WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resurre Most, Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. Professor Mladejedwsky of Prague, has announced discovery of a serum which cures arteriosclerosis. It was reported that it produces Immediate results. . President Coolidge has indorsed the plan for observing December 2 as In ternational Golden Rule Sunday, it was announced Sunday by Charles V. Vickrey, general secretary of the near east relief. , John R. Quinn, national command er of the American Legion arrived in Indianapolis Tuesday afternoon to take charge of the national head quarters. He was welcomed by city officials and legion officers. The ashes of Andrew Bonar Law, who was. for seven months prime min ister of Great Britain, and perhaps the most modest man upon whom that honor ever was conferred, were en tombed Tuesday in Westminster Ab bey. With the election of Porter H. Dale as a republican senator from Vermont assured on the face of unofficial re turns from Tuesday's election, the re publicans will have a majority of six in the senate. Mr. Dale succeeds the late Senator Dillingham, also a repub lican. The annual cost of owning and operating the 14,000,000 motor vehicles in the United States is approximately 15,600,000,000 and the investment in these vehicles probably Is about $10, 000,000,000. A. R. Hirst, Wisconsin state highway engineer, gave out these figures Tuesday. Both production and marketing methods must be revised if there is to be an adequate solution of the wheat problem, in the opinion of the war finance corporation investigators, who recently toured the wheat-growing areas at the request of President Coolidge. , Governor Bryan is meeting opposi tion in his 'sale of low-priced coal to Nsbraskans, it became known Tues day, when the governor declared that one of his coal dealers at Auroua had advised that all private scales there were closed to the governor's coal, making It impossible to weigh out the fuel to buyers. The Panama canal is now making for the" United States government a greater net profit than the postoffice, according to Secretary of War Weeks. The secretary stated that during the period from May to October of this year, ihcluBive, the canal earned $11, 937,023, while the tolls for October just passed were $1,988,822. The city of Melbourne was compar atively quiet Tuesday, following recent rioting during the strike of the Mel bourne police. The special constables organized by General Monash have proved effective. The unions threaten a general strike and railway men, streetcar employes and wharf laborers already have promised to support the police. Sauer kraut that good old standby of pig knuckles and corned beef no longer is the exclusive dish of the hoi polio! and the two-fisted guy. Sales of the savory food have increased 100 per cent in the last 10 years. Investi gators at markets in Chicago find it going to the tables of the millionaires as well as to the humble kitchens of the "white collar" brigade and the sower diggers. Captain F,dward II. Watson, who commanded squadron 11, destroyer force, United States battle fleet, on the night of September 8 last, when 23 lives were lost and nearly $14,000, 000 in government property destroyed iu the stranding of seven vessels near Honda, Cat., faced a court-martial at San DIogo, Cal., Monday for trial on charges of culpable inefficiency, neg ligence and unskillful seamanship. Purdue's Champion, lively White Leghorn hen in the Purdue university flock at Lafayette, Ind., Tuesday was proclaimed the champion long dis tance layer of the world, when her egg production was found to total 1243 over a seven-year period, an average of 177.5 a year. Several hens have been reported as laying more than 1000 eggs, but none with a record equal to the champion, university of ficials said. ALIENS DENIED LANDHOLDER U. S. Supreme Court Ends Pacific Con troversy States Upheld. Washington, D. C. Aliens can be prohibited by states from owning land, provided there is no treaty stipulation to the contary, the supreme court an nounced Monday in an opinion ending a legal controversy, which for years had been an Issue on the Paclfc coast. The question has shared in impor tance with the controversy which was waged over the right of Japanese to citizenship until the court removed the latter from the field of discussion by a decision last term. The issue reached the supreme court in two cases, one from Washington, brought by Frank Terrace and his wife, and N. Nakatsuka, and the other from California, brought by W. I. Porterfield and Y. Mizuno. While the cases presented only the question of the proposed leasing of land to ineligible aliens, the court squarely met the issue and passed up on the broad question of the consti tutionality of the law. It held that states could, as Washington had, pro hibit from owning land aliens eligible to citizenship but who had not declar ed their intentions, as well as aliens Ineligible for citizenship, or, as Cali fornia had, restrict the prohibition to aliens who had not, in good faith, de clared intention to become citizens. The states of California and Wash ington sought to have the challenge disposed of upon the technicality that in neither case had there been an actual violation of the law, there hav ing been no leases made nor any confiscation of land as provided by the two states as penalty for the violation of the law. They had been success ful in having the attack decided in the lower courts without going Into the merits of the constitutionality of the laws. The supreme court found, however, that there was presented certain equit able rights which entitled both the land owner and the proposed Japan ese lessor to a decision on the valid ity of the laws before they had incur red liability to punishment. It, there fore, assumed full jurisdiction to re view the case from every point of view. The main decision was hand ed down in the Washington case, the court explaining that the grounds upon which the Washington alien land law was attacked Included those on which the California act was assailed. It not only found the laws in har mony with all rights guaranteed under the constitution, but in their direct application to the Japanese, It dis cussed the treaty with Japan, conclud ing that it guaranteed the subjects of that empire no such right as that for which they contended in the matter of owning or leasing land. EX-KAISER READY TO JOURNEY BACK Brussels. The ex-German emperor is preparing to return to the father land. He already has in his hands passports for himself and his suite, and the Brussels Gazette goes so far as to say that It is expected the Hohen zollern monarchy will be restored on December 4, William, or his son, the ex-crown prince, Frederick William, ascending the throne. Private advices from Doom, receiv ed by the Agence Telegraphlque Beige, said that a courier, Yon Hoechst, ar rived at Doom at 4 o'clock Monday with 12 German passports for the cx kalser and his Immediate entourage. A telegram in cipher was received there in the morning and early in the afternoon there was a long conference between William and those close to him. Later a high Dutch official, Dr. Kan of the ministry of the interior, called and was closoted with the ex emperor tor 35 minutes. A wiroless system has been install ed at Doom house, which has been the residence of the head of the Hohen lollerns during the late years of his Internment in Holland, and messages are received from Nauen at noon dally. Noted War Hero Dead. Chicago, 111. The man who is reput ed to have fired the gun that sank the first German submarine during the world war died here Monday. He was Axle Johnson, formerly of the Swedish navy, but of the United States mer chant marine during the war. Johnson's boat sank a German sub marine in August, 1917, according to his records, but Bhortly afterward his bout was sunk by a U-boat in the North sea ' Princess Maud Weds. London. rrlncess Maud, niece nf King George, was married to Lord Carnegie Monday morning in the guards' chapel of the Wellington bar racks. The bridegroom is stationed at the barracks as an officer of the king's guard. BIG YIELDS SHOWN FOR U. S. FARMS Corn Is Again Three Billion Bushel Crop. OTHER HARVESTS BIG Potatoes Show Improvement Over Forecast in October, and Qual ity is Generally Good. Washington, D. C Large crops of corn, potatoes, apples and tobacco have been grown this year, prelimin ary estimates of production issued last week by the department of agricul ture showing each to be better than its five-year average. Com is a 3,-000,000,000-bushel crop for the fifth time, and at November 1 farm prices its value exceeds $2,500,000,000. Pro duction is placed at 3,029,192,000 bushels, or about 140,000,000 bushels more than last year's crop. A consid erable amount of it is soft and chaffy, however, and the quantity merchant able Is estimated by the crop report ing board as 79.4 per cent, as compar ed with 85 per cent last year. Potatoes showed much improve ment, resulting in an increase of 15, 298,000 bushels over the forecast in October. Production is estimated at 416,722,000 bushels, which is about 35, 000,000 bushels less than last year's crop. The increase for the month was found in New England, New Tork, Pennsylvania and Michigan. The qual ity of the crop Is good in the large producing states, except Michigan, where many are hollow, causing sev ere grading. The apple crop Is 193,856,000 bush els, or about 8,000,000 bushels less than last year. The commercial crop Is placed at 33,522,000 barrels, with Washington and Oregon producing large crops. The size and quality are reported to be generally good. Tobacco production showed a de crease from the crop forecast a month ago, with a total of 1,436,738,000 pounds, or 112,000,000 pounds more than was produced last year. It is the fourth largest crop ever grown. Other crops are estimated as fol lows: Wheat, 781,737,000 bushels. Oats, 1,302,435,000 bushels. Barley, 199,251,000 bushels. ' Rye, 64,774,000 bushels. v Buckwheat, 14,511,000 bushels. Sweet Potatoes, 97,429,000 bushels. Hay, 102,914,000 tons. Flax seed, 19,343,000 bushels. Rice, -32,737,000 bushels. ' Peaches, 45,555,000 bushels. Pears, 15,335,000 bushels. Sugar beets, 6,667,000 tons. Grain sorghums, 103,505,000 bushels. Cranberries, 619,000 barrels. Beans, 14,936,000 bushels. Onions, 16,964,000 bushels. Cabbage, 821,000 tons. Broom corn, 68,000 tons. Sorghum syrup, "3,643,000 gallons. Clover seed, 1,121,000 bushels. Peanuts, 647,689,000 pounds. Hops, 17,028,000 pounds. Coolldges to Entertain. Washington, D. C. President and Mrs, Coolidge will continue the cus tom of holding a new year's reception to the general pubUo which was re rived by President and Mrs. Harding after a lapse of several years. An announcement of the White House social program for the winter, made recently, Includes - the new year's reception and eight other din ners and receptions beginning Decem ber 6 with the cabinet dinner and end ing February 23 with the army and navy reception. The other events In clude the diplomatic reception, diplo matic dinner, judicial reception, su preme court dinner, congressional re ception and speaker's dinner. Women Thugs Operate. Modesto, Cal. Two women, known here as the "perfume bandits" because of their use of handkerchiefs supposed ly saturated with a powerful perfumed drug, resumed 'heir attacks on Modes to men when two men reported being assaulted by the pair. T. Cantraeras reported that he had been accosted by the -women, one of whom threw her arms about him, and placed a scented handkerchief over his face. Grain Rate Proba Near. Washington, D. C All of the de tails for the general investigation of rates on grain and grain products to begin at Kansas City Wednesday are now being worked out by the inter state commerce commission. i Erskine Dale T: donnrox,dr. strafed COPYRIGHT- BY CHARLES"" SCRIBNERS 60111?- CHAPTER XI Continued. 12 "Precisely," answered Ersklne, "and when?" "At the first opportunity." "From this moment I shall be wait ing for nothing else." Barbara, reappearing, heard their last words, and she came forward pale and with piercing eyes : "Cousin Ersklne, I want to apolo gize to you for my little faith. I hope you will forgive me. . Mr. Grey, your horse will be at the door at once. I wish you a safe journey to your com mand." Grey bowed and turned furi ous. Ersklne was on the porch when Grey came out to mount his horse. "You will want seconds?" asked Grey. "They might try to stop us no I" "I shall ride slowly," Grey said. Ersklne bowed. "I shall not." Nor did he. Within half an hour Barbara, passing through the hall, saw that the rapiers were gone from the wall and she stopped, with the color fled from her face and her hand on her heart. At that moment Ephraim dashed from the kitchen. "Miss Barbary, somebody gwine to git killed. I was wukkln' in de ole field an' Marse Grey rid by cussin' to hisself. Jlst now Marse Ersklne went tearin' by de landln' wid a couple o' swords under his arm." His eyes too went to the wall. "Yes, bless Gawd, dey's goner Barbara flew out the door. In a few moments she had found Harry and Hugh. Even while their horses were being saddled her father rode up. "It's murder," cried Harry, "and Grey knows it. Ersklne knows noth ing about a rapier." Without a word Colonel Dale wheeled his tired horse and soon Harry and Hugh dashed after him. Barbara walked back to the house, wringing her hands, but on the porch she sat quietly In the agony of wait ing that was the role of women In those days. Meanwhile, at a swift gallop Firefly was skimming along the river road. Grey had kept his word and more : he had not only ridden slowly but he had stopped and was waiting at an oak tree that was a cornerstone between two plantations. "That I may not kill you on your own land." he said. Ersklne started. "The consideration Is deeper than you know." They hitched their horses, and Ers klne followed into a pleasant glade a grassy glade through which mur mured a little stream. Ersklne dropped the rapiers on the sward. "Take your choice," he said. "There Is none," said Grey, picking up the one nearer to him. "I know them both." Grey took oft his coat while Ersklne waited. Grey made the usual moves of courtesy and still Ers klne waited, wonderlngly," with the point of the rapier on the ground. "When you are ready," he said, "will you please let me know?" "Ready I" answered Grey, and he lunged forward. Ersklne merely whipped at his blade so that the clang of it whined on the air to the breaking-point and sprang backward. He was as quick as an eyelash and lithe as a panther, and yet Grey almost laughed aloud. All Ersklne did was to whip the thrusting blade aside and leap out of danger like a flash of light. It was like an Inexpert boxer flail ing according to rules unknown and Grey's face flamed and actually turned anxious. Then, as a kindly fate would have It, Ersklne's blade caught in Grey's guard by accident, and the powerful wrist behind It seek ing merely to wrench the weapon loose tore Grey's rapier from his grasp and hurled it ten feet away. There Is no greater humiliation for the ex pert swordsman, and not for nothing had Erskine suffered the shame of that long-ago day when a primitive instinct had led him to thrusting his knife into this same enemy's breast. Now, with his sword's point on the earth, he waited courteously for Grey to recover his weapon. Again a kindly fate intervened. Even as Grey rushed for his sword, Ersklne heard the beat of horses' hoofs. As he snatched It from the ground and turned, with a wicked smile over his grinding teeth, came Harry's shout, and as he rushed for Ersklne, Colonel Dale swung from his horse. The sword-blades clashed, Ersklne whipping back and forth In a way to make a swordsman groan and Colonel Dale had Ersklne by the wrist and was between them. - "How dare you, sir?" cried Grey hotly. "Just a moment, young gentleman," said Colonel Dale calmly. "Let us alone. Uncle Harry I H "Just a moment," repeated the colonel sieruly. "Mr. Grey, do you CM I, fifJ RKLivingstoneH think It quite fair that you with your skill should fight a man who knows nothing about foils?" "There was no other way,"' Grey said sullenly. "And you could not wait, I pre sume?" Grey did not answer. "Now, hear what I have to say, and If you both do not agree, the matter will be arranged to your entire satis faction, Mr. Grey. I have but one question to ask. Your country is at war. She needs every man for her defense. Do you not think your lives belong to your country and that it is selfish and unpatriotic just now to risk them in any other cause?" He waited for his meaning to sink in, and sink it did. "Colonel Dale, your nephew grossly Insulted me, and your daughter showed me,tl)e door. I made no defense to him nor to her, but I will to you. I merely repeated what I had been told and I believed It true. Now that I hear It Is not true, I agree with you, sir, and I am willing to express my regrets and apologies." "That Is better," said Colonel Dale heartily, and he turned to Ersklne, but Erskine was crying hotly : . "And I express neither." "Very well," sneered' Grey coldly. "Perhaps we may meet when your rel atives are not present to protect you." "Uncle Harry" Erskine Implored, but Grey was turning toward his horse, "After all, Colonel Dale is right." "Yes," assented Ersklne helplessly, and then "It Is possible that we shall not always be on the same side." "So I thought," returned Grey wtih lifted eyebrows, "when I heard what I The Sword-Blades Clashed, Erskine Whipping Back and Forth in a Way to Make a Swordsman Groan. did about you!" Both Harry and Hugh had to catch Ersklne by an arm then, and they led him struggling away. Grey mounted his horse, lifted his hat, and was gone. Colonel Dale picked up the swords. "Now," he said, "enough of all this let It be forgotten." And he laughed. "You'll have to confess, Ersklne he has a quick tongue and you must think only of his temptation to use it." Ersklne did not answer. As they rode back Colonel Dale spoke of the war. It was about to move Into Virginia, he said, and when It did Both Harry and Hugh Inter rupted him with a glad shout : "We can gol" Colonel Dale nodded sadly. 1 Suddenly all pulled their horses In simultaneously and raised their eyes, for all heard the coming of a horse In a dead run. Around a thlcketed curve of the road came Barbara, with her face white and her hair streaming be hind her. She pulled her pony In but a few feet In front of them, with her burning eyes on Ersklne alone. "Have you killed him have you killed him? If you have" She stopped helpless, and all were so amazed that none could answer. Ers klne shook his head. There was a flash of relief In the girl's white face, Its recklessness gave way to sudden shame, and, without a word, she wheeled and was away again Harry flying after her. No. one spoke. Colonel Dale looked aghast and Ersklne's heart again turned sick. CHAPTER XII The sun was close to the uneven sweep of the wilderness. Through its slanting rays the river poured like a flood of gold. The negroes were on the way singing from the fields. Cries, HI 'cha'fDhg, and the musical clanking of trace-chains came frniu the barnyard. Hungry cattle were mooing anil full uddered mothers were mooing answers to bawling calves. A peacock screamed from a distant tree and sailed forth, full-spread a great gleaming winged jewel of the air. In crises the nerves tighten like violin strings, the uiemory plates turn abnormally sensitive and Ersklne was not to forgot that hour. The house was still and not a soul was in sight as the three, still silent, walked up the great path. When they were near the portico Harry came out. He looked worried and anxious. "Where's Barbara?" asked her father. "Locked in her room." "Let her alone," said Colonel Dale gently. Like brother and cousin, Har ry and Hugh were merely Irritated by the late revelation, but the father was shocked that his child was no longer a child. Ersklne remembered the girl as she waited for Grey's coming at the sundial, her face as she walked with him up the path. For a moment the two boys stood In moody silence. Harry took the rapiers in and put them In their place on the wall, Hugh quietly disappeared. Erskine, with a word of apology, went to his room, and Colonel Dale sat down on the porch alone. As the dusk gathered, Ersklne, look ing gloomily ' through his window, saw the girl flutter like a white moth past the box-hedge and down the path. A moment later he saw the tall form of Colonel Dale follow her and both passed from sight. On the tlilck turf the colonel's feet too were noise less, and when Barbara stopped at the sundial he too paused. She was unhappy, and the colonel's heart ached sorely, for any unhapplness of hers al ways trebled his own. "Little girl!" he culled, and no lover's voice could have been more gentle. "Come here!" She turned and saw him, with arms outstretched, the low moon lighting all the tenderness In his fine old face, and she flew to him and fell to weep ing on. his breast. In wise silence he stroked her hair until she grew a little calmer. "What's the matter, little daugh ter?" "I I don't know." "I understand. You were quite right to send him away, but you did not want him harmed." "I I didn't want anybody harmed." "I know. It's too bad, but none of us seem quite to trust him." 'That's it," she sobbed; "I don't, either, and yet" "I know. I know. My little girl must be wise and brave, and maybe It will all pass and she will be glad. But she must be brave. Mother Is not well and she must not be made un happy too. She must not know. Can't my little girl come back to the house now? She must be hostess and this Is Ersklne's last night." She looked up, brushing away her tears. "His Inst night?" Ah, wise old colonel I "Yes he goes tomorrow to join Cap tain Clark at Williamsburg on his foolish campaign In the Northwest. We might never see him again." "Oh, father I" "Well, it isn't that bad, but my lit tle girl must be very nice to him. He seems to be very unhappy, too." Barbara looked thoughtful, but there was no pretense of not under standing. "I'm sorry," she said. She took her father's, arm, and when they reached the steps Erskine saw her smiling. And Ismlllng, almost gay, she was at supper, sitting with ex quisite dignity In her mother's place. Of Ersklne, who sat at her right, she asked many questions about the com ing campaign. Captain Clark had said he would go with a hundred men If he could get no more. The rallying point would be the fort In Kentucky where he had first come back to his own people, and Dave Yandell would be captain of a company. He himself was going as guide, though he hoped to act as soldier as well. Perhaps they might bring back the Hnir Buyer, General Hamilton, a prisoner to Williamsburg, and then he would Join Harry and Hugh In the militia rf the war came south and Virginia were Invaded, as some prophesied, by Tarleton's White Rangers, who had been ravaging the Carollnas. After supper the little lady excused herself with a smiling courtesy to go to her mother, and Ersklne found himself In the moonlight on the big portico with Colonel Dale alone. "Ersklne," he said, "you make it very difficult for me to keep your secret. Hugh alone seems to suspect he must have got the Idea from Grey, but I have warned him to say nothing. The others seem not to have thought of the matter at all. It was a boyish Impulse of generosity which you may regret" "Never," Interrupted the boy. "I have no use less than ever now." "Nevertheless," the colonel went on, "I regard myself as merely your steward, and I must tell you one thing. Mr. Jefferson, as you know, Is always at open war with people like us. His hand is against coach and four, silver plate, and aristocrat. He Is fighting now against the law that gives prop erty to the eldest son, and lie will pass the bill. His argument Is rather amus ing. He says if you will show him that the eldest son eats more, wears more, and does more work than his brothers, he will grant that that son Is en titled to more. He wants to blot out all distinctions of class. He can't do that, but he will pass this bill." "I hope he will." muttered Ersklne. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Probably Had. He "Haven't I seen you somewhere some timer She "Oh, very likely. 1 was there at the time in Mention."