
ida, North Carolina, Mississippi, New
York, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas,
Oklahoma, North and South Dakota,
Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washing
ion, California, Utah, Arizona, New
Mexico. There nre 210 reservations
their area Is 120,000 square miles.
Current History Magazine. t
Take it home to
the kids.
Have a packet in
your pocket for an
ever-;eady treat.
I delicious confo
lion and an aid to
the lee!h, appetite,
North Portland Horse A Mule Company
If you have any horses, mules or milk
cows for sale, don't forget the North
i'ortiiuin norse Mine t'o. we are al
ways in touch with the buyers and in a
?osltlon to get the highest market price,
'hone Empire 0121 or write Box Els,
North Portland, Ore. We will always be
glad to give you any Information we an.
or wire flis .xcnange mug., ivoiiu Port
land, Oregon. . Phil Buetter.
Luxurious Rest. j
A Parisian bed of silver and wood
built for an Indian prince was orna
mented at each corner by a large fe
male figure holding a fan. The weight
of the prince's body set mechanism in
motion, which caused the fans to OS'
One's True Self.
The noblest thing you ever did, th3
noblest emotion you ever felt, the
deepest and most Belf-sacrificlng love
ever in your soul, that 1b your trua
self still, through all the baser life into
which you have fallen. Phillips
Dancing Ants.
When ants are happy, according to
one of the best known students of ant
life, they have a way of standing up
and making little skips, which may
corresponding to our dancing.
Popular Idea Is Wrong.
There is no instrument that will In
dicate the presence of gold and silver
or their ores. Iron attracts tho
"needle," but neither gold nor silver
1b magnetic.
Small Son "I say, daddy, when peo
ple go to heaven do they become an
gels right away, or have they to pass
a lot of stupid examinations first?" '
North Portland Horse & Mule Company
If you want to buy horses or rent
horses, with or without harness, we have
any kind of a horse thut can be found.
If we have not got them, will get them
for you. Call Empire 0121. North Port
land, Oregon, Union Stockyards.
A distingulshod citizen, honored
politically and professionally, Dr. R.
V. Pierce, whoso picture appears
above, made a success few have
equalled. His pure herbal remedies
which have stood the test for fifty
years are still among the "best soll
ers." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery Is a blood medicine and
stomach alterative. It clears the
jkln, beautifies It, increases the blood
supply and the circulation, and pim
ples and eruptions vanish quickly.
Beauty is but skin deep and good
blood is beneath both. For your
blood to be good, your stomach must
be in condition, your liver active,
This Discovery of Doctor Plorce's
puts you In fine condition, with all
the organs active. Ask your near
est druggist for Doctor Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery, in tablet or
liquid form, or send 10 cents for trial
package of tablets to Di. Pierce's In
valid's Hotel in Buffalo. N. Y.
la needed In every department of house
keeping. Equally irood for towv ' ble
linen, shsetsand pillow cmscs,
Save 25 to 50 Per Cent
On Hullding Material, Hnonng Paper, Faints,
Varnish, Lumlwtr, Ijuth, Nails, Shingl.', l)ours,
Windows, and Plumbing Supplies, Now and
Second Hand. Mull Orders Promptly Filled.
Office 4 Yard, 460 llelmont St., Portland. Ore.
iff Ynn Salidficrl? BF.hnrt.wai.KER
are ion oatisneoj business collegi
Is the biggest, most perfectly equipped
Business Training Hchool In the North
west Pit yourself for a higher position
with more money. Permanent poaltlont
assured our Greduates.
Write for catalog Jf'ourtn anu 1'mnhi:
P. N. U.
No. 46, 1923
Seatad in its
ur Package