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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1923)
The M Published Every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon, Jessilink E. Mukkison, fublisber Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Entered as second class mail post office at Maupin, Oregon, continued from page 1 Wamic News Mrs. Arby Magill were present. J. H. and H. F. Woodcock returned Saturday from the fair! atGresham.' John Shiveley went Vancouver Wn. last week for medical treat ment. Winston Lake went to Maupin Saturday for a load of freight. Jimmy Ward, Mrs. E. C. Pratt COMPLETE Stock of GROCERIES CANDIES and SOFT DRINKS A Full Line of Socks and Overalls Also Shirts and Shoes Harris Cash Store The Crandall Undertaking Co. The Dalies, Oregon Licensed Enbalmers Motor Equipment H. F. WOODCOCK, MAUPIN E. C. PRATT, WAMIC v'wi ' uuiings in HOTEL FLINN N. W. Flinn, Prop. The Dalles Rooms 50c to $S.OO Meals, family style SOMETHING NEW Harness, Saddle, Sho REPAIRING Work Guaranteed PRICES RIGHT F. B. Perry Old Bank Building Maupin, Oregon auDin limes Months 75cts, Three Months 50c matter September 2,' 1914, at the under the Act of March 3, 1879. . and little Loyal Pratt accompan' ied him. Housty Johnston has moved to the home of his father at the stage station. Grant Ledford, Ethel Ledford and Mrs. Mac. Mayfield were down from Smock Suuday. Lloyd Schram, of Beaver Creek and Mrs. Ruby Hanson and three children of Bellven Wn. visited at the Floyd Johnson home last week. They are Mrs. is the inspiring roar of Old Ocean and the charm of its many beaches where those glorious VACATION haunts ire. It will be a great urprie and delight to ee the vast improvement! that hare been made to insure the pleasure of visitors to North Beach Clatsop Beach Tillamook Beaches Newport or where every conceivable form of restful health-giving recreation may be enjoyed. Ask our agent far our mo racmc wonnwesi" and "Oregon Outdoors." They tell the whole story In word and picture. Then purchase i Round-Trip Summef Excursion Ticket via Union Pasific System which gives that wonderful trip through the Columbia River Gotf;e. Our agent will be glad to arrange your itinerary and make your reservation. R. B. BELL, Agent WM. McMURRAY Gantral Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon 40c This Store Will BE CLOSED Friday Afternoon IN RESPECT TO Warren G. Harding R.E. Wilson Co. Johnson's cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wing are here from Kelso Wn. They spent three months at Astoria with Mrs. Barbara, George and John End. Mr. and Mrs. Steph. Wing and Mrs. Marjorie Harper were up from Tygh Valley Sunday. Mrs. Harper was a guest of Mrs. Rachel Driver. Mrs. Emmett and Miss Claris Zumwalt and little Bill and Verda Wing went to the H. F. Bothwell home Saturday. . . A meeting of the Fair board was held Sunday at the fair grounds. Percy Driver and Jim Kennedy attended the meeting. Miss Ora Duncan was down from Smock Saturday. Grain has not yielded as well here as was expected. Clifford Palmateer, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Booth and family, and Bob New came up from Estacada Sunday. Bob New went to his home at Tygh Valley Clifford Palmateer and his mother, went to Friend Monday to the Phil Byrd home. Lewis Blackerby had his finger badly hurt in a jackscrew Sunday He was taken to Maupin where Dr. Elwood dressed the finder. Wapinitia Robert Magill came over from Wamic and is working for Albert Hammer. Mrs. L. M. Woodside spent Friday at the home of her son Walter Woodside. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Appling at Pine Grove. Herb Aammer and Dewey Bothwell made a business trip to Dufur Friday. Arthur Pechette and family were visitors Sunday at the home of his mother Mrs. Mary Pechette Dr. Griffith, of Dufur has been eie twite this week to see Mrs. Walter Woodside who is very ill. Last Saturday a number of acres of Jack Kelly's grain was destroyed by fire. Crystal Hartman is assisting Mrs. Sturgiss with the cooking during harvest. E- A. Hartman made a trip to Clackamas Lake with him and they spent the night in the hills returning Wednesday. Mrs. 0. P. Weberg of Maupin is spending this week at the ranch' cooking for harvest hands, Cal Burnside and George Heitz made a business trip to Maupin Friday night. Mrs. Chas. Cox and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Jessie Cox who has been ill. Edna Ward is staying with Mrs. Bruce Driver while Mr. Driver is away harvesting. John Boen has built a house on his homestead near Hacklers and will move his family there soon. Mrs. Sara Brown was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs. Katie Graham. Elsie Lewis and Reuben Walt ers visited with Anna and Ishom West on Sunday. Mrs. Roy Batty was sick on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. George Burnside were down from Pine Grove Sun day to consult with Dr. Griffith about their baby's health. Leslie Flinn of The Dalles is visiting in Wamic with his sister Mrs. Chester Brittain. One of Ben Format! 's best horses died thi3 week. For Sale 12 ft. McCormick header and 6 ft. Deering Binder, both in running order. A. L. Gutzler. A special train carrying Phill ips and Avers moving Picture Company passed through Maupin on the 0. T. line this afternoon. Family washing done, 45 ar,d 75 cents dozen. Mens washing also done cheap Mrs. L. E. Sockton, Cook Apartment, Notice A representative and student of the Chicago Engineer ing Works school of electricity is in Maupin. Any man wishing to get better pay from $10 to $30 per day should correspond with him. It costs nothing to investi gate. Address Box 85, Maupin. Dr. T. DeLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusively Optical Rooms 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer Crosby's Drug sstore, The Dalles, Ore Phone Black 1111 In Stock at Times Office: Carbon Paper, 25x39 inch pieces Thin paper for tracing patterns Butter paper and cartons Typewriter paper and ribbons Envelopes, commercial and 10 inch lengths Cardboards, heavy to 24x46 inch sizes Business and calling cards Ruled letter paper part of this is ruled on both sides ideal farm stationery. Low prices in lots of 100 or more. In tablet form if desired Call or Phone Main 231 The Mauoin Times , Get Ready for the Southern Wasco County Fair James Chalmers Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing Plow Share Grinding Maupin, Ore. MAKE O. A. C. Your Next Goal You have finished high school and like all wide-awake gradu ates, are looking to college, The State of Oregon offers you the best of training- and a collegiate degree in the leading pursuits and professions, as fol lows: Engineering, culture, Commerce, Forestry. Home Economics, Military Science and Tactictics, Mining.Phar macy, Vocational Education and Music Student life at the College is rich in opportunities for leader ship and personal culture. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 28, 1923 For information write to, THE REGISTRAR Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis NOTICE IOK I'lnUCATION Department of tin1 Interior U. S. Land Ollii'i! Hi '1 lie Willi's, Ore- gon, June 2Hth, ) 1)211. JNOUce IS nereny vwun uiui J'hvllm Fischer of Maupin, Oregon, who on April 2!", 11)11), Hindu llomi'Htimu I'.ntry wo. ikoiwu and on June li, V.Vl, made Additional Homestead entry No. 020021, for Lots 2, 3, 4, section 11), Lots 1, 2. .'), SEl-4nw1-4, section 30, T. B s, R 14 fs, sul-4he1-4, sec. Ill, E1-2NKI-4, wl-2sr,l-4, sec 24, NKl-4, Bee. 25, Township 6 south Kanite 13 east, willumelta Murwian, has tiled notice of intention to maku three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before K. 1). Stuart United Htates Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the Hth day of August, 11)23. Claimant names as witnesses: u. u Allen, John Foley, A. E. Troutmun, P. A. Coale, all of Maupin, Orepon. J. W. Donnelly, Kegister. jt'Tlr I.O. O.F. UK3 WAPINITIA Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting mem. bers always welcome. F. D. Stuart, Secretary B. D. Fraley, N. G. UNIVERSITYofOREGON The UNIVERSITY of OREGON contains: The College of Literature, Science and the Arts with 11 departments. The professional sclioolo of Archi; lecture and Allied Arts Business Administration Education Grad uate Study Journalism Law Medicine Music Physical Edu cation Sociology Extension. For a catahjue or any information Write The RvSirtrar, UnWeriitr) of Oregon, t'ugenc, Oregon. The 48th Year Opens Seplf mbe r 25, 1923 Send Us Your Mn11 and address on a Mufilv post card or in a let ter and we will mail free and postpaid, a sampU ;opy of Popular Mechanics MAGAZINE fhe most wonderful magazine pub lished 160 pages and 400 picture! every month, that will entertain every member of the family. It contains interesting and instructive arti cle on the Home, Farm, Shop and Office the newest developments in Radio, Avia tion, Automobile and Garage. Each issue contains something to interest everybody. We do not employ subscription solicitors so you will not be urged to subscribe and you re not obligating yourself in the least in asking for a free sample copy. We gladly lend it to prospective readers. If. you like It you can buy a copy every month from any newsdealer or send us your subscription-3.00 for one year. Popular Mechanics Company SOfl-ai B. Ontario Straat, CHICAOO, ILL. Fvmttor M HlwMes building U denotti exciwwuj to um prouuciion oj tnit II