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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1923)
117 MAI i PI W Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL IX. MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1923 NO .42 Where Is iviaupin s Commercial Club? We Need a More Suitable Auto Campgrouni and Park NEWS HEMS OF LOCAL INTERST J. P. Abbott will ship two car loads of sheep over the 0. T. line Saturday night. Ella Smith is employed at the Jake Davidson home. Last Saturday commenced the tomato season of L. D. Kelly's big garden at the mouth of Bake oven, when the family enjoyed fresh sliced tomatoes on the table Portland Painless Densist, 305 Second St., The Dalles, Oregon, over Linquist Jewelry Store. Rooms 1, 2, 3." Mrs. Clark Richardson enjoyed a visit with her son Silas and wife of Portland for a few days they making a trip the fore part of the week to Mr. Richardson's camp in the mountains. Mrs. W. A. Westbrook who has been visiting relatives here for a few weeks returned to Portland last week. Dr. (Paderwski) Corin has Return el from a tion in Canada. Power concrete mixer for Rent Saves the wages of 4 men Shattuck Bros. Cash buyers waiting. If you want to sell let me hear your proposition It. L. Morris Dr. Stovall and family return ed Friday from a three weeks auto trip. Mr. and Mrs. IV. 0. Miller and Jimmie left Saturday night for Portland where they will make their future home. Mrs. A. Agidius, Miv. M. F, VanLaanen, Mrs. F. M. Jory, and Raymond Jory moiored to The Dalles Thursday and return ed Friday evening. They made the trip in Mrs. Agidius's car. II. L. Harpham was biusy a few days the last of the v. c:k digging a new sewer. Bathing Caps, 25, 35 and 50 cents Maupin Drug Store. monthsvvaca- J. C. Pratt and family have moved to their property viewing the river. The cottage on Dufur Avenue which was resold to Mrs Jory was purchased of her by P. J. King who will take possession in a few days. Good wire fencing 250 ft. cheap Times office. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Staats left Monday for Hood River and other points. The Maupin, council met in re gular session' last night and re discussed water and sidewalks. Get Rid of the Flies. Black Flag, Fly Tox-or Buhach for flics and mosquitoes for sale at Mau pin Drug Store. A. Crabtree underwent an operation in the Dalles Hospital Friday morning. He is getting along fine at the latest report. Mr. and Mrs. George McDon ald visited out at 0. B. Derthick ranch Sunday. The first wheat to be delivered this year at the Hunts Ferry Warehouse was hauled from A, A. Britton's place Tuesday. - Leave Watch Repairing at Maupin Drug Store. Reasonable prices. "George Cunuingham is riding around in a new Chevrolette car. Mrs. B. D. Fraley is helping care for her father, who is ill in The Dalles hospital, a few days this week. Little Alma is a guest at the Weberg home here. Mrs. G. F. McCleod and litllo son Jackie left Tuesday morning for a visit at The Dalles" and Hood River. Mr3. Ilarlcy Brown who has been visiting her sister Mrj. James Chalmers left for The I Dalles Tuesday where she will 'visit. Salt Cucumbers for pickles Times office. Wcnted iii head of bogs to ship about September 15-- H. L. Mot , i J. Mr. and Mrs.- Joe Chr.jtain, I. N. Crabtree, Job Crabtree, Earl Crabtree, Mrs. D. Tdcott, Mrs- J. Donaldson, and Mrs. B. D. Fraley were in The Dalles Thursday to be with A. Crabtree who was operated on. The river was very muddy for several days due to the effect of the storms upstream. t BUTLER'S Every thing for the Table Prepare for winter with a nice lot of canned fruit. Fhone us vour orders we do the rest. In Stock at Times Office: Carbon Paper, 25x39 inch pieces Thin paper for tracing patterns Butter paper and cartons Typewriter paper and ribbons Envelopes, commercial and 10 inch lengths Cardboards, heavy to 24x46 inch sizes Business and calling cards Ruled letter paper part of this is ruled on both sides---ideal farm stationery. Low prices in lots of 100 or more. In tablet form if desired Call or Phone Main 231 The Maimin Times VCIL0W PENCIL V f!v,.- J I jliZ - loiMifc FED BAND V MACE BY To Receive Pay A deciufon in favor of the plain tiff va.; rendered by tl" supreme court of Oregon the hi lit r part of the week in the case of E. J. Fischer of Maupin versus .Joseph R. Keep of the same locality, and the National Surety company The verdict awarded approxi mately the sum of 2,000 to the plaintiff for work and labor per formed in connection with the Eastern irrigation Power and Lumber company immediately west of Wapinitia, in the removal of sawmill machinery. The plain tiff was represented by Harry Hoy of Portland and Paul W. Childers of the defendant by C. E. Sheppard of Portland. Cho niclc 24th. E ride rsby-Ward The marriage of Mrs. Julia F. Endcrcby to Roy A. Ward at the Dalles last Monday earner a3 a surprise to their many friends;, Mrs. Ward has been a resident of the Wapinitia section most of her life and is well knovn and respected by all. She has success fully managed her farm alone for the past eighteen months. Mr. Ward forme:!y lived in Lento near Portland, but has spent the A year or two in the Wapinitia section. Mr. and Mrs. Wai J have the heat wi.'ihts of all fur a Ion, happy, and rrosp'.rou3 married life. ' ' We have contracted the only two orehards of peaches in Southern Wasco county and will be pre pared to fill your orders. What about your harvest supplies? Wc areprepar ed with many specials to meet your needs at this time. . If it ia groceries or meat you want phone us. If the local phone oiliee is open we are. . We are always at your service' Command us. nil xn , i VELLOWSTOHE" K I ' L Cry ff'.-ry safrty tptmitp.v , NATBQNAL PARK ZMiQ square milm of carvels, beauty ami color not hung like it on earth lwyung gejw. growling; fpxittoa. boilio tyuldrona, nature's most aataetic form titans, in th midst of w lich ere mag nideont hotflh,cbu-minEocttAcviHftpe jOiJ inilus of matchlfts bo ilevatda aucl all tho cumfartaof boxue. Send for our booklet. It tells the thril ling stury of nature's waudarl&nd Our THROUGH SLEX.PIN8 CAR Operated DAILY duri&g ttuietMOQ telwteit rMmi ud West Ifeliowstone bvtht Mm Pacific System T-t our representatis explain the various tonrs wliioh eiatte visitors to o tho YiiJowsno At gainiVnttia cofrti !fir f(iioff) bi'(3, prerwrft yo'ifl itinerary and nmke vour,r63ervatJ jn. Call on R. B. BEIL Agent Maupin. Ore. Fire Proof (iood Mculs Clean Hedis itk)ft Drinks Tce Cream Cigars rand' Tobacco liilliards and Pool . Harpliam Hotel i J. L. Ilaipham Start That Account and. when you Ihihk of. a lianh. think of our Bank then come in and rcquainled. 'Hie man w if h five dollar; u treated with as nun h courtey a;; the man v, ith thousands. YouNeclUs Wc Need You As busina-.i frit-ado we arc both made stronger ilaupiii Stale Bank Uc Strive t: L'erit Approval