MAUPIN in i a. II v Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL IX. MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 24, 1923 NO. 33 School Notes The class leaders in the high school regular examination are Senior, Mabel Cyr; Junior, Jesse Walter; Sophomore Floyd Rich mond; Freshman, Olive Turner. Those that averaged 90 or more are Jean Wilson, Helen Philmlee Winifred Kaiser, Olive Turner, Floyd Richmond, Lorraine Stovall Mabel Cyr, Or'land Walter, and Jesse Walter. The students exempt from fin als examinasion in all their sub jects are Mabel Cyr, Jesse Walter Orland Walter, Lorraine Stovall, Olive Turner, Jean Wilson and Helen Philmlee. The finals .will be given this week. Five eighth graders, Helen Weberg, Alda Pugh, Fred Shear er, Margaret Doss, and Ilda Miller, successfully passed the state examinations. "All of the pupils of the seventh grade pass ed the geography examination, and the sixth grade passed in physiology. The grammar grade are going to end the year with a picnic Friday. They were busy with examinations the first of the week. The primary grades will have their picnic Thursday. Public Sale Jay I. Fowler has a long list of stock and farming equipment of all kinds listed in a bill for sale, Tuesday, the 29th. it's easier InciniiQtl oronto . But j R. B. w-V) - We would appreciate your trade. We sell the best goods. We give the best service for the least money in Maupin. Your dollar does double duty at the Harris Cash Store Eyes Tested Saturdays and Sundays Old Bank Building - Maupin, Oregon 0. It. Dinwiddie Registered Optician . . Dufur to Celebrate A grand celebration will be staged at Dufur, July 4, under the auspices of the Dufur Fire Department. At the last meeting of the Fire Department it was decided that a celebration for the 4th of July would be given by the depart ment, and plans are being per fected for what promises to be one of the' biggest celebrations ever staged here in the past history of Wasco county. The best is none to good for our city, and visitors will be shown what our Firemen can do when it comes to entertaining a crowd. Committees have been appoint ed and plans are going forward for the bfg event Committees are as follows: Executive, C. W. Heisler, D. C. Evans, H. C. Martin. Publicity, M. E. Phillipps, H. C. Martin, C. W. Heisler. Parade, American Legion. Program, Willard Vanderpool, F. P.. Ingels. Dinner, L. M. Smith. Field Sports, W. C. Hanna, L. A. Smith. Concessions, Herb Mulkins. Water sports, Bill Fvans, Tom Glavey. Dance, W. C. Hanna, H. C. Martin. Fire Works, Geo. Furneaux, D. C. Evans. Dispatch. Was the most direct trans continental route when it teas blazed and IS NOW to negotiate now than tnen, and the REDUCED round trip ... SUMMER EXCURSION FARES " Id effect daily between May 15 and September 15 over the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM will make it very attractive. Study thta table. Denver. . $64.00 Buffalo . J?gg2 Oraahn . . 72.00 Pltteburgh . 119.76 Kansas City . 72.00 Washington 141.56 St. Louis . . 81.50 Philadelphia 44.93 Chicago . . 86.00 New York . 147.4 'Detroit . . 105.62 Boston. 153.80 , ' lUb.dU Atlanta , a 4 '.; . 113.75 Montreal . 132.74 with corresponding f arcs to other Important center. Final return limit October 31(t. Libersl itop-ovtf privileges going and returning. A side trip to Yellowetone at small additional cost will afford the experience of 1 life time. Call ua by phone and let ua make all your arrangements It coats no more and will save you lota of worry. Bell. Maupin, Oregon NEWS IBIS OF Commencement exercises will be held in the I. 0. 0. F. hall tonight. W. H. Talcott, former resident and a number of years postmaster here. arrived last Thursday at the home of his son D. W. Talcott from Sheridan, coming by auto with a party of young people of that place. He says Juniper Flat never looked better to him and intends to spend the summer here. - Mrs. C. S. McCorkle died at 2 o'clock this morning in Port land, where she and her husband were residing, in hopes of im provement of her health. Funer al services will be held Saturday at the Wamic cemetary, near lliclr former home. E. A. Mayhew and D. M. Shattuck were here the first part of the week from Portiand. A few of the local men went to Shearers yesterday and came home last evening each carrying a large salmon. W. N. Mulvaney was a business visitor from his sawmill at Smock yesterday. B D Frah'y and Ivan Donald son started T' esday for Califor nia. They will be accompanied from Roscbui'K by Mrs. Donald son who has been attending Grand Lodge at North Bend. Mr. and Mrs Carl Dahl of Tygh VallejMiacI fur their week end guests, Mr. an 1 Mrs. Ed. Murry and Dr. G. 0 in from Portland and Mr. and Mis. Jay Rorick, Mr. and Mra--Ffatik Heulat, and Mr. and Mrs. James Sharpe from The Dalles. Wm. Beckwith an.d Glen Morris worked a couple of days on the local lines, connecting up Ih business houses with central, each on a private line. The Times will now answer when called Main 23 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Bonney Rex and Thelma Bonney, and Mrs. Margie Harper were Mau pin visitors from Tygh, Tuesday. Jqhnsop was i town Moo day with a crate of strawberries this being the 6econd crate he has brought to town this year. Mrs. Pugh of near Dufur is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. James Chalmers this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Anderson of Walla Walla were Maupin visitors over the week end. Several went from here to at tend the play a,t Tygh Saturday n.iKh.t; W. 0. Miller, A. Agidius, and D. Stuart went up to North Junction Saturday for a fishing trip. Brenton Slusher and family are planning to come from Dufur and occupy the school section west of Maupin owned by the Slusher Bros. H. R. Kaiser, R. E. Wilson, Mrs. R. R Crabtree, end Mrs. J. Donaldson left Monday morning for North Bend to attend grand lodge. Side Lights The people of Maupin are anx ious to know the names of those Indians from whom Messrs Frank Stuart, John Confer, Oscar Rcn- ick, George Morris, and Lew. Henneehan purchased their sal- mon at Sherars Bridge on Wed nesday, so that they can go Sherars and obtain some. They wquld also like to know the amount paid, The question has been raised LOCAL INTERST at Washington, D. C if it is the correct thing for a Senator to be seen running to his office. Is it true that Dad Cjle, the Mining Engineer, was seen fish ing on the banks of the Deschutes River with a well known society lady the other day?. R. B. Bell the Station Master has returned from Portland where he was the guest of the Henry Ford Motor works Mr. Bell states that Mr. Ford is doing considerable to discard all poor business " and is looking up wealthy clients. Wapinitia Mrs. J. M. Stockwell of Mar quam arrived here Tuesday for a visit with her sister Mrs. E- M. Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Flinn came over from Simnasho Tues day and returned the same day taking Mrs. Alice Chappie with them. She will cook at the saw mill. Mr. Alt and brother who are in the Forest service came out from .Portland Monday. Joe Graham met them at Maupin. They have gone on to the mount ains. Chester Pcchette who has been in Portland learning the barber trade has finished his course and returned home Tuesday. . Mrs. Blanche Pierce is working for J. P. Abbotts. Mrs. Anna Smith is preparing to go to the mountains as one of the cooks this summer. Fred Hornquist purchased a new baby Overland on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hartman and Mrs. Harvey Hartman left Monday for their respective homes after a week9 visit here with, relatives. School closed Tuesday with a fitting program followed by a picnic at the Grove. Lojs Gray left Wednesday for her home in Tho Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Perle Evick are in The Dalles for the formers health. Jeanette Burnside has been visiting Anna West this week. The Revival meeting will con tinue during the week and over next Sunday. Let every body come. The high school commencement program will b.e. held at trie school house Friday evening Mrs. L. M. Woodside returned home Saturday from Woodburn where she had been visiting her mother. Wamic News Rev. Harris, a missionary bab tist minister from Mexico, held meetings on Smock last week. Chester Bargenholt was able to ride over from Wasco to his home on Smock last week for a few days stay. His nurse Miss Curratt accompanied him, Tom Woodcock went to The Dalloa Friday for Mrs. Woodcock who has been in the hospital several weeks treating for gall stones. Joo Prout has returned to Huntington, Mrs. Prout is still here visiting relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chandler and babv Opal went to Dufur toSaturday to see Mrs, Luella Johnson, who is taking treatment from Dr. Griffith. Paul and Rogina Muller, Hilda Norval, and Dewey Lofton went Local Post to Give Social 1 Monday evening the 28th Maupin Post no. 73 will give a dance and supper for the members and their wives at the local 1. Q. 0. F. Hall. All ex-service men and their families! are invited to attend. Be there. Let's m,ake it a good time. to Dufur Sunday to get Mrs. Muller who has been there a. month under Dr. Griffith's care. Miss Naomi Young is visiting at the Zene Watkins home. Claud .lones moved Chris Paul sons goods from Kent to Wapini tia yesterday. Several from here and Tygh Vallev witnessed the ball game at -Wapinitia Sunday. A party going to Sherars Bridge to fish Saturday were hurt when their car upset near the Myrtle Brittain place. They were taken to The Dalles for medical aid. A very serious accident occur ed at the road camp in Butlers canyon Monday morning . when a premature blast injured the face and eyes of a laborer who was tamping for the blast. His hands were badly torn. The commencement exercises BUTLERS Grocery and Meat Market Everything for the Table Two Big Events Big Auction Sale of Live Stock and Farm ImplemeirtB..- l ots of small articles useful on the farm and irr the home. Saturday the 26th at T. 1L Woodcocks, Wamic Tuesday the 29th at Jay ' Fowler's farm two miles south of Wamic You cannot afford to miss them Don't FEED That Destructive Squirrel. KILL it. We have Poisoned Barley made by our County Agent. Costs very Little, Saves lots of grain Bring in your Eggs. Get the Cash The Crandall Undertaking Co. The Dalles, Oregon Licensed Enbalmcrs II, F. WOODCOCK, E. C. PRATT, r Start That Account Today and Bank The when you think of a Bank, think of then come iii and fret acquainted. man with five dollars trmud with much courtesy ass the You Need Us We Need You As buainiss friends vc Maupin We Strive to Eighth Grade Successful Maupin graduates for this month are, Helen Weberg 92.2; Alda Pugh 88.6; Fred R. Shearer 87.1 Margaret Doss 84.3 and Ilda Miller 82.4. Criterion, James Burton Appl ing 88.4; Elizabeth M. Appling 89.1; Edgar Hall 82.4; Wapinitia, Elizabeth J. Burnside 87.5, Ruby Powell; 85.8, Wamic, Carmel M. Woodcock 88, Vernon Ayres 84.2. of the Tygh Valley high school were held Wednesday night in the Odd Fellow hall. Much credit is due the graduates who showed much ability in their, essays and readings. Prof. C. T. Bonney presented diplomas to Misses Thelma Bonney and Lena Wing and Winston Lake. Open ing and closing songs by the chorus girls and a solo by Prof. C. 0. Bay, accompanied by Dr. Corin of Maupin was ft charming feature, as was an address by Prof's Bonney and Bay and a pleasing talk by Dr. H. L. Bates of Pacific University was well encored. ' A banquet was given in tho school room Friday night to the (to last page) Motor Equipment MAUPIN WAMIC our as man with 1 IioiishihIh. are both made stronger State Bank Merit Approval V