The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, May 17, 1923, Image 3

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r Viil krtlll
Serving 11 States
Excellent Cafe bpeeial Weekly Hates Bus Meets All Tralni
Hth and Stark. Portland, Ore.
Write for Prices ai.d Shipping Tags
Right Down Town
Park and Morrison Sts., Portlaiffl, Ore
Cheerful Large Lobby. Well furnished rooms
-with all modern convene! en cea. Prices $1.00 up.
You will certainly feel at home here.
W. J. Sofield, Manager.
Protect that Idea with a United
States Patent. Others have made fortunes
out of Patents. Why not you? Thomas
Bllyeu, 202 Stevens Bldfl., Portland, Ore.
MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine Sts.
Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Works.
BE positively and perma
nently cured of your Piles
by a highly specialized phyl
ciBn. My method is non-iurg-ical,
painless and GUARAN
TEED to curt you. Send for
FREE illustrated book.
When Chief Scout Executive James
E. West returned to New York from
his extensive western and north
western tour, the most Interesting
piece pf news he had for the boy scout
world, at least as far as the boys
were concerned, was the announce
ment that Douglas Fairbanks will be
come an official scoutmaster.
Mr. West with Wm. G. McAdoo, na
tional vice president of the Boy
Scouts of America, had an Interesting
visit with Mr. Fairbanks ln'Callfornla;
at which time Mr. Fairbanks consented
not only to take up active leadership
of a troop of his own, but to develop
a film of this troop, showing the recre
ational activities and character build
ing and citizenship training of the
Boy Scout program.
Douglas Fairbanks, "Movie" Star
(Right), who Becomes a Scoutmas
ter; an Eagle Scout (Left) of a Lot
Angeles Troop.
Thomas Patton, the Los Angeles rep
resentative of Will Hays, wus also a
member of the party which called on
Fairbanks. Fairbanks has agreed to
give the boy scout film his fullest and
best efforts. He is delighted with the
prospect of serving the boyhood of the
nation as scoutmaster In "the greatest
boy movement In the world today." He
"I wish to pay my respects to Mr.
McAdoo and that wonderful bunch of
fellows, the Boy Scouts. Tell them I
am thrilled to denth with the prospect
of being a scoutmaster, and I am
sure when my little band Is humming
we shall make a noise that will circle
the globe."
For five weeks Mr. West has been
touring scout centers of the Middle
West, West and Northwest. He Is en
thused with the healthy condition of
acoutlng In America today, but be
lieves there Is nothing more Important.
Talking Crow Killed by
Georgetown, Del. Councilman An
dre.v Marvel's pet crow, n bird with a
vocabulary, suffered an untimely death
beonuse of Its education.
A negro shot the pe' ns " w" roo,t"
lng on a porch entcrtnliiliig a crowd
with some nf Its choicest lunpinge.
The crow had been n pet of the town
for three years. It fiew everywhere,
but returned to the Marvel home every
night. The colored man said he thought
-JlsfffM"TirM ii I,, ' ' jti
" 1"""' Vs '" v , 1
Portland. Oretron
Complete Change Saturday. Adult Matinee. 20e:
Evenings, 39c. Continuous 1 to 11 p. m. Children
10 centa ail times.
A rood place to Eat and Live Well.
Remarkable 40c luncheon at noon.
Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m.. 364 Yamhill St
We ay Highest Prices for
Address Department B
Cut. HAAm ham anA manlii..
85 cents
Dinar airirfu i-amli, f. U.. I
jaemsmcMng, picoting and tucking,
F.ASTh'DrU MHUL'I TV ajf, ffl
8SV4 Fifth St. Portland. Or.
Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fix you up,
we make all kinds of Hair Goods of your
combings. Join our School of Beauty
Culture. 400 to 414 Dekum Bldg., Phon.
Broadway6902,Portland, Oreoon.
Northwest Welding & SupplyCo. 88 1st St
Clarke Bro, Florists, 287 Morrison 8L
Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison.
Featherweight Arch Supports made to
order. J. E. Tryzelaar, 618 Plttock Block,
Portjand, Ore. 1
Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pay while learn
ing. Positions secured. Write for catalogue,
234 Burnside street. Portland, Ore.
Marry if Lonely; most successful "Home
Maker' ; hundreds rich; confidential;
reliable; years experience; descriptions
free' lTn! Successful Club," Mrs. Nash,
Box556JOakland,Cllforrila. '
yvd,dlna Jouqu.ts and Funeral Pleoea '
Lubllner Florists. 348 Morrison St
TUxTloTioiairig upTlie MgTilitaudurtl ol
work, which is being done, than to
make this program available to more
of the seven million boys of scout age
in America who are not scouts.
The friendship of former Vice Presi
dent Marshall for scouting Is of long
standing, dating back to the very be
ginning of the movement. Mr. Mar
shall as president of the senate signed
the congressional bill, Incorporating
the Boy Scouts of America, February
8th, 1910. The former vice president who
keeps In close and sympathetic touch
with scout affairs, recently In Indian
apolis, conferred the highest award of
rank which scouting offers, the Eagle
badge, on three boys at a Court of
Honor meeting.' "I sincerely hope that
when you grow to your majority you
will practice the same loyalty to your
country that you now show to your
scout leaders," he said In addressing
the scouts, "You have attained
high honor In scouting, but do not let
It make you 'chesty.' Just -think that
nature has made you a little more fitted
to qualify for this honor, and always
remember to lend a helping hand to
your less fortunate brother scouts, and
aid them In every possible way to at
tain this honor also."
Edward Hartzell of Buffalo, N. Y.,
showed that he had learned his scout
work well when, with the aid of a po
liceman, he resuscitated by means ol
artificial respiration two men wjiora he
saw stagger to the street and collapse.
The men had been working In their
garage and were both overcome at the
same time from the effect of the gaso
line fumes,
Boy scouts of Kenllworth, Utah, and
the scout motto "Be Prepared," were
two big factors In the discovery of s
three-year-old child, who recently
strayed from home. When the little
one was missed a group or Doys com
posed of a larger part of boy scouts,
promptly began an organizeu searcn.
Several hours later the baby was found
by three of the scouts. Cold and weak,
she was taken home In a sweater of
one of the boys.
In Omaha, Neb, at the requests of
the Automobile club and police com
missioner, boy scouts are assisting in
safeguarding the streets around the
school building of the city. Each scout
doing this patrol duty will receive a
duty unit for each three hours' work.
For five duty units a scout will receive
a bronze star; and for five bronze
stars he will receive a gold star. The
gold star stands for 75 hour of public
Negro Fearing "Spell"
the bird was bewitched and killed It to
break the "spell."
Sixty Million Coins for Bulgaria.
Vienna. The Austrian mint has re
ceived an order from the Bulgarian gov
ernment for the coining on Its behalf of
40.000,000 one-leva and 20,000.0(10 two-
leva pieces. The execution or tins or
der will keen the mint fully employed
for the space of nine months.
Something to
Think About
ONLY the great-hearted can be true
All along the shadowed ways of life
the great-hearted are constantly send
ing out sunlight and cheer, which hu
mans of inferior natures can never
know or beStow.
To do good, without having their mo
tives suspected. Is their grand inten
tion. They seek no praise.
They move about with the quiet of
summer breezes, leaving In their trail
the delicious scent of gardens and the
peace of tranquil skies.
In the happiness they give to others,
they find a gratification rich beyond
price. If but once In your Ufa you
should be fortunate enough to meet t
great-hearted man or woman, the re
membrance of It will linger In your
mind until the end of your days.
Great hearts often dwell In lowly
Sometimes they are found In frail
bodies, poorly clad, but there Is about
them a radiancy of spirit brighter than
a thousand stars and clear as the
beaming of the noonday sun.
Great hearts blow to flame the spark
that blazes with love; they espouse
Truth and Mercy ; they sing from morn
till night of kindness and good will,
when their days are lonely and their
tables are bare.
They are neither silent nor neglect
ful when the 111 and the discouraged
need succor or sympathy.
Meek or lowly, they are the minister
ing angels from heaven, carrying to the
sorrowing "good tidings of great Joy."
From Idle slumbers they call youth
and point the way to honor and fame;
from the valley of gloom they bid the
despondent to look up to the glorious
heavens ; from the mire of sin they lift
up the fallen, seeking no reward but
the Joy that Is theirs from doing good.
They sin as we all sin, but unlike
most of us. they are charitable towards
all mankind, prayerful, watchful, faith
When the chimes In the belfry chant
their evening hymns, no souls on earth
are more serenely peaceful than the
great-hearted ; when at the setting sun
of their life the streams of light grow
dim In the golden west, and the som
ber shadows fall all about them, no
souls on earth are happier than they,
or more eager to go.
( by MoClars Newspaper Syndicate.)
Most certainly the
Will never dle descendants brave
Maintain the old majestic line
The very oak above the grave
Speaks Nature's continuity.
What dies 7 Not, certainly, the tree.
What dies? The bud, the rose, the
Each has Its time and has Its turn,
One needs bis garden but to read
Of life's eternity to learn,
That every springtime will disclose.
What dies? Not, certainly, the rose.
What dies? The sun will fade, the
Come out, and then the stars will
But still the midnight has Its Mars,
The day will have Its light and
The sun again when night Is done.
What dies? Not, certainly, the sun.
What dies? The river finds the sea,
The sea the sky, the sky the hill
The hill shall give us presently
The river from the mountain rllL
With star and sun again to gleam.
What dlesJ Not, certainly, the stream.
What dies? Shall only one thing die?
God's mind In human minds ex
Shall tree and rose live on, and I
Expire, this spark within my breast?
Is death the end of all the plan?
What dies? Not, certainly, the man!
($ by MoClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
! Popular Tour.
Approximately 800,000 automobiles
toured the historic battlefield of Get
tysburg, Pa., last year. Cars from
every state In the union were found
touring the 22 miles of government
mens MUCH
Mrs. Wm. Bradley.
v i y
u ' -
Advises Young Mothers
Portland, Oreg. "It surely is a
pleasurable duty to recommend Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription to
mothers and prospective mothers,
for I found in this medicine a won
derful help during expectancy and
afterward. I was physically frail
and feared the consequence of
motherhood; but I gained in physical
strength. The tonic effect of the
'Favorite Prescription', together with
the 'Golden Medical Discovery',
overcame the general weakness I
had. Nature was greatly helped thru
expectancy and I shall always Have
a good word tor Dr. fierce s meui
cines, because they have been so.
much help to me, just at the time
I most needed strength." Mrs.
Wm. Bradley, 545 Albina Ave.
Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel
in Buffalo; N. Y.. for free medical
advice or send 10c for trial pkg.v
of any of his medicines.
If They Could Be Harnessed.
It has been estimated that there are
always 1,000 thunderstorms In prog
gress in different parts of the world,
and that their energy Is equal to about
100,000,000 horse-power.
Remarkable Vitality of Fleas.
Small water fleas have been known
to lie dormant for 40 years in dried
mud, without losing their power of
actively living when the mud was
gain moistened.
Chinese Ancients Used Swords.
Chinese scholars claim that iron
swords were in use In their country
000 years ago. ,
Lincoln vs. You
Lincoln belongs to the aires. He was a
man among men and all the world today
recognizes nis genius ox cnaracter.
Lincoln was self-taught. Instead of
waiting for someone to pound knowledge
Into him, he would walk miles to secure
a book that he might pursue the quest of
knowledge which was a supreme passion
with him throughout his life.
Lincoln Instinctively knew that knowl
edge was the key that unlocks the door
to lame ana lortune, or any success mat
man desires. He went directly after
knowledge to prepare himself so that
when his chance came he would be ready.
You may look handsomer tnan Lincoln;
ou may have more native strength than
.in coin; you may have an Intellect that
could easily be developed: but If you
have not the burning desire to develop
yourself, you are certain to stick In the
mud-sock class.
Know edee is distinctly a matter or in
clination. If you do not secure knowledge
you are Just as certain to suffer for your
lack of development In a mental way as
you would certainly deteriorate physically
if you laid In bed all the time and would
neglect to develop your muscles, iazi
ness leads to pain and failure. If you In.
slat on being lazv. the law of compensa
tion will force you to pay compound In
terest for your idleness, xou wilt De
whipped and scourged and made to do the
meanest work of the world. The hard
law. of necessity are sure to overtake
vou. You must eat and DeODle will ins st
that you earn what you eat. The whip
or necessity will Deat your Dieening DacK
and the .ham tongue of a heartless world
will tear to shreds your sensibilities. When
you are stretcnea on tne cross or neces
sity, people of this world will crown you
witn tnorns ana arive into your iiesn.
nails expressing their scorn.
Lincoln knew tnat tne worm win never
forgive failure. Logically he' equipped
htmseir to succeea ana ne oia succeed.
You, too, can succeed, but you must pre
pare yourself for the battle of life.
The greatest asset In life Is a strong
character ana tne anility to express your
self. If you are dumb as a dog you will
receive the reward of a dog, the crumbs
from some ncn man s table, who under
stands the way to express himself.
The great mass of men nave made no
effort to develop themselves. Nenrly all
are capable of infinite development, but
thev do not remise It. Tney are paralyzed
by the thought that they are Inferior
when In reality the only difference be
tween a successful man and themselves
1. develoDment.
They could easily (tow If they would
get busy and develop themselves as Lin
coln and other great men have done.
you do not nave to do a super-man or
a giant of Intellect, but you do have to
be just a little better than the average
to be selected to occupy a seat of honor
and ease where you will work leas ana
get more.
If you simply develop the .tiff back
of a Jack-ass and the physical strength
of a mule you will naturally be paid for
brute strength and nothing more, because
that is all your equipment will enable you
to render In doing the work of the world.
Lincoln wisely learned to talk convlnc
We are offering nr. Frederick hour
Law's course on "MftRtery of Speech,"
which will quickly develop your ability
to express yoursel
r eriectlveiy.
Tne gooa talker, you nave noticen, is
tne fellow wno
gets In the lead every
Dr. Frederick Houk Law, of Oxford
Academy. Amherst Collpge, and Hrown
Ing University, holding the degrees of A
B.. A. M.. and Ph. I)., has prepared
course entitled "Mastery of Speech," that
I. not only simple but exceedingly Inter
esting. By following the Instructions he
gives, It Is possible for anybody to be
come a convincing talker. Probably not
a Demosthenes, but a rattling good,
tertnlnlnsr sneaker.
Do not delay. Cut off this coupon today
and snd it In without any money, and
we will send you this course for 13. 60.
Hettle wltb the postman when h. delivers
of Portland, Or.
41S-K-I0 U. 8. National Bank Bldg.
Please mall me Dr. Law's course,
"Mastery of Bpeech." I will pay the post
man 13 60 on delivery, which completes
th. transaction and pay. for the course
In full. Thereafter th. course Is mine
City ,
Stat. ,
Writ. Plainly.'
Sheridan. May day will be observed
by the Sheridan high Behonl Friday,
May 18. The programme will open
with the crowning of the queen, Miss
Vera Junghoann, by an alumnus at 10
o'clock In the morning.
The state convention of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars will be held In Leb-'
anon June 6 and 7. It la expected
that 400 will attend. Bolton Hammell,
state department commander, will pre
side at the business session.
St. Helens. Lumber shipments from
St. Helens for the past week have been
unusually large and the waterfront
has presented an active shipping scene
Close to 6,000,000 feet of lumber was
shipped, most of It being destined for
San Pedro, Cal.
Due to the youthful barrenness of
the new Journalism building four
journalism societies have set afoot a
movement to hold an annual planting
day, whereby shrubs and vines will
be started growing around the brick
walls of the new structure.
Hood River. Surveyors Saturday
began work laying out plots for a num
ber of bungalow cottages, tenais courts,
unique walks and children's play
grounds on the grounds surrounding
the Columbia Gorge hotel. Work will
follow Immediately on the extensive
expansion of the resort hostelry.
, Salem. So-called measured or meter
telephone service will enter promin
ently into the rehearing of the case
Involving the rates of the Pacific Tele
phone & Telegraph company which
starts In Portland June 4, according to
announcement made by members "of
the Oregon public service commission
here Saturday. " -
Bend. Revised estimates of damage
done by the fire which destroyed one
third of the town of Sisters Friday
gave the total loss as $25,000. Ten
business and residence buildings were
in flames within 15 minutes after the
first alarm was given, and firefighters
devoted all their efforts to preventing
the continued spread of the fire.
Salem. Members of the state board
of control will spend practically all of
this week inspecting the 40 or more
tracts of land offered as a site for the
proposed new state training school for
boys. Definite selection of the site
probably will be made within the next
ten days in order that actual construc
tion work can be started some time In
Salem. It was learned here Satur
day that Frank II. Shepherd, director
of vocational training In the rehabili
tation department of the state Indus
trial accident commission, will be re
tired May 15. Rumors indicate that
he will be succeeded by II. L. Brown,
at one time county judge of Lane
county and a cloBe friend of Governor
Salem. The Coos Bay Water com
pany, with headquarters at Marshfleld,
had a net operating revenue of $25,
967.86 during the year 1922, according
to the annual report of the corporation
filed with the public service commis
sion Saturday. Operating revenues of
the company were $64,270.61, while the
operating expenses aggregated $38,-
Sllverton. The spray used by the
Southern Pacific company to destroy
weeds and grass growing along the
railroad has caused the death of two
valuable cows and one bull, according
to reports made by J. W. Stay of Sll
verton, who owns a cattle herd. The
two cows, one of which was registered
and the other a grado cow, together
with the bull were valued at $875.
Salem. The state board of horticul
ture has the power to control the erad
ication of earwigs, according to a legal
opinion handed down by the attorney-
general Saturday. ThlB pest has been
found on more than 10,000 lots located
In the city of- Portland, It was said
An appropriation for the eradication of
the pest was authorized at the last
session of the legislature and will be
available May 24.
Toledo. During the past week,
County Agent J. R. Beck, co-operating
with the veterinary department of the
Oregon Agricultural college experi
ment station, started the work of
cleaning out the disease known as In
fectlous abortion of cattle In one of
the leading dairy districts of the coun
ty. ' The work Is being carried on In
this district becauso of the present low
percentage of Infected cows and the
willing spirit of the dairymen residing
In that territory.
Ilcppner. John Chrlstopherson, eld
est son of J. W. Chrlstopherson, Eight
Mile farmer, accidentally shot himself
Saturday afternoon while shooting
crows In a field on his father's farm
and died soon after being removed to
the house. His two brothers were
plowing In the same field and found
him soon after the accident occurred.
He regained consciousness for only a
moment and was not able to tell bow
iuu uu nan uiDvusi u.
Th Gnat American Siosfrmsat
provides pleasant action
lor yonr teeth, also
penetrating the crevices
and cleansing them.
Then. too. It aids
Use WRIGLEY'S alter
every meal see how
much better yon will
Elusive Clues.
It Is owing to successful medical de
tective work that smallpox and diph
theria have been robbed of much of
their terror, the preventive of the ona
and the antitoxin for the other being
the fruit of the following up of cer
tain clues, so elusive as to have es
caped observation for generations.
Real Wisdom in Advice.
, It' was a wise philosopher that In
vented this saying: "Live as if every
moment were your last." If we could
heed this advice what a different com
plexion the world would wear for us.
Instantly new values would spring into
the mind. The common things of life
would take on hues of brilliance.
m Satanic Geography.
No person, either historical or legen
dary, has more places named after
him than the devil. The famous ex
plorer, Captain Amundsen, added to"
the list during his expedition. He
gave us "Devil's Glacier" and "Devil's
Dancing Room." . '
A Lady of Distinction.
Is recognized by the dollcate fascinat
ing Influence of the perfume she uses.
A bath with Cutlcura Sonp and hoi
water to thoroughly cleanse the pores,
followed by a dusting with Cuticurn
Talcum Powder usually menus a clear,
sweet, healthy skin. Adv.
Did He Make a Hit?
May "Really, I don't feel like
walking. My feet bother me a good
deal." Jack "Why, you must ba
nervous!" May "Nervous! Why?"
Jack "Otherwise you wouldn't let
such little things bother you." Pear
. That's the Point.
Somebody says: "Every cynical
bachelor ought to have his noHB pulled
by the dimpled fingers of a baby."
But what good would that do either
the bachelor or the baby? New Or
leans States.
Joy In Forgiveness.
Many persons cut themselves off
from one of the highest and greatest
joys In li'o the joy of magnanimous
ly forgiving an enemy. Exchungc. -
He blew on his pipe, and words
came tripping round him like children,
like pretty Uttlo children who uro per
fectly drilled for the datum; or cumn,
did he will It, treading in thir preced
ence, like kings, gloomily Max Beer-
First Requisite for Heroism.
I should say sincerity, a doep, groat,
genuine sincerity, is the first charac
teristic of all men In any way heroic.
Forest Fires Costly.
Every year forest fires In the United
States destroy enough timber to build
an entire city the size of Washington.
Sharks' Bones Make Canes.
In Venezuela walking etlcks are
made from the backbones of sharks
stiffened with rods of stool.
U needed In every deptrtmeot ol houw
keeping. Equally good (of towel. futile
linen, heeta end pillow cue. Gram
Guticura Soap
The Safety Razor
SShaviniJ Soap
ColWnirHrtphewwfthMilit.tif f. orrwht IL'-fl
Are You Satisfied?
la th. biggest, most perfectly qula.od
Business Training Hrboot In th. Nortti-wt-
Fit yourself for a higher yoeltloa
with more money. Permaueot BoalUou
tMiired our Oraduatea
Writ for stoe fourth, and TasakUL
P. N. U.
No. 20, 1923