The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 21, 1923, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County
Vol ix.
NO. 37
Drs. .-fcorin and Johns have
left on a vacation touring Wn.
They will return by way of Ante
lope and Shaniko where they
hope to remain for about' three
weeks doing Dental work and
will reach Maupin August 1st.
Ray Kaylor and wife left today
for McKinzie Bridge where they
have employment for the summer
Mrs. Lucile Cantrell and baby
Edna, have been visiting at the
Jake Davidson home for the past
few weeks.
Roy Baxter is prepared to
enter a string of horses in the
pony express race between The
Dalles and Bend tomorrow.
Take a Kodak with you on
your vacation. All makes for
sale at Maupin Drug Store.
Mrs. George McDonald is home
again after a prolonged illness in
Among the pupils who passed
the. eighth grade examinations
held June 7 and ,8 are George
Cloyce Burnside, Laura Elizabeth
Davis and Gertrude W. Laughlin
of Wapinitia; Verda Irene Wing
of Wamirj Doris Talcpttand Mary
Morrison of Maupin.
Ben Fraley and family and Mrs
J. Donaldson and son returned
fronY Patterson California Tues
day where Mrs. Fraley and child
ren had spent the winter.
Kreso Dip No. 1. A real stand
ardized dip for all purposes, for
sale at Maupin Drug Store.
The- annual school meeting
was held last Monday afternoon
-Dr.; J. Li "El wood was elected
director for three years in L. D.
. Kelly's place.
Mrs. E.; A. Cyr and Miss Mabel
are Portland visitors this week.
, A little sliced bacon or ham
would be nice on your camping
trip Butler's have it nice and
fresh. ;
Mr. Fagan, formerly a teacher
in the Moro schools, was a Sun
day visitor here,' trying out the
new Sherman Highway between
the two cities. Mr. Fagan is a
resident of Woodburn-Journal.
F. E. Fagan taught the first
class in high school at Tygli Val
lev in 1906-1907.
James Campbell of Aurora 111.
and Mrs. J. W. Veleit of Chicago
111., uncle and aunt of Mrs. James
Chalmers visited her the first of
the week.
Mrs. H. A. Walter writes from
Falls City that it would seem
good to feel some Eastern Ore
gon sunshine.
Portland Painless Densist, 305
Second St., The Dalles, Oregon,
over Linquist Jewelry Store.
Rooms 1, 2, 3.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fischer,
of Dubuque, Iowa, and Mrs. E.
J. Fischer, who has been in the
east for several months, arrived
Saturday, having been four
weeks enroute by automobile, all
but four days of which time they
experienced rain or snow. They
were met in Pendleton by their
son W. L. Fischer and wife.
Mrs. W. L. States that while
absent from home one this trip
her valuable and much prized
white cat left home and has not
returned. Kitty, come back.
Meat For Health Week June
25th to 30th. Get a roast from
Church Services
For Sunday, June 24.
Mr. "Sprouse will preach at
Lake View school house, Criter
ion, at 11:30 Sunday morning,
and at Maupin church at 8 in the
evening. Mrs. Sprouse will fill
the pulpit at the 11 o'clock ser
vice in Maupin.
A. D. Sprouse, Pastor.
Side Lights
It is Rumored that
Dr. Stovall has a neat office room
for rent until August 1st.
Harvey Morris is considering
opening a real estate business in
his office building up the, Btreet.
Dr. Elwood will be as popular
on the school board as he was in
the city council.
An ordinance relating to small
boys and bycicles is worthy of
the city sidewalk committee's
Electric lights would be appre
ciated and more water would
make the gardens better.
The city isn't getting rich off
of local traffic offenders.
L. D. Kelly will be asking to
have the east side added 'to the
incorporation and seeking a job
on the council.
Fresh ripe strawberries at
Civagers are few.
Mrs B. D. Fraley is pleased
by the surprise Mr. Fraley ar
range! in the form of weather
board and paint on their residence
The pigmy portion of the Times
force cunnot forget the sunset
they witnessed at Bend a couple
weeks ago.
Billie Heekman is thinking of
building himself a neat modern
bungalow next year.
George Morris stands a good
show of being the manager after
Bill Miller returns at the Maupin
It will soon be time to be think
ing of Cascade cottages and bear
Tom Roach doesn't appreciate
being called out to clear a minor
wreck just as - he is beaming to
enjoy a peaceful evening.
R. C. Fulkerson stoi.prt in
Maupin on his way to Ponland
last Thursday evening.
The fire department might in
scribe nicketins inhabitants i f
the city pound on the parking,
vacant lots, and alleys while the
Wedding Dells
A very beautiful wedding oc
curred at the home of Mr. V. II.
Aldridge, thirteen miles fast of
Maupin on Tuesday evening of
this week. The contracting par
ties were Mr. George P. Salier,
of Seattle, Wn., and Miss Mabel
Aldridge, Rev. A. D. Sprouse,
pastor at Maupin, officiated. A
friend of the groom, Mr. Fisher
and his sister, acted at attend
ants of the bride and groom.
The couple stood under a bcauti
arch of flowers. The bride was
attired in a gown of white Crepe
de Chine over which she wore a
veil of Bridal Illusion. After
the ceremony, refreshments
were served.
On the whole it was one cf the
most beautiful weddings ever
attended by the writer. Mr. and
Mrs, Salier will make their home
at Seattle, Wn.
A. I). Sprouse.
grass is green as a safety pre
ventive of (ire after it becomes
Some of the small boys are be
coming enthuastic as to Mrs.
Staats' fish pond under contem
plation and promise.
The ladies of the Rebekalu as
well as the Odd Fellows are well
known for their feast3 at Lodge
on certain occasions. . Last night
according to members present,
Mrs. F. D. Stuart who carries
her paraphernalia of the order in
a shopping bag, carefully proceed
ed to take out her books after
arriving at meeting to find that
she had brought a nice mess of
fresh 1923 murphies.
Notice Prices
5 per cent for Cash
Tires and Tubes
Goodrich Cord tires 32x4 $32.85
Goodrich Cord tires 30x3 1-2 15.20 1
i Kelly Springfield fabric 30x3 1-2 10.10
Kelly Springfield tubes 30x3 1-2 2.10
v. Gas; Oil and Greases at the Garage
; the same price as the Standard Oil Co.
Bring your Fords, Chevrolet and Over
, land Baby 4 to us and we overhaul
themior $20 less parts.
Bring your broken castings. We can
repare them and save you the price
I and time of waiting to send for new
e are here to give you service day or
: .night. We have almost a full line of
Accessories and. Ford parts and are
prepared to take care of you on any
thing you need in our line of business,
.. When you are in town call and ask us
abpiit what you need and we will be
yleased to quote you prices on your
We handle the Exid battery for your
We get your Battery recharged for you
and guaranteed.
We test your batters for you and have
Distilled water for your battery free.
We sell you a tire and put it on free
We sell you a tube and put it in free.
We have free air for your tires.
We handle the Grabriel Snubers.
We handle the Hassler Snubers.
We will install free either pair you buy
We want your business.
WTe need your business. ' '
We must have your business.
' We can't live without your business.
So bring. up your business.
And we will have lots of business.
Maupin Garag'e
Criterion News
Rev. Sprouse and family of
Maupin attended the exercises
at Lakeview Sunday School here
F. M. Confer of Maupin was
buying cattle in this neighbor
hood Monday. P. J. Kirsch sold
several head, also Bert Appling
sold a few head.
Silvester Kramer left Monday
for Maupin wl'era he expects to
work the next few weeks.
Alfred Herrling is visiting at
the home of his sifter Mrs. Ber
tha Kirsch-
Mrs. Austin and son Paul left
Snnday for Washington to visit
her son and daughter btfore re
turning to their home in Forest
The Childrens day exercises
were well attended in spite of
the rain and everyone had a
good time.
Rev. Sprouse of Maupin will
preach at Lakeview Sunday June
21, everyone is cordially invited
to come at 11 a. m. and bring a
friend with you.
Miss Frances Kirsch of Stayton
.Oregon is visiting at the home of
her brother P. J. Kirsch this
Glen Mbss of Maupin spent
last week here visiting the Ha
children. He also attended the
Lakeview Sunday School Sunday
Several bands of sheep passed
through here enroute to the
I V r& nnMlUti RED BAND V made Br I
Fred Hornquist moved hisfam
ily to Clackamas Lake this week.
Albert Hammer and family
went to Tygh Sunday for cherries
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sharpe
and daughter Melba spent Sun
day at Wamic visiting at the
Chester Brittain home.
Mrs. Graham was a Maupin
visitor last week, having dental
Prepare for winter. Get your fruit while in sea
son. We will advise you when the season is on. Just
call us on the phone. Place your order. We will do
the rest.
We specialize in frest fruits. We are prepared to
give you the best of service. Spending a great deal of
our time in contracting and buying the best fruits to
be offered on toe market for the least money.
Our stock of groceries and fresh meats are at all
times kept full ready to serve you.
We have the Genuine Ball Mason and Ball Ideal
glass top jars and fittings for all makes of jars.
A little special on High Grade corn syrup in long
john tins. Never offered before at such a low price.
No doubt you you have not had an opportunity
to buy Dependable Coffee, a very high grade
steel cut vacuum packed coffee. We have it.
Libbys apple butter 1 lb. 2 oz. can, regular 20c
seller at 2 for 25c. How is that?
Here is a little example of our service. Butter
nut Bread, "The bread supreme", Rich as butter
sweet as a nut. Drawn from the lalcsts improved
baking ovens, in the afternoon, Hot. If you get your
mail on the rural mail line you can have it for dinner
the following day. rhone1 us your order in the even
ing. Bread arrives every morning.
Can you beat this service? Think of living
in the country getting city serv ice. We are always on
the job. Business is good. A car of salt in this week
Every thing from lick rock to table salt.
Get on the Telephone. You will find us at the
other end of the line ready to serve you.
At Your Service Command Us
Everything for the Table
Don't Forget to place your order for Fruit
With Us
Thompson's Fluffy Marshmallows
arc good fried, toasted, in hot
chocolate, on cakes and ice
cream. Also good to eat
as they are. 48c lb.
See 'cm, buy 'em at
I Harpham Confectionery
Start That Account
and when you think of :t B:mk, Ihink of our
Bank then conic in and get .'Kqu.'iiritcd.
The man with five dollars 13 treated with as courtesy as the man with thousands. .
You Need Us
We Need You
As business friends we are both made stronger
Maupin State Bank
c Strivo to Merit Approval
(to last page)