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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1923)
WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. . COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted .People, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. The government will attempt to break up a country wide ring ot boot leggers, with headquarters In New York city, which is charged with oper ating the maritime liquor mart, off Jersey's three-mile limit. The Florida senate has adopted a house resolution which declares It to be "the sense" ot the legislature that Darwinism, atheism and agnosticism should not be taught as "truths" in the public schools or Institutions o the state. W. II. Hussey, member of the terri torial house of representatives in Honolulu, Tuesday pleaded guilty in federal court to violating the national prohibition law and was fined $25 and cost. Both the fine aud costs were re mitted. President Harding has decided defin itely to make his contemplated trip through the west and to Alaska, leav ing Washington about June 20 and be ing absent from the capital about 60 days, It was announced Tuesday at the White House. The Prussian diet, discussing art questions, confirmed the report that Coslma Wagner, widow of the great Wagner, is living in distress at Bay- reuth. The diet unanimously asked the nation to help support the widow of the great master. Discussion by President Harding and his cabinet Tuesday of the sltua- tlon with respect to housing of govern ment activities, principally in Wash ington, led to a decision1 to present to congress next December a program for construction of more adequate facili ties. The balance of international trade turned sharply against the United States In March and continued so dur ing April, estimates just made by the commerce department, which valued March Imports at $402, 000,000 and exports during the month at $341,1J2,000. Upton Sinclair, author and socialist, and three companions were arrested Tuesday in San Pedro, Cal., where a . strike ot the marine transport workers' branch of the Industrial Workers of the World has been in progress Bince April 20, and the trio was picked up by police on strike duty. The death list was Increased to 21 Tuesday by the finding of four addi- tlonal victim of the tornado which swept Mitchell county, Texas, Monday. The llBt. of Injured, contained about 200 names, a large "majority ot them Mexicans. Property loss probably will reach $500,000, according to latest estl- . mates. The Standard Oil company of New Jersey Tuesday made public the con- solidated Income account for 1922 of its own and affiliated companies, show- ' lug total earnings of $46,242,430 as against $33,845,930 In 1921. The conv pany's own earnings in 1922 totaled $12,887,741 and those ot its affiliated vomoantes $33,354,095. Gross assets taken at book value totaled $1,123,760,' 890 as against $1,115,939,977 the year , before. Mystery surrounding a sugar secret meeting on the floor ot the New York coffee and sugar exchange Tuesday was dispelled when It was learned that John W. Davis, ex-ambassador to Great Britain, now counsel for the exchango, had appeared on the floor aud an nounced the taking of an appeal by the attorney-general against the refusal ot the federal district court to grant the government's potltlon for an injunc tion agnlust trading In sugar futures The chlldrcfi of tomorrow will get their education at schools In which the motion picture Bcreen will supplant the blackboard and the motion picture Hint wm lane mo place ot lextDooas, Thomas A. Edison predicted Tuesday at. the investigation by the federal trade commission of charges that the Famous Players-Lasky corporation and six allied organizations constituted motion picture trust. The famous In ventor, whose recent questionnaires have led him to say harsh things about present educational methods lu the United States, was culled for the pur pose of developing tho Importance ot the film Industry and Its possibilities for the future. GREEKS THREATEN TURKEY Indemnity Pay Refused; Battle ferred Lausanne Gloomy. Pre Lausanne. If Turkey insists on war to settle the question of indemnity she claims is due from Greece, then Greece will accept the gage of battle, M. Alexandris, the Greek foreign min ister, told the foreign correspondents Monday night. The Greek delegates, he added, will be withdrawn from the near eastern conference this week if Turkey per sists in her reparation demands. The Turks have given no indica tion of an intention to recede from their reparation demands and M. Alex andris' declaration that Greece was resolved not to pay one cent of in demnity brought increased pessimism in conference circles. The Greek foreign minister denied that he had come to Lausanne In a bellicose mood, but said the Greek army had been reorganized since the overthrow of Constantino and was now well equipped and able to take care of itself. "I think," he said, "If the worst comes to the worst, the Greek army will be able to defend its honor." M. Alexandris added that he would like the American people to realize Greece's position, especially that, al though Greece had numerous provo cations which would reasonably justi fy her in reopening the war with Tur key, she had ignored them all be cause she was sincerely desirous of peace. The seizure by the Turks of the impoverished refugees' funds in the Bank of Constantinople, continued the minister, and the abominable treat ment of Greek prisoners of war re cently arrived from Asia Minor con stituted Buch provocations. The Greeks and Turks had signed a separate con vention at Lausanne in January for the compulsory exchange of popula tions with the distinct provision that It should be Inoperative before May 1, yet the Turks have sent an additional 70,000 refugees since the signature of the convention, in gross violation of Its terms. 24 Moros Killed in Row. Manila, P. I. Twenty-four Moro re ligious fanatics on the island of Pata, near Jolo (Sulu), were killed Monday by a detachment of insular constabul ary, according to a dispatch received at the office of Governor-General Leon ard Wood. The dispatch said that Akbara, who styles himself a prophet, and his followers, attacked a constabu lary detachment under Lieutenant An geles at the village of Klput. The dispatch said that 24 Moros were killed, hut that there were no casualties among the constabulary troops. Akbara Is widely known among the Moros as a religious leader who, through his preaching, has gathered about 300 followers around him. They recently became more than usually active. Akbara told his followers he was a prophet, descended from heaven. and that he was bullotproof. Today's dispatch did not say whether the latter statement was borne out. The fanatic also said he had power to cuuse air planes to fall. Governor-Ceneral Wood announced yesterday he had ordered all forms of lawlessness practiced by the Moro stopped and that he had sent a con stabulary force to Pata to enforce the order. Pay Dearly for Hasty Training. Washington, D. C. Army statistic ians see some significance in post-war figures, which show that with a total mobilization of 22,850,000 BOldlers for the central powers, 22,000,000 casual ties were inflicted on the allies, while with 42,189,000 allied and associated men under arms, the central powers sustained only 15,405,000 casualties. The war department chart shows that per thousand mobilized, the central powers forces inflicted 906 casualties, while the corresponding figure for their opponents was 305. In this connection It is pointed out that the German and Austrian armies were produced under a universal mili tary training system, while the allied and associated forces, with the ex ception of the French army, had no such background ot training. "Thus the great mass of soldiers of the central powers," the official comment says, "had been trained and equipped prior to the outbreak of the war, while the soldiers, ot the allied and associated powers.were to a great extent hastily trained and equipped after the outbreak of war." Ex-Officer Surrenders. Boston. William R. Allen, ex-lieutenant governor of Montana, surrend ered to the police here Monday night. Indictments charged him with larceny of $000,000, the property ot the Boston-Montana Corporation and conspir acy to steal monies of the Bostou Montaua Development company, the Montana Southern Railway company and the Boston-Montana Mining & Power company, all three subsidiaries of the Boston-Montana Corporation. U. S. BILL TO BERLIN IS$IM06W2 Settlement Up to Mixed Claims Commission. OCCUPATION COSTLY America Leads Those Who Ask Com. pensation With $336,113,000 Army Bill. Washington, D. C America's bill of 'ar claims against Germany amounts to $1,479,004,313.92 as it has been present ed to the mixed claims commission for settlement. The United States government itself Is the largest claimant, asking for $330,113,000, while the smallest of the 12,410 claims filed with the commis sion Is for $1. Heading the list of claims by individ uals are those growing put of the sink ing of the Lusltanla by the German sub marine. They totaled $22,600,000 and may be disposed of first by the com mission. Germany already has admit ted liability but not In definite amount. The stupendous total involved in the proceeding is revealed for the first time in a report made to the state de partment by Robert C. Morris agent for the United States before the com mission. Work on determining the amounts Germany must pay already has been begun by the commission, which organized last October, and which is composed of Edwin B. Parker of Texas, American commission, and Dr. Wllhelm Klesselbach, German com mission, with ex-Justice Day of the su preme court as umpire. The American claims are to be dis posed ot without regard to the allied reparations claims, the report of Mr. Morris disclosing that the commission has entered a formal order that "the machinery' provided by the Versailles treaty and the rules and methods of procedure thereunder governing the disposition of claims, including repara tions claims, so-called neutrality claims, claims growing out of excep tional war measures to be dealt with by mixed arbitral tribunals, shall have no application to, and are not bind ing on this commission." Neither is the door shut against the United States or Its citizens increas ing the amount of the claims present ed, Mr. Morris having stipuated. on behalf of the American government and Germany having accepted a. pro viso permitting the claims to be chang ed in amount later if circumstances and the facts disclosed Bhould require. The largest claim listed in the report is that by the American gov ernment for $255,544,810.51 for costs of the army ot occupation In Germany, now under negotiation with the allies in Paris by Assistant Secretary Wads- worth of the treasury. , It is under stood, however, this claim will not be pressed In the event the Paris nego tiations result in an agreement. Other government claims are for $07,260,020.23 for general damages growing out of German submarine war fare; $37,982,000 by the veterans' bur eau for war-risk premiums; $5,380,000 by the railroad administration, and $40,075 for war-risk premiums of the shipping board. The $1 claim is presented by Emery Konerts tor loss ot property while a German prisoner of war. There are a few other Bmall claims of $1.50 and $2 for loss ot parcel post property by shippers, but most of the claims run into hundreds ot thousands and millions. Every class ot Ameri can Bhlpping, manufacturing and busi ness concern is found among the long list ot claimants. 1000 Macedonians Slain. Vienna. A dispatch from Sofia de clared 1000 Macedonians were killed and 5000 taken prisoner during a battle Sunday between Bulgarian regulars and Comltatchl bands. The battle took place on the rocky mountain, Irln Planina. Premier Stamboullsky has ordered the arrest ot the political lead ers ot the Macedonian separatist move ment, Including Thomas Koladoche- noff, ex-general procurator ot Bulgaria, Two I. W. W. Sentenced. Sacramento, Cal. WMlliam Flanagan and Albert Strangland, members of the Industrial Workers ot the. World were sentenced Saturday to serve from one to 14 years In San Quentin prison. iney were convictea last night on charges ot criminal syndicalism. MISS LULU BETT By ZONA GALE Copyright 7 O. ApplitoD 4 Company "YOU'RE THE STUFF" SYNOPSIS. General factotum In th house of her sister Ina, wife of Herbert Deacon, In the small town of Warbleton, Lulu Bett leads a dull, cramped existence, with which he is constantly at enmity, though apparently satisfied with her lot. To Mr. Deacon comes Bobby Lar kln, recently graduated high-school youth, secretly enamored of Dea aon's elder daughter, Diana, an ap plicant for a "Job" around the Deacon house. He Is engaged. The family Is excited over the news of an approaching visit from Dea con's brother Kinian, whom he had not seen for many years. Deacon Jokes with Lulu, with subtle mean ing, concerning the coming meet ing. Lulu is Interested and specu lative, meanwhile watching with something like envy the boy-and-girl love-making of Bobby and Di ana. Unexpectedly, Ninlan arrives. Thus he becomes acquainted with Lulu first and In a measure under stands her position In the house. To Lulu, Ninlan Is a much-traveled man of the world, and even the slight Interest which he takes In her is appreciated, because It Is something new In her life. Continued. "And a year before that the first one died and two years they were mar ried," he computed. "I never met that one. Then It's close to twenty years since Bert and I have seen each other." "How awful I" Lulu said, and flushed again. x "Why?" "To be that long away from your folks." Suddenly she found herself facing this honestly, as If the Immensity of her present experience were clarifying her understanding : Would It be so aw ful to be away from Bert and Monona and Dl yes, and Ina, for twenty years? "You think, that?" he laughed. "A man don't know what he's like till he's roamed around on his own." He liked the sound of it. "Koamed around on his own," he repeated, and laughed again. "Course a woman don't know that." "Why don't she?" asked Lulu. She balanced a pie on her hand and carved the crust. She was stupefied to hear her own question. "Why don't she?" "Maybe she does. Do you?' "Yes," said Lulu. . "Good enough!" He applauded noiselessly, with fat hands. His dia mond ring sparkled, his even white teeth flashed. "I've had twenty years of galloping about," he Informed her, unable, after all, to transfer his Inter ests from himself to her. "Where?" she asked, although she knew. "South America. Central America. Mexico. Panama." He searched his memory. "Colombo," he superadded. "My I" said. Lulu. She had probably never In her life had the least desire to see any of these places. She did not want to see them now. But she wanted passionately to meet her com panion's mind. "It's the life," he Informed her. "Must be," Lulu breathed. "I" She tried, and gave It up. "Where you been mostly?" he asked at last. By this unprecedented Interest in her doings she was thrown Into a pas sion of excitement. "Here," she said. "I've alw ays been here. Fifteen years with Ina. Before that we lived In the country." He listened sympathetically now, his head well on one side. He watched her veined hands pinch at the pies. "Poor old girl," he was thinking. "Is It Miss Lulu Bett?" he abruptly inquired. "Or Mrs.?" Lulu flushed in anguish. "Miss," she said low, as one who confesses the extremity of failure. Then, from unplumbed depths, another Lulu abruptly spoke up. "From choice," she said. He shouted with laughter. "You betl Oh, you bet!" he cried. "Never doubted It." He made his palms taut and drummed on the table. "Say I" he said. Lulu glowed, quickened, smiled. Her face was another face. "Which kind of a Mr. are you?" she heard herself ask, and his shoutings redoubled. Weill Who would have thought It of her? "Never give myself away," he as sured her. "Say, by George, I never thought of that before! There's no telling whether a man's married or not, by his name !" "It don't matter," said Lulu. Why not?" "Not so many people want to know." Again he laughed. This laughter was Intoxicating to Lulu. No one ever laughed at what she said save Her- bert, who laughed at her. "Go It, old girl !? Ninlan was thinking, but this did not appear. The child Monona now arrived, banging the front gate aud hurling herself round the house on the board walk, catching the toe of one foot In the heel of the other and blundering forward, head down, her short, straight hair flapping over her face. She landed flat-footed on the porch. She began to speak, using a ridiculous perversion of words, scarcely articu late, then In vogue In her group. And, "Whose dog?" she shrieked. Ninlan looked over his shoulder, held out his hand, finished something that he was saying te Lulu. Monona came to him readily enough, staring, loose-lipped. "I'll bet I'm your uncle," said Ninlan. Relationship being her highest known form of romance, Monona was thrilled by this Intelligence. Give us a kiss,", said Ninlan, find ing in the plural some vague mitiga tion for some vague offense. Monona, looking silly, compiled. And her nncle said, my stars, such a great big tall girl they would have, to put a board on her head. "What's that?" inquired Monona. She had spied his great diamond ring. This," said her uncle, "was brought to me by Santa Claus, who keeps a Jewelry shop in heaven." The precision and speed of his im provisation revealed him. He had twenty other diamonds like this one. He kept them for those Sundays when the sun comes up In the west. Of course often! Some day he was go ing to melt a diamond and eat It. Then you sparkled all over In the dark, ever after. Another diamond he was going to plant. They say He did It all gravely, absorbedly. About It he was as conscienceless as a savage. This was no fancy spun to pleasure a child. This was like lying, for Its own sake. He went on talking with Lulu, and now again he was the tease, the brag gart, the unbridled, unmodified male. Monona stood In the circle of his m. The little being was attentive, softened, subdued. Some pretty, faint light visited her. In her listening look, she showed herself a charming child. "It strikes me," said Ninlan to Lulu, "that you're going to do something mighty interesting before you die." It was the clear conversational im pulse, born of the need to keep some thing going, but Lulu was all faith. She closed the oven door on her pies and stood brushing flour from her fin gers. He was looking away from her, and she looked at him. He was com pletely like his picture. She felt as If she were looking at his picture and she was abashed and turned away. "Well, I hope so," she said, which had certainly never been true, for her old formless dreams were no Intention nothing but a mush of discontent. "I hope I can do something that's nice before L quit," she said. Nor was this hope now Independently true, but only surprising longing to appear Interest ing In his eyes. To dance before him. "What would the folks think of me, going on so?" she suddenly said. Her mild sense of disloyalty was delicious. So was his understanding glance. "You're the stuff," he remarked ab sently. She laughed happily. The door opened. Ina appeared. '" "Well!" said Ina. It was her re motest tone. She took tills man to be Lulu Flushed In Anguish. She Said Low. "Miss," a peddler, beheld her child in his clasp, made a quick forward step, chin lifted. She had time for a very juvelln of a look at Lulu. "Hello!" said Ninlan. He had the one formula. "I believe I'm your hus band's brother. Ain't this Ina?" It had not crossed the mind of Lulu to present him. Beautiful It was to see Ina relax, soften, warm, transform, humanize. It gave one hope for the whole species. "Ninlan!" she cried. She lent i faint impression of the double e to the Initial vowel. She slurred the rest, until the y sound squinted In. Not Neenyun, bet nearly Neenyun. He kissed her. "Since Dwlght Isn't here !" she cried and shook her finger at him. Ina's conception of hostess-ship was den nlte: A volley of questions was his train on time? He had found the house all right? Of course! Anyone could direct him, she should hope. And he hadn't seen Dwlght? She must telephone Mm. But then she arrested herself with a sharp, curved fling of her starched skirts. Not They would surprise him at' tea she stood taut, lips compressed. Oh, the Plows were coming to tea. How unfortunate, she thought How fortunate, she said. The child Monona mode her knees and elbows stiff and dunced tip and down. She must, she must participate. "Aunt Lulu made three pies!" she screamed, and shook her straight hair. "Gracious sakes," said Nlnian. "I brought her a pup, and It I didn't for get to give It to her." They adjourned to the porch NIn Ian, Ina, Monona. The puppy was presented, and yawned. The party kept on about "the place." Ina de lightedly exhibited the tomatoes, the two apple trees, the new shed, the bird bath. Ninlan said the unspell- , able "m m," rising inflection, and the "I see," prolonging the verb as was ex pected of him. Ina said that they meant to build a summer house, only, dear me, when you have a family but there, he didn't know anything about that. Ina was using her eyes, she was arch, she was coquettish, she was flir tatious, and she believed herself to be merely matronly, sisterly, wom anly ... She screamed. Dwlght was at the. gate. Now the meeting, exclamation banality, guffaw . . '. good will. And Lulu, peeping, through the blind. When "tea" had been experienced that evening, It was found that a light rain was falling and the Deacons and their guests, the Plows, were con strained to remain In the parlor. The Plows were gentle, faintly lustrous folk, sketched Into life rather lightly, as If they were, say, looking in from some other level. The only thing," said Dwlght Herbert, "that reconciles me to rain 1 that I'm let off croquet." He rolled his r's, a favorite device of his to In duce humor. He called It "croquette." He had never been more irrepressible. The advent of his brother was partly accountable, the need to show himself" a fine family man and host In a pros perous little home simple and pa thetic desire. "Tell you what we'll do!" said Dwlght. "NIn and I'll reminisce a lit tle." "Do I" cried Mr. Plow. This gentle fellow was always excited by life, so faintly excited by him, and enjoyed its presentation In any real form. Ninlan had unerringly selected a dwarf rocker, and he was overflowing It and rocking. 'Take this chair, do!" Ina begged. "A big chair for a big man." She spoke as if he were about the age of Monona. Ninlan refused, Insisted on his re fusal. A few years more, and human relationships would have spread san ity even to Ina's estate and she would have told him why he should exchange chairs. As It was she forebore, and kept glancing anxiously at the over burdened little beast beneath him. The child Monona entered the room. She had been driven down by Dl and Jenny Plow, who had vanished up--stairs and, through the ventilator, might be heard In. a lift and fall of giggling. Monona had also been driven from the kitchen where Lulu was, for some reason, hurrying through the dishes. Monona now ran to Mrs. Bett, stood beside her and stared about re sentfully. Mrs. Bett was Iq best black and ruches, and she seized upon Mo nona and patted her, as her own form of social expression ; and Monona wriggled like a puppy, as hers. "Quiet, pettle," said Ina, eyebrows up. She caught her lower Hp In her teeth. "Well, sir," said Dwlght, "you wouldn't think It to look at us, but mother had her hands pretty full, bring ing us up." Into Dwlght's face came another look. It was always so when he spoke of this foster-mother who had taken these two boys and seen them through the graded schools. This woman Dwlght adored, and when he spoke of her he became his Inner self. "We must run up-state and see her while you're here, NIn," he said. To this Ninlan gave a casual assent, lacking his brother's really tender ar dor. "Little," Dwlght pursued, "little did she thlnjf I'd settle down into a nice, quiet, married dentist and magistrate In my town. And Nin Into say, NIn, what are you, anyway?" They laughed. "That's the question," said Nlnian. They laughed. . "Maybe," Ina -ventured, "maybe Nlnian will tell us something about his travels. He is quite a traveler, you know," she said to the Plows. "A reg ular Gulliver." They laughed respectfully. "How we should love It, Mr. Dea con," Mrs. Plow said. "You know we've never seen very much." Goaded on, Ninlan launched upon his foreign countries as he had seen them: Population, exports, Imports, soil, Irrigation, business. For the pop ulations Ninlan had no respect. Crops could not touch ours. Soil mighty poor pickings. And the business sayl Those fellows don't know and, say, the hotels ! Don't say foreign hotel to Ninlan. He regarded all the alien earth as barbarian, and he stoned It. He was equipped for absolutely no Intensive observation. Ills contacts were negli gible. Mrs. Plow was more excited by the Deacons' party than Ninlan had . been wrought upon by ail his voyag ing. "Tell you," said Dwlght. "When we ran away that time and went to the state fair, little did we think" He told about running away to the state fair. "I thought," he wound up, Ir relevantly, "Ina and I might get over to the other side this year, but I guess not. I guess not." "Mii Lulu," he said, "I want, ed you to hear about my trip up the Amazon." rrO BE CONTINUED.) Speeding Up Production. Alices "Why do you go shopping when you haven't any nionej V Vir ginia "Oh, I get through so mack quicker !" Judge. The downy woodpecker Is vluaMe, as It eats many Insects Infestljf treet