The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, November 08, 1923, Image 4

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    1 he MauDin 1 imes
Fublished Every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon,
jESSiUNB E. Mokrison, Publisher
Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50c
Entered as second clasa mail matter September 2, 1914, at the
pose office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Tygh News
old son last Sunday. The child
was playing on a bridge and in
soma manner fell off in about six
inches of water and was drown
ed. The mother was close by
and got the body out of the wat
er very soon afterwards but was
unable to get life back in the
A Ford touring car bearing a
late license plate went off the
grade a mill above the spring on
Tygh grade some time Monday
morning and the occupants must
have suffered cuts as there was
considerable blood on broken
glass and stone where the ma
chine capsized. They were go
ing up grade and in making a
very sharp turn it seems were
unable to get the car back to the
road again. It landed about 50
feet below the road and is very
badly demolisheed.
Wanted 25 or 30 hogs to ship
October 27 A. L. Gutzler
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
Lettuce , Celery Cranberries
Special Prices on Package . ROLLED OATS, WHEAT
Harris Cash Store
We Invite you to look over our quality and
prices before buying elsewhere
Maupin Warehouse Company
The Crandall Undertaking- Co.
The Dalles,
Licensed Enbalmers
N. W. Flinn, Prop. ,
Rooms 50c
J Meals, family style
Harness, Saddle, Slim
REPAIRING. Work Guaranteed
F. B. Perry
East End of Bridge
L. M. Woodside returned Satur
day from Wood burn where he
had syent two weeks visiting.
Vivian Barzee visited her grand
parents at Maupin Saturday.
Chester Pechette was a busi
ness visitor in Maupin Saturday.
While there he rented the Ray
Kaylor house and Mrs, Pechette
and grandson Chas. Pierce will
move in soon so the latter can
attend school.
Roy Batty went to Portland
Saturday with a lot of fat hogs.
J. I. . Parker and son Claire
made a trip to Wamic Friday for
Phil Nat Lloyd is staying with
Mrs. Rice during school hours.
The chicken dinner given by
the ladies election day was well
attended and the proceeds amoun
ting to 145 will be used on im
proving the interion of the
church. Through the columns of
this paper they wish to thank
those, who gave donations for
the dinner, those who helped
Motor Equipment
. The Dalles
to $1.00
Maupin,, Oregon
with the work, those who so
kindly patronized the dinner and
Mr. and Mrs. Hartman for the
use of the hall.
John Ward took the election
returns to The Dalles Wednesday
Orval Flinn and Marie Water
man of The Dalles spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Sharpe.
Walter Driver and family
came out from The Dalles Satur-.
day and stayed over Sunday vis
iting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ober went to
The Dalles Saturday.
Rev. and Mrs. Matthews came
aver from Simnasho Tuesday to
vote, then on to Maupin on busi
ness. John Lewis was a Maupin vis
itor Monday.
There will be a Harvest Festi
val program given by the pupils
at the school house Saturday
night, Nov. 10. Admission will
not exceed 25c. Refreshments
will be served, proceeds to apply
on the piano fund. Everybody
The Hallowe'en program at
the Victor school house was well
Alfred Weberg is hauling
wood to Maupin.
Al Dunning came over from
Simnasho Tuesday.
A little son arrivrd at the Emil
Hackler home Tuesday. This is
the 17th child.
Last Thursday a daughter ar
rived at the Ed Wall home.
Robert Lewis went to The
Dalles Saturday to have dental
work done. He returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hill and
children went to Maupin Tuesday
A camp of woodchoppers over
on the Reservation near Warm
Spring was held up last week
The robbers carried away all the
J. F. Abbott is confined to his
bed again this week.
Clifford McCorkle is home
from Shaniko with an injured
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lewis
have moved into the rooms va
cated by Chester Pechette.
Wamic News
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller
were Dalles visitors Tuesday.
Joe Chastain and family were
in 1 he Dalles Tuesday.
Otis Chastain transacted busi
ness in The Dalles Tuesday.
Fred Bauer and Frank Mogan
were in Maupin from the Dalles
Wednesday. 1
Guy Harvey took hogs to Port
land and returned Tuesday. 1
D. A. Harvey and family were
in The Dalles Tuesday.
The many friends of Mrs.
Luella Johnson were saddened
here Tuesday by her sudden
death. She was feeling unusual
ly well that day when stricken
with a heart attack. She was
at the dinner table and was in a
jovial state of mind when the
end came, which was very sud
Dr. Elwood was called the for
mer part of the week to attend
Eugene Pratt.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Welch
and baby Leo. were truests at
the A. M. Patterson home in The
Dalits Wednesday night.
John McMurry was a Dalles
visitor last week. .
Charley Conley was in .The
Dalles last week.
Carl Pratt was here Thursday
over night with his father.
Dr. Griffith attended Mrs. Wil
lis Farlow last week. '
Ed Wookcock tried his luck
again for a deer in the mountains
but did not get any.
Percy Driver and Dave Camp
bell were in The Dalles Fridav
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Driver.
Lenore Woodcock of Hood River
and Carmel Woodcock of The
Dalles were her and at Smock
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Marion Driver and babv
Garth visited at the Frank Dri
the Frank Driver home in Hood
River last week from Waterville
Wn. '
Mrs. H- F. Woodcock and Cecil
visitek at the A. E. Lake home
C. S. McCorkle was in The
Dalles Saturday.
Naomi Young, Zetta Watkins,
Zelda Watkins, Bill Webber,
Harold Squires and Harry Hau
ser all of Tygh Valley passed
through here Sunday.
(special) '
Wapinitia precinct vote was 56
yes and 32 no tax measure.
The fund raised at the election
chicken 'dinner was $45 to bo
used to pay for U. B. church
calcimine, and other interior
Just at the close of the voting
The College of Literature, Science
and the Arts with 22 departments.
The professional schools of Archi
tecture and Allied Arts Business
Administration Education Grad
uate Study Journalism Law
Medicine Music Physical Edu
cation Sociology Extension.
For a catalojus or an$ information
vOrite The Reiiitrar, Unii!crgit$ of
Oregon, Euma, Oregon.
The 43th Year Opens September 25, 1923
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Oilice at 'ihe Dulles, Ore
gon, October 5, 1923.
. Notice is hereby given that
Roy Ii. Crabtree
of Maupin, Oregon, who' on Feby. 10
1922, made Homestead Entry No. 021515
forwl-2swl-4 sec. 10, wl-2Nw!-4, Nvvl-4swl-4,
Section 15, Tp. 6 south, Range
15 east, Willamette Meridian, haa tiled
notice of intention to make final
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described. bfore F. D. Stuart.
U. S. Commissioner ttt Maupin, Oregon
on the 17ih day oi November. 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: M. S.
Miller, Chester Crabtree.H, F Sinclair,
Floyd McLeod, all of Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register
MENT Notice is hereby given that
Julia F. Endersby Ward, Admin
istratrix of the estate of Valen
tine W. Endersby, deceased, has;
filed her final account in said
estate; and that Monday, the
29th day of Oetobei1923, at 10
o'clock A. M., in the County
Courtroom in the Court House in
The Dalles, Wasco County, Ore
gon, has been fixed as the time
and place for the hearing of
objections to said Account and
the settlement thereof.
Julia F. Endersby Ward, j
. Administratrix.
In S
Carbon Paper, 25x39 inch pieces
Tfcin paper for tracing patterns
Butter paper and cartons
Typewriter paper and ribbons
Envelopes, commercial and 10 inch lengths
Cardboards, heavy to 24x46 inch sizes
Business and calling cards
Ruled letter paper part of this is ruled
on both sides ideal farm stationery. Low
prices in lots of 100 or more. In tablet
form if desired
' Call or Phone Main 231
The MauDin Times
a telephone message from the
Crook county sheriff to the
deputy sheriff of Wapinitia to
stop, arrest, and hold three sus
pects who were northbound via
the Reservation, suspected of
being part' of the Southern Paci
fic train robbers, also of thefts
and holdups in the Reservation,
come in causing quite a commo
tion. Dee Woodside and N." G.
Hedin arrested the three young
men who proved their innocence
after a good grilling. After
phoning for orders they, were
ordered reieased. Every high
way lane in the west is being
combed to catch these despera
does, who murdered the railroad
men m c6id blood.
J. Shipflin has gone to Cedar
Swamp to cut posts.
Frank Batty and crew are cut
ting wood at Dane's homestead.
R. E.' Ellinwood and family
have gone to Portland and Seat
tle for a visit to friends and
Car Powell, Leonard Weberg
and Lloyd Smith are hauling ties
from Hedin Lumber mill.
Wra. Sturgis has been hauling
lumber from Linn & Sons' mill.
T. B. Slusher went to The
Dalles Thursday on a brief busi
ness trip.
Lester Kelly left for the stock
show at Kenton.
J. S. Brown trapped his first
b!ac!f bear for this season. He
caught four last fall. Now the
bear meat and sweet potatoes
are going the rounds.
A huge cougar is visiting the
Kelly Gulch district and like a
cat he howls at the moon and
frightens the timid falks. We
hope some lucky hunter will bag
the big fellow.
W. A. Dane and Nathan Hill
end Us Your
and address on a
post card or inalet-
tM-gnrl maittill
free and postpaid, a sampK ;opy of
Fegrala? Mechanics
ihe most wonderful magazine pub
lished. 160 paget and 400 picture,
every month, that will entertain
every member of the family,
ft oontahu interesting and instructive arti
cles on the florae. Farm, Shop and Office
the newest developments in Radio, Avia
tion, Automobile and Garage. Each issue
contains something to interest everybody.
We do not employ subscription solictors so
yon will not be urged tosubscribeand you
are not obligating yourself in the least in
sskir.g for a free sample cony. We
gtaoly send it to prospective readers. It
you like it you can buy a copy every
roontn from any newsdealer or send u3
your Mtscription $3.00 for one year.
Popular Mechanics Company
300-214 C. anuria Stmt, CHICAGO, ILL.
Dnwilm If .k , 3...nj. j ....
eztMmvely to M4 proatictwn of this ,
tireal maaazine.
at Times
SAVE $200
One sure way to make mon
ey on your farm is tdprotect
your farm machinery.
The average annual loss
from deterioration alone on
farm machinery left out in
the weather is $200.00.
A machine shed that will
turn this annual loss into a
profit can be built for a sur
prisingly small amount.
The shed shown here is only
one of many carefully de
signed and economical plans
that our architectural de
partment has ready for your
Our Blue Prints and Mater
ial lists are so complete that
it is an easy matter for you
to do the building yourself
during the slack season. '
Come in and let us show
you how little money it takes.
Tum-A-Lmn Lbr. Co.
and family have moved to the
Warmspring reservation to do
carpenter work for the Govern
ment after the complete their
work for Rev. Matthews at the
Simnasho mission. ,
Lincoln Hartman is finishing
the inside work on the Wapinitia
high school.
E, J. Fischer is to build a resi
dence in Maupin.
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glasses Properly Fitted
Exclusively Optical
Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer
Crosby's Drug store,
The Dalles, Ore
Phone Bluck 1111
' I . O . O . F.
Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon,
menta every Saturday night in
I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting mem
tiers always welcome.
F. D. Stuart, Secretary
B. D. Pkaley, N. G.
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmithing
Plow Share Grinding
Maupin, Ore.
ver, and baby Garth visited at