MAUFI N MES M I l 11- Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 12, 1923 NO ,40 VOL IX. Maup in Theatre Sunday, July 15 Edgar Lewis in TAHOMA With simple sincerity they unfold to you the human drama that flowered in the pioneer days of Oklahoma. You'll gasp at the prarie schooner caught in the swirling sweep of a blinding sand storm. You'll hold your beath at the lightening swoop of the riding outlaws. You'll thrill at the immense open spaces, the beauty and wondrous charm of primal nature. ( And you'll laugh a bit, weep a bit, with jthe rose ' of the rancho, the lonesome cowboy, the cynic, the outlhw and the schemer. A Powerful Picture, a Dramatic Masterpiece Animal Comedy Guarnnteed Show Admission 20 and 40 at Tygh Valley Saturday, July 14 Dance After Show Johnson-Martin A marriage of interest to many Wasco County people occured in The Dalles Monday afternoon, when Miss Viola Verle Martin, of Boyd became the bride of Huston Johnson well known re of Wamic. The couple was married at the county court house by Judge J. T. Adkinsson. Mrs. John V. Martin, mother of the bride was in attendance. Mrs. Johnson, nee Martin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Martin of Boyd. She attended school the past year at Dufur, where she first met the man that later was to become herhusdand. A romance sprung up between the two and their engagement was announced ab out two months ago. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Johnson, of Wamic. For the past two years he has been assisting his sather, who has charge of the mail route between Sherars bridge and Wamic. Following the ceremony the newlyweds left for Wamic, where they will make their home. Ant- lope Hera'd. Around Maupin Mrs. W. H. Staats returned Tuesday afternoon from a busi ness visit in The Dalles and Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Griffin re turned Sunday trom an extended Graham. visit in Bend. Mr. and Mrs. P. j Rev. and Mrs. Matthews of J. King drove up and accompan-; Simnasho, made a trip to Maupin V apinitia F. G. Magill returned from Tygh Valley Friday where he had been woking in the hay field Fred Laughlin and family took Sunday dinner with Mrs. Katie Maupin, Oregon, June 25, 1923 Wehv notified that the annual stockholders' meeting of Hunts Ferry Warehouse Co. will beheld Saturday, July 14th, 1923, at 2:30 P. M. in Odd Fellow's Hall, at which time one director will be elected and such other business will be transacted as may come before the meeting. HUNTS FERRY WAREHOUSE CO. Criterion News Rev. Sprouse and family of Maupin were Sunday dinner guests at Applings. A heavy rain fell here Friday and Saturday. Thos. Moss and family return ed Friday 'morning from their visit at Yakima Wn., where they spent a few days visiting Mrs. Moss's sister. Alfred Herding and his moth er left for Bend Sunday morning to make a visit. Portland Painless Densist, 305 Second St., The Dalles, Oregon, over Linquist Jewelry Store.. Rooms 1, 2, 3. Notice Prices 5 per cent for Cash Tires and lubes yleased to quote, you prices on your wants. We handle the Exid battery for your Goodrich Cord tires 32x4 $32.85 Goodrich Cord tires 30x3 1-2 15.20 Kelly Springfield fabric 30x3 1-2 10.10 Kelly Springfield tubes 30x3 1-2 ears. Gas, Oil and Greases at the Garage We get your Battery recharged for you the, Standard Oil Co. and guaranteed. Brine- vour Fords, Chevrolet and Over- We test your batters for you and have land Baby 4 to us and we overhaul them for $20 less parts. Bring your broken castings. We can repare th,em and save you the price and time of waiting to send for new parts. We are here to give you service day or night. We have almost a full line of accessories and Ford parts and are prepared to take care of you on any thing you need in our line of business. When you are in town call and ask us . about what you need and we will be Distilled water for your battery free. We sell you a tire and put it on, free - We sell you a tube and put it in free. We have free air for your tires. We handle the Grabriel Snubers. We handle the Hassler Snubers. We will install free either pair you buy We want your business. We need your business. We must have your business. We can't live without your business. So bring up your business. Ana we will have lots of business. Maupin Garage ed them home. Two electrical storms the fore part of this week, compelled the switchboard operators to leave the board for a short time, the electricity throwing the "drops" It also created business for our local insurance agent H. L. Mor ris who wrote several hay and grain policies. A small blaze starting in the roof of Geo. Moss's house yester day caused no little excitement to the people of Maupin however prompt action on the part of the citizens soon succeeded in putting the fire out. Take a Kodak with you on in i i your vacation. ah maKes ior sale at Maupin Drug Store. John Mayfield and sons John and Edwin were over from Ya kima, Wn. visiting old friends and relatives this week. They have a 320 acae ranch of diversi fied farm interests and dairy. Family washing done, 45 and 75 cents dozen. Mens washing also done ceeap. Mrs. L. E. Stockton Cook Apartments. , For Sale One fresh Holstein cow and calf. Cow is good milk er, gentle and about six years of age. $80.00 takes them both Robert E. Ellinwood Wapimtia. Mrs. Marcia Yeck of Hood River was here recently visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Harley Brown and two children, Dorothy and Bessie, of Detroit Mich, are visiting Mrs. Brown3 sister Mrs. James Chalmers. Mrs- A. L. Pugh, Miss Chris tine and Alda were visiting at Mrs. James Chalmers Wednesday Wanted 50 head of hogs to ship about September 15 H. L. Morris. Jack Staats is visiting here this week. J. W. Derthick has returned from Three Sisters where he has had employment all spring. Hode Swift of Astoria is visit ing mends ana relatives nere I.H. Martin of Yakima is mak ine a short visit at his brother's A. C. Martin. R. E. Wilson and family motoi ed to Portlans Tuesday afternoon to attend the funeral of a cousin of Mrs. Wilson. A. F. Martin left Tuesday for The Dalles and Portland, hoping to improve his health which has been very poor for the past sever al months- Mrs. B. F. Turner was up from Sherar the last of the week where she is helping Mrs. J. S. Taylor at the hotel and nostoffice for a few weeks. F. B. Perry formerly of Fied mond is now busy in his harness and shoe repair shop in the old bank building. H. R. Kaiser announces he has discontinued work in this line. The rain of last Thursday and Fridav was a remarkable event in this section at this period While it did much good to the erardens and lawns, it was too late to be of benefit to the grain laying it on the ground, and was quite detrimental to the hundred of acres of newly mown hay Bates Shattuck returned Satur day from Prineville where he spent the Fourth, bringing Mrs. Shattuck and Bernice who had been visiting relatives there for the past two weeks. Monday taking some friends to the train. O. L. Paquet and Richard Del- co returned from Portland Sun day where they have been since the Fourth. H. N. Dodge who has been ill is some better at this time. Ben and Orval Flinn who have been at Clear lake fishing the past week returned to The Dalles Sunday. Five big bands of sheep passed through this week on their way to the mountains for the summer. Earl Linn and wife spent the Fourth at Dufur and on their way home had trouble with their car. Rev. Parker took them on to the mill George Burnside is helping R. E. Ellinwood with his hay. Fred Deko and family who have spent the winter in Boring returned Sunday and are at Grandma Delco's. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wilson who visited the week end at H. V. Retherford's returned to their home at Sterling Idaho Monday. They have spent the past few weeks visiting at the home of Mrs. Wilsons parents Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Tapp near Vancouver Most of the people who went from here to the Agency to spend the Fourth got caught in the rain and had to stay over until Sunday and Monday. Perle Evick and family have returned from Madras where they spent the Fourth with his brother John Evick and family. Edith Lloyd little daughter of Prof, and Mrs. Lloyd has been quite sick at Clackamas lake. Lillian Cox who spent last week visiting her cousin Helen Enders by returned to her home in Pine Grove Sunday. Jake Tesehner was a business visitor in Maupin Saturday. Jeanette Burnside is working for Mrs. Roy Batty.' . wasoES BUTLER'S Every thing for the Table Prepare for winter with a nice lot of canned fruit. Phone us your orders we do the rest. Logan berries will not last long, 100 crates sold for delivery this week. Now taking orders for next week delivery. Apricots ready next week. Local Alexander peaches, a fev? coming in now. Quality fine and price reasonable. What about your harvest supplies? We areprepar ed with many specials to meet your needs at this time. , If it is groceries or meat you want phone us. If the local phone office is open we are. We are always at your service. Commamd us. Fire Proof Good Meals Clean Beds Soft Drinks ke Cream Cigars and Tobacco Billiards and Tool Harpham Hotel and Confectionery J. L. Harpham Start That Account Today our and when you think of a Bank, think of Bank then come in and jr,et acquainted. The man with five dollars is treated with as much courtesy as the man with thousands. You Need Us We Need You As business friends we are both made stronger Maupin State Bank W e Strive to Merit Approval