The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 16, 1923, Image 1

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    AUm fci ii Mill auu
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
NO. 45
1 ftU &L.
W. E. Wilson Dead
Shortly after their arrival
home from Portland last Friday
evening after a few day's visit
with their parents and on busi
ness, K. E. Wilson received a
telephone message announcing
the death of his father. W. E.
Wilson. Mr. Wilson had suffer
ed a paralytic stroke about a
year ago, from w hich he had riot,
entirely recovered, but was in
ordinarily good health. He has
several lime been a Maupin vis
itor, and seldom arc father and
son more devoted to each other
than were W. E. and 11. E. Wil
son. 0. F. Renick drove Ihe
car for Mr. Wilson Saturday
morning on their return to Fort-land.
This work every home can afford
and should have.
It is a popular treatise on the cause
and prevention of disease. The vol
ume is not intended lo take the place
of the family physician, but to enable '
the reader to cooperate with him in
an intelligent way. Little has been
said about medicine in the cure of
disease.. This is in harmony with the
latest findings of medical men w ho
are turning from drugs to Nature's
methods. The score and more of
contributors to this book, each a
specialist in the subject upon which
he writes, who have studied the
home and know its needs, makes this
the most practical and up-to date
medical book published. Illustrated
with 16 plates in color and more than
220 other clrawnings and photographs
872 pages.
Newton Evans, I. S., M. li
Percy T. Magan, Ph. B., M. 1).
Geo. T. Thoaiaaou, M. D., L.R.C.S., L. R. CP., F.A.C.S.
Fo,r further information write
Maupin Times Maupin, Oregon
Shamko Public Schools
Open Monday, September 3rd
Schultia L. Slay tor, IntennediatejThelma E. Bouncy, Primary
Standard High School
Clyde T. Ronney, Principal
Commercial Subjects
given in addition to the regular high school work
High School Orchestra and Glee Club
Athletics will be encouraged, the leading games will be
taught and if the attendance is sufficient, football, baseball
and track teams will ba organized. Application has been
made for membership in the Sherman-Gilliam county
athletic league.
Student Body Organization and Other Regular
High School Activities
Every effort will be made to assist worthy pupils desiring
to secure high school training. Fur further particulars
write the principal at Tygh Valley.
G. II. REEDER, Clerk
J. C. ADAMS, Chairman
Saturday morning when hur make a start to the
Irvin Morris fire, two accidents
occurred at Job Crabtrce's that
very painful as well discontinu
ing combine operationsjthis week
A horse kicked" Andy Brown,
who was unhitching them, and
Jesse Crabtee, trying to hold the
lines was thrown about twenty
feet, bruising an elbow badly.
Get Rid of the Flies. Dlack
Flag, Fly Tox or Buhach for flies
and mosquitoes for sale at
Maupin Drug Store.
A haystack at the Irvin Morris
place burned about 9 o'clock
! Saturday morning. Nearly all
! !he men in Maupin answered the
call to help keep the (ire out of
oilier grain.
P ithing Caps, 25, 35 and 50
cenis -Maupin Drug Store.
l!.;i"S Shattuck and F. C. But
ler n'ured to Clear Lake, tak
ing Mi .;. Butler and Mrs. Shat-
tuck aii J the latter a- parents
who are enjoying the cool moun
tain atmosphere.
Power concrete mixer for Rent
Saves the wages of 4 tnen
Shattuck Pi- s.
Cyril Frah'y suffered a dislo
cated wrist Sunday morning
when crankie'g a Ford.
W.I). Robe: is and family of
Freeda moved Saturday into the
little cottage on ihifur avenue.
Portland Painles., Densist, 305
Second St., The Dalle?, Oregon,
over Linqiust Jewc.rv Store.
Rooms 1, 2, 3.
Mrs. A. Locke and children
returned from their homestead
last night.
Good fall and winter pasture
ai reasonaoie rates ior a nencii
of cattle or horses. This hv. a
along the river A. F. Marlji
Friday and Saturday of las!
week marked the commencement
of real August weather. Hither
to this month had been more
like October. Temperature vet,
terday and today reached 10G.
Cash buyers waiting. If you
want to sell let me hear your
proposition II. L. Morris
Leave Watch Repairing at.
Maupin Drug Store. Reasonable
Roy 0. Church, a pre-medical
student of Walla Walla College
is in this vicinity for a few days
his vacation Ind occupying his
time taking orders for a good
class of books.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staats
returned home today.
Quite a number were up from
Portland Saturday and Sunday,
making some handsome catches
of fish.
Shattuck Bros, have given
their gasoline pump a bright;
new coat of paint.
Miss Bostract from Albany
who is to have charge of the
primary room of Lhe local school
was here Tuesday.
S- N. Hill is making two trips
to Maupin daily with a truck
of lumber. This is being ship
ped over the 0. W. R. It. to out
side lumber merchants.
Dam Under Construction
nasho mail TucSday.
Mr. Height, a goveri ment
trapper, brought a fine cub bear
over from Simnasho Tuuday,
taking it to Maupin from where
ho shipped it to a zoo in Wash
ington D. C.
Isham West and the Walters
The dam across the spring;
branch a few yards below theS
present W. II. Staats summer! bop were fishing in the moun
cottage has the past week made' lains Sunday.
a very visible start on construc
tion. Woodcock Bros, have been
hauling lumber and cement, also
several tons of steel beams and
most of this is up in the "shape
of framework for the dam which
will be about 20 feet high, more
than ten feet thick at the most
narrow point, the top.
The skeleton of I beam steel
is each piece imbedded in a base
of. concrete reachinc six
beneath the base of the dam,
aaranged one of these every
ight feet and braced with
angles of like steel also anchor
ed in this way. On this will be
constructed a doubl wall of two
inch plank treated with asphalt
and the space between the walls
filled with concrete.
This seemingly formidable
structure will then be reinforced
with a stone fill 30 feet wide at
the base and ten feet at the top.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sharpe
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Brittain of Warnic.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart and
daughter of Maupin were up
this way Sunday.
Henry Gardner who has spent
some months here with his
brother-in-law, Geo. Claymier,
loft Monday for North Dakota,
expecting to go on to Indiana in
the fall.
Rev. Parker and family were
in Maupin on business Monday
and visited at the Richmond
home wile there.
Jim Mace is here
land this week.
from Port-
Everything for the Table
I We are. receiving - fresh peaches daily from the Do
tij Camp-Greene and Richtrd Johnson orchards. We
have contracted the acrs en both orchards. Will be
prepared to (ill your orders with nice fresh stuff at the
right price. We will be pleased to receive your orders
now and till them as the peaches ripen.
We have also contracted the L. I). Kelly tomato crop.
The crop will not be as large as last year, and will be
several days before they are ripe.
I Tonialocs willbe very scarce due to the lilite which
1 is billing the crops in all thn stains A t.tttt.t?
crops in all the states. A T.ITTLF!
Ain k p;-buy your canned tomatoes NOW
next year.
Jbd o
"K- -' vrnrv ncer
Word reached here Tuesday
that Lott Parker had died Aug
ust 9th at Fresno, Cal. Mr.
Parker was well known in this
locality, having spent several
years here engaged in butcher
ing and delivering meat. He
was born in Indiana 63 years ago
Came to Oregon from Missouri
in 1882. For about 14 years he
made his home in Clackamas
county near Sandy. He lived
for a few years in Crook county
near Haystack, also at Madras
About ten years ago he went to
California and ' has made his
home at Sawyer where he has a
brother, D. V, Parker, formerly
of Wapiniiia. Four days pre
vioui to his death he was strick
en with paralyui '.
Below are two numbers of our grocery stock that we
pleased to recommend to. our customers. Dependable
Coffee and White King Washing Machine roa.
We have the Ball Mason and Be.ll Ideal-with the
glass top. No
made than Da!!,
your service
( 'oimnand
Mrs II. S: Won 1 and daught
ers of Koaeburg arrived Satur
day and and are Mating at the
home of the formei's mother,
Mrs. Johny Sinclair,
Art Fubeck who been
working fori). Woodside left
for Portland Monday in In.; car.
Dad Coale and Buck II arpiiari
of Maupin went through here
Sunday on a trip to the mountains.
Dr. Stovall and family of
Maupin passed through here a
few days ago on their, way to
the mountains for an outing.
Aaron Davis and family of
Maupin visited Sunday at the
Sam Apling home at Pine Grove.
The Indians of Simnasho ob
served their huckleberry feast
last week.
Mrs. N. G. Hedin entertained
her Sunday School clasu with a
party at her home in Pine Grove
last Tuesday. Nova assisted her
mother with the game and re
freshments. Mr. and Mrs. Perle Fvick re
turned . from their vavation at
Seaside Suesday.
A little daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Retherford
iast Wednesday-
J. M. O'Brien is threshing for
L. M. Woodside.
Herb Lcwi3 returned Tuesday
from Clear Lake where he had
bsen fiishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthews of
Simnasho were in Maupin Tues
day. J. I. Parker parried the Sim-
MPKCIAL, 25 liars Swift's White Laundry Soap $1
ce Cream - Soft Brio
Billiards and Pool
Our lee Cream Sodas are the best in town
A Bottle of Blitz just hits (the spot)
Harpliam Confectionery
Come to -us with yeur financial problems.
We will Le glad to help as far as consistent with
sound banking principles,
If you arc interested in the dairy business
we Iievj a booklet, "The Cow the Mother of
Prosperity," that you will be interested in. At,k
for your copy.
fanpin Stale Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval