The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, June 07, 1923, Image 4

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    The Mauoin Times
Published Every Thti
Jk.shii.inu K. Mokkison, Publisher
Subjcriplion: One Year $1.50, Six
Entered as second clans mail
poBi office at Maupin, Oregon,
WOOD BR.O0. rt
Big enough for any ranch
Will handle till a header will cut or keep
five bundle wagons busy.
Small enough for economy
A Fordson furnishes ample power and
seven men will Operate the entire outfit.
Stronger and better construction than any
other small thresher on the market.
Call and look it over!
Gannett Motor Co.
Ford and Fordson Dealer
it's easier
Then l
Phone Empire 1661
f V But
' f V . ) 1 A IM
J 11. II. Bell
Mays Live StoGk Commission Co.
North Portland
Edwin Mays: Residence Phone .Main 8609
N. W. Flinn, Prop.
Rooms 50c
Meals, family style
unpin, Oregon,
Months 75cts, Three Months 50c
matter September 2, 11)14, at the
under the Act of March LI, 1879.
Was the most direct trans
continental route when it
was blazed and IS NOW
to "negotiate" now than then.
and the REDUCED round trip
la offset dally betweea
May 15 and September 13
over the
will make it very attractive. Study this table.
Denver. . 04.00 Tluflalo . $120.62
Omiilui . . 72.00 Pittsburgh . 119.76
Kansas Cily . 72.00 Washington 111.56
St.l.miia , . 81.50 Philadelphia 144.93
Chicago . . 80.00 New York . 147.40
Detroit . . 105.02 Huston . . 15:1.50
Cincinnati . 100.30 Atlanta . . 117.55
Toronto . . 113.75 Montreal . 132.76
With corresponding fares to other important centers.
Final return limit October 31st. Liberal stop-ovflg
privileges going and returning.
A side trip to Yellowstone at smsll additional
cost will afford the experience of a life time.
Call us by phone and let us make all your arrangement.
It costs no more and willsave you lots of worry.
, Maupin, Oregon
The Dalles
to $1.00
continued from page 1
Mr. and Mrs, L D. Kelly and
Doris spent Sunday with the E.
A. Hartman family,
Lee and Hazel Laughlin are
visiting Mr. Joe ( Ira ham this
Wamic News
A party of younu people went
to the W. Nerval jiome Monday
night of last week and charivari-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Arby Magill.
After serenading with the music
of old tin cans and other noisy
instruments the young people
were given a generous treat of :
candy cigars and other good
things and were entertained
with music and singing.
George Woodruff was here
from The Dalles Thursday at
the W. Norval home. Winston
Lake accompanied him home.
They went by way of Maupin.
A. M. Davidson pne of the
proprietors of the Davidson
Bread Company was at the A.
EL Lake store Friday from Port
land. P. E. Rains, representing the
Cresent Manufacturing Co. of
Seattle, Wn., was here Friday
from The Dalles. Winston Lake
came out with him.
F. M. and Jay Fowler held an'
auction sale at their farm Tues
day. Many attended the sale
and things were sold at a good
Many persons went from here
and surrounding places went to
the Lone Pine cemetery Wednes
day, covering the mounds of
their departed friends and rela
tives with flowers. No services
were held. Some went to the
little cemetary below town where
the early settlers or this place
was buried. A soldier in the
early days of the place was the
iirst one to be buried there
Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Norval
came out from The Dalles Tues
day remaining sver night at the
W. Norval home.
Amos Johnson was very ill last
week. Postmaster and Mrs.
jZumwalt took him to The Dalles
Thursday for medical treatment.
I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woodcock
am children left Saturday lor
Percy Driver and wife went to
The Dalles Friday. Mrs. Driver
I remained in town.
J George and Marjorie Tillitson
i were Dalles visitors Friday,
j Mrs. Guy Keddington, Rogina
j and Berniee Muller went to Grass
j Valley Saturday from Tygh.
Mr. and Mrs. Budge Jones
( and children, were down from
Itne Mulvaney saw mill Saturday
at the Jack Jones home in Tygh.
About 130 men are at work on
j the highway in Butlers Canyon.
Alfred McCorkle and wife
'i went to Dufur from Tygh Satur-
Mrs. H. A. Muller went to
j Dufur Saturday for medical
Walter Driver and family left
Monday for the Willamette valley
j They are hunting a suitable lo
cation in the vicinity of Gresham
0. C. Webb and Edwin Engil
i stead have reached a depth 130
'feet in the well they are drilling
for the Oregon Trunk line at
j Sherars.
Frank Magill took his family
to Portlynd Tuesday where they
will visit relatives.
Irma Driver accompanied .her
grandmother to The Dalles Sun
day. They stayed over night at
Tygh Valley.
Mrs. George Burlingame and
son Elmiet were Dalles visitors
Monday from Tygh Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. John lllings-
worth and Gilbert went to Tin
Dalles yesterday. Mr. Illings
worth's mother came home with
George Magill hauled a load of
freight from The Dalies yester
day. Housty Johnson came over
from Dufur Thursday, where he I
Dr. T. DeLarhue
Glassies Properly Filled
mi 17-1
TCTSPNk i.o. o. f.
Lodge No. 20'., Maupin, Oregon,
meets every Saturday night in
I. O. (). P, ball. Visiting mem
II !wn VB
F. I).
Stuakic, Secretary
James Chalmers
Horse Shoeing and
General Blacksmilhing '
Plow Share Grinding
Maupin, Ore.
Send Us Your
MaiMA an' '''ddress on a
tialUC Post cud or in a let
terand we will mail
free and postpaid, a samplt ;opy of
Popular Mechanics
the most wonderful magazine pub
lished. 160 pagea and 400 pictures
every month, that will entertain
every member of the family.
It contains intercstins and instructive arti
cles on th Home, Farm, Shop and Office
Ule newest developments in Kadio, Avia
tion, Automobile and Garage. Each Issue
contains something to interest everybody.
We do not employ subscription solicitors so
you will not be urged to subscribe and you
are not obligating yourself in the least in
asking for a free sample copy. We
gladly send it to prospective readers. If
you like It you can buy a copy every
month from any newsdealer or send us
your subscription 3.00 for one year.
Popular Mechanics Company
390-214 I. Ontario Slmot, CHICAGO, ILL.
Pomlar Mechanics hutldlno is devoted
czdusioelu to Ute production of this
has been with his mother who is
ill. He returned Saturday.
Mrs Luella Johnson whose
condition has been very serious
the past week is a little improved
Ralph and Leonard Chandler
and Jimmy Johnson went to
Dufur Sunday. Mrs. Chandler
returned home with them. She
has been there with her mother
the past week.
Percy Driver and crew of men
are working the roads :now on
Jordan creek.
Side Lights
East Maupin experienced some
very quiet days last week hut
conditions have again returned
to that pre-historic times. TOO
Zoological sounds were heard
coming from the Dentist office
on Tuesday. Not very becoming
behavior for a politician.
Henry Ford is still in the Rear
for Preside
his success.
to those Ali
passed the e
out his worthy
is still hopefull of
)ns are in order
Zinsihip in The Dalles last week.
The effort required to pass these
examinations should teach the
parties affected they should re
main in their own country.
The question to be decided, is,
where should a beauty spot be
placed on a lady's face? At
present it has a tendency to
move around. All suggestions
can be sent to the Times office
whare they will be treated with
the utmost confieence.
It can be truly said cf Maupin
that she i
rules as ui
observing the same
d in New York City.
t hicatro, Loudon, Lernn ant
Paris. Many thanks to our
worthy officer.
The old time citizens of Mau
pin have got to admit that the
women are in the habit of catch
ing the largert fish.
Our worthy Mayor reports a
fairly good time going to the
Grand Lodge but not as good as
usual. Wonders are now at work
Some of our fast store clerks
are kept very busy trying to get
acquainted with all the new hash
lingers that come to our beauti
ful city. Better cut it out boys.
Mr. John Stovall has been the
guest of Dr. and Mrs Stovall at
their home on Fifth Street, and
not at the Drug Store, as stated
in last week's edition of the
Smock News
Strawberries are getting ripe.
The last few days of summer
weather are welcome.
Mrs. H. L. Driver and children
spent last week with J. E. Wood
cocks family.
Caliie Duncan had the misfor
tune to have his hand injured in
sawmill work and is laying off
a week or two.
W. H. Mavfield went to Mau
pin on Saturday on business.
F. T. Feltch is hauling timber
from the mountains for a barn.
F. M. Driver and wife visited
Mrs. Jessie Woodcock on Sunday
F. T. Feitch purchased a band
of sheep from Mr. Fargher bring
ing them home on Wednesdday.
Mrs. Courtright formerly of
Smock but now living at Friend
was taken very ill on Saturday
night. Miss feltch and Mrs.
Josie Mayfield went to see her
on Sunday. Miss Feltch remain
ed a few days.
J. C. Bradway and M. 0. Dun
can are hauling wood to Maupin.
Criterion News
P. J. KirschandD. B. Appling
went to Cove creek Monday to
buy cattle.
Mrs. Joe Kramer spent the
day Monday at the home of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moss
drove over to Antelope Sunday.
Bernice Cook spent Sunday
with Marie Appling.
Ail, . 4.1 TT n , . i
Myrtle Hall returned to her
work Sunday after spending a'tlav ofJ"'"', 1923, at the hour of 10
i .., , , J o'clock A. M., in the County Court
week w 1th her parents Mr. and ' rom in the County Court House, at
Mrs. John Hall. Myrtle is Stay
ing with Mrs. H. F. Bothwell
this summer.
Mrs. Albright and family and
Miss Kobison spent Tuesday with
Mrs. Bert Appling.
C. C. Kobison left last week
for Saem where he will spend
the summer.
Ernest and Sylvester Kramer
are hauling wood from Deep I
creek this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Duus spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. Rutherford.
Mr. and Mrs'. P. J. Kirsch
spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moss attend
ed Sunday School Sunday.
For Sale 1 Disc with
attachment, good shape,
able. C. B. Dahl.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 25, 1923.
Notice is hereby given that
Alva R. Wilcox
of Wapinitia Oregon, who on August
29, 1919, made Additional Homestead
tMitry JNo. (ilf.970, tor NWl-4Nvvl-4
NEl-4swi-- sl-2swl-4, sEl-4. section 1
Township G south, Range 13 east
Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice ol intention to make final threi
year proof, to establish claim to tht
iand above described, before F. D
Sluurt, united Mates Commissioner
at Maunin, Oregon, on the 4th day of
June, 19V3.
Claimant names as witnesses: Jacob
leschner, 1 nomas Kienzel, John Por
chette. all of Wapinitia. Oregon, E.
A. Cyr of Maupin, Oregon,
J. W. Uonneily, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April B, 19S8.
Notice is hereby given that
John Foley
of Maupin, Oregon, who on October
31st, 1919, made Homestead Entry No.
017823 for sl-2swl-4, Section 12, wl-2,
14ttl-4, 8E1-4SEI-4, Sec 13, El-2Nwl-4.
SW1-4ME1-4. Sec 24 Township 6 south
Range 14 east. Willamette Meridian
has likd notice ol intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before F. I).
Stuart. United states Commissioner,
at Maupin, Oregon, on the 15th day
of May, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: J. H,
McMillan, A. T. Lindley. G. C Allen,
Geo. Moss, Frank Dyer, all Maupin.
NO TICK fok publication
DMjfcrtment of the Interior
U. H. Land (inlet) at The ualli'H, Ore
gon, May II), 1928.
Notice, in hereby given Unit
Benjamin P. Htrrling
of Oili-rimi, Duron, who on February
.:, 19211, made Homestead Entry No.
1121887, and on Nov. 19, 1920 made ad
ditional homestead entry No. 1)21888
for Lot l, bb1-4me14, i:I-2sk1-4, hoc. 1
nkI-4nkI-4, section 12, T 7 south, R. 14
east) Lots 2, :;, 4, fj, 6, 7, hkI-inwM,
Dl-2swI-4, lection fi, nkI-4nw1-4, Sec
tion 7. T. 7 south, R, 16 east. Lot 4,
sEl-4swl-4, sw1-4se1-4, Sec. 81 Tp. o
nouth, Range 18 east, Willamette Me
ridian, hu filed notice of intention
lo make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, bo
fore F. D. Stuart. U. S. CommiBnoner
at Maunin, Oregon, on the 7th day of
July, 1928.
Claimant names as witnesses: P.J.
Kirich, C. A. Liuus, D. B. Appling,
Malcolm McDonald, all of Criterion,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
n, May 81, 1938,
Notice il hereby given that
Henry C. Dako
of 793 1-2 Thunnnn St., Portland, Ore
gon, who on January 2, 1919, made
Homestead Entry No. 020256 for El-2N1J1-4,
Section 23 Township 5 south,
Range 18 east, Willamette Meridian,
has tiled notico of intention to make
three year proof to establish claim to
the land above described, before P. I).
Stuart, United states Commissioner at
Maunin, Origin, on the 24th day of
July,' 1928,
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank
McCoy, A. K. Wilcox, Thos. Kienzie,
Louis McCoy, all of Wapinitia Oregon,
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, May, 25, 1923.
Notice is hereby given that,
Huby 15. Petteys,
of Sherars Bridge, Oregon, who on July
21, 1920, made Additional Homestead
entry No. 020014 for sl-2Nwl-4, El-2sEl-4,
section 1, T. 4 s, R 14 E, Lots
8. 4, 5, SE1-4NW1-4, Section (i, Town
ship 4 south, Range 15 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make three year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register and Receiver United
States Land Odice at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on the 2nd day of July, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: John
II. Whitlock of Sherars Bridge, Ote.,
Conrad Rust of Sherars Bridge, Ore.,
Elmer E. Whitlock of Grass Valley.,
Ore., John S. Taylor of Sherars Bridge
Ore., Vivian B. Rust, of Moody, Ore.
. J. W. Donnelly, Register.
MENT Notice is hereby given that Francis V.
Galloway, Administrator of the estate
of Mary A. Woodside, deceased, has
:l,..l u;., :..
iiic-u iii oui,y vtouL-u oiiai aeeouilL III
said estate: and that fiondav. the 2fith
Wasco County, Oregon,
before the County Court has been fixed
as the time and place for the hearing
of objections to said report and the
linal settlement of said estate.
Francis V. Galloway.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Lund Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, May 19th, 1923.
Notice is hereby given that
Donald Morrison
of Slianiko, Oregon, who on Oct. 22,
1920, made Homestead Entrv No. 020359
for w1-2seI-4, section 34, f. 6 S. R. 14
E. Lots 2, 3, ,sl-2Nwl-4, Nl 2swl-4
section 3, Township 7 south, Range
14 east. Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three year
proof, to establish daim to the land
above described, before F. D. Stuart,
Uuiteij Mates Commissioner, at Maupin
Oregon, on the 30th day of June, 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: B. F.
Herrling, of Criterion, Oregon, Thomas
Moss of Criterion, Oregon, Laugnlin
Morrison of Shaniko, Oregon, H. I,
Ilollis, of Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnolly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S Land OHice at The Dalles, Ore
gon, May 7th, 1923.
Notice is herebv eiven that
Mary" Pechette
of Wapii.itia, Oregon, who on Sept. 15,
1919. made Homestead K'ntry No.
"1 ?028, for E1-2SE1-4. section 9, sl-2swi-4,
section 10, wl-2, w1-2se1-4,
NE1-4SE1-4, section 15,TownshipC south
Range 13 East, Willamette Meridian,
baa liled notice of intention to make
three year proof to establish claim to the
iand above described before F. D.
Stuart, U.S. Commissioner, at Maupin,
Oregon, on the 19th day of June 1923.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ben
Gabel, Tom Kinzel, Curtis Abbott,
John Ilelco, all .or Maupin, Oregon.
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or
egon, April 9. 1923.
Notice is hereby given that
Troy A. Wallace
of Shaniko, Oregon, who on November
5th, 1919, made Homestead Entry
No. 021099. and on Nov. 6, 1920 made
Additional homestead entrv No. 021100
for Kl-2Nwl-4, s1-2ne1-4, sec. 22. Nl-
gNBl-4, seI-4.eI-4, Section 21, Township
a south, Range 15 East, Willametta
Meridian, lias filed notice of intention
to make three vear proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register and Receiver, United
States Land Office at The Dalles Ore
gon, on the 19th day of May, 1923.
i laimant names as witnesses: P. T.
Jones, P. E. Conroy, Harry Skinner.
Arthur C. Wallace, all of Shaniko, Ore
J. W. Donnelly, Register.
Wanted, a few
A. A. Bonney.
brood sows.