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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1923)
PORT! ANniFirPRS AMARKET A vyx. & A-drMiJLr for your PRnnnrF Big Webber Academy ONLY GOOD CREAM MAKES GOOD BUTTER MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. A Good Job With Steady Work Paper making offers a good opportunity to strong, intelligent, sober men between the ages of 21 and 50 sure pay and steady work. Meals 35c each. Plenty to eat and excellent cooking. Company hotel. Supply beds 25c, 30c and 40c. Free hot and cold baths tubs and showers. Worthy, faithful employees have good chance for advancement. Positions given free on application you pay no fee for your job. Employment Office at Camas, Washington and 209 Commonwealth Bldg., Port land, Oregon. Crown Willamette Paper Co. female disorders. The Little House A Song by Evelene Calbreath. Sung by Kathryn Meisle, contralto, Chicago Opera company. AT ALL PORTLAND MUSIC DEALERS CHOOSE YOUR STUDY A position for each graduate. Write us today. Alisky building, Portland, Oregon. Cascara Bark Higher ., Ship, bring or advise how much you have for sale. r POULTRY WANTED RUBY & CO., 215 FRONT ST., COR. SALMON, Portland USED j$&X; FORDS S A complete stock Coupes, Sedans, Roadsters and Tourings. .We buy for cash, which gives you more for vour money. When you want a Ford come aee our stock. We handle our own paper. i..v'iwm. FARNHAM & WILLIAMS, (Inc.) ' US N. 11th. Bet. Iturnside & Couch at. Bdy 3214 EVAN G. HOUSEMAN . ' ' Osteopathic Physician. Electronic Method of ABRAMS Phone Main 2963. 393V4 Yamhill at Tenth, Portland, Ore Cascara Bark We are one of the largest buyers of Caacara Bark in the world. Portland Kide & Wool Co. tOt UNION AVINUE NORTH, fORTLlNO, OMtON. Branch at Pocatello, Idaho Write for Prices and Shipping Tags. BUY THE BEST HORSE COLLAR MADE All long rye straw stuffed. Insist on having the collar with the "Fish" Label If your dealer does ;rot handle thls'brand collar.'wrlte to us ' direct P. SHARKEY' dV SON 53 Union Av., Portland, Ore. a&ak No matter how ehrii: w ssvtre yourPilasmay kM.I GUASAtsTEE ts osfmfssnv oars see mthsst sfisr ' atlas, wnary. snsessuttc sate. IW TCOA rOM. FKIIsMlK CKA5J. DEAN, M.D 2ND AND MORRISON P0RT1AND.ORECON m, WT if''" TH l PAPCB WHFN WRITING 103,374 New Freight Washington. The railro.'ids of the country from January 1 this year to August 15 placed In service 103374 Dew freight cars, of which 6,424 were put o.i the rails during the first 15 days of August, according to a state ment issued recently by the car serv ice division of the American Railway association. The new carriers added In the seven and one-hulf months con- yslst of 41,082 coal tars, 41,712 box cars Portland, OwfOM TAUDBTIIAH PHOtO-PLAYS Oemplat Chance Saturday, Adults, Week day Matlnes, 20o J Erenlost, Bc. Continu on 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents sll.tlra.s. of Music (Established 1895) Phone MAin S080 ShiphercTs Mineral Springs HAROLD BAIN, Manager Cron, Waahlnoton An Ideal Wlntsr Retort. Special Winter Rate. Routes S. P. & 8. Local from Portland to Car son, Wash. By Auto to Caacade Lorka via Co lumbia Highway. By Auto via the North Bank Highway. Hotel American Plan, Modern Hotel Accommodations Bathe Hot Mineral Bathe: Cure for Rheumatism, Liver, Kidney and Stomach Troubles: Skin DtK.asfs. Hunting and Planing. ROOT AND HERB REMEDIES ji lauen in ume, prevent operation! ior uiaDetes. uatarrh, Aithma. Lunsr. Throat. Liver. Kidnev. Rheumatism. Rlmvl. Ktnmucli anA .H Bladder troubles. The C. Gee Wo Remedies are harmless, a no dm a nr noimn nl Composed of the choisest medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark, iitv fiuitcu uy us Li um ur sway oriental countries. Call or Write for Information C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company New Location 262V Alder St., S. W. Cor. Third, Portland, Orefloi "Established 23 Years in Portland. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT QUITTING SHOE BUSINESS. Reliable shoe store: square dealing with the public for 30 years; decided to quit the shoe business; $30,000.00 stock of the latest style shoes for ladies, men and children, as well as high top ladiei shoes with military or Cuban heel are at the public disposal. You will pur chase several pairs when you see the gTeat reduction in price. John J-ellar, 389 Washington St., Pittock Block, roruana, uregon. PLEATING SPECIAL uut, seam, nem ana macmne ee AAna pleat akirta raady for band. 00 venw Hemstitching, picotinr and tucking. EASTERN NOVELTY UFO. OO, 85 H Fifth St. Portland, Ore ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix yon up, we make all kinda of Hair Goods ot yeui combings. Join our School of Beauty Culture 400 to 414 Dekum Bldf., Phone Broadwaj ouuz, rorttanq, uregon. BRAZING, WELDING t CUTTING Northwest Welding Supply Co., 88 1st Bt PERSONAL Marry if Lonely; most successful "Homi Maker : hundreds rich: confidential: rail able; yeare experience; descriptions free "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Bm 658, Oakland, California. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pa; while learning. Positions secured. Writs for catalogue. 234 Burnslde street, Fort land, Oregon. GLASSES WILL SAVE YOUR EYES 10. Expert flttinor at lowest prices. All t 2 sCVfl of Glasses. Lenses duplicated form broken pieces. Mail in your bro ken glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Dr. A. E. liurwiu, Xi First tit., Portland, Ore. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL SBSIQNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 23T Mormon Bt. PATENT ATTORNEY mbohak&eeb Protect that Idea with United Statei Patent. Others hare made fortunes oat ot Patents. Wh sot you! Thomas Bilyeu, 80S Btaveua jting., run Ian a, ure. Buy Where You Will But see our Used Cars FIRST, CONDIT & CONSER CO., Grand Avenue and East Oak Street PORTLAND, OREGON GUARANTEED USED CARS All makes of light cars at lowest prices, casj terms. Twelve years m this laratioi. MANLEY AUTO CO. HupmobUe Distributor 431-135 Burnside St.. Portland. On Doors and Windows Iot-bed sash, mouldings, cupboard doors, flour bins, sash for sleeping; porches, millwork, glass. roohng. bee our odd stocks ol saati and doors lot '""' D. B. SCULLY & CO., Downtown Lumber Store. 171 Front street, be. twsam alorriaoa and YamhuL Main 4211 Cars Now in Service and 13,149 reiriorator cars. There were on order on Augum 15 ls0,585 new freight cars, of which 31,949 were coal cars, 38,122 box cars and 8.252 refrig erator cars. There were placed In service in the same period a total ot 2,3(54 new locomotives. On August 15, 1.674 new locomotives were on order. Anyway, a shiftless man can blanu bis wife for his failure to muke good World's Best Bicycle Aik Dad to get you that Columbia hi promised you. They cost no more than ordinary bicy cles. Jutt tend us your name and we wilt mail you Free, a dandy Jau cap la pretty eolors. Motorcycle & Supply Co., (Inc.) Third and Taylor PORTLAND, ORB. Harley Davidson Motorcycles. Columbia Bicycles. "LITE-FOOT" Powdered DANCE FLOOR WAX Gives smooth. Gliding; fin ish to hard or soft-wood noors. NO ACID, CREASE OR DUST. Your druggist has it. If not, send us stamps, 7bc for one-pound package CLARKE, WOODWARD DRUG CO. Portland, Oregon. GOOD COOP FOR MOTHER HEN! i oss of Chicks by Exposure May Be Largely Prevented Guard Against Vermin. CPvep by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) It Is not good poultry management to allow the mother hen to range un restricted with her chicks. With such freedom the hen frequently takes her brood through wet grass, and as a re sult some are chilled and die, especial ly the weaker ones, which are likely to be left behind. The loss of young chicks which follows such a practice Is large and mainly preventable. Fur thermore, the food which a brood al- lowed to range with the hen obtains troes very largely to keep the heat of the body and the chicks do not make as pnod growth as they otherwise would. Chick losses of this nature can be largely prevented by shutting the hen in a coop. Any style of coop which Is dry, ventilated, and can be closed at night to protect the brood against cats, rats and other animals, and which while confining the hen, will allow the chicks to pass in and out freely after they are a few days old. will be satis factory. The hen should be confined until the chicks are wenned, though a small yard may be attached to the coop, If desired, to allow the hen to exercise. The fence can be raised from the ground fnr enough to allow the chicks to go lu and out, but not high enough for the hen to escape. By using a coop the chicks can find shel ter and warmth under the hen at any time, and the weaklings after a few days may develop Into strong, healthy chicks. v Where chicks are raised with hens, they are likely to become Infested with lice. If the lice get very numerous, they greatly retard the chicks' growth and may even cause their death. The hen should be powdered thoroughly with some good insect powder before she is put in the coop with the chicks and at intervals of several days or a week thereafter. The baby chicks should be examined for lice, parties larly on the head, under the wings and about the vent. If any are found, a little grease, such as lard, should be tubbed on those places. Appiy grease moderately, as too much will Injure the chicks. The chicks should be ex amined frequently and the treatment repeated If lice are found on them. Source of Sediment. Most of the sediment in milk come from the bodies of cows and consists of hairs, manure, bedding, etc. Improve Quality of Milk. Straining Improves the commercial quality of milk, but does not appreci ably improve Its healthfuiness. Material for Strainers. Filter cloth and absorbent cotton are efficient materials for strainers, Cheesecloth and wire gauze are less effective. 1 feat IMS' m iV i 1 1' 1 "i POT ?fj..r imp i THE ROMANCE OF WORDS "BAFFLE" XX7HEN, In the literature ot today, It Is necessary to use a synonym for "defeat" or "foil," the word "baffle" Is a recognized equivalent but the origin of the verb presents an Interesting study In ancient customs and medieval practices, for It was formerly applied to a particular pedes of physical punishment Thus, In Beaumont and Fletch er's "King and No King," a cow ardly soldier recounts his expe riences by saying "They hung me up by the heels and beat me with hazel sticks so that the whole kingdom took notice of me for a baffled felon." ' "Baffling" In the days of chivalry was the name given to the ceremony In which a per jured or recreant knight, either personally or In effigy, was hung up by the heels, his escutcheon blotted, his spear broken In two and either his body or bis like ness beaten by the bystanders. This pleasant little pastime Is described by Spenser, who writes In the "Faerie Queen": "And after all, for greater In famy He by the heels him hung upon a tree. And baffled so, that all which that passed by The picture of his punishment might see." The accepted meaning of the word today is therefore figura tive, rather than literal an echo of the days when knighthood was In flower. ( by Whselsr Syndlcats. inc.) Something to Think About By F. A. WALKER DO YOUR BEST Y cannot by any newly conceived process hope to get the best and apply It to the best use, unless you give the best. The studious scholar stands at the head of his or her class simply be cause he or she gives the best the closest attention, the deepest thought and the hardest work.- Concentration Is wearisome, but it produces ef fective results and yields enduring re wards which can be attained In no other way. In art, literature, business and In the crafts, those who become con spicuous for their skill, give their best energy In perfecting themselves, and as a result they hold the foremost place In their respective callings, command the most respectful consid eration and win the highest recom pense. Life to those who give their best wears a different aspect from that which Is so dimly seen by the heed less, heading for no particular port, lacking the ability to Judge the direc tion of the wind or energy to study the charts. Close application, holding constantly to one specific course, working hour after hour without every little while pausing to scan the clock, cannot In their state of Indifference be done. Such persons In their reflective moments may be annoyed at the prog ress of their rivals, but the annoyance lacks strength to shake them from their lethargy. Any continuous exertion calling for excellence, Is too violent, too wearing to body and mind to be tolerated. So they remain passive, and when the frequen' ugly moods come upon them they censure the fates for their pitiful plights. How then, can such humans who habitually and generally from choice travel among the lrresolutes and the grumblers, blame otl'ers for delin quencies which are obviously their own? ( by MeClure Newspap.r Syndicate.) ! WE WERE NOT ! SATISFIED By GRACE E. HALL CAN you forget the myriad things That made the cycle of those years: The witchery of tender springs. The autumn leaves, the tears, The gray mists blurring out the view, The somber scenes across the way, The unsaid things we sensed and knew Each passing day? Can you forget the mystic thread I We wove on fancy's magic loom ' Into those days that now are dead Dead as that first spring's bloom? We watched the gray doves come and go, Stood at the window while the rain Tapped with a ghost-touch soft and low Against the pane. The hours were commonplace, we said. And wished for scenes some other where. We saw the sunsets, gold and red, Watched snow-clouds fill the air; Heard song birds in the trees above. Had all God's gifts, and yet We were not satisfied with love And now regret 1 ($ Dodd, Mead at Company.) t , r ) STATE NEWS Llal aJAll sj ?TfTT?TTfTfTTf WW WWW WWW Grants Pass. The Tokay grape crop has started moving In carload lots from the Rogue River valley. Salem. There were three fatalities due to Industrial accidents In Oregon during the week ending October 4, according to a report prepared here by the state Industrial accident com mission. Hermlston. The price of hay has gone up $1.50 during the past 10 days and is now selling at 13 f. a. b. Horin iston. . The C- S., McNaught Milling company is paying $9.50 for loose hay at its mill. . Brownsville. According to berry and small fruit growers In the Cala pooia river district, Brownsville Is In great need ot a fruit cannery, as hun dreds of tons ot fruit could be de livered to It each year by the grow ers ot this section. The Dalles. Wasco county's total assessed valuation for 1923 Is $15,714 570, according to an announcement made by Assessor Davis. This uu increase ot $129,120 over last year, part of which is due to the fact that 23.7S1.95 acres of homestead land was taken up during the year. Silverton. The Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen at Silverton held its annual election of officers Wednesday night with the following results: Chairman, John Elder; vice chairman, George Towe; secretary, Robert Scott; local conference com mittee, R. Sanderson; chairman to be assisted by S. Samuelson and Lewis Larson. cedsport. The local fishermen's strike was settled by compromise after three weeks' duration, during which time the last of the Chinook run of salmon had passed up the Umpqua, Smith and Schofield rivers. However, the silverstde salmon run Is at Its height and the four fishing and can nlng companies of the vicinity are running at full capacity. Pendleton. A decision to employ a landscape architect to formulate plans that may be followed in the gradual Improvement of park ground cover ing one block in the east part ot the city has been made by the city plan nlng commission. A suggestion has been made that the statue of the late Sheriff Til Taylor be erected on the north end of the park. Cottage Grove. More than 6000 per- sous had been registered at the auto camp during the season up to October The number ot cars was 2000, Forty states were represented, as well as a large number ot the provinces of Canada. It is estimated that the amount spent in the city by this num ber totaled $18,000. The camp was no expense whatever to the city. Salem. First Church ot Christ Scientist of Salem has received as a gift from Mrs. Sarah A. Wilson, a val uable lot at Liberty and Chemeketa streets here. Mrs. Wilson is a pioneer in the Christian Science movement in Salem and services were conducted by her in the house on the lot which she has deeded to the church. The lot is valued at approximately $12,000, Grants Pass. Commercial fishing in the upper Rogue river this summer brought local fishermen a total of $10,770. This represents a catch of 76,985 pounds. About 15 boats start ed the drifts on May 25, but in July the number had dwindled to about six, due to the lowering of the river and the subsequent decrease in the num ber of salmon ascending the stream The prevailing price was 14 cents. Mount Angel. One of the biggest livestock deals ever consummated in this vicinity was made Friday when Klein Brothers sold their herd bull Manitor Segis Walker Gerbun, to the Carnation stock farm of Seattle, Wn for $5000. This event came upon the heels of the capturing of the first prize, championship, grand champion ship and sweepstakes at the Btate fair by C. J. Berning's Model Segis Frilly Gelsche. Astoria. The board of directors of the Lower Columbia Co-Operative Dairy association at Its meeting Satur day set the prices to be paid for but terfat delivered at Us local cream eries during the month of October at the following rates a pound. A grad 55 cents; No. 1, 52 cents; No. 2, 60 cents. These figures are approximate ly 2 cents a pound higher than the average prices paid at other creamer ies in the district. Bend. An apparently lnexhaustlbl supply of water has been located on the Crampton Brothers' ranch In the Fort Rock basin. After drilling down 100 feet, the ranchers discovered a flow of water which does not lower no matter how much Is pumped out. They are planning to install an engine and a centrifugal pump, and will irri gate a large area ot land In the Fort Rock valley, if the Bupply of water Is as great as it appears to be. V Mter X (Every Meal 1 Have a packet in your i I pocket for ever-ready ; : refreshment. 3 Aids digestion. 5 Allays thirst. Soothes the throat. : For Quality, Flavor am the Sealed Package, Superfluous, as it Were. "You can't Imar're, my dear," said me uiuid to anotutr, "uu number of young men who paid attention to me at the dance." "But that's quite use less, my dear," responded her friend, when you have already Imagined them yourself." Pronunciation Changes. Pronunciation ot common English words changes from time to time. In ueen Anne's reign "oil" was pro nounced "lie" by well-educated peo ple, and it was also the fashion to pro nounce "are" as though it were "air." Tragedy. The most tragic moment in the life ot the woman who married the wrong man la when, rummaging her old pos sessions, she comes across the powder ing leaves of a long-dried rose. Rich mond Times-Dispatch. ' Mrs. Fred Anderson Sparkling Eyes Follow good Health Salem, Oreg. "For several years I suffered with liver trouble and stomach disorder. I was constipated and had a gassy condition of the stomach. I doctored, but could not get rid of these conditions until 1 began taking Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and since I took these 'Pel lets' I have not had any more trouble with my liver or stomach. "I can highly recommend Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets to anyone suffering with stomach or liver ills." Mrs. Fred Anderson, 905 S. 21st Street. Constipation is at the root of many ailments. You can avoid many of the ills in life by obtaining Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets from your druggist. Send 10c for trial pktr. or write for free advice tr Dr. Pierce's In valids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y. ' Points to Consider. True happiness, we are told, con sists In getting out of one's self; but the point Is not only to get out, you must stay out; and to stay out, you must have some absorbing errand. Henry James. Quite So. A doctor has written an article de- tending cosmetics. We always thought their use Injurious, but this puts a new complexion on the matter. From the Boston Transcript. Mice as Human Food. Mice are eaten more in Africa than elsewhere; they are a favorite dish of the Mabarl, In Borotse valley. Liberia is a country where they are eaton fre quently. O. Henry. "If not In coin, you must pay In hu miliation ot spirit for every benefit received at the hands ot charity." Richmond Times-Dispatch. i A jjsf - I The ooze dredged from the ocean floor In the tropics Is so cold that It cannot be handled wlhout discomfort. KM. used for baby's clothes, will keep them sweet snd snowy-whits until worn out. Try It and sea for yourself. Aigrvcm Are You Satisfied? BFHNICE-WALKER BUSINESS COIXECt Is the blgsrest, moat perfectly equipped Business Training rJchool In the North west. Fit yourself for a hlg-her position with more money. Permanent pus. lions assured our (irndtiatea. Write for catalog our u anu lun.i, Portland, P. N. U. No. 41, 1923