MAUPIN TIMES Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. IX. MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1923 NO. 52 Tygh News James Kistner has been con fined to his bed for the past week threatened with typhoid pneumonia, but is much improv ed at the present writing. Zene Watkins has leased the George Burlinpame ranch and will move his family onto it in a few days. Mr. Burlingame hav ing moved to the coast The Moad , place on White river has been re leased to Harry Brown of Shaniko. Of all the old, dry, shelf wornion their ears today- WV, oaton in!,O0. ft.. Mn,l, i Joilll Cel Vllie wIlO got brought with him in the ark, i and were worn out when our great grandfather was born, were dished out to the public here Saturday evening at the hall under the heading of Vaude ville. Barnum was right, all i right. J. E. Morrow and son Quenton are visiting the latters family at Boise Idaho leaving here on Thursday jland. Statisticans make the claim I that the voung women of today ! are much healthier and a great ! deal strongerthan their m other's were, and the writer would add that they certainly would have to be in srder to pack ; round some of the ornaments they hang NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERST You can hang your stock ings on your own mantle this Christmas if you start Now Altho Christmas is only 90 days away there is still chance for you to enjoy it in a home of you own. Probably none of our holidays is more of a home day than Christmas and sure it is that a home of your own adds to the pleasure of the day. Let the Tum-A-Lum plan your Christmas home. Come and see us and we will tell you all about our Free Plan and Service offer. Tum-A-Lum umber Company Portland Painless NTIST Fine residence property for making the trip over sale. Easy plan. H. L. Morns. Sheriff Chrisman made atrip here and to Tygh Tuesday even ing. Following residents of this part of the county won prizes athe recent state fair: J. Ship din, blue six-row barley, second; G. L. Webb, winter rye, first, best half bushel in sweepstakes, first; C. A. Harth, spring rye, first; H. L. Morris, dent corn, second; P. S. Kirsch, potatoes, second. The award of contract for the highway into and out of Maupin is baing withheld formal delivery pending the approval the secre tary of agriculture, because this section will receive federal aid. The approval is expected soon. Low st bidder was Bowers & Bowers, $100,519. -Chronicle, kicked bv a horse, about two months ago, which neccesitatcd an oper ation, was released from the j hospital and went to his home on Smock last Friday. (to last page) Lost Small silver watch with flower design on back with 131 in center with H. L. J. engraved in square. Lost between Tygh Tygh Valley flour mill and fair grounds. Mrs. D. T- Spurgeon Tyuh Valley, Oregon- J. II. Woodcock 'and famil made a trip to Portland Friday, returning Manday after stop png at Hood Kiver. Mrs. G. L. Harpham is visit ing here this week. VVapinitia Harry Lewis traded his Ford to John Lewis last week for his truck. Calvin McCorkle expects to join his family soon in The Dal les. John Ward has returned from Dufur where he visited his sister Mrs. J. M. O'Brien returned The roof of the high school fT C,'Va",is TllUr8,day buildiii:,' was days ago. "tarred" a" few Two bands of sheep were brought out of the mountains Frirlav. On p. hplnnirprl in Mavs Tracy Wilkinson and wife, nee., 0 nlh or ,n J. I Parker and son Claire went to Johnson 's Monday for fruit. They also visited in Maupin. Laverna Russel, Frank Lyster and son Marion returned to Gari- baldi Tuesday, accompanied by Arthur Phil nlee. Born last Thursday at the Plilmlee home, a little daughter. t Hatchery Manager E. C. Spen cer announces the close of the season and that 'he has been or ordered to turn the young fish into the river. Blue Stone, Form Copper Carbonate Maupin Drug Store. The exterior of the Maupin State Bank has been completed this week by pebble dashing. A. C. Martins and H. L. Youngs returned Sunday from erip to the coast and the Btate fair. - hyde and r sale al The lath are all on at the high school and the plasters are ex pected any day. Old Indian Spencer is quite sick. A number of his friend? from Wap. called on him Sunday N. G. Hedin is in Portland. Mr. Keen who has been in Portland the past week is expect ed home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. David Sharpe visited Mrs. Sharpe's sister, Mrs Chester Brittain Sunday at Wami Anna West spent Sunday with Jeannotte Burnside. Mrs. George Burnside and baby Dorcas returned Monday Mrs. R. E. Wilson and Jean ' from Dufur. attended the state fair, the lat- ' Walter Sharpe expects to move Criterion Rev. Sprouse and family were out and held services at Lake view Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Appling return ed from The Dalles Friday. Thos. Moss and wife made a trip to The Dalles Monday. Timothy Kirsch is visiting his brother Pete here this week. Coleman Gas lights, Maupin Drug Store. $7.50, 305 Second St. The Dalles, Ore. Over Linquist' Jewelry W. T. SLATTEN, D.D.S. Proprietor ter having earned her way by excellent club work and Mrs. Wilson was appointed chaperone from this county. Aluminum Vacuum bottles, 1 1.50. Maupin Drug Store. O. T. agent E. W. Griffin re ports the shipment Saturday night of three cars of hogs by Marion Farlow, H- E. Driver and J. E. Kennedy from here and two cars of cattle from Sher ar shipped by A. A. Bonney and Geo. Magill- Five cars of sheep are to go from the Abbott ranch and a car of hogs from Ben Gabel's Friday night. "Uncle Hank" improved the ' appearance of the Harpham ha tel this week with some appro priate decoration. Dr. and Mrs. Stovall were vis itors last week in Corvallis and Philomath. Portland Painless Densist, 30o Second St., The Dalles, Oregon, over Linquist Jewelry Store. Rooms L 2, 3. In the Oregonian Vancouver marriage license column of Sept 28 appeared the names of Eva C McA tee and Thomas N. Lceath iean, Hood River. BUTLER'S Everything for the Table Big vSale at the C.J. McCorkle place vSaturday, October 6 Z'J0 vntfitfh RED BAND V made by I is family to The Dalles soon. Mrs. Ellen wood and Bobby made a trip to Maupin Saturday to meet R. E. who was returning from The Dalles. Harry Lewis moved his family into the Matt BuBic house last Sunday. They will remain in Wapinitia during the school year Nathan Hill and W. A. Dane were over from Simnashu Satur day. They are working at the Agency this week. Grandma Hartman was able to attend church service last Sun day morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Richmond were up from Maupin Tuesday R. W. made a business trip to Linn's mill and his wife visited at the Parsonage. Mrs. J. M. Powell was in Man pin Tuesday visiting her daugh ter Mrs. Everett Richmond. Mrs. Jacob Teschner spent Monday with Mrs. Roy Batty. L. M. Woodside was up to th( Heitz mill Saturday for lumbei . and sawdust- Earl Bronncr is staying with his sister, Mrs. John Charles and attending high school here. R. W. McCorkle was ii Mau- , pin Sunday and moved Mrs. Mc Corkle and son Clifford to Shani ko where the latter will attend School. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Woodside were Sunday guests of their son Louie Woodside. Ma up Theatre Sunday, Oct. 7 Hoot Gibson in Single Handed He bows an awful fiddle. He escapes from the sheriff. He is wrecked in an auto smash. He pounde stakes in a circus. He substitutes for the bear-tamer. He sideshows as the armless-legless wonder. He daredevil's as "Milo" on the slide of death. He finds a buried treasure. He is caught in a cyclone. Tygh Valley Saturday, Oct. 6 Admission lu and 40 Dance after Show at Tygh Harpham Confectionery ( hir ( 'undies arc as fresh as new mown hay A good assortment of Nut, Chocolate, Caromel, Nougat and Fudge Bart Licorice, Suckers and other penny goods Jus! in some Fresh CHOCOLATES r For Sale Fifty fine bronze turkey toms and pullets. Mrs. J. E. Sinclair, Box 40, Wapinitia. Business Headquarters Come to us with your financial problems. We will be glad to help as far as consistent with sound banking principles, If you arc interested in the dairy business we hava a booklet, "The Cow the Mother of Prosperity," that you will be interested in. Ask for your copy. Maupin State Bank We Strive to Meril Approval L-