PriRTI A MfV vyAX i JUrXilty Webber Academy UlffiMi." Fourlh 8t- MAID O'CLOVER BUTTER-ICE CREAM ' MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. "J O O Write ui for prices and market condition! on ragC X vjOn Veal Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatsts, JOnioos, etc Portland, Oregon Forty Year. In the Same Location. A Good Job With Steady Work Paper making offers a good opportunity to strong, intelligent, sober men between the ages of 21 and 50 sure pay and steady work. Meals 35c each. Plenty to eat "and excellent cooking. Company hotel. Supply beds 25c, 30c and 40c. Free hot and cold baths tubs and showers. Worthy, faithful employees have good chance for advancement. Positions given free on application you pay ho fee for your job. Employment Office at Camas, Washington and 209 Commonwealh Bldg., Port land, Oregon. ' ' Crown Willamette Paper Co. i - .z...,...jLii CALBREATH STUDIO 860 Belmont Street Phone TAbor 277 ACCREDITED TEACHERS: Helen Caltreath, B. M., Pianist and Teacher. European Study. Pupil of Maurice Arnnson, ALBERTO JONAS, Edna Sallitt, JOSEF LHEVINNB. Evelene Calbreath, B. M., Soprano and Voice Teacher. European Study. Assistant Vocal Teacher to P. X. ARENS, New York City. Pupil ol WM. S. BRADY, 1922-1923. CHOOSE YOUR STUDY A position for each graduate. Write us today. AHsky building, Portland, Oregon. Patent Attorney1 r MECHANICAL ENGINEER Protect that Idea with a United States Patent. Othera have made fortunes out ot Patenta. Why not you I Thomas Btlyeu, 202 Stevens ldg., Portland, Oje! CUT FLOWERS tt FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St, EVAN G. HOUSEMAN Osteopathic Physician. Electronic Method of ABRAMS Phone Main 2963. 39314 Yamhill at Tenth, Portland, Ore We Specialize in Hides, Pelts, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara, Oregon Grape Root Goat Skins, Horse Hair Write for Shipping Tags & latest Price List Portland Hide & Wool Co. 108 UNION AVENUE NORTH, PORTLAND, 0HE0QN. Branch at Pocatello, Idaho GLASSES WILL SAVE YOUR EYES W Expert fitting at lowest prices. All I J? styles of Glasses. Lenses duplicated form broken pieces. Mail in your bro- "" ken glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurwitz, 223 First St., Portland, Ore. BUY THE BEST HORSE COLLAR MADE All long rye straw stuffed. Insist on having the collar with the "Fish" Label. If your dealer does not handle this brand collar, write to us direct P. SHARKEY A SON 53 Union Av., Portland, Ore. No matter Mwdiroiilc or sew re your Pllei may be, I GUARANTU tt pnr.it1 can fas HtMst sosr auea, ewM), lansflutlc at asta. SEND TODAY F0 MY FRBB CHAS.J.DEANM.D 2ND AND MORRISON PORnANO.jSRECOM Draw Diseased Blood, New Haven, Cqnn. Two unusual operations for transfusion of blood, have been carried through successfully at the New Haven General hospital, now a part of the medical school of Yale university. In each Instance the person's blood was drawn oft and In jected back Into the system. The first case was that of a woman who had a hemorrhage In the abdomen. The surgeons drew off the blood from OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Pnrtltnd, Oreson VAtTD EVILLB PHOTO PLAT! Oomplate Oaanee Saturday, Adults, Week day Matinee, 30o; KT.ntngi, SUo. Continu ous 1 11 11 p. m. Children 10 cents ll limn, of Music "tott- (Established MW) Phont MAin B080 Shipherd's Mineral Springs HAROLD BAIN, Manager Carson. Washington An Ideal Winter Retort. Special Winter Rates. Routee S. P. B. Local (ram Portland to Car 011, Wuiih. By Auto to Cascade Locke vie Co lumbia Hifhway. By Auto via the North Bunk Highway. Hetel American Plan, Modern Hotel Accommodations. Bathe Hut Mineral Hath: Cure for Rheumatiem, Liver, Kidney and Btumaxh Troubles: Skin Lilseaees. Hunting and Fishing. ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES If taken In time, prevent operations for Diabetes, Catarrh, Asthma. hung. Throat, Liver, Kidney. Rheumatism, Blood, Stomach and all female disorders. Bladder Troubles. The C. Gee Wo Remedies are harmless, as no drugs or poison are used. Composed of the cholsest medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark. Im ported by us from fur away oriental countries. Call or Write for Information C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company New Location 262H Alder St, S. W. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon Established 23 Years in Portland. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT PLEATING SPECIAL Out, seam, hem and maohine 85 cents pleat akirta ready lor band. Hemstitching, picoting and tucking. EASTERN NOVELTY HT ft. 00. 85 Fifth St. Portland, Ore. ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlorf We fix you op, we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your combings. Join our School of Beauty Culture. 400 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Phone Broadway 0902, Portland, Oregon. BRAZING, WELDING OtfTTINQ Northweat Welding te Supply Co., 68 lit St. PERSONAL Marry if Lonely; most successful "Home Maker"; hundrsdi rich; confidential; reli able; years experience; descriptions free, "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 650, Oakland, California. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trade In 8 weeks. Some pay while learning. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnside street, Port land, Oregon, GOING TO BUILD? We have hundreds of plans at $10.00 and up. Send us a sketch of the home you want and we will sub mit similar specimen plana. No obligation except to return plans if not suitable. O. M. A K E R S Designing-and Drafting. 611-12 Couch Building, Portland, Oregon, Buy Where You Will But see our Used Cars FIRST. CONDIT & CONSER CO., ' Grand Avenue and East Oak Street PORTLAND, OREGON REPAIR PARTS New and used for all makea autos and trucka. Mall orders filled. PORTLAND AUTO WRECK ING CO., 531 Alder street, Portland. Ore. Br 6241 Doors and Windows Hot-bed sash, mouldings, cupboard doors, flour bins, sash for sleeping porches, mlllwork, glass, roofing. See our odd stocks of sash and doors for D. B. SCULLY tt CO., Downtown Lumber Store, 171 Front street, be tween liorruua and YamhilL Main 4211 "LITE-FOOT" Powdered DANCE FLOOR WAX Gives smooth. Gliding fin Ish to hard or soft-wood floors. NO ACID, GREASE OR DUST. Your druggist has ft, If not, send us sumps, 76c for one-pound package CLARKE, "WOODWARD DRUG CO. Portland, Oregon. Reinject Purified Fluid the abdomen, tied the vessels, and af ter filtering the blood, transfused It back Into her system. Later, a man was admitted with hemorrhage of the liver. The abdomen was filled with blood. The staff treated the liver, filtered the blood drawn off and Injected It through the arm. Both patients are regarded u convalescents; fC3tf TRADE MARK IT "IMPROVIS IS UCtNltO UNDIA PAT. Nl tOSSTO IMA M.Na a . al1nn of ell and nerfect com pression f uerenteed or your money refunded plue 12.00 per cylinder, The only rings with a real 1HL LUCrti-nuv.n3Uii w,, im.. Piston Ring Headquarters. . . 4M Burnside Street. Portland, Ore USED j-tT FORDS y A complete stock of all models Coupee. Sedans, Touringa, Roadatera. Price., IS6.U0 and up. If you want Juna. aon t come; u m"", car, we have It. Easy Terme. FARNHAM t WILLIAMS, (Inc.) 2 N. 11th, Bet, Burnside Couok at, Portland. Oregon, Bdy fill PUBLIC'S APPETITE FOR CHICKEN CHANGES PrfnclDftl demand now It for hens, all sliee. Still. there Is a fair tale for springers. Both tellers and buyers like to deal with RUBY & CO., 2H FRONT ST., COR. SALMON, Portland GLASSES That Fit None Better CHARGES REASONABLE Dr. Harry Brown 149 Third St PORTLAND, OREGON SCOUT MAKES BRAVE RESCUE A deed of high courage in the rescue of two boys and the attempted rescue of a third In a storm-clouded lake was recently performed by Scout William E. Trimble of Troop 25, Bellmore, Long Island, when, at Imminent peril to him' self In the gale-churned waters of Lake Champlain, he pulled two lads from n capsized sailboat to his canoe; when his ennoe overturned, helped right It and secured the two boys a bold, and when one of the" lads slipped Into the water from exhaustion dove In for blm, and, on being unsuccessful In finding the drowning lad in the depths of the water, began the agonizing swim to shore which resulted In bis securing help In time to save both the survivors of the sailboat and his orglnal canoe companion. Young Trimble and his friend, Louis Grinnell, students at the citizens' mili tary training camp at Plattsburg, N. Y, were canoeing when a sudden squall arose which almost upset their bark, and did capsize a sailboat some distance from them, whose occupants were also' students from the camp. Through the darkening afternoon Trimble and Grinnell could faintly per ceive the figures of the two lads, who had been thrown overboard by tie storm-tossed boat Bending their backs to their paddles, the scout and his com panion sent the canoe forward and with swift strokes reached the strug gling lads. . As Grinnell could swim only a little, Trimble took the situation In hand. Charles Stone of Plattsburg, who lives near the beach, peering out at the storm noticed the boy struggling to ward land. He saw him fling up bis arms in exhaustion. Stone ran out and dragged him to shore. The boy seemed trying to say something, but a gurgle was the best be could do. Stone took the lad to his house. Fighting against the exhaustion steal ing over him end the approaching darkness, Trimble soon pulled strength enough together to tell his story. Stone started out in a rowboat In the driving rain, following the uncertain directions, He finally found the two boys still holding to the canoe, and brought them safely to shore. , HARDING'S WARM INTEREST Among the many evidences of the deep Interest and thoughtful concern of the late president In scoutlng's work for the good of American boy hood, Is the following letter from Secretary Christian to Chief Scout Executive James E. West, written Au gust 1, the day before Mr. Harding died: "My Dear Mr. West: "Owing to the unfortunate Illness of the President, he is unable to an swer personally your letter of July 20, which reached him In San Francisco. On his behalf. I wish to assure you of his appreciation of the action taken at the thirteenth annual meeting of the national council, Boy Scouts of Amer ica, in unanimously re-electing him honorary president of the national council. The President, as you know, regards the boy scout movement as of great Importance and value. Only Few days ago at Woodland Park, Seat tle, be again evidenced his great in terest In the work by administering the pledge of allegiance to probably 30,000 boys and then delivering short address to them., "Sincerely yours, (Signed) GEORGE B. CHRISTIAN, JR., "Secretary to tho Presldnnr." HELP ROUT DRUG EVIL Boy scouts of Los Angeles, Cal helped arouse the public's attention to the evil effects of narcotics when together with thousands of Individuals and representatives of other well known civic and social bodies and headed by the International Narcotics Education association, they marched to the music of "Onward Christian Soldiers." In procession which Inaugu rated the world-wide campaign against narcotics to be conducted by govern ments, churches and schools. r f j UNSELFISHNESS: Br GRACE E. HALL SET myself a task : Never to ask For what I did not Just as freely give. No kindness, sweet consideration; aught In attitude, In gentleness, in thought Nothing, save what in full return from me Another might expect as bounteously. Then day by day my life began to prove How selfish and how narrow was my groove, For one by one the blessings I bad known Toole wings, and to another realm had flown ; How little I had given through the ' days I How much demanded In a thousand ways I So bumbled by my own acknowledg ment, I set myself a task and to It bent ; I ceased to talk of faults by others shown, Aware at last of greater ones my , own; Asked not of sympathy and love a part Unless I found the same within my heart And lo t there Is a bluer sky o'er head, The birds sing sweeter than they did before ; And each day kindly thoughts to me are sped, And loving hands come knocking af my door. by Dodd, Head A Company.) o Some one has said that "true hospi tality consists In having what you were going to have anyway, and not chang ing the cloth unless you were going to anyway." HAVE SOME OYSTERS ' " A KLVta arter-ine-meaier uisu or an evening lunch la prepared as follows: Add a pint of oysters with their liquor, a squeeze of lemon, a dash of cayenne, salt and celery salt to taste to a half-cupful of rich bouillon. Cook the oysters until their edges curl, then serve on buttered toast. Creamed Oysters. Allow a dozen oysters to each cup ful of cream. Heat the cream to boil ing, add the oysters and when the edges curl remove at once and serve immediately. Season to suit the taste. Escal loped Oysters. Take a pint of( selected oysters, the tender part ot two bunches of celery, chopped fine. In a baking dish, put a layer of cracker crumbs, and a layer of celery. Dot with bits of butter or season the crumbs by stirring' them Into melted butter, season with salt and pepper, repeat with another layer and finish the top with buttered crumbs. Oysters will not cook well If more than two layers are added ; those in the center will be under done when the top and bottom are ready. Bake t snty minutes. Providence Oysters. This 'Is a nice chafing dish recipe. In a blaser, place a pint of oysters, a table spoonful of butter, salt and pepper to season. When the oysters begin to curl, stir in enough cracker crumbs to absorb all the Juice, then add a well beaten egg and serve while the dish is hot. Royal Stew. Place oysters, in a sauce pan with enough of their liquor to float them. Chop a bunch of tender celery and add a finely-minced ed pepper. As the liquor in the pan Is heating add two tablespoonfuls of butter, salt and pep per to taste, and when thoroughly hot add a pint of milk for a dozen oysters; when the milk is hot add the' celery and pepper, chopped; stew until well flavored, add the oysters and as they are ready to serve stir in a spoonful of currant or plum Jelly. Serve het. (, 1121, Western Newspaper Union.) o t MEN YOU MAY MARRY By E. R. PEYSER Has a Galoot Like This Pro- poted to You? Symptoms: The. man whose collar goes over his hair In the back black straight hair. Miles of mouth and mountains Of nose. Sprawlly sort, never looks seedy and never looks spruced up. Seems to be Just a middle weight getter In every line. Aw fully sensitive; likes a plain, un exciting woman and generally spends bis Sundays walking. IN FACT He Is no hummer. He is not and never will be the kind who Is In the running. Prescription for Bridb to Be: 'iff. g e ' 'W ', ffc Ironer, and a Dlessant Jog ger. Absorb Thlsr THERE IS NO 8A ETY IN HUMMERS. (C by IfcClnre Newspaper Syndicate.) rfotrfloBok STATE NEWS Oregon City The 19000 campaign, carried on by the local chamber of commerce for the promotion of civic utfiilrs, Is about one-third completed, reports Barney Garrett, hianagor of the chambor. Albany. President Green of Albany college Friday announced that Al bany's $100,000 toward the goal ot $600,000 In the state had been raised and that the state campaign will be slarted at once from Portland head quarters. Mill City. A moetlng ot road dis trict, No. 40, will be held In Hammond hall at 2:30 P. M., November 3, to vote an extra tax to raise funds for further work on the roads In this dis trict, which extends for several miles on each side ot town. Salem. More than 600 children at tended the Bible school classes In the grade schools of Salem during the first week, according to a report made pub lie here Saturday. No child was al lowed to take this work unlcsj tUo written consent ot the parents was given. The Dalles. An adequate protective tariff on wheat, made effective through an export commission to take care of the Burplus, was recommend-1 ed as the best means ot solving the present farmers' difficulty, in a reso- lution adopted at a meeting of 70 Wasco county grain gruwers, held at Dufur Saturday afternoon. Eugene.-Announcement was maae Friday that work on a two-story con crete building to be erected as a home tor the Eugene Daily Guard will be started next week. The structure will be located on a lot owned by Charles H. Fisher, principal owner ot the Guard, on Willamette street between Tenth and Eleventh avenues. Clatskanie. W. F. Schneider of this place thinks he has the champion long- burning Btump, by char-pitting, in the northwest. Fire was started In this stump January 23, 1923, and the stump fell October 12 of this year. The stump measured eight feet through just above the bulge in the roots and was more at the ground, though not meas ured. 1 St. Helens. As election day draws nearer, a favorable vote ror tne in come tax measure seems less likely. A few weeks ago it was conceded that Columbia county would support the measure, but there has been a decid ed change. Interviews with a number of farmers indicated that not all of them will support the measure, al though it has the backing ot the grange. Salem. Before a tax supervising and conservation commission may add to or take from items contained in a tax budget submitted for its consider ation and approval, the unanimous vote of all members of such commis sion In attendance at the meeting or hearinc must be obtained. This was the opinion handed down here Satur- day by general, I. H. Van Winkle, attnrney- Toledo. Figures recently announc ed by Dr. W. H. Lytle o the state livestock sanitary board Bhow Lincoln county to be one of the very lowest counties In the state in the point of Infection from tuberculosis based on the tests mode throughout the county in the past years, as only four .04 of 1 per cent hare ever reacted, whereas manv counties run up to 25 or 100 times as high. Mill City. The .Hammond Lumber company fire department has perfect ed arrangements for giving a big tur key dinner and entertainment on Thanksgiving day. Bradt was nnmed chairman to take charge of the dinner and B. F. Brandon will take care of the entertainment, A picture show and vaudeville will be held, fol lowed by a talk in the afternoon. A home talent show and big dance are other features. Hood River, Representative Sin nott, here from The Dalles to meet with a committee of the chamber of commerce for a discussion of the pro jected Cooper's spur lateral of the Mount Hood loop highway, said he would use his best efforts In creating a sentiment for an allocation by the United ' States forest service of the entire $80,000, the estimated cost of grading the new 17-mlle gap between the Mount Hood loop highway and the snow line of Mount Hood. Salem More than 1000 plants of the cultivated black currant, alternate host of the white pine blister rust, have been destroyed In Marion county as a part of the state-wide campaign against the disease. This was the an nouncement made here by officials. Destruction of these plants was in pur suance of a state law enacted at the last session ot the legislature declar ing the black currant a nuisance be cause of the seriousness of the white pine rust Invasion In the northwest. I ...is77... I V After Every Meal ! ; ' Have i packet in your : pocket for ever-ready : E refreshment. Aids digestion. ; : Allays thirst. ; Soothes the throat. ; 5 For Quality, Flavor and I : i the Sealed Package, Swagger Avails Little. V.rtiere sv."'.s rnrr!!,i one to sue i.t66 il lands dozens In rui.tuiu, nr.!) the latter buries them In oblivion. Family records havo many promising hopes disappointingly filling lowly stations. Even for some ot these she sometimes has to make apology. Counterfeits of Real Gold. Budapest papers report the arrest in Transylvania of a gang ot counter- teiters who were making coins ot old Hungarian design, out of real gold which they had bought ot low ratesB frnm workers emDloved In Joweiry f . , lanU Mrs. Elizabeth Zander ,.v a.. Y ,k. Reap the Reward , of Perfect Health i Salem. Orcir. "Thru heavy lift ing I developed a severe case of feminine weakness. I suffered with backaches .and bearing pains. I got so weak I could not do any work, I would get very severe dizzy spells and the least excitement I would faint dead away. I was so nervous I could not stand any noise, could not sleep, and had very Utile appetite, i went down in weignt from 118 oounds to 96. I was a physical wreck when I began tak ing Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion but thru the persistent use or this wonderful woman's medicine I was completely relieved of my ail- t ment anu restorcu to pcrietc iiemui. I earned in weight and never ten better than after taking the 'Favorite Prescription. Mrs. lilizabetli Lau der, 1370 Norway St. Your health is your most import ant asset, ao why not write Dr. Pierce. President Invalids Hotel Buffalo, N. Y., and receive con fidential medical advice free, or send 10c for trial pkg. tablets. Remarkably Preserved. In an Egyptian tomb a vase was found containing honey still liquid af ter 30 centuries. Cushions on the arm chairs found in this tomb wore still so soft and well preserved that one could toBB them across the room without do ing them damage. "Why?" A widow charged in an English court asked: "Why don't the police arrest the murderers and burglars, and not a poor woman who has lost her hus band and is looking for another?" Coming and Going. '.'Wealth don't alius bring happi ness, said uncie aoaa. uuui an some men gits out'n deir riches is bein' hit foh mo' alimony." Washing ton Star. Someone Gets Rich. Those who send their good money to others for get-rlch-qulck Informa tion enable the others to get rich without any information. Not Good to Be Alone, Many a man when alone with his thoughts finds that they are rather disagreeable company. Now Orleans States. used for baby's dothee, will keep them tweet snd snowy-white until worn out. Try It and see for yourself. Attnan -ft v,VS .VaS S . XV i!Siarw ii mm m mi faMaMevaVJ I t MP Are Yoa Satisfied? SuSw&Kci Is the biggest, most perfectly esulpiwd Business Training Bchool In the North west Fit yourself for a higher position with more money. Permanent positions assured our Graduates. Write for catalog iourtu anu larahi Portland. P. N. U. No. 43, 1923