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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1923)
PORTLAND HlPPDUROPlE Northwestern School of Commerce The Progressive Business College of the West PORTLAND, OREGON Hot and Cold Water and 1'hone in Every Room. European Plan HOTEL MR. AND MRS. H. M, BRANSON, Proprietors. Tenth and Stark Portland. Oreeon Phone Rroadway 1270. HOTEL ALDER Cor. 4th and Alder, Portland, Ore. BAB'S RESTAURANT I SALESNAN WANTED ,i,?tr0USJnm'led ?.?vnS ,wltl vigor and genuine desire to work, can make big wuges selling stock in a real gold mine with an excellent record at pioi uction and backed l.y some of the leading men of the Northwest. No triilers i need apply but this is a real opportunity for serious, trustworthy nw'I'T.n , WA , .be B',v:t'niey,!;ry llel" " closing deals that will win you liberal wages Address First Thought Gold Mines, Limited, 606-607 Porter Building, Portland, Oregon. A Good Job With Steady Work Paper making offers a good opportunity to strong, intelligent, sober men between the ages of 21 and 50 sure pay and steady work. Meals 33c each. Plenty to cat and excellent cooking. Company hotel. Supply beds 25c, 30c and 40c. Free hot and cold baths tubs and showers. Worthy, faithful employees have good chance for advancement. Positions given free on application you pay no fee for your job. Employment Office at Camas, Washington and 209 Commonwealth Bldg., Port land, Oregon. Crown Willamette Paper Co. rlain black wheels, bored for hub and . hub bolts, Mail orders filled the same day as received. AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT CO. Successors to A. J, Winters Co., Inc. ff)-R7 Sixth street Phone Broadway 0391. Cascara Bark We are one of the lareest buyers ot Cascara Bark in the world. Portland Hide & Wool Co. 106 UNION AVENUE NORTH, PORTLAND, OREOON. Branch at I'ocatello. Idaho Write for Prices and Shipping Tugs. GLASSES Will Save Your Eyes! Expert fitting at lowest prices. Glasses in all stvles. Lenses duplicated from broken pieces. Mail In your broken glasses. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Dr. A K. iturwitz, 223 First St., Portland. PATENT ATTORNEY mechaTngW Protect that Idea with a United States Patent. Others have made fortunes out of Patents. Why not you ( Thomas Bilyeu, 202 Stevens Bldg., Portland, Ore. MY FREE illmrrated book explains my guaranteed non-aurgical method of per manently curing rues, ami polnta out the dangers of neg lect and use of "quack" reme dies. Send for It today. DRrCHAS. J. DEAN 2ND AND MORRISON PORTUND.ORECON ME NT ION"' THIS PA PEP "'" w " 1 1 " " Hol'and's Odd House. Rotterdam has the highest house in the country. It Is known as the Amer ican skyscraper, and is actually seven stories high. It is built of. porcelain tiles and stands upon piles. Arnster dam has the queen's palace, the foun dation of which is 13,600 piles, and there are so many other buildings there supported that way that the town really roosts on tree trunks. Youthful Mrs. Malaprop. ' She was a nice little thing, but somewhat of a Malaprop turn of F,peech. "You know," she said, "I think we shall be going this year to a) dear little place in the Austrian Tyrol. It's very hilly, but they've got L lovely vernacular railway." Lon don Tit-Bits. 1 i . Praise of the Beautiful. jThe useful encourages itself; for the multitude produce it, and no one cjin dispense with it; the beautiful must be encouraged; for few can sy it forth, and many need it. Ctjcthe. Damp, We Should Imagine. Ad in Exchange "For rent, house on Maple avenue, 5 rooms nicely papered with town water." Boston Evening Transcript. ' OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Orefrtn VAUDEVILLE PHOTOPLAYS Complete Change Saturday. Adults, Week day Matinee, 2Uc; Evenings, 39c Continu ous 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents all times. Has a Good Position for You I,s FREE bMJf, "vine Future For- Write Today. No Obligation Comfortable Accommodation at Moderate Prices MORRIS Free Garage REOPENED AND NEWLY FURNISHED Fairness, Courtesy, Good Service. European Plan Exclusively. Rates $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Most Central Hotel in Portland. FRED SMITH, Slgr. A good place to Eat and Live Well. ewarkuble 4uc luncheon at noon Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m., 3G4 Yamhill Throw away your old SQUEAKY WHEELS Treat your old faithful Ford right. New First Quality Hardwood 30x3 or 30x3i clincher $3.65 each Portland, Oregon INFORMATION DEPARTMENT PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seam, hem and machine QK rpnta pleat skirts ready for band. 00 tcuwJ Hemstitching, pieotinj? and tnckinir. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO. 854 Fifth St. Portland, Ore. ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix you up, we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your combings. Join our School of Beauty Culture. 400 to 411 Dekum Bldg., Phone Broadway 6902, Portland,. Oregon. BRAZING, WELDING & CUTTING Northwest Welding ti Supply Co., 88 1st St. CUT FLOWERS & FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros.. Florists, 287 Morrison St. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th and Madison, FOOT CORRECTIONIST Featherweight Arch Supports made to order. J. E. Tryzelaar, 618 Ptttock Block, Portland, Ore. PERSONAL Marry if Lonely; most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential; reli able; years experience; descriptions free, "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, California. Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces Lubliner Florists, 348 Morrison St. MONUMENTS 33. 3d and Pine Sts. Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works TIMBER One-half section Grant County, Oregon, cruised, yellow pine, $20 per acre, cash, for immediate sale. Must have the money. Worth $25 on the market today. Address, Bex C4fi, Hillsboro, Oregon. Aberdeen. Aberdeen building per mits for the year 1923 indicate that more than $1,000,000 worth 'of build ing construction ia under way or has been completed during the 6 2-3 months of the year. The building permits issued so far total $975,000, the latest being one for $300,000 for a theater and store building at the corner of I and Wishkah streets. This was issued Thursday. This will make July the banner month of the year, it Is prediced. June will be next, with a total of over $280,000. A wife need not be a good cook, ac cording to the decision of a "learned" Detroit judge. Just the same we still maintain that it is a handy accom plishment to have tucked in your apron pocket. Reported by Miss N. School Dentist "Now, children, you must take care of your teeth. I can't do It all for you. Remember your mouths are In your own hands." Bos ton Evening Transcript. The Sea. The view ot It Inspires a delight and ecstacy which Is not only hard to describe, but which has something secret in It that a man should not ut ter loudly. Thackeray. Uncommon Sense LEARN TO AIM BEFORE ' the soldier Is permitted to shoot his rifle he Is taught t aln It. Over and over again he must practice holding his weapon, aai sighting It. It Is discouraging work. With the target before him the recruit natural ly wants to try to hit it. But to permit htm to fire too soon would be fatal to his efficiency. He will never shoot well unless he first learns to shoot correctly. And the long drill In holding the rifle properly, and aiming It properly Is never wasted. These rules are as necessary In life as they are on the rifle range. It Is easy enough to aim high, but It Is not easy to reach your target. -Before you actually sot out to ac complish your ambition you must learn how to accomplish It. This means long and often uninteresting toil, but without It all your aiming at the target will be useless. There can be no success without training, severe and continuous. You can no more become a bank president without learning how to be Something to Think About By F. A. WALKER MENTAL EXrLOSIOSS IF BY any chance you should fall into the lamentable habit of becoming truculent, peevish, ill-humored and sharp-tongued in moments of trial, take a new tack and bend straight for the delectable port of good-will. Nothing is more detrimental to the individual happiness and success than mental hysterics, whether they be of a mild or severe form. Often, in spite of himself, the victim of passionate out bursts is plunged into a sea of trouble from which he cannot extricate him self without loss of friends and self respect. Men and women have fallen from high estates by allowing a burst of anger to sweep them off their mental balance and been taught a very tren chant principle for future judgment and action, In most cases, however, too late to he of any nse to them. If you will look about you, you will see them among the sad-faced and forlorn, eking out a bnre existence In a lowly station from which they are unable to rise because of their ungov ernable spirit. When an automobile has been wrecked by a careless driver It serves as a warning to others, but it fails to restore the car. Just so do foolish persons who have ruined their life prospects through Impetuous Impulse serve as warnings to the observing and thoughtful. And yet the world goes on, a large part of It unmindful of what Is taking place under Its very eyes. The true conclusion is obvious: If you will npply the experience- of others to yourself, profit by their fol lies and hold your spirit In check when It Is about to burst forth Into a violent quake, you will have nothing to fear. mothers Cook Boot i"' "jiiiiuii Every task wrought out In patience BrlnerB a blessing to the doer; Joy comes to the waiting worker, But eludes the swift pursuer. GOOD THINGS FOR OCCASIONS THE olive is such an appetizer and adds so much zest and flavor to many dishes that It should always be found on the shelf. For garnishing dishes one may cut Into a queen olive with a sharp knife and keeping close to the stone, pare In a splra'. fashion. This will leave the olive still shapely without the stone. JOHN BLAKE a bank president than you can go to Chicago without knowing how to get there. Emerson's advice to hitch your wagon to a star Is excellent advice, brct it would have been of more prac tical value if he had added a few de tails as to how It Is to be accom plished. Do not begrudge the months or the weeks or the years that you spend In learning how to aim. You'll get far more hits If you put In hard work at training than you will If you fire be fore you have learned to hold your rifle. Genius can sometimes fire at sight, but even genius often misses unless it learns how to fire. And genius suc ceeds more often than does ordi nary ability because it Is great enough to recognize the value of hnrd work. No one worked harder thnn did Mi chael Angclo or Keats or any of the geniuses whose names will endure forever. Aim as high as you can, always. But always learn how to aim before you fire. by John Blake.) To the man or woman who can con trol his or her action In the vital mo ment the world is willing to yield Its riches. The eyes' of employers ever watch ing mch men and women, taking note of their worthiness. Such persons do not have to beg for opportunity or advancement. In matters of art, Intellect and self restraint they are always at home, sure of themselves In evpry field of human endeavor, confident that they can "make good," even when opposing winds beat hardest against them In their darkest night. ($, 1928, by IdoClure Newspaper Syndicate.) inn For canapes oHveg are Indispens able. Cut eight rounds of bread and spread with softened butter. The rounds should be about two inches in diameter. Toast tlifm lightly before spreading with butter. Prepare a paste, using six shrimps chopped fine and then mashed with three table- spoonfuls of mayonnaise. Have rendy one-fourth of a cupful of stuffed olives, chopped with eight capers. Over the toasted rounds spread the shrimp paste, then the chopped olive mix ture. Garnish with a slice of stuffed olive and serve at once. Zwieback. Zwieback Is often not obtainable and a recipe for It will be cherished by many. Take a yeast cake softened in one half cupful of warm water, two table spoonfuls of sugnr, and mix well. Add flour to make a thin batter, about half a cupful. Set aside to rise In a warm place, covering well with a cloth. An hour later, when bubbles form on top, add two more tablespoonfuls of sugnr, two tablespoonfuls of melted lard, two well-beaten eggs, cinnamon and salt to taste and two cnpfuls of flour or a bit more. Beat well, cover and let rise again In a warm place. When light make Into two small loaves and hake In a hot oven fifteen minutes. Take from the oven, cool, cut In half Inch slices and bake until brown on both sides, In a hot oven. Keep air tight. Fine for babies and convales cents. Cheese Salad. Brenk a cake of cream cheese Into pieces and mash to a paste with two TI SCHOOL DAUS Ml I u II -J voJ coo w I sss l y stiX 6 I L ftM Wjt, BOTCH? ft I fty" f 1 XTL r mm m i urn ' . mjsa Copyright ' ,', , , , i- IT Misunderstanding By GRACE E. HALL YOU'BB far away tonight, my dearie, dearie, The sunshine has been mocking me sll rlnv: I've strained my eyes 'til they are weary, weary, Longing to see you passing by this way; Within my heart a pain is growing, growing, The truth Insists that I shall heed and know That further still you're ever going, going, And oh, I love you dearie, love yon sol The world Is very cold, my dearie, dearie, Outside the magic circle of your arms ; My heart is pleading to be cheery, cheerv. Safe locked against your breast from all alarms : The tears persist tonight In falling, fall ing, The breezes whimper of an unknown woe, And 'cross the silence I am calling, back to me, I love you, love you sol ( by Dodd, Head A Company.) Has Anyone Laughed At You Because ETHBL R. PEYSER You are fussy about the way folk handle books I "Don't be an old fuss!" This is what the unbookish and some times the bookish hurl at you. Never mind I You really love a book and you can't stand being a witness to its mutilations. Books menn something to you probably the laughers couldn't stand seeing you hurt their Held glasses, or their tennis. rackets, etc. A book is a marvelously contrlved thing, going through hundreds of processes between the brain of the writer and 3tore counter. You, owning It, appre ciate It, and appreciation Is jealous always of depreciation. Books are one of the greatest of man's possessions and as such deserve a little more than casual care, especially by book-lovers and collectors! SO Your get-away here le: At the worst you are over "fusey" over something worth being "fussy" about, ( by McCiure Nawspapor Syndicate.) tablespoonfuls of creum and one ol softened butter. Season well will) salt, cayenne, and ndd eight large olives, pitted and chopped, one pi mento rubbed to a smooth pnsto and one tablespoonful of parsley chopped, Add a pinch of thyme and mix all together. Press Into a wet mold and chill thoroughly. Serve unmolded on a bed of lettuce or sliced as an Indi vidual serving. (. 1B23, Western Newspaper Union.) 0 Canada's National Flag. The national flag of the Dominion of Canada, of Grout Britain and of the British empire, Is the Union Jack, In which are combined the crosses of St. George for England, St. Andrew for Scotland and St. Patrick for Ireland. The Union Jack Is the only flag that may properly be flown from Canadian flagpoles. It Is the only flag that regU' larly flies from fliigstaffs on the parlia ment buildings, Ottawa; the legislative buildings In provincial capitals; the custom houses and postofllceg of Can ada and all Canadian citadels, armories and public buildings. TT aun .TJ.I s. H '4 Every Meal! Have a packet in your pocket for ever-ready refreshment. Aids digestion. Allays thirst. Soothes the throat. For Quality, Flavor and the Sealed Package, got Explaining the Smell. Betty likes to doll herself up and she makes free with her mother's toilet articles whenever she gets a chance. One evening there were sev eral guests to dinnr, and conscious that there was a strong odor of per fume in the air, Betty remarked, "If you smell anything, that's me." Bos ton Evening Transcript. Home of the Patriarch Abraham. The Temple of the Moon, the home ot the patriarch Abraham, recently un covered in the Chaldees, may be be tween 6,000 and 7,000 years old. , It la probably the oldest known edifice, The British museum and the museum ot the University of Pennsylvania have charge of the research work In thl section. Bear a Swimmer, i Nansen claims for the polar bear a farthest north of 84 degrees, says Na ture Magazine. It seldom goes more than a day's journey inland, but It Is an expert swimmer, and will go 40 miles from shore la the ice-packed seas with ease. Noah Webster Wrote of Epidemiol. Noah Webster, the great lexicogra pher who wrote "Webster's Diction ary," also wrote the first general hla tory of epidemic diseases published In this country. Nothing New. An auto has been invented that runs on legs, but this is nothing new, as many a poor victim in the hospital can testify. Boston Evening Transcript. You Must Get Up. Yet a little sloep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands of sleep; so Eball thy poverty come as one that truveleth and thy want as an armed man. Solomon. Making Virtue of Stubborness. Stubbornness is a bad quality in a character, but If it can be changed to persistence it is turning a liability iulo an asset and is as good. O, B. Barnes. Miners to End Strike Sydney, N. S. Coal miners of Soulh Cape Breton decided at a mass meeting at Glace Bay Saturday night to return to work Tuesday. The North Cape Breton men are expected to follow suit. Their ac tion would end the strike ot miners of district No. 20, United Mine Work ers against the presenoe of troops in the district. Salem. The 1923 crop of pears in the Willamette valley will be the largest for several years, according to Earl Pearcy of the Oregon Growers Co-Operative association. Although no definite offers have yet been made growers anticipate that they will re ceive not less than $35 a ton for their products. Bend. A budget for the Bend school district of $223,271.39, ot which the district must raise by taxation only $70,059.61, will be submitted to the school board at a district meet ing to be called soon by the budget committee, which Saturday night completed compilation of the amount necessary to run the schools the coming year. used for baby's clothes, will keep them sweet end snowy-white until worn out. Try It end see for yourself. At poem . Are You Satisfied? SKK&'&ESia Is the Wgprest, most perfectly equipped Business Training Hchool In the North west. Fit yourself for a higher position with more money. Permanent position assured our (Jrnduatcs. Write for catalog i'ourtn aim lunM. Portland. P. N. U. No. 31, 1923 KfflHr fr,--:-"itaM.iMir