The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, August 09, 1923, Image 1

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fa Era fid
fell t&A
Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
NO. 44
Smock News
Cool weather for August.
Harvesting is on with help
very scarce.
Miss Vina Ayres spent the
week end with her friend Mrs.
Ida Fargher.
Edward Disbrow went up in
the mountains on Friday employ
ed by Forest Service making
Mrs. Guy Brittain and son
Jack of Tygh spent last week
with her mother Mrs. Ethel
Mrs. Josie Mayfield and Veva
returned from her visit to Yaki
ma. S. G. Ledford is helping J. C.
Bradway put up hay.
Alfalfa is a heavy crop this
Miss Iona Feltch who went to
Denver Colo, some weeks ago
writes that the days are hot
Mac Mayfield is harvesting on
Criterion News
D. D. Wilson started his
harvesting Monday.
Joe Kramer moved his family
to the Dunning homestead this
week to harvest.
Ben and Ed Herrling are
working on Dave1 Wilson's head
ing crew.
Thos. Moss delivered beef Mon
day to Maupin.
Earnest Patrick was a Criter
ion visitor Sunday'
D, L. Rutherford is working
on the hay bailer this week.
Ted Moss went to work on
Otto Herrlings hay bailer Tues
day morning.
Chas. Skogsberg and Ira Kid
der are Portland visitors this
the Flat.
F. T. Feltch made a business
trip to Maupin on Friday.
Albert Hill was a week end
visitor in The Dalles.
Tygh Valley
aturday, August
arry iarey
who is an escaped prisoner and discovers the
dope traffic in the prison carried on by the cruel
warden and doctor.
Dance After Show
Last Show and Dance till after Harvest
Admission "ZU and 40
No Show at Maupin Sunday
Shaniko Public Schools
Open Monday, September 3rd
Schultis L. Slayter, Intermediate:Thelma E, Bonney, Primary
Standard High School
Clyde T. Bonney, Principal
Commercial Subjects
given in addition to the regular high school work
High School Orchestra and Glee Club
Athletics will be encouraged, the leading games will be
taught and if the attendance is sufficient, football, baseball
and track teams will be organized. Application has been
made for membership in the Sherman-Gilliam county
athletic league.
Student Body Organization arid Other Regular
High School Activities
Every effort will be made to assist worthy pupils desiring
to secure high school training. For further particulars
write the principal at Tygh Valley.
G. H. REEDER, Clerk
J. C. ADAMS, Chairman
The passenger train on the 0.
W. became derailed about three
miles up the river from Maupin
last Thursday afternoon, no one
was hurt however. The passen
gers came back to the depot and
were taken through to Bend by
a special train on the 0. T.
Little Jean Renick entertained
several of her young friends
yesterday afternoon. This little
party was arranged all prior to
Mrs. Renick's knowledge, she
having written for the children
what they requested a "play
show bill'' and which was used
by them as an invitatirn to the
affair. Due to Mr. Renick's dis
covery that the children had run
away and were up town, a few
were passed uninvited by the
young hosts, but those who were
so fortunate in being apprised of
of the party, declare it was a
great success, and the hurridly
prepared refreshments were fine
All are anxious to give one like it.
Get KM of the Flies. Black
Flag, Fly Tox or Buhach for flies
and mosquitoes for sale at
Maupin Drug Store.
Mrs. Eva Harpham returned
home this morning from Oregon
City where she was called a
week ago by the accident and
death of her father Mr. Graves.
Woodcock Bios, have a small
crew of men employed on their
Mr. and Mrs. Ctcl Mayfield
were Maupin visitors yesterday.
Through error the following
item was omitted last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ma: 1 who
were returning from a nip to
Crater Lake, stayed over Sunday
night at L. D. Kelly's. Jus.
Kelly and Doris accompanied
them to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Henneghan
Mrs. Alice Batty, and Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Van Laanen visited
at Dufur Sunday. Mrs. Alice
Batty remained to visit her
daughter Mrs. P. W. Knowles
R. E. Wilson is attending buy
ers week in Portland.
0. P. Weberg's have returned
from the ranch where they have
been harvesting.
Power concrete mixer for Rent
Saves the wages of 4 men
Shattuck Bros.
Miss Grace Muir has returned
to her duties as a deputy in the
sheriff's office after a two weeks
vacation Chronicle August 6th
Congressman N. J. Sinnott,
who returned to The Dalles the
last of the week, after making a
trip to Portland and beach resorts
stated that while away he visited
Judge A. S. Bennett at Seaside
and noticed a marked improve
ment in Judge Bennett's health
3ince leaving Chronicle Aug. 6.
Bathing Caps, 25, 35 and 50
cents-Maupin Drug Store.
George Moss and family return
ed Sunday from a month's vaca
tion in the Willamette Valley.
The modern bungalo being
erected by Carl Pratt on Staats
Avenue and Second street is
nearing completion.
The following teachers have
signed contracts for the coming
school year in Maupin: 0. R.
Dinwiddie, of Corvallis Principal
Miss Josephine Good, of Salem,
Assistant, Mrs. Zella Buzan,
Intermediate, and Miss Mamie
L, Bostrack of Albany, primary.
Mrs. Mina Bartlet and daugh
ter Nellie from Placerville Calif,
are visiting at Dr. Stovall's this
week. Mrs. ' Bartlet is Mrs.
Mrs. Zella Buzan returned
Tuesday from Monmouth where
she has been attending normal
Cash buyers waiting. If you
want to sell let me hear your
proposition H. L. Morris
The fishing season in the Des
chutes river is much longer than
in otherstreams lasting through
the summer and fall months, as
proven by Mr. and Mrs. Bates
Shattuck Sunday when they
caught 45 of the speckled beauties.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Stuart and
Crystal made a trip to Mosier
and back Sunday, taking Mrs.
Stuart's mother, sister and broth
er home.
Leave Watch Repairing at
Maupin Drug Store. Reasonable
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrow who
have been visiting here, from
Kalama Wn. left Sunday for
their home. Miss Gladys Mor
row accomqanied them and will
spend some time visiting.
Mrs. J. H. Eubanks and son
Vivian were Maupin visitors on
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cyr and
Mr. and Mrs. George Morris
spent Saturday night and Sun
day at Bear Springs and Clear
Good fall and winter pasture
at reasonable rates for a bunch
of cattle or horses. This lays
along the river A. F. Martin
Portland Painles3 Densist, 305
Second St., The Dalles, Oregon,
over Linguist Jewelry Store.
Rooms 1, 2, 3.
Claud Hall and Tom Moss
made a trip to Clackamas Lake
Sunday, bringing Dewey Moss
out to work in harvest.
Hugh Knight and Stewert Mc
Cleod were at Clackamas Lak3
and Verda Wing went to Smock
Floyd Johnson went to Tygh
Valley Sunday.
Mrs. Willie Norval gave a
birthday dinner for Mr. Norval
Sunday. Willis and Vard Norval
and their families and Mr. and
(to last page)
T:A,':'j.m I's ' I r'rT?.T2fflrag.-.MjMMMca
Every thing for the Table
Peaches Arriving Fresh every day. Yellow and
Hale's Early. Quality very nice.
Selling at 8Qc. Let us send you a box by mail.
Route A, postage 15c. '.,..
We have the Ball Mason and Ball Ideal with the
glass top. jno better jars
made than Balls.
We are at
your service.
I VJL) wlitiE RED BAND made .by I
Wamic News
Mrs. Lena and Carmel Wood
cock, accompanied Lenore Wood
cock to Smock Tuesday remain
ing until Saturday. Mrs. Jessie
wooqcock ana children came
back with them and were guests
at the Frank Driver home.
Paul Muller, Hilda Norval and
Dewey Lofton visited Fay New
Monday at the Percy Driver
home where she is employed.
Litue maine wing has an
attack of the measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy
and Miss Lucile went to The
Dalles Wednesday, returning
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Farlow
and Ladelphia went to The Dal
les Tuesday. A. E. Lake accom
panied them to town.
Mrs. Martha Dean spent last
week with Mrs. Lois McCown
and children while Mr. McCown
was with w. li. Hunt s sheep in
the mountains.
Mr8. Cora Foster, Elwood and
Elnora and George Bargenholt
were Tygh Valley visitors Friday
Verl Bonney, Claris Zumwalt
1 (fei
t(T 1 f Attest
Once vlery J twenty minutcf
MOO aaaaia mite of ma-nk, beauty
nd oolor MtUat Uk it m orth
IubIh mmn, rowUnBrottor boiHn
OMildraoa, Mturv Boat faataatta lonn
ationa, in tha Bidat of wraeb aro mag
BitiwDt hotel. etaiiiuoott&friIlfcfNL
900 nulea of qiabfcleaa bouWvudt ul
all tlx comfort of horn.
Sand for our booklet. It tola th thrll
lini itorjr of aatun'anoadarlaad. Our
0 port tod DAILY durmi tao Mien
Union Pacific System
Let our rvprttetitatiTi plln tha
VBriot tmn which amble visitor to
w the YeJlawatont t minimum eovtf
alto quota foraa, prepare yur itinerary
and malt your rmarvatiooB. Call on
R. B. BELL. Agent
Maupin. Ore,
Ice Cream Soft Drinks
Billiards and Pool
Our Ice Cream Sodas are the best in town
A Bottle of Blitz just hits (the spot)
Harpham Confectionery
Start That Account
and when you think of a Bank, think of
Bank then come in and pet acquainted.
The man with five dollars is treated with as
much courtesy as the mail with thousands.
We Need You
As business friends we are both made stronger
Maupin State Bank
We Strive to Merit Approval